[E/Ex-Hentai] Downloader

Create download buttons on manga pages, switchable between (compressed download | single image download), without the need for complex settings, one-click download capability, automatically fetches (non-original) images for downloading

< Feedback on [E/Ex-Hentai] Downloader

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2024-08-10


Posted: 2024-08-10

this.Total = (page) => {return Math.ceil(+page[page.length - 2].textContent.replace(/\D/g, '') / 40)}

Canaan HSAuthor
Posted: 2024-08-10

因為這個計算不一定適用於所有頁面, 這腳本也一段時間沒更新了, 之後有空我在想其他解法吧

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