This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require
- /*
- PVCEP - Rules for Picviewer CE+
- <>
- (c) 2021-2024 Hoothin <rixixi [at]>
- Licenced under the MIT license.
- minimum
- {
- name: site name
- r: regular image url or string to be replaced
- s: replacement target string
- }
- or
- {
- name: site name
- getImage(a, p): Replace the image URL when pointing to an image, 'a' refers to the first parent A element, and 'p' is an array of all parent elements, see the example below for details
- }
- Other parameter items can be added as needed.
- Note that css/ext/xhr/lazyAttr (lazy loaded original image URL attribute name)/description (description when collecting images, support selector or xpath)/clickToOpen should only be used after specifying the url.
- xhr is used to obtain the attributes of the pictures on the inner pages.
- 1. First, use xhr.url() to filter and return the url of the parent a tag, and then the script will automatically grab the webpage pointed to by the url.
- 2. And get pictures through xhr.
- 2.1 xhr.query is the picture (you can For multiple, multiple will be added to the gallery) selector or function
- 2.2 xhr.caption is the description of picture
- If the mouse points to an object other than a picture, you can use getExtSrc to generate the desired picture url, see the youtube example below for details
- ext is the method for capturing nearby image elements when the mouse hovers over a non-image element. "previous" indicates detecting the previous sibling node, "previous-2" indicates detecting the second sibling node in reverse order, and "next" indicates detecting the next sibling node.
- getExtSrc is the method for directly obtaining the image URL based on a non-image element.
- */
- var siteInfo = [
- {
- name: "google 图片搜索",
- //網址例子 ( 方便測試和查看 )
- example: "",
- //是否啟用
- enabled: true,
- //站點正則,匹配站點url該條規則才會生效
- url: /https?:\/\/\.\w{1,3}){1,3}\/search\?.*&(tbm=isch|udm=2)/,
- //鼠標點擊直接打開(僅當高級規則的getImage()或者r/s替換有返回值的時候生效)
- clickToOpen: {
- enabled: false,
- preventDefault: true,//是否嘗試阻止點擊的默認行為(比如如果是你點的是一個鏈接,默認行為是打開這個鏈接,如果是true,js會嘗試阻止鏈接的打開(如果想臨時打開這個鏈接,請使用右鍵的打開命令))
- button: 0,//0:鼠標左鍵 1:滾輪按鈕或中間按鈕(如果有) 2:鼠標右鍵。默認為 0
- alt: false,//是否需要按下alt鍵
- ctrl: false,//是否需要按下ctrl鍵
- shift: false,//是否需要按下shift鍵
- meta: false,//是否需要按下meta鍵
- type: 'actual',//默認的打開方式: 'actual'(彈出,原始圖片) 'magnifier'(放大鏡) 'current'(彈出,當前圖片)
- },
- getImage: function(a) {
- //獲取圖片實際地址的處理函數,
- //this 為當前鼠標懸浮圖片的引用,
- //第一個參數為當前圖片的父元素中第一個a元素(可能不存在)
- //第二個參數為保存當前圖片所有父元素的數組
- if(!a) return;
- let jsaction = a.getAttribute("jsaction");
- if (a.href.match(/imgurl=(.*?)&/i)) {
- return decodeURIComponent(RegExp.$1);
- } else if (jsaction && jsaction.indexOf('touchstart') !== -1) {
- const touchList = [new Touch({
- identifier: 1,
- target: document.documentElement,
- clientX: 0,
- clientY: 0
- })];
- var fakeEvent = new TouchEvent('touchstart', {bubbles: true, touches: touchList});
- a.dispatchEvent(fakeEvent);
- fakeEvent = new TouchEvent('touchend', {bubbles: true});
- a.dispatchEvent(fakeEvent);
- if (a.href.match(/imgurl=(.*?)&/i)) {
- return decodeURIComponent(RegExp.$1);
- }
- }
- }
- // 自定義樣式
- // css: '',
- // 如果圖片藏在非img標籤後面,使用此項獲取被遮擋的img元素。
- // 其中previous代表前面一個元素,previous-2代表前面第二個元素,next代表後面一個元素。
- // 或者直接用函數獲取,傳入當前元素,返回查找到的元素或是null。
- // ext: 'previous-2',
- // 排除的圖片正則
- // exclude: /weixin_code\.png$/i,
- // 需要替換的圖片正則,匹配上圖片url該條規則才生效
- // src: /avatar/i,
- // 正則或字符串檢測內容,可以為含有多組規則的數組,若為字符串則只進行字符串替換
- // r: /\?.*$/i,
- // 正則或字符串替換內容,可以與上一條一一對應,也可以以數組對應檢測正則的其中一條,比如希望有多個結果嘗試顯示原圖
- // s: ''
- },
- {
- name: "123rf",
- url: /123rf\.com/,
- r: /us\.123rf\.com\/\d+wm\//i,
- s: ""
- },
- {
- name: "126",
- src: /\.126\.net/i,
- r: /\/\d+\.\d+x\d+\.\d+\.([^\.]+)$/i,
- s: '/5.5000x5000.100.$1'
- },
- {
- name:"",
- enabled:true,
- url:/^https?:\/\/(?:\w+\.)+178\.com\//i,
- clickToOpen:{
- enabled:true,
- preventDefault:true,
- type:'actual',
- },
- getImage:function(a){
- if(!a)return;
- var reg=/^https?:\/\/(?:\w+\.)+178\.com\/.+?(https?:\/\/img\d*\/[^.]+\.(?:jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp))/i;
- return (a.href.match(reg) || [])[1];
- }
- },
- {
- name: "24meitu",
- url: /24meitu\.com|25meinv\.com|aisimeinv\.com|24tupian\.com|24meinv\.|24mntp\.|24cos\.|24fh\.|24shipin\.|24mn\./,
- r: [/\/m([^\/]+)$/i,
- /imgs\./i],
- s: ["/$1","bimg."]
