r34.app premium JS - Enable "premium" features on r34.app
Kemono/Coomer Grid Gallery Layout JS - Add a responsive grid gallery layout for the kemono.su/coomer.su thumbnails, using the first attachment image file as the cover
Автоподгрузка страниц e-hentai.org JS - Включает автозагрузку всех картинок на страницу тестировал только у себя если что не так пишите
Kemono FIX+Download JS - Embeds a "Download" button before each file element and starts downloading and saving it to your computer, can use constant to change replace kemono image server if standart not work.
JAV Manager JS - 一键整合和过滤多Jav网站的观影记录与偏好,屏蔽你不想看的,高亮你喜欢的演员,让你在最短时间内找到真正想看的内容
Eza's Image Glutton JS - Redirects to high-res images on gallery sites, skipping past descriptions and comments
ExHentai.org自动登录 JS - 看本子更简单一点。
JavBus会员视频免费播放 JS - 免费播放JavBus收费视频,并且去除了悬浮广告
Kira's Add-To-Favorites Hotkey For Rule34.xxx JS - Press R to Add to favorites int Rule34.xxx
91porn 解锁VIP观看高清下载搜索等限制,去除广告.正则版通杀所有 for openuserjs JS - https://github.com/91p2022/91 解锁91pornVIP观看下载搜索限制(需登录任意账号),去除广告,付费视频等,警告:本脚本无任何盈利方式,触犯某收费且含有监控追踪代码脚本,疯狂举报且用且珍惜,请保护好个人财产和隐私.
E-Hentai图片尺寸自适应 JS - 为PC端浏览器访问E-Hentai提供更好的图片自适应策略
Kemono/Coomer-VideoPlayer JS - A simple tampermonkey script allows you can watch the videos of post links in Kemono or Coomer.
Redgifs++ JS - Automatically sets Redgifs to HD and unmutes when viewed directly or on Reddit. Inspired by "betterRedgifs" by u/MatthieuG7.
98搜索增强 JS - 在搜索页进行搜索结果过滤、自动翻页、帖子预览,划词搜索
Kemono助手 JS - 提供更好的Kemono使用体验
載入kemono.party與coomer.party原始圖檔 JS - 這個腳本將原始圖檔自動載入,取代你一張一張的用手點。
MissAV 迷你加強包 JS - 防止 MissAV 自動暫停、禁用彈出廣告,並將 missav.com 重新導向到 missav.ws
Continue playing MISSAV JS - Prevents the video from stopping when clicking off-screen.
Kemono Browser JS - Adds a button at the bottom right of all kemono, coomer & nekohouse supported creator websites that redirects to the corresponding page.
MagicPH JS - A video downloader for various adult websites.
XVideos Improved JS - Infinite scroll. Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
NHentai Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by include/exclude phrases and languages. Search similar button
色花堂 98堂 强化脚本 JS - 加强论坛功能
琉神转-改 JS - 老司机工具箱,支持琉璃神社、灵梦御所、纯爱计划、绅士二次元、萌心次元、次元轨迹、ACG调查小队、幻天领域、天使二次元、樱花漫舍、风铃窝、次元の圣光、爱弹幕、幻想次元、司机会所、里番萌、最ACG、绅士仓库、绅士图书馆、ACG和谐区/里世界、寂月神社、萌幻之乡、绅士之庭、萌口组、九妖萌、CE家族社、喵窝、次元老司机、绅士ACG社等,神秘代码转换成下载链接,网盘自动填写提取密码,F8、Shift+F8站点切换,Alt+F8列表浏览,左右方向键文章跳转,Ctrl+左右快捷翻页,Ctrl+上下跳入跳出,下载链接嗅探,绕过重定向跳转,各种和谐补丁
国区Steam显示成人内容选项 JS - 自动去除account_setting_not_customer_facing这一class使得成人内容选项可以展示,并添加描述内容
JavLibrary净化增强 JS - 去除JavLibrary广告、拦截弹窗、修复布局、支持PC端|移动端
XHamster Mobile Tweaks JS - Remove promo messages, allow links to open in the same window, remove unwanted elements
汤头条 JS - 🔥不限次看所有可预览付费视频,下载视频(日限),复制播放链接,屏蔽广告
XVIDEOS Customised Features JS - Adds some features: is video on favorites, download button, video player in thumbnail...
blogjav.net老司机步兵辅助 JS - blogjav.net网站重新排版,浏览图片下载内容更方便,是时候和封面杀手说88了。
草榴小助手 JS - 提供“加亮今日帖子”、“移除viidii跳转”、“图片自动缩放”、“种子链接转磁力链”、“预览整页图片”、“游客站内搜索”、“返回顶部”等功能!
