【玩的嗨】VIP工具箱,夸克网盘直链批量获取,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告,获取B站封面,下载B站视频等众多功能聚合 长期更新,放心使用

🔥功能介绍🔥:🎉 1、Vip视频解析;🎉 2、一站式音乐搜索解决方案;🎉 3、bilibili视频封面获取;🎉 4、bilibili视频下载(已支持分P下载);🎉 5、夸克网盘直链批量获取;🎉 6、CSDN页面、剪切板清理;🎉 7、页面自动展开(更多网站匹配中,欢迎提交想要支持的网站) 🎉 8、YouTube视频下载🎉 9、中间页自动跳转;🎉 10、搜索引擎快速跳转

【玩的嗨】VIP工具箱,夸克网盘直链批量获取,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告,获取B站封面,下载B站视频等众多功能聚合 长期更新,放心使用 was deleted due to: Report #68391.

Appeal submitted by the author:

This is a version check, not an external reference

if (!Config.get(update_key, false)) {
let current = new VersionCompar(Config.env.script.version)
Http.get_text(Route.update_api).then((res: string) => {
let version = new VersionCompar(res?.match(/@version[ ]*([\d\.]+)/)![1]);
if (version.compareTo(current) === VersionResult.greater) {
const msg = `新版本${version.versionString}已发布.安装查看`
Toast.info(msg, `检查更新`)
Config.set(update_key, true, Hour)

variables used

static update_api = `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/maxzhang666/OneKeyVip/OneKeyVip.user.js?t=${Core.uuid()}`;
static home_url = `https://wiki.wandhi.com`
static install_url_one = `https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/384538`

function 'Http.get_text'

* 获取文本信息
* @param url
public static get_text(url: string): Promise {
let p = new Promise(function (resolve) {
Http.ajax(new AjaxOption(url, "GET", new Map(), function (data: string) {
return p;

And the Http.ajax is a promise encapsulation of GM_Request

As a result of this appeal, a moderator undeleted this script.

External JS is not executed