- },
- {
- name: "bing 图片搜索",
- example:"",
- enabled:true,
- url: /^https?:\/\/[^.]*\.bing\.com\/images\//i,
- getImage:function(a){
- if (!a) return;
- var oldsrc=this.src;
- var $ = /,imgurl:"([^"]+)/.exec(a.getAttribute('m'));
- var newsrc= $ ? $[1] : '';
- if(newsrc!=oldsrc)return newsrc;
- }
- },
- {
- name:"百度贴吧",
- enabled:true,
- url:/^https?:\/\/tieba\.baidu\.[^\/]+\//i,
- r: [/\/sys\/portrait/i,
- /^(http:\/\/tiebapic\.baidu\.com\/forum\/)ab(pic\/item\/[\w.]+)/i],
- s: ["/sys/portraitl", "$1$2"],
- getImage: function(a, p) {
- let bsrc = this.getAttribute('bpic');
- return bsrc || null;
- },
- xhr: {
- url: function(a, p) {
- if (!this.src) return null;
- let pid = this.src.match(/\.baidu\.com\/forum\/w.*\/(\w+)\./);
- if (!pid) return null;
- pid = pid[1];
- let tid = 0;
- let tidm = location.href.match(/\/p\/(\d+)/);
- if (tidm) tid = tidm[1];
- if (tid) {
- let kw = document.querySelector(`#wd2`);
- if (kw && kw.value) {
- return `${kw.value}&tid=${tid}&pic_id=${pid}&see_lz=0&from_page=0&alt=jview`;
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- query: function(html, doc, url) {
- let data = JSON.parse(html);
- if (!data) return null;
- let pid = url.match(/&pic_id=(\w+)/)[1];
- for (let key in {
- let pic =[key];
- if ( == pid) return pic.img.screen.waterurl;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name: "百度图片搜索",
- example: "",
- enabled: true,
- url: /^https?:\/\/image\.baidu\.com\/.*&word=/i,
- getImage: function(a) {
- if (!a) return;
- var reg = /&objurl=(http.*?\.(?:jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp))/i;
- if (a.href.match(reg)) {
- return decodeURIComponent(RegExp.$1);
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name:"豆瓣",
- example:"",
- enabled: true,
- url:/^https?:\/\/[^.]*\.douban\.com/i,
- getImage:function(){
- var oldsrc = this.src,
- newsrc = oldsrc;
- var pic = /\/view\/photo\/(?:photo|albumcover|albumicon|thumb|sqxs)\/public\//i;
- var movieCover = /\/view\/movie_poster_cover\/[si]pst\/public\//i;
- var bookCover = /\/view\/ark_article_cover\/cut\/public\//i;
- var spic = /(img\\/[sm]pic\//i;
- var ratio = /s_ratio_poster/i;
- if(/\/subject\/\d+\/discussion/.test(location.href)){
- } else if (pic.test(oldsrc)) {
- newsrc = oldsrc.replace(pic, '/view/photo/raw/public/');
- } else if (movieCover.test(oldsrc)) {
- newsrc = oldsrc.replace(movieCover, '/view/photo/raw/public/');
- } else if (bookCover.test(oldsrc)) {
- newsrc = oldsrc.replace(bookCover, '/view/ark_article_cover/retina/public/');
- } else if (spic.test(oldsrc)) {
- newsrc = oldsrc.replace(spic, '$1/lpic/');
- } else if (ratio.test(oldsrc)) {
- newsrc = oldsrc.replace(ratio, 'l');
- }
- return newsrc == oldsrc ? null : [newsrc,newsrc.replace(/photo\/raw/,"photo/photo")];
- }
- },
- {
- name:"bilibili",
- enabled:true,
- url:/^https?:\/\/[^.]+\,
- r: /\d+_\d+\/|\d+_x\d+\.jpg$|@\d+w_\d+h.*\.webp$|_\d+x\d+\.jpg$/i,
- s: ""
- },
- /*{
- name: "deviantart",
- example: "",
- enabled:true,
- url:/^https?:\/\/[^.]*\.deviantart\.com/i,
- getImage:function(a, p){
- let id,self=this;
- if(p[1] && p[1].dataset.hook=="deviation_link"){
- id=p[1].href.replace(/.*?(\d+)$/,"$1");
- }else if(p[2] && p[2].dataset.hook=="deviation_link"){
- id=p[2].href.replace(/.*?(\d+)$/,"$1");
- }
- if(/\?token/.test(this.src)){
- if(!this.dataset.pvsrc && id){
- this.dataset.pvsrc="t";
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'get',
- responseType: "json",
- url: '/_napi/shared_api/deviation/extended_fetch?deviationid='+id+'&type=art&include_session=false',
- onload: function(d) {
- var media = (d.response && d.response.deviation)?;
- var fullview = media && media.types && media.types.find(t=>{return t.t=='fullview'});
- if(media && media.baseUri && fullview && media.token){
- var resultUrl=media.baseUri+(fullview.c?fullview.c.replace("<prettyName>",media.prettyName).replace(/,q_\d+/,",q_100"):"")+"?token="+media.token[0];
- self.dataset.pvsrc=resultUrl;
- if(floatBar){