XVideos Download Link Extractor JS - Add high resolution download link on the right of the screen. Use save as... to download the video you need.
Jav小司机 JS - Jav小司机。简单轻量速度快!
解决草榴社区(1024) 拦截去广告插件的问题 JS - 草榴社区新增对去广告插件的恶意管控。只要安装去广告插件访问草榴就会在页面显示【去广告插件屏蔽, 请等待60秒, 或将其关闭即刻恢复浏览。】【网页元素被去广告插件破坏,无法显示内容。】。其实这是草榴自己干的,故意隐藏了网页的内容。引导用户关闭去广告插件,换取广告收入。这个插件可以去掉这个管控
HentaiVerse汉化 JS - 基本完全汉化整个Hentaiverse文本,包括装备物品、界面说明和弹窗提示的汉化,带原文切换功能
Ad blocker Adult sites 18+ JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying 18+
草榴社区一夜精品磁力搜索 JS - 在skrbt网站中搜索资源,复制磁力哈希下载资源,而不是使用那些什么垃圾网盘,大多数资源都能在skrbt网站搜索到。
91porn视频直链获取,一键下载 JS - 在91视频播放的下方添加m3u8下载直链
OneJAVOneWeb(Revise) JS - 老司机开车带你飞,一个插件畅览几大JAV网站,感谢匿名老司机,此脚本为匿名老司机创作,版权属原作者所有,我只是修改了一些不能用的网址和加了免梯子网址自用,如有兴趣者可自行下载。
老司机(琉璃神社) JS - 琉璃神社、灵梦御所链接识别!!! Aria2,qBittorrent服务的地址需要根据实际情况在代码中修改。灵梦御所中的秒传链接可以与【huaxue】的【百度网盘秒传链接提取(最新可维护版本)】脚本配合使用。警告⚠️⚠️:在琉璃神社中AdGuard会屏蔽掉该效果,需要禁用AdGuard。
jav视频预览 JS - 在网页嵌入一个预览视频页面,无需翻墙
灵梦御所隐藏默认打开 JS - 优化事件钩子
Rule34.xxx Viewer JS - Image viewer with keyboard navigation for rule34.xxx content.
91-plus JS - 多线程下载91porn视频,跳过广告,清除页面广告。
Kemono 下载工具 JS - 仅支持Files内图片下载
nhentai-infinite-scroll JS - nhentai infinite scroll.
98浏览增强 JS - 98浏览增强,支持多选帖子一键复制链接&下载附件,帖子列表增加图片
SpankBang.com Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
Jellyfin番号过滤 JS - 标记所有番号,并添加跳转链接。支持jellyfin、emby、115、手动输入的番号查重。
FetLife ASL Search (Extened Edition) JS - Allows you to search for FetLife profiles based on age, sex, location, and role.
Chaturbate reloaded JS - Ladroop is back
自动关闭MissAv的广告 JS - 自动关闭MissAv.com几乎所有的广告
OnlyFans to Coomer with Video Filter JS - Redirects from OnlyFans to Coomer and filters posts without videos.
91标题+url修复 JS - 91porn最近不知道为什么很多视频的链接都经过md5加密了,因此不能直接右击-后台标签页打开,这非常不便于快速浏览视频,并且视频播放页或许是为了反爬,页面title不显示视频的标题了。这个插件就是为了修复这两个问题而诞生的。
JavBus Javdb library trailer JS - JavBus/Javdb/library/javbooks/avmoo/avsox/sehuatang/msin图书馆预告片花Direct,番号页标题下直接显示,默认静音播放/新增视频长缩略图/emby跳转
542372.com免费看 JS - try to take over the world!
98定位资源位置 JS - 在页面上添加一个按钮,点击后连续滚动到定位资源位置
E-hentai & exhentai Japanese title JS - Make main listing to show japanese title if avaliable
AutoPager for E-Hentai JS - Provides an AutoPager-like function for g.E-Hentai.org.
