Enhance Compact Color Coded ExHentai & g.E-Hentai Tags Preview

When you hover over a gallery it shows the tags, pink for female blue for male, shows number of pages, working with EXVisited Infinite Scroll.

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I was using the Compact Color Coded ExHentai & g.E-Hentai Tags Preview from brozilian for a long time, but it got removed and no longer update. Usually it's working fine, but sometimes it got a little hiccup, so I decided to use Windsurf to fix and enhance it.

I know Ehentai already got different layout that show tags, but personally I only use thumbnail layout, so I need this script to check out the gallery.

Script information

This userscript enhances the existing tag preview functionality on ExHentai and g.E-Hentai gallery pages, providing users with a more efficient and informative browsing experience.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Tag Preview: Hovering over gallery thumbnails displays a compact preview of tags, including gender indicators (pink for female, blue for male) and page counts.
  • Infinite Scroll Compatibility: Seamlessly integrates with the EHVisited infinite scroll feature, ensuring that new galleries are automatically processed and displayed.
  • Loading Speed Optimization: Implements a dynamic request timing system that adjusts delays based on server response times, allowing for faster initial loading while respecting server limits.
  • Local Storage Caching: Caches gallery data locally to reduce redundant requests, improving performance for previously viewed galleries. (Store for 7 days)
  • Real-Time Gallery Counter: Displays a floating counter at the top left of the webpage, showing the number of loaded galleries versus the total number of galleries, which updates dynamically as new galleries are loaded.
  • Error Handling and Resilience: Features robust error handling with retry logic for failed requests, ensuring a smooth user experience even during network issues.