- floatBar.update(self, self.dataset.pvsrc);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }else if(this.dataset.pvsrc!="t" && id){
- return this.dataset.pvsrc;
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- },
- {
- name:"deviantart",
- url:/^https?:\/\/[^.]*\.deviantart\.com/i,
- xhr: {
- url: 'a[data-hook = "deviation_link"]',
- query: '[property="contentUrl"]'
- }
- },*/
- {
- name:"deviantart",
- url:/^https?:\/\/[^.]*\.deviantart\.com/i,
- getImage: function(a, p) {
- if (!a) return;
- let media =Object.keys(a).filter(prop => prop.indexOf("__reactProps") === 0);
- if (!media || !a[media] || !a[media].children || !a[media].children.props || !a[media].children.props.deviation) return;
- media = a[media];
- let fullview = media.types.filter(d => d.t === "fullview");
- let ext = media.baseUri.match(/\.\w+$/);
- if (!fullview || !ext) return;
- fullview = fullview[0];
- ext = ext[0];
- return media.baseUri + `/v1/fill/w_${fullview.w},h_${fullview.h}/${media.prettyName}-fullview${ext}?token=` + media.token[0];
- }
- },
- {
- name: '花瓣网',
- enabled: true,
- url: /^https?:\/\/huaban\.com\//i,
- ext: 'previous-2',
- r: /(.*\/.*)_fw(?:236|320)$/i,
- s: '$1_fw658',
- description: './../following-sibling::p[@class="description"]',
- // css: '.pin a.img .cover { display: none; }',
- exclude: /weixin_code\.png$/i,
- },
- {
- name: "wikipedia",
- enabled:true,
- url:/^https?:\/\/.+\.wikipedia\.org\//i,
- r: /(https?:\/\/.*)\/thumb(\/.*)\/\d+px-.*/i,
- s: "$1$2"
- },
- {
- name:"沪江碎碎",
- enabled:true,
- url:/^https?:\/\/([^.]+\.)*(?:yeshj\.com|hjenglish\.com|hujiang\.com)/i,
- r: /^(https?:\/\/(?:[^.]+\.)*\/.+)(_(?:s|m))(\.\w+)$/i,
- s: '$1$3'
- },
- {
- name: '大众点评',
- example: '',
- url: /^https?:\/\/\/shop/i,
- r: /(.+?dpfile\.com\/.+)\(240c180\)\/(thumb\..+)/i,
- s: '$1(700x700)/$2'
- },
- {
- name: '',
- url: /^http:\/\/trakt\.tv\//i,
- example: '',
- r: /(.*\/images\/posters\/\d+)-(?:300|138)\.jpg\?(\d+)$/i,
- s: "$1.jpg?$2"
- },
- {
- name: '网易云音乐',
- url: '*',
- ext: 'previous',
- getImage: function() {
- var oldsrc = this.src;
- if({
- var newsrc ='src');
- if (oldsrc != newsrc) {
- return newsrc;
- }
- }
- if (oldsrc.match(/(.*)\?param=\d+y\d+/)) {
- return RegExp.$1;
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name: "美女薄情馆",
- url: /^http:\/\/boqingguan\.com\//i,
- example: '',
- lazyAttr: 'data-original',
- getImage: function(a) {
- var oldsrc = this.getAttribute('data-original') || this.src;
- if (oldsrc) {
- var newsrc = oldsrc.replace(/![a-z\d]+$/, '');
- return newsrc == oldsrc ? '' : newsrc;
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name:"极限主题社区",
- enabled:true,
- url:/^https?:\/\/bbs\.themex\.net\/.+/i,
- clickToOpen:{
- enabled:true,
- preventDefault:true,
- type:'actual',
- },
- r: /^(https?:\/\/bbs\.themex\.net\/attachment\.php\?.+)&thumb=1(.+)/i,
- s: '$1$2'
- },
- {
- name:"opera官方论坛",
- example:"",
- enabled:true,
- url:/^http:\/\/bbs\.operachina\.com/i,
- src: /file.php\?id=\d+$/i,
- r: /.*/,
- s: "$1&mode=view"
- },
- {
- name: 'github 修正',
- url: /^https?:\/\/github\.com\//i,
- clickToOpen: {
- enabled: false,
- preventDefault: true,
- type: 'actual',
- },
- getImage: function(a) {
- if (a && a.href.indexOf('/blob/master/') > 0) {
- return this.src;
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name: '优美图',
- url: /http:\/\/(?:www\.)?topit\.me\//,
- lazyAttr: 'data-original',
- xhr: {
- url: /topit\.me\/item\/\d+/,
- query: ['a[download]', 'a#item-tip'],
- }
- },
- {
- name: '半次元',
- url: /^https?:\/\/bcy\.net\//,
- r: [/\/\dX\d$|\/w\d+$/i,
- "/cover/",
- /\/(middle|small)\.jpg/i],
- s: ["", "/post/", "/big.jpg"]
- },
- {
- name: 'Steampowered',
- url: /\.steampowered\.com/,
- r: /\.\d+x\d+\.jpg/i,
- s: ".jpg"
- },
- {
- name: 'Steamcommunity',
- url: /steamcommunity\.com/,
- r: /output\-quality=\d+&fit=inside\|\d+\:\d+/i,
- s: "output-quality=100&fit=inside|0:0"
- },
- {
- name: '知乎',
- url: /(zhihu|zhimg)\.com/,
- r: /_(b|xs|s|l|\d+(x\d+|w))\./i,
- s: "."