Gelbooru Endless Scroll JS - Adds endless scroll function to various boorus
Sankaku Channel Fast Pagination JS - Disable the thumbnail loading delay on scroll
老司机传说 JS - 支持琉璃神社、灵梦御所、纯爱计划、聖霊神域、绅士二次元、天使二次元、MyGalgame,全自动。自动展开神社隐藏的链接、自动开启御所老司机模式、自动转换神社神秘代码、自动填写御所、纯爱计划、MyGalgame打开的百度网盘提取码、为聖霊神域添加免金币快捷通道、绅士二次元免解密、MyGalgame免跳转。新的一年一起飙车吧;)
javbus.waterfall JS - Infinite scroll @ javbus.com
javlibrary.com 优化脚本 JS - javlibrary.com网站优化脚本,浏览图片内容更方便,你懂的
Endless E-hentai Pages JS - View e-hentai searches, thumbnails, and images on a single endless page.
222号巴士通票 JS - 巴士通票,一票在手,天下我有。无论是VIP限制,还是两个小时限制,统统无视。
EHentai Auto Loader JS - Help you read comics smoothly with auto loading more pages
91无限次观看脚本 JS - 这个脚本的生命已经结束了,请前往https://nrop19.com继续免费观看91视频
Harem Heroes++ modified by 1121 JS - Adding things here and there in Harem Heroes game.
Harem Heroes++ modified by 1121 JS - Adding things here and there in Harem Heroes game.
JAV快捷跳转 JS - 为部分JAV站点添加跳转功能,更方便地评分与搜索影片。
Infinite Scroll JS - Infinite scrolling for March 2019 layout redesign.
[Neko0] Iwara functional enhancements JS - Provide the function of "one-click copy name and like+follow+download" and the function of "copy name only" separately, which makes it convenient to save your favorite videos to your local device, so that you can still access them even if the author deletes their account. Automatically load the highest resolution video source. Detect resolution and frame rate, and low-quality videos will be marked with a red warning. Automatically click the "R18 warning button", eliminating the need to manually
e-hentai to nhentai JS - A button in e-hentai, for search Gallery in nhentai
Javlibrary - 首页一站式影片预览 JS - 不需要跳转,在 Javlibrary 首页就能直接预览影片。会缓存影片相关信息,下次可直接使用。可搜索番号或前缀。支持轻量的 torrentkitty 磁力搜索展示。
在灵梦御所显示下载链接 JS - 在灵梦御所显示使用pre标签包裹的下载链接
一键批量加载页面[EX绅士][exhentai] JS - 一键批量加载所有后续页面内容
HH Unlock Images JS - This script unlocks images of both recruited girls and non-recruited girls.
E-Hentai Infinite Scroll JS - Auto load next image. Free your hand from keyboard/mouse.
ViewOnYP JS - Links various membership platforms to Kemono and Coomer.
ExResurrect JS - Resurrect E/Ex gallery listings
Annoying Ad blocker 18+ JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying 18+
eh漫画语言快捷按钮 JS - 快速跳转到其他漫画语言版本
Iwara Enhancement JS - Please refer to the script's homepage for more information.
成为绅士会所的绒布球 JS - 懂的都懂,圈内熟人太多,匿了匿了.jpg
Nhentai scroll JS - scroll to read picture in nhentai
Eza's Gallery Swallower JS - Turn a page of thumbnails into high-res images
iwara download JS - Download videos from iwara.tv. NOTE: may need grant download privilege to browser extension like tampermonkey.
RandomSexyPicParser JS - Random Sexy Pictures Parser
Pornhub 广告移除(图片广告及视频广告) JS - 通过 JavaScript 移除Pornhub 上的视频广告和图片广告,保持界面清爽干净无打扰!
NHentai Konnichiwa JS - A simple usercript for downloading doujinshi from NHentai and mirrors
Cunt Empire Cheat JS - Enables the cheat menu - open it by pressing "c"
Get Booru Tags (Edited) JS - Press the [`] tilde key under ESC to open a prompt with all tags
91porn视频显示完整标题 JS - (🤩最近更新,添加视频按热度、收藏数、留言数排序功能🤩)显示完整标题, 去除广告, 精简部分冗余内容, 点击视频从新标签页打开
快猫视频免费看 JS - 针对快猫视频的优化脚本,此脚本可以让用户观看VIP视频
Chicken Mod v1.15 JS - very much so dumb
coomer-optimizer JS - Improves coomer.party
在kemono.party和coomer.party中使用滾輪翻頁 JS - 當你將滾輪滾動至頁面頂部或底部時觸發翻頁。
FilterLife - Fetlife Member Filter JS - Filter member lists on FL to your liking