- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Stream recorder for adult cam sites that do not support HLS
- // @namespace Everywhere
- // @version 1.0.2
- // @description Stream recorder for adult cam sites that do not support HLS/m3u8
- // @author Ladroop
- // @license MIT
- // @copyright 2024 Ladroop
- // @match https://www.livejasmin.com/*
- // @match https://www.xcams.com/*
- // @match https://www.secretfriends.com/*
- // @match https://cherry.tv/*
- // @match https://www.manyvids.com/*
- // @match https://www.soulcams.com/profile/*
- // @match https://cameraprive.com/*
- // @noframes
- // @run-at document-end
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- // based on the code of baptx
- // https://gist.github.com/baptx/8a1549d91996a37378faca159b3adc17?permalink_comment_id=4975895#file-webrtc_video_blob_record-js
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- var recbutton='<svg fill="#000000" version="1.1" id="recbutton" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="50px" height="50px" viewBox="0 0 45.187 45.188" xml:space="preserve" style="cursor:pointer">'+
- '<g><g>'+
- '<path d="M0,18.961h4.842V6.052c0-0.446,0.362-0.807,0.807-0.807H18.56V0.404H5.649C2.535,0.404,0,2.939,0,6.053V18.961z"/>'+
- '<path d="M39.539,0.403h-12.91v4.841h12.91c0.445,0,0.807,0.362,0.807,0.807v12.91h4.842V6.052 C45.189,2.938,42.654,0.403,39.539,0.403z"/>'+
- '<path d="M4.842,39.136V26.225H0v12.911c0,3.113,2.535,5.648,5.649,5.648H18.56v-4.842H5.649 C5.204,39.942,4.842,39.58,4.842,39.136z"/>'+
- '<path d="M40.346,39.136c0,0.446-0.362,0.807-0.807,0.807H26.628v4.842h12.91c3.115,0,5.648-2.536,5.648-5.65V26.225h-4.842 L40.346,39.136L40.346,39.136z"/>'+
- '<circle fill="#FF0000" cx="22.594" cy="22.594" r="6.455"/>'+
- '</g></g></svg>';
- var stopbutton='<svg fill="#000000" version="1.1" id="stopbutton" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="50px" height="50px" viewBox="0 0 152.013 152.013" xml:space="preserve" style="cursor:pointer">'+
- '<g><g>'+
- '<path d="M0,20.358v43.429h16.288V20.358c0-1.5,1.22-2.715,2.716-2.715h43.432V1.355H19C8.523,1.358,0,9.881,0,20.358z"/>'+
- '<path d="M133.013,1.358H89.578v16.288h43.435c1.495,0,2.71,1.22,2.71,2.715v43.429h16.29V20.358 C152.013,9.881,143.491,1.358,133.013,1.358z"/>'+
- '<path d="M16.288,131.657V88.224H0v43.434c0,10.472,8.526,19,19.003,19h43.432v-16.286H19 C17.504,134.371,16.288,133.156,16.288,131.657z"/>'+
- '<path d="M135.723,131.657c0,1.499-1.218,2.711-2.71,2.711H89.578v16.289h43.435c10.479,0,19-8.531,19-19.007V88.224h-16.29 V131.657z"/>'+
- '</g></g></svg>';
- var status="stop";
- var count=0;
- var exclude=false;
- var recName="";
- var location=document.location.href;
- var observer= new MutationObserver(pagechange);
- var observerConfig = {subtree: true, characterData: true, childList: true };
- var site=location.split("/")[2].split(".");
- site=site[site.length-2];
- var mediaRecorder;
- var recordedBlobs;
- var stream;
- var video;
- var vidObj=0;
- var mozAudioBug=false;
- startup();
- // if site is not here it will set name to "sitename-video" , use video element 0 and run on all pages where this element is found.
