//added crd.ht to redirect hosts
// ==UserScript==
// @name Mental's Host Checker for planetsuzy.org
// @version 70.91
// @namespace mental
// @description Marks allowed & banned image & file hosts on planetsuzy.org
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)
// @include http://planetsuzy.org/*
// @include http://*.planetsuzy.org/*
// @grant none
// @icon http://sharenxs.com/photos/2013/10/10/52563781d358c/nxs-psl.jpg
// @homepage http://www.mentalps.5gbfree.com
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
if (window.self !== window.top) { return; } // end execution if in a frame
// List Of Allowed Image Hosts & Links
var imgHosts = [
// List Of Allowed File Hosts
var fileHosts = [
// redirect image hosts
var redirect_hosts = [
// List Of Mirror File Hosts
var mirHosts = [
var Allowed = new RegExp (imgHosts.join('|').replace(/[*.]/g,'\\$&'), 'i');
var AllowedFile = new RegExp (fileHosts.join('|').replace(/[*.]/g,'\\$&'), 'i');
var hostredirect = new RegExp (redirect_hosts.join('|').replace(/[*.]/g,'\\$&'), 'i');
var hostmirror = new RegExp (mirHosts.join('|').replace(/[*.]/g,'\\$&'), 'i');
// set image border size, type, & color here
var allowedImgStyle = 'border: 5px solid #008000;';
var bannedImgStyle = 'border: 4px solid #FF0000;';
// set file border, background, size, type & color here
var allowedUrlStyle = 'border: 3px solid #008000;';
var bannedUrlStyle = 'border: 3px solid #FF0000;';
var redirectStyle = 'background-color: #FF0000; border: 3px solid #FF0000;';
var mirrorStyle = 'background-color: #DEB887; border: 3px solid #008000;';
var imgArray =[];
var hostArray = [];
var pat = /([^./]+\.[^./]+)|(\*+)(?=\/)/;
var local = location.hostname;
var localb = "ps.fscache.com";
// check all the images in the Post (not including the signature)
var img = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="post_message"] img');
for (var i = 0, len = img.length; i < len; i++) {
var dom = img[i].src.match(pat)[0];
if (local.indexOf(dom) !== -1) { continue; } // disregards links/Images from local domain
if (localb.indexOf(dom) !== -1) { continue; } // disregards ps.fscache.com
imgArray[dom] = 1; // cache for notice display
img[i].setAttribute('title', img[i].src); // set the src to title for mouse-over display
// set a style for allowed/unallowed Image hosts
if (Allowed.test(img[i].src)<=0) {
img[i].setAttribute('style', bannedImgStyle); //images not on the allowed list will get a red border
else if (Allowed.test(img[i].src)) {
img[i].setAttribute('style', allowedImgStyle); //images on the allowed list will get a green border
//Mark url links
var urls = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="post_message"] a');
for (var i = 0, len = urls.length; i < len; i++) {
var dom = urls[i].href.match(pat)[0];
if (local.indexOf(dom) !== -1) { continue; } // disregards links/Images from local domain
hostArray[dom] = 1; // cache for notice display
if (AllowedFile.test(urls[i].href)<=0) {
urls[i].setAttribute('style', bannedUrlStyle); // puts a red box around links on banned hosts
if (AllowedFile.test(urls[i].href)) {
urls[i].setAttribute('style', allowedUrlStyle); // puts a green box around links on allowed hosts
if (Allowed.test(urls[i].href)) {
urls[i].setAttribute('style', allowedUrlStyle); // puts a green underline on pics on allowed hosts
if (hostmirror.test(urls[i].href)) {
urls[i].setAttribute('style', mirrorStyle); // puts a shaded background on hosts that require mirror links
//check for redirected images
var urls = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="post_message"] a');
for (var i = 0, len = urls.length; i < len; i++) {
if (hostredirect.test(urls[i].href)) {
urls[i].setAttribute('style', redirectStyle); // puts red underline under images redirecting to a banned image host
// mark URLs inside CODE tags
var pre = document.getElementsByTagName('pre');
if (pre[0]) {
for (var i = 0, len = pre.length; i < len; i++) {
hostArray[dom] = 1; // cache for notice display
// replace HTML links with text links in pre tags
var a = pre[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
if (a[0]) {
for (var n = 0, len = a.length; n < len; n++) {
a[n].parentNode.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(a[n].href), a[n]);
// mark text links in pre tags
pre[i].innerHTML = pre[i].innerHTML.replace(/https?:\/\/\S+/gi, function(m) {
if (AllowedFile.test(m)<=0) {
return '<span style="' + bannedUrlStyle + '">' + m + '</span>'; //puts a red box around links on banned hosts that are posted inside code tags
if (hostmirror.test(m)) {
return '<span style="' + mirrorStyle + '">' + m + '</span>'; // puts a shaded background on hosts that require mirror links that are posted inside code tags
else if (AllowedFile.test(m)) {
return '<span style="' + allowedUrlStyle + '">' + m + '</span>'; //puts a green box around links on allowed hosts that are posted inside code tags
return m;
var td = document.querySelector('td.alt1:only-child[width="100%"]');
if (!td) { return; }
// adds a list of all image and file hosts used on the page at the top of the page
var span = document.createElement('span');
span.setAttribute('style', 'color: #008;');
span.innerHTML = '<br />' +
'<b>Image & File Host Links Used On This Page:</b> ' + (Object.keys(hostArray).join(' | ') || 'n/a');
var allowed_hosts = new Array("fscache.com");
var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
var images_count = images.length;
var thumbnail;
allowed_hosts_count = allowed_hosts.length;
for(i = 0; i < images_count; i++){
image = images[i];
thumbnail = false;
var image_container = image.parentNode;
if (image_container.localName == 'a')
thumbnail = true;
for(j = 0; j < allowed_hosts_count; j++)
if(image_container.href.indexOf(allowed_hosts[j]) >= 0) {
if (thumbnail == false)
var toplevelnode = image.parentNode;
var cur_id="";
while (true)
if (cur_id.length>0)
if (cur_id.indexOf('post_message_')>=0)
if(image.src.indexOf(allowed_hosts[0]) == -1)
image.style.border = "thick solid purple";
if (toplevelnode.localName == 'body' || cur_id.indexOf('posts')>=0) break;
toplevelnode = toplevelnode.parentNode;