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(, pornhub)日語謎片,實時翻譯, 彈屏 JS - 日語謎片實時翻譯學習(本腳本要註冊訊飛開放平台賬號( , 並需接入相關功能, 參考詳閱油猴頁面)
(DMM PLAYER/ FANZA)日語謎片,實時翻譯, 彈屏 JS - 日語謎片實時翻譯學習(本腳本要註冊騰訊ai開放平台賬號( , 並需接入相關AI功能, 參考詳閱油猴頁面)
(MSIN+) improved JS - Check the Porn code to MISSAV and Sukebei if it exist.
0xFFFE.Genfluence.Archivist (prod) JS - Add "Download All" and "Delete All" features to Genfluence.AI.
1024FormShowImage JS - 123
1337x - Combined Enhancements 2025 (v11) - Configurable JS - Adds a column with torrent and magnet links, extends titles, adds images, full width site with configurable settings
1337x NSFW Hider JS - Hides 18+ content
1337x torrent : read images from description and show in listview JS - It can read images from description and show in listview on the 1337x torrent site.
1337x torrent cover view JS - poster shower
18ComicEnhance JS - Remove 18comic ads
18H Hentai Manga Autoload JS - Autoload hentai manga and CG images on one page on
18h Image Viewer JS - Image viewer for content pages, RIGHT or SPACE for the next image, LEFT for the previous image.
18P2P thanks by one_click JS - 18P2P一键感谢
18P2P_autothanks JS - 18P2P自动感谢
18p2p_faceText JS - 18p2p颜文字输入
1Hanime.me左下角显示标题 JS - Hanime.me左下角显示标题
2 JS - local script to redirect
2048核基地列表显示预览图 JS - 2048核基地列表显示预览图,只对 域名有效
- Ads remove JS - Alter The Url on the GO
24fa全量图片加載 JS - 24fa网页美女页面图片加载,啦啦啦
4chan - Redirect 404s to Archive JS - Redirects dead thread links to archives
4chan /gif/ sound fix - CORS issue JS - Fix webm that are silenced because of CORS
4chan Archive Image Expander JS - Adds inline image expansion to 4chan archives.
4chan cap helper JS - hides posts that are not selected with the tickbox, for capping
4Chan cdn change JS - Improve 4chan image load performance, by replacing image links from specific servers to CDN
4chan External Sounds JS - Plays audio associated with images on 4chan.
4chan F4GG0T Thread Hider JS - A script will automatically hides threads and table rows on 4chan when the thread title or teaser contains gay shits
4chan Gallery JS - Adds board title, catalog, images, download, and style to the top bar.
4chan Session ID Unbreaker JS - Tries to detect and un-break Session IDs posted on 4chan
4chan TeleGuard ID Detector JS - Tries to detect provide copy buttons for TeleGuard IDs on 4chan
4chan Tomorrow Selector JS - Auto-selects Tomorrow stylesheet on 4chan, for use with private browsing
4chan Tomorrow Theme Activator JS - Automatically enables the Tomorrow theme on 4chan so you don't have to manually change it ever again.
4chan WebM Auto-Resume JS - Resumes playback of paused WebM videos when scrolled into view
4chan+ JS - Adds some kool features to 4chan!
- Free Downloader (NextWap) JS - Auto Generate to thanks @Shivesh96
7mmtv picture ratio JS - try to take over the world!
8Chan+ JS - 4chan unbean me reee
8Muses Downloader JS - Download comics from
8muses Downloader JS - Download from
8Muses Downloader JS - Download comics from
8muses Improved JS - Improvements to 8muses: Mark-as-read, move image page breadcrumb to sidebar, hide image page header etc.
91Porn Video Address Extractor JS - Not only the addresses!