- // mozAudioBug is set when original sound mutes(mozilla bug)
- function getrecname(){
- var name="video";
- exclude=false;
- if (site=="livejasmin"){if (location.indexOf("chat")==-1){exclude=true;}name=location.split("/")[location.split("/").length-1];vidObj=1;mozAudioBug=true;}
- if (site=="cherry"){name=location.split("/")[3];}
- if (site=="secretfriends"){name=location.split("/")[4].split("?")[0];}
- if (site=="xcams"){name=location.split("/")[5];}
- if (site=="manyvids"){if (location.split("/")[4]!="cam"){exclude=true;}name=location.split("/")[5];}
- if (site=="soulcams"){name=location.split("/")[4];mozAudioBug=true;}
- if (site=="cameraprive"){name=location.split("/")[5];}
- recName=site+"-"+name;
- }
- function pagechange(){
- if (location != document.location.href){
- location = document.location.href;
- if (status=="rec"){stoprecord();}
- document.getElementById("popitup1").style.display="none";
- setTimeout(findvideo,8000);
- }
- }
- function startup(){
- observer.observe(document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],observerConfig);
- setTimeout(findvideo,8000);
- makepopitup();
- }
- function findvideo(){
- getrecname();
- if (exclude){return;}
- if (document.getElementsByTagName("video").length > vidObj){
- video=document.getElementsByTagName("video")[vidObj];
- document.getElementById("popitup1").style.display="block";
- getStream();
- }
- }
- function getStream(){
- stream = video.captureStream ? video.captureStream() : video.mozCaptureStream();
- if (!video.captureStream) {
- if (mozAudioBug){
- var ctx = new AudioContext();
- var dest = ctx.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
- dest.connect(ctx.destination);
- }
- }
- }
- function startDownload() {
- var blob = new Blob(recordedBlobs, {type: 'video/webm codecs="vp8" opus'});
- var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
- var a = document.createElement('a');
- a.style.display = 'none';
- a.href = url;
- a.download = recName+'.webm';
- document.body.appendChild(a);
- a.click();
- setTimeout(function(){
- document.body.removeChild(a);
- window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
- recordedBlobs = [];
- }, 100);
- }
- function handleDataAvailable(event) {
- msg("Recording "+count);
- count++;
- if (event.data && event.data.size > 0) {
- recordedBlobs.push(event.data);
- }
- }
- function startRecording() {
- count=0;
- recordedBlobs = [];
- try {
- mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log(e);
- msg("Not supported");
- status="stop";
- setTimeout(function(){msg("Stopped");},3000);
- return;
- }
- mediaRecorder.onstop = mediaRecorderStopped;
- mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = handleDataAvailable;
- try {
- mediaRecorder.start(1000);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log(e);
- msg("Error");
- status="stop";
- setTimeout(function(){msg("Stopped");},3000);
- return;
- }
- }
- function mediaRecorderStopped(){
- msg("Stopped");
- status="stop";
- startDownload();
- }
- function stopRecording() {
- msg("Stopped");
- mediaRecorder.stop();
- }
- function msg(message){
- document.getElementById("message123").innerHTML=message;
- }
- function stoprecord(){
- if (status=="stop"){return;}
- status="stop";
- stopRecording();
- }
- function startrecord(){
- if (status!="stop"){return;}
- status="rec";
- startRecording();
- }
- function makepopitup(){
- var popstyle="color:black;z-index:100000;top:100px;left:10px;box-shadow:0px 0px 32px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.32);border-radius:4px;border:1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221);background-color:rgb(200, 200, 200);position:fixed; display:none; height: auto; width:auto; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;";
- var newelem=document.createElement('span');
- newelem.setAttribute("style", popstyle);
- newelem.id="popitup1";
- var newdiv=document.createElement('div');
- newdiv.style.width="100%";
- newdiv.innerHTML=recbutton+"        "+stopbutton;
- newelem.appendChild(newdiv);
- newdiv=document.createElement('div');
- newdiv.style.width="100%";
- newdiv.style.height="25px";
- newdiv.style.padding="3px 3px 3px 3px";
- newdiv.style.color="black";
- newdiv.id="message123";
- newdiv.innerHTML="Stopped";
- newdiv.style.cursor="move";
- newdiv.addEventListener("mousedown",dragMouseDown);
- newelem.appendChild(newdiv);
- document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(newelem);
- document.getElementById("recbutton").addEventListener("click",startrecord);
- document.getElementById("stopbutton").addEventListener("click",stoprecord);
- }
- var pos1=0;
- var pos2=0;
- var pos3=0;
- var pos4=0;
- function dragMouseDown(e) {
- e = e || window.event;
- e.preventDefault();
- pos3 = e.clientX;
- pos4 = e.clientY;
- document.onmouseup = closeDragElement;
- document.onmousemove = elementDrag;
- }
- function elementDrag(e) {
- e = e || window.event;
- e.preventDefault();
- pos1 = pos3 - e.clientX;
- pos2 = pos4 - e.clientY;
- pos3 = e.clientX;
- pos4 = e.clientY;
- var x =parseInt(document.getElementById("popitup1").style.left);
- var y =parseInt(document.getElementById("popitup1").style.top);
- if ((pos3>=110)&&(pos3<=window.innerWidth-150)){
- document.getElementById("popitup1").style.left = (x - pos1) + "px";
- }
- if ((y-pos2>-50)&&(pos4<=window.innerHeight-20)){
- document.getElementById("popitup1").style.top = (y - pos2) + "px";
- }
- }
- function closeDragElement() {
- document.onmouseup = null;
- document.onmousemove = null;
- }
- })();