Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Jupiter OWOT

Jupiter adds mostly useless features to OWoT, based on KKosty4ka's scripts.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Jupiter OWOT
// @namespace    https://*
// @version      2024-9-10
// @description  Jupiter adds mostly useless features to OWoT, based on KKosty4ka's scripts.
// @author       Sussybaka6969
// @match        https://**
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
warned = false
setInterval(function(){ = "OWoT + Jupiter"},1)
alert('Welcome to Jupiter!')
menu.addEntry('<h5 id="writebuffermeter">█▬█ █▄█ █▬█</h5>');setInterval(_=>{document.getElementById('writebuffermeter').innerText="Writebuffer Length:"+writeBuffer.length},0)
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY("█", Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215), l, F)
    menu.addOption("Colored Static", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('Check the menu for the button')

function generateRandomHexAndConvert() {
    const randomHex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xff).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
    const repeatedHex = randomHex.repeat(3);
    const decimal = parseInt(repeatedHex, 16);
    return decimal;
}! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY("█", generateRandomHexAndConvert(), l, F)
    menu.addOption("Black and White Static", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('Check the menu for the other button')
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY("█", 15658734, l, F)
    menu.addOption("Fake Member Protect", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('why do you read these')
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY("█", 14540253, l, F)
    menu.addOption("Fake Owner Protect", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('please just stop looking at console')
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY(" ", 0, l, F)
    menu.addOption("Wiper", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('the')
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY("█", 0, l, F)
    menu.addOption("Censorfag-inator", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('...')
function getcol() {
 const hexColor = prompt("Enter a hexadecimal color (e.g., #FFFFFF):");

 // Convert hex to decimal
 col = parseInt(hexColor, 16);

! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY("█", col, l, F)
    menu.addOption("Make a colored box", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('the j')
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY("█", (((Math.abs(l)%8)^(Math.abs(-F%8)))*32), l, F)
    menu.addOption("XOR paster", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
function tintStatic(inputColor) {
  // Generate a random grayscale color with consistent lightness
  const grayscale = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
  const grayscaleHex = grayscale.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
  const grayscaleColor = `#${grayscaleHex}${grayscaleHex}${grayscaleHex}`;

  // Parse the input color into RGB components
  const inputColorRgb = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(inputColor);
  const inputRed = parseInt(inputColorRgb[1], 16);
  const inputGreen = parseInt(inputColorRgb[2], 16);
  const inputBlue = parseInt(inputColorRgb[3], 16);

  // Blend the grayscale and input colors
  const blendedRed = Math.floor((grayscale + inputRed) / 2);
  const blendedGreen = Math.floor((grayscale + inputGreen) / 2);
  const blendedBlue = Math.floor((grayscale + inputBlue) / 2);

  // Convert the blended color to a hex string
  const blendedHex = blendedRed.toString(16).padStart(2, '0') +
                       blendedGreen.toString(16).padStart(2, '0') +
                       blendedBlue.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');

  return parseInt(blendedHex,16);
function getcolhex() {
 const hexColor = prompt("Enter a hexadecimal color (e.g., #FFFFFF):");

 // Convert hex to hex
 colh = hexColor
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY("█", tintStatic(colh), l, F)
    menu.addOption("Tinted Static", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('tinty')
setInterval(function(){if (!state.worldModel.pathname && !warned){alert('WARNING! IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE RATELIMITED, DO NOT SPAM USING THIS.'); warned = true}}, 1)
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY(String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(Math.random() * 65536)), Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215), l, F)
    menu.addOption("Unicode", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('the')
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY(chosenUnicode, 0, l, F)
    menu.addOption("Create Unicode Block", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        chosenUnicode = prompt("Insert a Unicode character. (Note: Only the first character will be used if it's a string.)")
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('the')
! function() {
    count = 0
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++) {
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY(chosenUnicode.charAt(count%chosenUnicode.length), 0, l, F)

