You're uploader, or perhaps even artist? You're tired of reformatting image descriptions from scratch every time you upload stuff here? Well, no more! With this userscript, now you can just copy-paste from any webpage, and all formatting will stay, even links and images. Deviantart, pixiv, derpibooru, fimfiction, forums - just any site. You can use this script in derpibooru image descriptions, image comments, forum topics and posts.
Tested on Firefox, Opera and Chrome. Theoretically, script can work with other browsers too.
How to install script
1) Install greasemonkey/scriptish/tampermonkey/violentmonkey
For Firefox users, go to
And install greasemonkey.
For Chrome users, go to
And install tampermonkey.
For Opera users, go to
And install Violent monkey.
For other browsers exists similar plugins/extensions.
2) Go to
and click “Install” button. Confirm installation when prompt pop out.
That's all! Script is installed.
Using this script is very simple:
1. Copy any formatted text from any site (or text editor (see below)):

2. Check the "Clipformat" checkbox in text area in derpibooru:

3. Paste the text:

4. That's all! Checkbox will automatically uncheck and text will be formatted:

If you don't want automatical uncheck, just double click on checkbox, and it will switch on "fixed" mode.
Firefox can only save formatting in text, copied from Firefox or any Gecko-based program.
Opera and Chrome can save formatting in text, copied from any browser, CHM, Microsoft Word 2007+, Open Office, and possibly others. Pure-RTF programs, such as WordPad, or non-HTML, such as Adobe Reader, aren't supported.
This script isn't complete, and can malfunction in some cases (Red "Error" near checkbox), or can generate textile that needs manual cleaning. Please report any errors in derpibooru forum topic.
Script icon is I Came to Write Fanfics by TryHardBrony
Used jQuery, jquery.selection by Koji Iwasaki and htmlparser by John Resig.
Script by me.
You can discuss about this script here.
Sorry for my bad English.