- },
- {
- name: '500px',
- url: /500px\./,
- r: [/\/w%3D\d+_h%3D\d+\/v2.*/i,
- /^((?:(?:pp?cdn|s\\d\\.amazonaws\\.com\/photos|gp\\d+\\.wac\\.edgecastcdn\\.net\/806614\/photos\/photos)\\.500px|djlhggipcyllo\\.cloudfront)\\.(?:net|org)\/\\d+\/[\\da-f]{40}\/)\\d+\\./],
- s: ["/m%3D2048_k%3D1_of%3D1/v2",
- "$12048.jpg"]
- },
- {
- name: 'Nyaa',
- url: /nyaa\.se/,
- r: /upload\/small\//i,
- s: "upload/big/"
- },
- {
- name: "itunes",
- url: /itunes\.apple\.com/,
- r: /\d+x\d+bb\./i,
- s: "1400x1400bb."
- },
- {
- name: "汽车之家",
- url: /\.autohome\.com\.cn/,
- r: /(\?imageView.*|\d+x\d+_\d+_|f_m_|t_|s_)/i,
- s: ""
- },
- {
- name: "易车",
- url: /\.bitauto\.com/,
- r: /_\d+\.jpg$/i,
- s: "_12.jpg"
- },
- {
- name: "爱卡",
- url: /\.xcar\.com\.cn/,
- r: /\-\d+x\d+\.jpg/i,
- s: ""
- },
- {
- name: "太平洋汽车",
- url: /\.pcauto\.com\.cn/,
- r: /_\d+x\d+\.jpg$/i,
- s: ".jpg"
- },
- {
- name: "新浪汽车",
- url: /\.auto\.sina\.com\.cn/,
- r: /_\d+\.jpg$/i,
- s: "_src.jpg"
- },
- {
- name: "greasyfork",
- url: /(greasyfork|sleazyfork)\.org/,
- getImage: function() {
- if(this.parentNode && this.parentNode.nodeName=="A" && /amazonaws\.com/.test(this.parentNode.href)){
- return this.parentNode.href;
- }
- return this.src && this.src.replace(/\/thumb\//i,"/original/").replace(/\/thumbnails\//i,"/").replace(/(\/forum\/uploads\/userpics\/.*\/)n([^\/]+)$/,"$1p$2");
- }
- },
- {
- name: "dribbble",
- url: /dribbble\.com/,
- r: [/_teaser(.[^\.]+)$/i,
- /_1x\./i,
- /\?compress=.*/],
- s: ["$1",".",""]
- },
- {
- name: "百度百科",
- url: /baike\.baidu\.com/,
- r: [/.*bdstatic\.com.*\/([^\/]+)\.jpg/i,
- /(.*bkimg\.cdn\.bcebos\.com.*\?x-bce-process=image).*/i],
- s: ["$1.jpg",
- "$1"]
- },
- {
- name: "nvshens",
- url: /nvshens\.com|onvshen\.com/,
- r: /(\img\.onvshen\.com.*)(?:thumb\/|_s)(.*)/i,
- s: "$1$2"
- },
- {
- name: "Tumblr",
- url: /tumblr\.com/,
- exclude: /\/avatar_/i,
- r: /[^\/]*(media\.tumblr\.com.*_)\d+(\.[^\.]+)$/i,
- s: "$1raw$2"
- },
- {
- name: "Tumblr",
- url: /tumblr\.com/,
- src: /\/avatar_/i,
- r: /(media\.tumblr\.com.*_)[^_]+(\.[^\.]+)$/i,
- s: "$1512$2"
- },
- {
- name: "Acgget",
- url: /acg18\.us|acgget\./,
- r: /(pic\.acgget\.com\/thumb\/)w\d+_h\d+\//i,
- s: "$1w9999_h9999/"
- },
- {
- name: "Pixiv",
- url: /pixiv\.net|pximg\.net/,
- src: /pximg\.net\/c\/\d+x\d+/i,
- r: /pximg\.net\/c\/\d+x\d+.*\/img\/(.*)_.*$/i,
- s: ["$1.jpg","$1.png"]
- },
- {
- name: "Wallhaven",
- url: /wallhaven\./,
- src: /wallpapers\/thumb\/small\/th|th\.wallhaven\.cc\/(small|lg)\//i,
- r: [/wallpapers\/thumb\/small\/th(.*)\./i,
- /th\.wallhaven\.cc\/(small|lg)\/(.*)?\/(.*)\..*/i],
- s: [["wallpapers/full/wallhaven$1.jpg","wallpapers/full/wallhaven$1.png"],
- ["$2/wallhaven-$3.jpg","$2/wallhaven-$3.png"]],
- getImage() {
- let srcReg1 = /wallpapers\/thumb\/small\/th(.*)\./i;
- let srcReg2 = /th\.wallhaven\.cc\/(small|lg)\/(.*)?\/(.*)\..*/i;
- let res1 = "wallpapers/full/wallhaven$1.";
- let res2 = "$2/wallhaven-$3.";
- let png, ne;
- if (this.nextElementSibling && this.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling) {
- ne = this.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling;
- if (ne.className != "thumb-info") ne = null;
- else png = !!ne.querySelector('.png');
- }
- if (srcReg1.test(this.src)) {
- return ne ? this.src.replace(srcReg1, res1 + (png ? "png" : "jpg")) : [this.src.replace(srcReg1, res1 + "jpg"), this.src.replace(srcReg1, res1 + "png")];
- }
- if (srcReg2.test(this.src)) {
- return ne ? this.src.replace(srcReg2, res2 + (png ? "png" : "jpg")) : [this.src.replace(srcReg2, res2 + "jpg"), this.src.replace(srcReg2, res2 + "png")];
- }
- }
- },
- {
- name: "lofter",
- url: /lofter\./,
- getImage: function(a) {
- if(a && a.href && a.hasAttribute("bigimgsrc")){
- return a.getAttribute("bigimgsrc");
- }
- return this.src.replace(/\?.*/i,"");
- }
- },
- {
- name: "sohu",
- url: /(sohu|sohucs)\.com/,
- r: /(sohucs\.com\/).*\/(images\/|os\/)/i,
- s: "$1$2"
- },
- {
