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Writing the dissertation is one of the crucial moments in the life of a university student. Even our students of the Niccolò Cusano di Brescia online university know this well and we want to remove any doubts by answering one of the most frequently asked questions that all undergraduates ask themselves, that is, how do you start a degree thesis? The answer is simple. Most of us would say from the introduction. It is certainly true, but we know everybody how to write an introduction for the thesis correctly?
In our guide, we will see some useful tips to follow to correctly write the introduction of the degree thesis and we will also find out what is the right time to write it.

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Thesis: what is it?
Before seeing how to write a premise for the thesis, we want to provide you with a brief explanation of what the thesis is.
The degree thesis is a document that the university student draws up at the end of his university career, agreeing on the topic and type with the teacher chosen as supervisor. At the end of its writing, the student discusses the thesis in front of a Commission, and only at the end of the discussion will he be proclaimed a graduate.
There are two types of degree thesis: the compilation thesis and the experimental thesis.
The compilation (or curricular) thesis is a re-elaboration by the student of a collection of sources and texts concerning a specific topic. The student creates a summary of the studies and readings carried out and presents them to the commission.
On the other hand, the experimental or research thesis is an intense research work on the chosen topic and aims to present its research to demonstrate innovative and original aspects concerning the topic.
Like any document, the degree thesis must also follow a rigid structure. Let's see what are the parts of a thesis :
Body of the text
Bibliography and webgraphy
Let's now pass to the fulcrum of our guide, or how to start a thesis, that is, how to write the introduction of the compilation or experimental thesis.
Practical tips for writing a correct introduction
Now that we know what the elements that make up the introduction of a degree thesis are, let's see some practical advice for writing a correct introduction.
Let's start with the length of the thesis, which is one of the most frequently asked questions students ask themselves. If you are wondering how long the introduction of the thesis must be, know that there are no precise rules. Usually, two pages are the ideal length.
Don't go too far in providing too much in-depth information. It is important to write only what will help to introduce the topic of the thesis comprehensively.
Try to be succinct, but clear. Your purpose is to interest and engage, making it clear what you will be talking about in your work.
Highlight, especially in the final part of the introduction of the thesis, the strengths of your work and the results you have achieved with your research.
Avoid using big words and unnecessary turns of phrase, the introduction must entice you to read.
Clarity, synthesis, and ability to involve and interest: remember these concepts because they will also be useful in the discussion phase of the thesis in front of the graduation commission.
When to write the premise of a thesis?
Now that you know how to write a premise for a thesis, have you also understood what is the right time to write it? The premise of a thesis is written at the end! Yes, you got it right. Once the work is completed, you can write the introduction.
We give you this suggestion because, only at the end of the work, you will have really clear ideas about what you have explained in your document, the salient points you have faced, and the conclusions you have reached.
Only at the end will you have all the useful information to write a successful thesis premise that will be appreciated by the entire degree commission.
Thesis premise: final considerations
Do you finally have clearer ideas on what a thesis is, how to write the premise and why it is so important?
Were we able to help you? If so, you are ready to start writing a successful thesis.
If you want to know more about the thesis, read also our in-depth study on how to write the summary of a thesis.
If, on the other hand, the discussion of the thesis is still a distant goal and you are starting to choose your course of study, discover all the degree courses offered by the Unicusano Online University.

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