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Coomer Video Filter JS - Filters posts without videos on Coomer
coomer-optimizer JS - Improves
Eza's Gallery Swallower JS - Turn a page of thumbnails into high-res images
Filter Videos JS - 6/21/2023, 11:18:54 PM
Kemer Downloader JS - One-click download of images (compressed download/single image download), create page data for json download, one-click open all current posts
Kemer Enhancement JS - Beautify the interface and re-layout, including removing ads and redundant banners, correcting artist names and editing related information retention, automatically loading original images, setting image size and spacing in the menu, triggering automatic scrolling with hotkeys, parsing links in the text and converting them to clickable links, fast page switching and jumping functions, and redirecting to a new tab
Kemono FIX+Download JS - Embeds a "Download" button before each file element and starts downloading and saving it to your computer, can use constant to change replace kemono image server if standart not work.
Kemono Party Blacklist JS - Blacklists posts by Creator ID
Kemono Party Blacklist with Reasons JS - Blacklists posts by Creator ID with reasons, featuring "Blacklist All Users", "Blacklist", and "Unblacklist" (with reasons and multiple delete)
Kemono/Coomer Grid Gallery Layout JS - Add a responsive grid gallery layout for the thumbnails, using the first attachment image file as the cover
Onlyfans "leak" finder JS - Checks some sites for OF "leaks"
OnlyFans to Coomer with Video Filter JS - Redirects from OnlyFans to Coomer and filters posts without videos.
Favorites"NewArt"Update JS - Why click into each followed artist's page one by one to see the latest updates? Let this script do it for you. Suppper Kemono/Coomer.