- name: "moegirl",
- url: /(moegirl|mengniang)\.org/,
- r: /(common)\/thumb(.*)\/[^\/]+/i,
- s: "$1$2"
- },
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- s: ""
- },
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- name: "meitudata",
- url: /meipai\.com/,
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- s: ""
- },
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- url: /mafengwo\.cn/,
- r: /\?imageMogr.*/i,
- s: ""
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- url: /(discordapp\.|discord\.)(com|net)/,
- r: [/\?width=\d+&height=\d+$/i, /.*\/external\/.*\/(https?)\/(.*)\?format.*/],
- s: ["", "$1://$2"]
- },
- {
- name: "推特",
- url: /https:\/\/(www\.)?(x|twitter)\.com|pbs\.twimg\.com/,
- description: ["./..", "aria-label"],
- getImage: function(a, p){
- let newsrc = this.src.replace("_normal.",".").replace("_200x200.",".").replace("_mini.",".").replace("_bigger.",".").replace(/_x\d+\./,".");
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- if (newsrc != this.src) {
- if (a && a.role == 'link') {
- let match = a.href.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/status\/([^\/]+)\/photo\/(\d+)/);
- if (match) {
- let time = p[14] && p[14].querySelector('time');
- if (time) {
- this.alt = match[1] + " - " + time.innerText + "_" + match[3];
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- return newsrc+"&name=orig";
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- let imgs=target.parentNode.previousElementSibling.querySelectorAll("img");
- if(imgs.length==1)return imgs[0];
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- return null;
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- url: /fandom\.com/,
- r: [/scale\-to\-width\-down\/\d+/i,
- /smart\/width\/\d+\/height\/\d+/i],
- s: ["",""]
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- name: "yande",
- url: /yande\.re|konachan\.(net|com)/,
- getImage: function(a, p) {
- if(p[1] && p[1].nextSibling && p[1].nextSibling.classList &&
- p[1].nextSibling.classList.contains("largeimg")){
- return p[1].nextSibling.href.replace(/\/(preview|jpeg|sample)\/(.*\.)jpg$/, "/image/$2png");
- }
- return this.src.replace(/\/(preview|jpeg|sample)\/(.*\.)jpg$/, "/image/$2png");
- }
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- name:"绅士漫画",
- url:/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?wnacg\./,
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- url: function(a, p) {
- if (p && p[1] && p[1].className === 'pic_box tb' && a && a.href) {
- return a.href;
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- },
- query: '#picarea'
- }
- },
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- name:"xlysauc",
- url:/^https?:\/\/xlysauc\.com\//,
- r: /\/x\/(\d+\.jpg)/,
- s: "/d/$1",
- ext: function(target) {
- if (target.parentNode.className === 'imgbg' || target.className === 'pp_hoverContainer'){
- let img = target.parentNode.querySelector("img");
- if (img) return img;
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- return null;
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- name: "E621",
- url: /e621\.net/,
- getImage: function(a, p) {
- if(p[2] && p[2].dataset.fileUrl){
- return p[2].dataset.fileUrl;
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- return this.src;
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- name: "Pinterest",
- url: /pinterest\.com/,
- getImage: function(a, p) {
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- if(srcInfo[1] && (curSize>minSize || minSize==0)){
- minSize=curSize;
- newSrc=srcInfo[0];
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- });
- if(newSrc)return newSrc;
- }
- return this.src.replace(/\/\d+x\//i, "/736x/");
- }
- },
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- name: "Zhisheji",
- url: /zhisheji\.com/,
- r: /thumbnail\/.*/i,
- s: ""
- },
- {
- name: "imgbox",
- src: /imgbox\.com/,
- r: /thumbs(\d\.imgbox.*)_t\./i,
- s: "images$1_o."