91porn_display_m3u8_address JS - 91porn show m3u8 address
98手机网页版复制代码增强 JS - 解决98手机网页版复制代码只复制第一行问题
[AO3] Bookmark links JS - Create a bookmark link button at the bottom of every bookmark full blurb
[DEAD AND OBSELETE] ExHentai Search Plus Tag (Results page) JS - Doesn't work anymore, delete it. For much better alternative check "Add button on exhentai searchbox" along with "Add button on exhentai searchbox from tag button"
[DEAD AND OBSELETE] ExHentai Search Plus Tag (Start page) JS - Doesn't work anymore, delete it. For much better alternative check "Add button on exhentai searchbox" along with "Add button on exhentai searchbox from tag button"
[DoL] reduce Bailey's payment JS - reduce Bailey's payment when you beat Bailey (with high english&math)
[E/Ex-Hentai] AutoLogin JS - E/Ex - Shared account login, automatic cookie retrieval, manual cookie input, local backup, and backup viewing, automatic login detection
[E/Ex-Hentai] Downloader JS - Create download buttons on manga pages, switchable between (compressed download | single image download), without the need for complex settings, one-click download capability, automatically fetches (non-original) images for downloading
[E/Ex]Switch JS - E/Ex-Hentai switch
[Konachan / / LB] Avatar: Storage JS - Lets you save a list of avatars in your browser's local storage for later use. Save avatars from the "Set avatar" page. Avatars are accessible from the "Profile" and "Set Avatar" pages. Drag avatars to reorder. Click on avatars for options.
[Konachan / / LB] Comments: Show Large Thumbnails JS - Shows larger thumbnails on the comments page.
[Konachan / / LB] Comments: Show Post Status JS - Adds Parent/Child/Pending/Flagged info to the post headers on the comments page.
[Konachan / / LB] Deleted Posts: Show Thumbnails JS - Shows a hovering thumbnail on the "Deleted Posts" pages (just as seen on the history pages).
[Konachan / / LB] Forum List: Re-order columns JS - Adds the ability to re-order columns in the forum list by dragging the headers. The layout is automatically saved in your browser and will be applied on each page load.
[Konachan / / LB] Forum Post: View in Parent JS - When viewing an individual forum post that has a parent, the "Parent" link at the bottom is changed to "View in parent". This link takes you to the actual page the post you were viewing is on and then scrolls down to the post.
[Konachan / / LB] History: Don't Show Incorrect Thumbnails JS - On the history pages, when the thumbnail for the row you're hovering over hasn't loaded yet, it will show a blank thumbnail instead of an incorrect thembnail. (Useful for slow connections)
[Konachan / / LB] History: Show Thumbnails for Deleted Posts JS - Disables the hiding of thumbnails for deleted posts on the history pages.
[Konachan / / LB] Menu: Replace Dropdown Buttons JS - Replaces the squares in the main menu bar which display rather small in Firefox and Chrome with downward pointing triangles that are a lot easier to click.
[Konachan / / LB] Search: Remove Dead Space JS - Makes use of much of the empty space on the posts pages to show more thumbnails. Useful if you increase the size and/or number of thumbnails.
[Konachan / / LB] Search: Show X Per Page JS - Lets you set the # of posts to return per page. This can be set both for the current page and as a default to use when neither "page" nor "limit" is set. Adds a "#/page" link to the footer that pops up a settings box.
[Konachan / / LB] Tag Completion: Keep Focus After Click JS - Keeps the focus in the edit box after clicking on a tag in the completion box.
[Konachan / / LB] Thumbnail Info: Fix Position JS - Pertaining to the info box that appears when holding shift while hovering over a thumbnail: Prevents the slight overlap over the thumbnail. And if the info box extends past the top of the window, it will be moved to the bottom or side.
[Konachan / / LB] Thumbnails: Show Large Thumbnails (Most Pages) JS - Shows larger thumbnails on all pages except comments and pool pages.
[Konachan /] Forum List: Default to Last Page JS - Replaces the "last" links in the forum list with "first" links and changes the main links to link to the last page.
[Konachan /] Images: Remove Tags from Filenames JS - Removes the tags from filenames for all images and image links. The resulting filnames will still contain the site and post #.
[Konachan /] Profile: Show Duplicate Thumbnails JS - Disables the hiding of duplicate thumbnails on the user pages.
[Konachan /] Search: ID Navigation JS - Adds a "Mode" link to the paginator which switches between normal navigation and ID navigation. ID navigation prevents skipping over images as a result of images on previous pages being deleted and prevents showing images twice or loosing your place.
