Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Manga Loader NSFW

Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters and works for a variety of sites, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet

Ekde 2015/11/14. Vidu La ĝisdata versio.

// ==UserScript==
// @name       Manga Loader NSFW
// @namespace
// @version    1.0.23
// @description  Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters and works for a variety of sites, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet
// @copyright  2014+, fuzetsu
// @noframes
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*/picture.php*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*/*/*/*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*/*
// @match *://*/*
// @match *://*/*
// @match *://*/*/read*
// @match *://*/*/*
// @match *://*/*/*
// -- NSFW END
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

var nsfwimp = [{
  name: 'geh-and-exh',
  match: "^https?://(g.e-hentai|exhentai).org/s/.*/.*",
  img: '.sni > a > img, #img',
  next: '.sni > a, #i3 a',
  numpages: 'body > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > span:nth-child(2)',
  curpage: 'body > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > span:nth-child(1)'
}, {
  name: 'fakku',
  match: "^http(s)?://*/.*/read",
  img: '.current-page',
  next: '.current-page',
  numpages: '.drop',
  curpage: '.drop',
  pages: function(url, num, cb, ex) {
    var firstNum = url.lastIndexOf('/'),
      lastDot = url.lastIndexOf('.');
    var c = url.charAt(firstNum);
    while (c && !/[0-9]/.test(c)) {
      c = url.charAt(++firstNum);
    var curPage = parseInt(url.slice(firstNum, lastDot), 10);
    url = url.slice(0, firstNum) + ('00' + (curPage + 1)).slice(-3) + url.slice(lastDot);
    cb(url, url);
}, {
  name: 'nowshelf',
  match: "^https?://[0-9]*",
  img: '#image',
  next: '#image',
  numpages: function() {
    return parseInt(getEl('#page').textContent.slice(3), 10);
  curpage: function() {
    return parseInt(getEl('#page > input').value, 10);
  pages: function(url, num, cb, ex) {
    cb(page[num], num);
}, {
  name: 'nhentai',
  match: "^https?://nhentai\\.net\\/g\\/[0-9]+/[0-9]+",
  img: '#image-container > a img',
  next: '#image-container > a',
  numpages: '.num-pages',
  curpage: '.current',
  imgmod: {
    altProp: 'data-cfsrc'
}, {
  name: '8muses',
  match: "^http(s)?://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/.+",
  img: '#image',
  next: '#next_picture',
  numpages: '#main > aside > > select'
}, {
  name: 'hitomi',
  match: "^http(s)?://[0-9]+.html",
  img: '#comicImages > img',
  next: '#comicImages > img',
  numpages: function() {
    return W.images.length;
  curpage: function() {
    return parseInt(W.curPanel);
  pages: function(url, num, cb, ex) {
    cb(W.images[num - 1].path, num);
  wait: '#comicImages > img'
}, {
  name: 'doujin-moe',
  _pages: null,
  match: "^https?://",
  img: 'img.picture',
  next: 'img.picture',
  numpages: function() {
    if (!this._pages) {
      this._pages = getEls('#gallery djm').map(function(file) {
        return file.getAttribute('file');
    return this._pages.length;
  curpage: function() {
    return parseInt(getEl('.counter').textContent.match(/^[0-9]+/)[0]);
  pages: function(url, num, cb, ex) {
    cb(this._pages[num - 1], num);
}, {
  name: 'pururin',
  match: "^https?://pururin\\.com/view/.+\\.html",
  img: '.image img',
  next: 'a.image-next',
  numpages: 'select.image-pageSelect',
  curpage: 'select.image-pageSelect'
}, {
  name: 'hentai-rules',
  match: "^https?://www\\.hentairules\\.net/galleries[0-9]+/picture\\.php.+",
  img: '#theMainImage',
  next: '#linkNext',
  imgmod: {
    altProp: 'data-src'
  numpages: function(cur) {
    return parseInt(getEl('.imageNumber').textContent.replace(/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)/, cur ? '$1' : '$2'));
  curpage: function() {
    return this.numpages(true);
}, {
  name: 'ero-senmanga',
  match: "^https?://ero\\.senmanga\\.com/[^/]*/[^/]*/[0-9]*",
  img: '#picture',
  next: '#omv > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > a',
  numpages: 'select[name=page]',
  curpage: 'select[name=page]',
  nextchap: function(prev) {
    var next = extractInfo('select[name=chapter]', {
      type: 'value',
      val: (prev ? -1 : 1)
    if (next) return window.location.href.replace(/\/[^\/]*\/[0-9]+\/?$/, '') + '/' + next + '/1';
  prevchap: function() {
    return this.nextchap(true);
}, {
  name: 'hentaifr',
  match: "^https?://hentaifr\\.net/.+\\.php\\?id=[0-9]+",
  img: 'center > table:nth-child(11) > tbody > tr > td > a > img',
  next: 'center > table:nth-child(11) > tbody > tr > td > a',
  wait: function() {
    return getEl(this.img) && getEl(;
}, {
  name: 'prism-blush',
  match: "^https?://",
  img: '#comic img',
  next: '#comic a'
}, {
  name: 'hentai-here',
  match: "^https?://(www\\.)?[^/]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+",
  img: '#arf-reader-img',
  next: '#arf-reader-img',
  curpage: function() {
    return parseInt(W.rff_thisIndex);
  numpages: function() {
    return W.rff_imageList.length;
  pages: function(url, num, cb, ex) {
    cb(W.imageCDN + W.rff_imageList[num - 1], num);
  nextchap: function() {
    return W.rff_nextChapter;
  prevchap: function() {
    return W.rff_previousChapter;
  curchap: function() {
    var curchap;
    getEls('ul.dropdown-menu.text-left li').some(function(li, index) {
      if(getEl('', li)) {
        curchap = index + 1;
    return curchap;
  numchaps: 'ul.dropdown-menu.text-left',
  wait: 'ul.dropdown-menu.text-left'
}, {
  name: 'foolslide',
  match: "^https?://(" + [
  ].join('|') + ")",
  img: function() {
    return W.pages[W.current_page].url;
  next: function() {
    return 'N/A';
  numpages: function() {
    return W.pages.length;
  curpage: function() {
    return W.current_page + 1;
  nextchap: function(prev) {
    var desired;
    var dropdown = getEls('ul.dropdown')[1] || getEls('')[1];
    if(!dropdown) return;
    getEls('a', dropdown).forEach(function(chap, idx, arr) {
      if(location.href.indexOf(chap.href) === 0) desired = arr[idx + (prev ? 1 : -1)];
    return desired && desired.href;
  prevchap: function() {
    return this.nextchap(true);
  pages: function(url, num, cb, ex) {
    cb(W.pages[num - 1].url, num);
  wait: function() {
    return W.pages;

log('loading nsfw implementations...');