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- name: "Reddit",
- url: /reddit\.com|redd\.it/,
- getImage: function() {
- if (this.srcset) {
- var srcs = this.srcset.split(/[xw],/i);
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- if (srcInfo.indexOf("?width") == -1) return srcInfo;
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- } else if (/^https?:\/\/preview\./.test(this.src)){
- return this.src.replace("preview", "i").replace(/\?.*/, "");
- }
- return this.src;
- },
- getExtSrc: function() {
- if (/^https?:\/\/imgur\.com(\/a)?\/\w{5,}/.test(this.href)) {
- return this.href.replace(/^https?:\/\/imgur\.com(\/a)?\/(\w+)/, "$2.webp");
- }
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- url: function(a, p, self) {
- if (a && a.href && /\/\/v.redd\.it\/\w+\/?$/.test(a.href)) {
- return a.href + '/DASHPlaylist.mpd';
- } else if (a && a.href && /^https:\/\/www\.reddit\.com\/gallery\//.test(a.href)) {
- return a.href;
- } else if (a && a.href && /redgifs\.com\//.test(a.href)) {
- const apiUrl = '';
- if (!self.redgifsToken) {
- self.redgifsToken = "1";
- fetch(`${apiUrl}/auth/temporary`).then(res => res.json()).then((data) => {
- if (data && data.token) {
- self.redgifsToken = data.token;
- }
- });
- }
- return apiUrl + "/gifs/" + a.href.replace(/.*\/(..\/)?(\w+\/)?(\w+)(?:\.\w+)?/, '$3');;
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- let link = p[1].querySelector("");
- if (link && link.href) {
- if (/\/\/v.redd\.it\/\w+\/?$/.test(link.href)) {
- return link.href + '/DASHPlaylist.mpd';
- } else if (/^https:\/\/www\.reddit\.com\/gallery\//.test(link.href)) {
- return link.href;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- headers: (url, self) => {
- if (/redgifs\.com\//.test(url)) {
- return { Authorization:`Bearer ${self.redgifsToken}` };
- }
- },
- query: function(html, doc, url) {
- try {
- if (/redgifs\.com\//.test(url)) {
- let data;
- try {
- data = JSON.parse(html);
- } catch (e) {
- return;
- }
- if (data && data.gif) {
- return data.gif.urls.gif || data.gif.urls.hd;
- }
- } else if (/^https:\/\/www\.reddit\.com\/gallery\//.test(url)) {
- return []"figure>a"), (total, cur) => {
- return total.concat(cur.href);
- }, []);
- }
- var xmlDoc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(html, 'application/xml');
- var highestRes = []'Representation[frameRate]'))
- .sort(function (r1, r2) {
- var w1 = parseInt(r1.getAttribute('width')), w2 = parseInt(r2.getAttribute('width'));
- return w1 > w2 ? -1 : (w1 < w2 ? 1 : 0);
- })
- .find(function (repr) { return !!repr.querySelector('BaseURL'); });
- if (highestRes) {
- var baseUrl = highestRes.querySelector('BaseURL').textContent.trim();
- return baseUrl.indexOf('//') !== -1 ? baseUrl : url.replace('DASHPlaylist.mpd', baseUrl);
- }
- } catch (err) {
- console.log(err);
- }
- }
- }
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- {
- name: "Rule34hentai",
- url: /rule34hentai\.net/,
- r: "/_thumbs/",
- s: "/_images/"
- },
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- r: /\/(thumbnails|samples)\/(.*)\/(thumbnail|sample)_(.*)\..*/i,
- s: ["/images/$2/$4.jpeg","/images/$2/$4.png","/images/$2/$4.jpg"]
- },
- {
- name: "Photosight",
- url: /photosight\.ru/,
- r: /(cdny\.de.*\/)t\//i,
- s: "$1x/"
- },
- {
- name: "Xiaohongshu",
- url: /xiaohongshu\.com/,
- ext: function(target) {
- if (target.className == 'change-pic') {
- var imgs=target.previousElementSibling.querySelectorAll('li'),i=0;
- for(i=0;i<imgs.length;i++){
- if(imgs[i].style.display!="none")
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- return target;
- },
- r: [/\/w\/\d+\/(h\/\d+\/)?(q\/\d+\/)?/i, /.*\.xhscdn\.com.*\/(\w+)(!.*|$)/i],
- s: ["/w/1080/", "$1"]
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- name: "Youtube",
- url: /youtube\.com/,
- ext: function(target) {
- if (target.tagName == "ytd-thumbnail" || == "thumbnail-container") {
- return target.querySelector("img");
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- let newsrc = "";
- if ( == "thumbnail-container" && this.children[0].hasAttribute("loaded")) {
- let img = this.querySelector('img');
- if (!img) return;
- newsrc = img.src;
- }
- return newsrc.replace(/\?.*$/i,"");
- },
- getImage: function(a, p) {
- var newsrc=this.src;
- if(p[2] && this.classList.contains('ytd-moving-thumbnail-renderer')){
- newsrc = p[2].querySelector("img").src;
- }
- if(!newsrc || newsrc.indexOf("") == -1) return;
- return newsrc.replace(/\?.*$/i,"");
- }
- },
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- name: "588ku",
- url: /588ku\.com/,
- r: /!\/fw.*/,
- s: ""
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- ext: function(target){
- if(target.className=="no-login" &&""){
- setTimeout(()=>{"none";},1000);
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- return null;