                };  count++}
    menu.addOption("Create Unicode String Block", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        chosenUnicode = prompt("Insert a Unicode string.")
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('the')
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY(v.char, 0, l, F)
    menu.addOption("Remove Colors", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('wahhhh i hate color')
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY(v.char, Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215), l, F)
    menu.addOption("Add Colors", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('yayyy i love color !!!')
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY(v.char, generateRandomHexAndConvert(), l, F)
    menu.addOption("Add Static (Keeps Characters)", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('yayyy i love tatic !!!')
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY("█", v.color, l, F)
    menu.addOption("Add Blocks (Keeps Colors)", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('yayyy i love bolcks !!!')
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY(v.char, v.color+Math.floor(Math.random()*(intensity*3)-intensity*2), l, F)
    menu.addOption("Color Offset", () => {
        intensity = prompt('How intense do you want the offset to be?')
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('the')

! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY(v.char, 16777216, l, F)
    menu.addOption("hide (not delete) text", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('the')
(function(){OWOT.acceptOwnEdits=!0;var edits=[],putchar=(t,_,r,l)=>{edits.push([Math.floor(_/8),Math.floor(t/16),_-8*Math.floor(_/8),t-16*Math.floor(t/16),0,r,0,l]),edits.length>=512&&(network.write(edits),edits=[])},fill=(t,_,r,l,o,i)=>{for(var e=t;e<=r;e++)for(var f=_;f<=l;f++)edits.push([Math.floor(f/8),Math.floor(e/16),f-8*Math.floor(f/8),e-16*Math.floor(e/16),0,o,0,i]),edits.length>=512&&(network.write(edits),edits=[])},onsel=(t,_,r,l)=>{var o=16*t[0]+t[2],i=8*t[1]+t[3],e=16*_[0]+_[2],f=8*_[1]+_[3],h=YourWorld.Color;putchar(o-1,i-3,"╭",h),putchar(o-1,i-2,"│",h),putchar(o-1,i-1,"├",h),fill(o-1,i,o-1,f,"│",h),putchar(o-1,f+1,"╰",h),putchar(e+1,i-3,"╮",h),putchar(e+1,i-2,"│",h),putchar(e+1,i-1,"┤",h),fill(e+1,i,e+1,f,"│",h),putchar(e+1,f+1,"╯",h),fill(o,i-3,e,i-3,"─",h),fill(o,i-1,e,i-1,"─",h),fill(o,f+1,e,f+1,"─",h),putchar(e+2,i-2," ",h),putchar(o,f+2," ",h),putchar(e+2,f+2," ",h),fill(o+1,f+2,e+1,f+2," ",h),fill(e+2,i-1,e+2,f+1," ",h),network.write(edits),edits=[]};menu.addOption("Rounded (Win-11 Style) Window",()=>{var t=RegionSelection();t.init(),t.onselection(onsel),t.startSelection()});var a="+"+"-".repeat(40)+"+";console.log(a+'\n|Check the menu for the "Rounded Window" button|\n'+a);})();
(function(){OWOT.acceptOwnEdits=!0;var edits=[],putchar=(t,_,r,l)=>{edits.push([Math.floor(_/8),Math.floor(t/16),_-8*Math.floor(_/8),t-16*Math.floor(t/16),0,r,0,l]),edits.length>=512&&(network.write(edits),edits=[])},fill=(t,_,r,l,o,i)=>{for(var e=t;e<=r;e++)for(var f=_;f<=l;f++)edits.push([Math.floor(f/8),Math.floor(e/16),f-8*Math.floor(f/8),e-16*Math.floor(e/16),0,o,0,i]),edits.length>=512&&(network.write(edits),edits=[])},onsel=(t,_,r,l)=>{var o=16*t[0]+t[2],i=8*t[1]+t[3],e=16*_[0]+_[2],f=8*_[1]+_[3],h=YourWorld.Color;putchar(o-1,i-3,"┌",h),putchar(o-1,i-2,"│",h),putchar(o-1,i-1,"├",h),fill(o-1,i,o-1,f,"│",h),putchar(o-1,f+1,"└",h),putchar(e+1,i-3,"┐",h),putchar(e+1,i-2,"│",h),putchar(e+1,i-1,"┤",h),fill(e+1,i,e+1,f,"│",h),putchar(e+1,f+1,"┘",h),fill(o,i-3,e,i-3,"─",h),fill(o,i-1,e,i-1,"─",h),fill(o,f+1,e,f+1,"─",h),putchar(e+2,i-2," ",h),putchar(o,f+2," ",h),putchar(e+2,f+2," ",h),fill(o+1,f+2,e+1,f+2," ",h),fill(e+2,i-1,e+2,f+1," ",h),network.write(edits),edits=[]};menu.addOption("Sharp (Win-10 Style) Window",()=>{var t=RegionSelection();t.init(),t.onselection(onsel),t.startSelection()});var a="+"+"-".repeat(40)+"+";console.log(a+'\n|Check the menu for the "Sharp Window" button|\n'+a);})();
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                     Math.random() <= chance && 0 === && writeCharToXY("█", col, l, F)
    menu.addOption("Spray Paint Thing", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        chance = prompt('Give me a chance (0.5 being 50%)')
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('happy Jupiter 2.0!!!')
function charGet(the, j)
    if (Math.random() > j) {
        return " "
    } else {
        return the
! function() {
    var e = [..."the"],
        r = (r, t, o, n) => {
            for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                    var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                    0 === && writeCharToXY(charGet(v.char, j), 0, l, F)
    menu.addOption("Wipern't", () => {
        var e = RegionSelection();
        j = prompt('Give me a chance (0.5 being 50%)')
        e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection()
    }), console.log('the')
// New feature: Random Background Color
    function generateRandomColor() {
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215);
    !function() {
        var e = [..."the"],
            r = (r, t, o, n) => {
                for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                    for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                        var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                        0 === && writeCharToXY("█", generateRandomColor(), l, F);
        menu.addOption("Random Background Color", () => {
            var e = RegionSelection();
            e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection();
        }), console.log('Random Background Color feature added');

