Kemer 下載器 JS - 一鍵下載圖片 (壓縮下載/單圖下載) , 頁面數據創建 json 下載 , 一鍵開啟當前所有帖子
Onlyfans "leak" finder JS - Checks some sites for OF "leaks"
coomer-optimizer JS - Improves coomer.party
Kemer 增強 JS - 美化介面和重新排版,包括移除廣告和多餘的橫幅,修正繪師名稱和編輯相關的資訊保存,自動載入原始圖像,菜單設置圖像大小間距,快捷鍵觸發自動滾動,解析文本中的連結並轉換為可點擊的連結,快速的頁面切換和跳轉功能,並重新定向到新分頁
Filter Videos JS - 6/21/2023, 11:18:54 PM
Coomer Video Filter JS - Filters posts without videos on Coomer
Kemono Party Blacklist JS - Blacklists posts by Creator ID
Kemono/Coomer-VideoPlayer JS - 在Kemono或Coomer的post链接下添加video.js视频播放器。
Better Kemono Galleries JS - Load original resolution, toggle fitted zoom views, remove photos. Use a plug-in for batch download, can't do cross-origin image downloads with JS alone.
最愛「新作品」更新 JS - 為何要一個一個點擊進入追蹤的作者頁面才能看到最新的更新?讓這個腳本為你代勞。支援Kemono/Coomer。
Kemono.su y Coomer.su Image Downloader JS - Añade botones para descargar todas las imágenes o todos los posts de kemono.su y coomer.su, con soporte multilenguaje, selección de carpeta de descarga, y opción para copiar URLs al portapapeles
OnlyFans to Coomer with Video Filter JS - Redirects from OnlyFans to Coomer and filters posts without videos.
Kemono/Coomer Grid Gallery Layout JS - Add a responsive grid gallery layout for the kemono.su/coomer.su thumbnails, using the first attachment image file as the cover
Kemono FIX+Download JS - Embeds a "Download" button before each file element and starts downloading and saving it to your computer, can use constant to change replace kemono image server if standart not work.
Kemono Party Blacklist with Reasons JS - Blacklists posts by Creator ID with reasons, featuring "Blacklist All Users", "Blacklist", and "Unblacklist" (with reasons and multiple delete)
Coomer Card Resize JS - Resize card list and add margin