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- src: /(thumbnails|samples)\/(.*)\/(thumbnail|sample)_/i,
- r: /.*\/(thumbnails|samples)\/(.*)\/(thumbnail|sample)_(.*)\..*/i,
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- src: /(thumbnails|sample)\/(.*)\/(thumbnail|sample)_|\/\d+x\d+\//i,
- r: [/\/(thumbnails|sample)\/(.*)\/(thumbnail|sample)_(.*)/i,
- /\/\d+x\d+\/(.*)\..*/i
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- r: /(\/\d+\/)tn_(\d+\.[^\/]+)$/i,
- s: "$1$2"
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- name: "javbus",
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- r: /\/thumbs?(\/\w+)\.jpg$/i,
- s: "/cover$1_b.jpg"
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- r: "ps.jpg",
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- r: "_t.",
- s: "."
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- s: "$1"
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- url: function(a, p) {
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- let urls = [];
- datas.assets.forEach(d => {
- urls.push(d.image_url)
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- return urls;
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- return target.previousElementSibling.querySelector(".main-photo");
- }else if(target.classList.contains("context-thumb")){
- return target;
- }
- return null;
- },
- r: /_\w\./i,
- s: "_c."
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- name: "wikiart",
- url: /wikiart\.org/,
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- s: ''
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- /.*(?:url|src)=(https?:\/\/.*\.(?:jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp)).*/i,
- /.*thumb\.php\?src=([^&]*).*/i],
- s: '$1'
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- name: "weibo 视频",
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- if (video && video.nodeName == 'VIDEO') return [video.poster, video.src];
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- video: /video$/
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- s: '$1/180/'
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- r: /thumb\d+/,
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- r: /(avatar\/.*[\?&]s=).*/,
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- s: '$1big'
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- s: ''
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- s: ''
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- r: /\.s\.\w+$/i,
- s: ''
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- name: "duitang",
- url: /duitang\.com\//i,
- r: /.thumb.(\d+_)?\d*(_c)?\./i,
- s: '.'
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- name: "imgur",
- src: /imgur\.com\//i,
- r: [/h(\.[^\/]+)$/i,/maxwidth=\d+/i,/b\./],
- s: ["$1","maxwidth=99999","."]
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- r: /(hiphotos|imgsrc)\.baidu\.com\/(.+?)\/.+?([0-9a-f]{40})/i,
- s: "$$2/pic/item/$3"
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- name: "GoogleContent",
- src: /\/w\/\d+\/h\/\d+($|\/|\?)/i,
- getImage:function(){
- var $ = /^((?:(?:lh|gp|yt)\d+\.g(?:oogleuserconten|gph)|\d\.bp\.blogspo)t\.com\/)(?:([_-](?:[\w\-]{11}\/){4})[^\/]+(\/[^?#]+)?|([^=]+)).*/i.exec(this.src);
- var newsrc= $ ? ('http://' + $[1] + ($[4] ? $[4] + '=' : $[2]) + 's2634' + ($[3] || '')) : '';
- if(newsrc!=this.src)return newsrc;
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- r: /(\/img\d+\/img\/.+\/\d+)_[ms]\.(\w{2,5})$/i,
- s: "$1.$2"
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- name: "douban",
- url: /douban\.com/i,
- getImage:function(){
- var $ = /(img\d+\.douban\.com\/)(?:(view\/)(?:photo|movie_poster_cover)\/(?!large)[^\/]+|(icon\/u(?=\d))|[sm](?=pic\/))(.*)/i.exec(this.src);
- var newsrc= $ ? ('http://' + $[1] + ($[2] ? $[2] + 'photo/photo' : (($[3]||'') + 'l')) + $[4]) : '';
- if(newsrc!=this.src)return newsrc;
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- r: [/.*((?:img\d\d\.taobaocdn|img(?:[^.]*\.?){1,2}?\.alicdn)\.com\/)(?:img\/|tps\/http:\/\/img\d\d+\.taobaocdn\.com\/)?((?:imgextra|bao\/uploaded)\/.+\.(?:jpe?g|png|gif|bmp))_.+\.jpg$/i,
- /(.*\.alicdn\.com\/.*?)((.jpg|.png)(\.|_)\d+x\d+.*)\.jpg(_\.webp)?$/i,
- /(.*\.alicdn\.com\/.*?)((\.|_)\d+x\d+.*|\.search|\.summ)\.jpg(_\.webp)?$/i],
- s: ["http://$1$2",
- "$1$3",
- "$1.jpg"]
- },
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- url: /item\.taobao\.com/i,
- r: [/.*((?:img\d\d\.taobaocdn|img(?:[^.]*\.?){1,2}?\.alicdn)\.com\/)(?:img\/|tps\/http:\/\/img\d\d+\.taobaocdn\.com\/)?((?:imgextra|bao\/uploaded)\/.+\.(?:jpe?g|png|gif|bmp))_.+\.jpg$/i,
- /(.*\.alicdn\.com\/.*?)((.jpg|.png)(\.|_)\d+x\d+.*)\.jpg(_\.webp)?$/i,
- /(.*\.alicdn\.com\/.*?)((\.|_)\d+x\d+.*|\.search|\.summ)\.jpg(_\.webp)?$/i],
