Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Toggle Dlsite language

Switch between english and japanese language in DLsite

Ceci est l'ensemble des versions pour ce script. Présenter uniquement les versions où le code diffère.

  • v1.5.3 2022-07-30

    Fix a bug when sometimes it would read the wrong cookie

  • v1.5.2 2021-04-06

    v1.5.2 Fix for TamperMonkey on chrome, seems it doesn't like the DOMContentLoaded.

  • v1.5.1 2021-04-06

    v1.5.1 Leftover code removed

  • v1.5 2021-04-06

    v1.5 Fix for navlink[0] undefined (seems to happen in other explorers with other extensions)

  • v1.4 2021-04-06

    v1.4 - Update to DLsite English-Japanese merge. Script now get locale from cookie if the locale isn't in the url.

  • v1.3.1 2021-02-03
  • v1.3.1 2021-02-02 Fix button border in eng pages
  • v1.3 2021-02-02 Fix for updated DLsite interface ; Add script update
  • v1.2 2020-05-15 <a> link now has a link href, enabling to use explorer back button or open in new tab.
  • v1.2 2020-05-15 <a> link now has a link href, enabling to use explorer back button or open in new tab.
  • v1.01 2020-05-02 Removed a console.log
  • v1.0 2020-05-02