    // New feature: Rainbow Effect
    function generateRainbowColor(pos, total) {
        const hue = (pos / total) * 360;
        return parseInt(`hsl(${hue}, 100%, 50%)`, 16);

    !function() {
        var e = [..."the"],
            r = (r, t, o, n) => {
                const total = t[1] - r[1] + 1;
                for (var $ = 16 * r[0] + r[2], a = 8 * r[1] + r[3], i = 16 * t[0] + t[2], c = 8 * t[1] + t[3], l = $; l <= i; l++)
                    for (var F = a; F <= c; F++) {
                        const pos = l - $ + (F - a) * (i - $ + 1);
                        const color = generateRainbowColor(pos, total * (c - a + 1));
                        var v = getCharInfoXY(l, F);
                        0 === && writeCharToXY("█", color, l, F);
        menu.addOption("Rainbow Effect", () => {
            var e = RegionSelection();
            e.init(), e.onselection(r), e.startSelection();
        }), console.log('Rainbow Effect feature added');
// Create the button element
const splitButton = document.createElement('button');
splitButton.textContent = 'Split and Send'; = 'chatsendsplit'; // Assign a unique ID for later reference

// Position the button next to the existing chatsend button
const chatSendButton = document.querySelector('#chatsend');
chatSendButton.parentNode.insertBefore(splitButton, chatSendButton.nextSibling);

// Add event listener for the button click
splitButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
 const chatMessage = document.querySelector('#chatbar').value;

 // Split the message into 400-character chunks
 const messageChunks = [];
 let chunk = '';
 for (let i = 0; i < chatMessage.length; i++) {
   chunk += chatMessage[i];
   if (chunk.length === 400) {
     chunk = '';
 if (chunk) {
   messageChunks.push(chunk); // Add the remaining chunk if any

 // Send the chunks with a 1-second delay between each
 messageChunks.forEach((chunk, index) => {
   setTimeout(() => {
   }, index * 1000);

 // Clear the chat input
 document.querySelector('#chatbar').value = '';
w.setFlushInterval(1) // faster