- s: ["http://$1$2",
- "$1$3",
- "$1.jpg"],
- getExtSrc:function(){
- if(this.tagName=='A' &&{
- return*url\(['"](https?:)?(.*)['"]\).*/,"https:$2").replace(/_\d+x\d+\.\w+$/,"")
- }
- }
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- name: "yihaodianimg",
- url: /yhd\.com/i,
- src: /yihaodianimg\.com/i,
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- s: "$1.jpg"
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- /(.*360buyimg\.com\/)n\d\/(.*)/i,
- /(.*360buyimg\.com\/.*)s\d+x\d+_(.*)/i],
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- s: "$1_e_$2"
- },
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- r: /(*?\.jpg)!\w+$/i,
- s: "$1"
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- example: ""
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- example: ""
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- name: "GithubAvatars",
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- r: /(avatars\d*\.githubusercontent\.com.*)\?.*$/i,
- s: "$1",
- example: ""
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- return null;
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- name:" &",
- url:/^https:\/\/(coomer|kemono)\.party\/.*\/post\//,
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- return target.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('img');
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- url: function(a, p) {
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- const numbers = '0123456789';
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- const caption = (items0.caption ? items0.caption.text : (items0.accessibility_caption ? items0.accessibility_caption : items0.user.full_name));
- => { gallery.push(c.video_versions ? c.video_versions[0].url : c.image_versions2.candidates[0].url); });
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- s: '$1'
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- name:"",
- url:/^https:\/\/(\w+\.)?kemono\.party\/.*\/post\//,
- getImage:function(a){
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- r: /!\d+(x\d+[a-z]?)?\.\w+$/,
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- name:"极简壁纸",
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- name: "網易雲音樂",
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- r: /\/resize\/(.*)_\d+x\d+/,
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- r: [/\/resize(\/.*\/)\d+x\d+x\d+\/\w+?\//, /\?w=.*/],
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- name: "sspai",
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- r: /\?imageMogr.*/,
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- name:"e-hentai",
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- url: function(a, p) {
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- return m && a.href;
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- query: function(html, doc) {
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- return img && img.src;
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- name:"turboimagehost",
- url:/^https?:\/\/www\.turboimagehost\.com\//i,
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- url: ".bbc_link",
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- url: ".showcase__link",
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- name: "imgtraffic",
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- s: "$1/"
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- name: "dailymail",
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- name: "rutracker",
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- name: "rule34.paheal",
- url: /^https:\/\/rule34\.paheal\.net\//,
- getImage: function(a, p) {
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- return result;
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- lazyAttr: "data-a-hires",
- r: [/_?(_AC_|_CR0).*\./, /\._S.\d+\_?/],
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- name: "hentaigifz",
- url: /^https:\/\/hentaigifz\.com/,
- r: /-thumbnail.*/,
- s: ".gif"
- },
- {
- name: "Bangumi",
- url: /^https:\/\/bgm\.tv\//,
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- s: "/l/"
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- name: "MAL Anime/Manga Search",
- url: /^https:\/\/myanimelist\.net\/(anime|manga)\.php\?cat=(anime|manga).+/,
- src: /^https:\/\/cdn\.myanimelist\.net/,
- r: /\/r\/(\d+x\d+)(\/images\/(anime|manga)\/\d+\/\d+)\.webp.+/,
- s: "$2l.jpg"
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- name: "afdiancdn",
- url: /^https:\/\/afdian\.net\//,
- r: "/(w/\\d+/)?h/\\d+/i",
- s: ""
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- {
- name: "携程",
- url: /^https:\/\/(www\.|m\.)?ctrip\.com/,
- r: /_(C|D)_\d[^\.]*/i,
- s: ""
- }
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