[Konachan /] Thumbnails: Fix Highres Link JS - *Does not work on wiki pages* (1) Changes the links below thumbnails to link to the original PNG instead of the highres JPEG. • (2) Changes the image size shown below thumbnails to the size of the original PNG which can be different for large images.
[Konachan] Delete Post: Increase "Reason" Box Length JS - Increases the size of the text input box when deleting a post. This also increases the size of the auto-completion dropdown list.
[Konachan] Forum: Expandable Last Page JS - When using the "last" links: Allows prepending of previous pages and automatically appends the next page if it exists. // Redirects to the last page if the specified page doesn't exist.
[Konachan] Front Page: Tag Completion JS - Adds tag completion to the search box on the front page.
[Konachan] Pool: Fix Thumbnails JS - Fixes the slight cropping of thumbnails on the pool pages. Also prevents the hovered thumbnail from moving when shift is pressed on an image with borders.
[Konachan] Profile: Prevent Overlap JS - When non-breaking text (such as IPv6) forces the left column to widen, this will move the right column along with it to prevent overlap.
[Konachan] Tag Completion: Fix Tag Colors JS - Fixes the colors for circle and style tags in the tag completion boxes.
[Konachan] Tag Subscriptions: Tag Completion JS - Adds tag completion boxes to the edit page for tag subscriptions.
[Konachan] Tagging: Verify Tags JS - Adds "Verify tags" to the tags utility bar on the upload and post pages. Clicking "Verify tags" moves any tags not in use on the site to a separate textbox. Moved tags will be ignored on submission.
[Konachan] Thumbnails: Multicolored Image Borders JS - Shows multicolored borders on thumbnails when more than one color is applicable.
[Konachan] Wiki: Tag Links JS - Adds "Edit Tag" and "Tag History" Links to the footer on the wiki pages. The links are also added to the artist creation page if there's a name in the url.
[Lolibooru] Pool: Fix Thumbnails JS - Fixes the major cropping of thumbnails on the pool pages.
[Obsolete] xHamster Auto Old Design JS - Reverts to Old Xhamster Design and keeps it that way
[VOT] - Voice Over Translation JS - A small extension that adds a Yandex Browser video translation to other browsers
a button to search only no translated files for g.hentai(E-Hentai) JS - Create a button to search only no translated files for g.hentai(E-Hentai)
A Gelbooru Viewer JS - Adds a download button and makes thumbnails a little bigger. Make shure to add (.png, .jpeg, .jpg, etc) to the tampermonkey download whitelist
A super OP tank/ship creator JS - press 'a' for a new crazy amazing ulimate mega super OP tank/ship
- Navigator Language hack JS - Set navigator language to `zh-CN` to avoid redirection.
Achewood Timeline Nav JS - Navigate through Achewood strips and blogs in chronological order
Actually Usable Desktop Pixiv JS - rudementary, slow and very network heavy. but fuck it i just threw this together and i can actually see the fucking images. tested @1080p & 1440p no clue if it works at other resolutions
Ad blocker Adult sites 18+ JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying 18+
Add Block Button to Streamate User Details Pages JS - Makes it much more convenient to block members when they are no longer in your room! Blocks from both chat and messages at once.
Add button on exhentai searchbox JS - Add your favorite keyword/tag on the searchbox
Add button on exhentai searchbox from tag button JS - Add your favorite keyword/tag on the searchbox from tag button
Add Fanhao In AVstudio List Page JS - JAV片商官网列表页添加番号(搭配脚本'根据番号搜索',不用进入详情页,就能在列表页查看此车牌是否已入库(emby/115)\预览片花\一键跳转在线观看等花样操作.)
Add Links back to IP2Always JS - Add old links back to IP2Always
Add Magnet Link to Polskie Torrenty JS - Adds a magnet link to torrents on
Add Volume Control Slider JS - 6/10/2024
Add-to-blacklist-Danbooru JS - The script adds a button to add a tag to the blacklist on wiki pages
Additionalemotes JS - Emoticons for pocketsande