nhentai图片批量下载 JS - 解析nhentai页面的漫画url, 可以复制所有大图连接, 或者打包下载zip
Japanese DLSite Trans/Tags & Genres JS - Replaces Japanese text on DLSite
CL社区收藏夹 JS - 为社区帖子添加一个本地收藏夹,支持导入导出功能。支持图片批量下载。支持手机和电脑浏览器Tampermonkey。
1024社区收藏夹 JS - 为社区帖子添加一个本地收藏夹,支持导入导出功能。支持图片批量下载。该插件在手机端几乎可以用网页替代社区客户端。支持手机和电脑浏览器Tampermonkey、暴力猴。
EHMassTorrent JS - Mass mirror EH torrents
Direct Image Link Booru.org JS - Показывает прямые ссылки под эскизами
yp_downloader JS - emmmm
Keyboard navigation e621 JS - Change the current page with arrow keys
Krunker.io hacks JS - Krunker.io Aimbot, esp, and others
PornHub translation character count JS - 16.4.2020, 19:19:45
PH Downloader - pornhubpremium.com JS - 3/12/2020, 10:56:35 PM
Dark Rule34Hentai CSS - Dark theme for rule34hentai.net
Bdsmlr - Large Posts CSS - Makes Posts larger on bdsmlr.com
Krunker.io JS - hack o krunker :v
琉璃神社 自动链接 JS - 将琉璃神社的磁力链接标注出来
7mmtv picture ratio JS - try to take over the world!
liuli.se JS - 磁链下载地址显示
Dark Animopron CSS - Dark theme for animopron.com
Let Freedom Drink JS - Let Freedom Drink - https://www.reddit.com/r/PLCB/comments/fxt0sw/let_freedom_drink_getting_around_the_plcb_website/
Toggle Dlsite language JS - Switch between english and japanese language in DLsite
解决草榴社区(1024) 拦截去广告插件的问题 JS - 草榴社区新增对去广告插件的恶意管控。只要安装去广告插件访问草榴就会在页面显示【去广告插件屏蔽, 请等待60秒, 或将其关闭即刻恢复浏览。】【网页元素被去广告插件破坏,无法显示内容。】。其实这是草榴自己干的,故意隐藏了网页的内容。引导用户关闭去广告插件,换取广告收入。这个插件可以去掉这个管控
Fur Affinity: Fit image to window by default JS - Clicks on the submission image, triggering the full window + dark background view. Click on the image to return to the default view. Only works in the new UI.
Inkbunny: Fit image to window by default JS - Clicks twice on the submission image, scrolling to the image and scaling it to fit in view.
sankakucomplex no delay JS - try to take over the world!
diskgirl 图片批量下载 JS - diskgirl 图片批量下载,解放双手
打包下载wnacg的图片 JS - 由于wnacg的直接下载通道无法使用,所以我想通过脚本请求每一张图片,之后打包保存。
SIS SEX TXT JS - 下载SIS SEX spring4u小说内容
HF - Enable Swearing JS - A plugin that lets you swear again :)
HF - Enable Swearing JS - A plugin that lets you swear again :)
Enable Swearing - Hackforums JS - Plugin lets you swear again :)
Flower Knight Girls H Player JS - try to take over the world!
佐々木bot JS - try to take over the world!
A super OP tank/ship creator JS - press 'a' for a new crazy amazing ulimate mega super OP tank/ship
INNIST LIST Cover on threads Preview JS - Previews covers in innist forum when hovering over the respective hyperlinks. Puts images on the table and zooms when mouseover the image. CTRL+SPACE TO ACTIVATE.
Planetsuzy Threads - Login Last Visit bug workaround JS - Login Last Visit bug workaround
HentaiVerse汉化 JS - 基本完全汉化整个Hentaiverse文本,包括装备物品、界面说明和弹窗提示的汉化,带原文切换功能
HV 物品装备汉化 JS - 汉化Hentaiverse及EH论坛、HVMarket内的物品、装备及装备属性,带装备高亮/装备店隐藏锁定装备,带翻译原文切换功能。论坛购物请切换到英文原文再复制内容
打开链接 JS - 打开链接...
filterSuperfluousOnDMM JS - DMM・FANZAの通販商品一覧からアウトレット、限定版、および BOD/DOD を除去
在灵梦御所显示下载链接 JS - 在灵梦御所显示使用pre标签包裹的下载链接
Krunker.io Hack KR JS - A Krunker.io Tampermonkey Script To Increase KR
EX标签汉化 JS - 中英替换
AsianSister.com Quick preview on homepage JS - Allows to Quick preview image collections on Homepage
Gelbooru Respect Tag Blacklist Everywhere JS - Properly hides image thumbnails that have user-blacklisted tags on Profile pages, Wiki entries, other users' Favorites pages, and the Comments tab.
asmhentai next page JS - enhance asmhentai with auto loading
Better pornolab.net search - search by size, descending JS - Improve pornolab.net search and quick search forms so they always default to searching by size in descending order; use better window titles; remove search_id issues; use GET URLs for search results. 2022-05-31 01:30:06
预览Iwara视频 兼容 iwara custom sort JS - Animate Iwara video thumbnail when mouse over. to make iwara easier to see.
MCD JS - Manga Comic Downloader. Shortcut: Alt+Y.
