This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Simple SS Theme using CSS Variables
// @author Oltosuper
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
const addScript = () => {
document.head.innerHTML += `<style>
* {
--ss-transparent: #00000000;
--ss-black: #000;
--ss-white: #03ff03; /*White Text*/
--ss-offwhite: #FFF3E4;
--ss-yellow: #FAF179;
--ss-yolk0: #f1c59a;
--ss-yolk: #ff1303; /*Yellow Buttons*/
--ss-yolk2: #d97611;
--ss-red0: #e29092;
--ss-red: #d15354;
--ss-red2: #801919;
--ss-red-bright: #EF3C39;
--ss-pink: #EC008C;
--ss-pink1: #b9006e;
--ss-pink-light: #ff3aaf;
--ss-brown: #924e0c;
--ss-blue00: #abe3f6;
--ss-blue0: #c8edf8;
--ss-blue1: #95E2FE;
--ss-blue2: #5EBBD9;
--ss-blue3: #ff1303; /*Lighter Box Borders*/
--ss-blue4: #00FFFF; /*Blue Subtitles, Darker Box Borders*/
--ss-blue5: #0a5771;
--ss-green0: #87ddbb;
--ss-green1: #3ebe8d;
--ss-green2: #2a7256;
--ss-orange1: #F79520;
--ss-vip-gold: linear-gradient(to right, #D1A943, #CFCDAF, #CC8630, #D1AA44, #CC8630);
--ss-clear: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
--ss-blue2clear: rgba(94, 186, 217, 0);
--ss-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
--ss-blueshadow: #0a577187;
--ss-darkoverlay: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
--ss-darkoverlay2: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
--ss-lightoverlay: linear-gradient(#03ff03, #ff1303); /*Main Background*/
--ss-lightbackground: linear-gradient(var(--ss-blue1), var(--ss-blue2));
--ss-blueblend1: linear-gradient(#349ec1, #5fbad8); /*Some Box fill colors*/
--ss-scrollmask1: linear-gradient(var(--ss-blue2clear), var(--ss-blue2));
--ss-scrollmask2: linear-gradient(rgba(56, 158, 192, 0), #389EC0);
--ss-fieldbg: linear-gradient(#91CADB, #ffffff, #ffffff, #ffffff, #ffffff);
--ss-white-60: rgba(255,255,255,.6);
--ss-white-90: rgba(255,255,255,.9);
--ss-me-player-bg: rgba(247,149,32,.8);
--ss-them-blue-bg: rgba(0,66,87,.8);
--ss-them-blue-color: #5ebbd9;
--ss-them-red-bg: rgb(133,0,0,.8);
--ss-them-red-color: #ff4145
--ss-me-red-bg: rgba(255,65,69,.8);
--ss-me-blue-bg: rgb(94,187,217,.8);
document.body ? addScript() : document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e => addScript());