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e-hentai preload next page

preload and cache next page image for faster loading

Tässä ovat skriptin kaikki versiot. Näytä vain versiot, joissa koodi muuttui.

  • v0.1.3 30.6.2024
    • removed 'all rights reserved' as its uses gm_fetch library from trim21
    • no source code changes
  • v0.1.3 30.6.2024
    • sync saved cache after fetching all images on a new page
    • added caching image while the user is idling, with seperate max image limit
    • general code improvements
  • v0.1.2 29.6.2024
    • fixed several storage bugs, notable ones include:
      • clearing saved cache not working properly
      • getting the cache returns undefined
      • unneccessary image re-downloading when saved cache limit is set lower than max image cache limit
      • saved cached images sometime get randomly deleted
    • fixed incorrect @connect domain syntax for tampermonkey
    • made version code dynamically updated using GM_info
    • removed GM_listValues dependency
    • other than that, nothing major feature-wise, just general code improvement and other fixes
  • v0.1.1 29.6.2024
    • hotfix of previous still-error hotfix >-<"
  • v0.1.1 29.6.2024
    • hotfix: fixed getPersistentCache reference error
  • v0.1.1 29.6.2024
    • fixed wrong version on the settings popup
    • fixed saved cache limit doesn't work
  • v0.1.0 28.6.2024
    • minor UI changes, and cache indicator on top of the image:
      • cache indicator shows when the userscript is caching the image, or the image is cached. you can see this on top right, above the hentai page
      • settings UI now can be toggled by a button on top left, above the hentai page
    • rehaul the caching system by fetching the images directly instead relying on the browser's . this improves image caching A LOT by forcing it to download images, compared to previous solution, using the browser's caching, which is unreliable because they may be cleared automatically by the browser, and/or fail to load
      • also made possible using GM_fetch by trim21 on github. thanks for your hard work!
    • users can now save their cache into their userscript storage! this is called "saved cache" or "persistent cache". next time the user loads the same hentai pages, the userscript will load the previous saved cache, making it faster!
      • but be careful, as going too overbroad can take up lots of storage space! (i know this well from experience :P)

    oh well, it was a big update to work on (and a lot of materials to work with~)

    i hope you guys enjoy!

  • v0.0.3 29.1.2024
    • modified greasyfork description and userscript description, trying to differentiate "downloading" and "preloading"
    • added owowed sign-off
  • v0.0.2 28.1.2024
    • changed the preload image execution by observing changes in the page image, and then checks for the current page number, instead of listening for event from the "next" anchor element. this method is far more efficient than the previous one
    • rewrote the code by staying away from bad function recursion code, and directly mutate variables instead
    • improved greasyfork description
    • minor modification to the userscript metadata, specifically consistent spacing and changing "namespace" value
  • v0.0.1 28.1.2024