Fetish Downloader (konachan &lolibooru auto downloader) JS - Download all your lovely fetishes (no furries)
Rule34.xxx - Image Hover JS - Shows the full size image when you hover over a thumbnail. Also adds arrow key navigation.
imagefruit ad blocker JS - try to remove ads on imagefruit.com pages.
Literotica Reader JS - Typographical elements used to achieve an attractive, distinctive appearance that indicates finesse, elegance and sophistication
Flower_thz JS - 方便赏桃花
Remove NSFW blur on GameBanana JS - Removes... NSFW blur...
萌次元(18moe.vip)自动加载预览图 JS - try to take over the world!
坏都都破解显示隐藏(只对第一页有效) JS - try to take over the world!
Gelbooru Show Tags on Hover Everywhere JS - Makes tags display on hover for more like this, saved searches, and wiki pages, like on the rest of the site.
任性添加到Steam购物车 JS - 就是这么任性
一键批量加载页面[EX绅士][exhentai] JS - 一键批量加载所有后续页面内容
www.imagefruit.com ad bypass JS - try to take over the world!
PornoLab.net Thumbnail Expander JS - Automatically unfolds spoilers and replaces thumbnails with full sized images while removing thumbnails linking to adware.
rarbg-visual-ordering-opinionated JS - Colors cells to classify them
naughty-blog-torrent-links JS - Add search links to naughty blog posts
xHamster Exclude Extender JS - Allows you to add more then 60 characters to exclude for Video search.
Hentai Heroes notifications disabler JS - Disables those idiotic daily contest objectives notifications.
Literotica Reader Dark (for Beta) JS - Dark Mode for situations where you don't want to destroy your night vision
『AVGLEから余分な空白を取り除きます』 Remove extra whitespace from AVGLE JS - Unpins Navigation Bar + Dark Mode + Removes Ads + Removes Whitespace + Removes Alerts + Big Player + Scrolls Down
Use Meetic mobile also in landscape JS - This script removes the overlay suggesting portrait orientation.
JavDB_helper JS - have fun
dlsite.com 音声作品非表示 JS - dlsite.comの音声作品を非表示にします
theHandy support for FapInstructor.com JS - Adds support for theHandy for FapInstructor.com
Nya爬 JS - 导出Nyahentai本子为txt,在例如https://zh.bughentai.com/group/*页面生效,点击图片下方的文字激活(“Nya爬”开头)
坏都都破解显示隐藏 JS - try to take over the world!
Joyreactor.cc Infinite Scroll JS - Joyreactor.cc Infinite Scroll and some CSS modification for better mobile user experience
Eva's universal torrent gallery (fork) JS - Gallery view for trackers
Hunsearch sorter JS - Re-arrange thehun.net search pages into descending date order.
HH Unlock Images JS - This script unlocks images of both recruited girls and non-recruited girls.
F-L Drag&Drop 1.0 JS - F-L Drag&Drop for CustomFetishes & SubFetishes
MZITU Infinite Scroll JS - Free your hand from mouse/keyboard
Ani Gamer Age Check Bypass JS - The script automically select agree when age check appear
Youtube卡片隐藏 JS - 使用css隐藏视频结尾的卡片
avgle 过滤低评分 JS - avgle 过滤低评分,自动记录音量
bdsmlr - Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme for bdsmlr
bdsmlr - Extra Ad Remover CSS - Remove tricky ads that adblock doesn't remove. (tested /w uBlock)
Nhentai Favorites Scraper JS - Scrapes the magic numbers out of your Nhentai favorites list, returning the list as a text file. My first introduction to JavaScript, so don't expect perfection.
Xhamster COLLECTION LIST for XHAM New design 2020 v.71 JS - Adds handy links to the top/right of the Xhamster page (inculde USERSTYLE for HOVER)
Pornhub Bypass (IN) JS - Simple Hack to Bypass Pornhub Restriction in India . Read Additional info.
RARBG Torrents - Search List Color Coding JS - Highlights torrents containing given keyword. Better readability, faster browsing.
Unfuck Pornhub 2 JS - Hide videos on Pornhub by title with regex. Currently blocks incest titles.
Deezer: Download JS - Download the currently playing song (or any song from the current tracklist) in any chosen format (standard, hq, etc) right to your computer for playing in any player (outside Deezer). Supports HQ even without Premium subscription.
上应大健康上报器 JS - 登录后,每天打开 http://xgfy.sit.edu.cn/h5/#/pages/index/report 时,自动检查上报状态,发出上报请求,并刷新页面。
Hentai Heroes Seasons++ JS - Displays more described info about seasons opponents and allows you to sort girls by name, class and rarity when selecting your battle team. By addition, it gives you an option to save and load 3 different girl teams, to later use in game.
NLegs.com Improved JS - NLegs.com viewer and adblocker
R34 Date Fixer (DD-MM-YY) JS - Changes all dates on Rule34.xxx to a DD-MM-YY format
popupTitleOverAnchorsOnMGS JS - MGS動画/PRESTIGEで作品のリンクに(だいたいの)フルタイトルをポップアップ
Chaturbate Sort Models JS - Sorts Models in descending (High to Low) order of viewers
ExHentai insert Torrents on Gallery JS - Insert torrent links on gellery page
Download photos from Badoo JS - Download photos from Badoo. Useful to check if they are stolen photos appearing somewhere else on the web using Google Images or Tineye.
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