Random Video Overlay JS - Displays an overlay with a button to load a random video on Pornhub.
Reddit Redgifs VideoJS in Post JS - reddit display redgifs video with videoJS within iframe
Soyjak.Party Filename Randomizer JS - Rename uploaded images and videos with random filenames
VG prev / next JS - Use ctrl-left / ctrl-right to move between forum pages, ctrl-shift-left / ctrl-shift-right to jump to the first and last page. On Mac, use Cmd-Ctrl and Shift-Cmd-Ctrl.
eh漫画语言快捷按钮 JS - 快速跳转到其他漫画语言版本
dmm mission JS - dmm mission!
m网站跳转移除 JS - missav网站跳转移除
Bunkrr video show thumbnail JS - Include thumbnail in bunkrr video view page
Booru Cotrans JS - Tranlate images on boorus with cotrans.touhou.ai! Hit F8 to switch betweeen tranlated and original image. Hit F9 for configuration.
Hanime: Likes and Dislikes as Percentages + Star Rating JS - replaces the amount of Likes and Dislikes with a Percentage, also adds a Star Rating that maps the Like Ratio to 0 to 5 stars
适配sis论坛手机端浏览 JS - 将sexinsex的PC端适配手机端浏览
CheatNite JS - CraftNite cheat client. Credits to 🄱u𝕥c🅷e𝕣_B𝙤🅈 for icon.
Danbooru Tag 提取 JS - Get General tags from Danbooru posts and copy them to clipboard
F95 Zone Auto Redirect JS - Will auto redirect when clicking on download links
Erome Video Download JS - Shows Erome.com Video Download Links
优丝库HD(YSKHD)-白嫖VIP JS - 解密原图链接和只能在线看4张图的限制,新增打包下载(缓存完成后再下载,点击“下载套图”后稍微会感觉比较慢)
javdb resort JS - resort by number of raters,and auto load 10 pages
open in new tab JS - This Script makes all EH Galleries mangas open in a new tab
javbus隐藏已打开链接 JS - javbus隐藏已打开链接,右键菜单开启、关闭
CivitAi Utilities JS - A script that adds new tools to the civitai image generator
language searcher - nhentai.net JS - 2023/12/5 下午10:54:48
Omegabait Button JS - Adds "omegabait please use a lit m80 firecracker as a sounding rod" to any post at the click of a button.
NovelAI Mod JS - Extention for NovelAI Image Generator. Fast Suggestion, Chant, Save in JPEG, Get aspect ratio.
No Grok Button JS - Removes the Grok button on Twitter (or X for weirdos)
Custom - xxx-image.com Direct Image JS - Redirects page to image file.
Mute Loops JS - Automatically loops and mutes video files.
绯月图片直接显示 JS - 将"请手动点击打开本图片"链接的图片直接显示在论坛帖子中
绯月帖子显示大图 JS - 取消绯月帖子正文中的图片大小限制
Enable Overflow Scroll on Luscious JS - Enables scrolling when using an adblock.
Multporn Blur Killer JS - Removes the blur on comic headers
Remove blurry Avatars JS - No more blurry avatars while chatting!
missav timetcontroler adjustment for mobile JS - On the mobile end, adapt and optimize missav's time control to facilitate interaction.
Ov+Mhod's Macro JS - Fastest W-Feeding, , (D) Doublesplit Macro, (A) Max Split, and More to be Added!
根据番号快速搜索 JS - 标记网页上的所有番号, 在相关网站快速方便的进行搜索
vnmod JS - aaaaaaaaa
AV Info Saver - AV 作品信息一键保存工具 JS - 将厂商、系列、发布日期、演员名、番号等 AV 作品信息作为封面图片文件名,一键保存到本地的油猴脚本。
Mastodon - Collapse Media in Notifications By Default JS - Adds a collapsible toggle to posts in your notifications for media
sexinsex download seeds JS - 增加页面顶部底部按钮和一键下种按钮
福利吧 Lite JS - 移除福利吧主站网页的多余元素。
nyaa磁力预览 JS - 磁力链接界面添加预览
一键打开 Javlibrary 当前页面所有视频的详情页 JS - 一键打开 Javlibrary 当前页面所有视频的详情页(带自定义间隔时间)
Censored redgif JS - This script censors redgifs.com.
override-missav-css JS - override missav css
Hitomi.la cover animation JS - Replace jQuery animation with CSS transition on Hitomi.la hover reveal effect for preview images to fix stutter or delay.
Tag Extractor and Copier with Styled Interface JS - Extract tags from a web page, display them in a styled panel, and provide a copy function
Artstation Show Mature Content JS - Show mature-content on Artstation without login.
XNXX player auto-enlarge JS - Auto-enlarge video window + full browser width
RebeLM00D JS - made with rebelhands
一键打开某几个 AV 片商官网当前页面所有视频的详情页 JS - 如名字所示
1337x - Combined Enhancements 2025 (v11) - Configurable JS - Adds a column with torrent and magnet links, extends titles, adds images, full width site with configurable settings
r34DMTimer JS - Updates the spam timer UI
漫画网站画质AI修复 JS - 修复漫画网站上的低清漫画。需要下载并安装后台程序。仅支持windows。网站暂时只支持漫画柜。
PowpowYT Inf Script JS - Inf Power Script
DongleSize2Metric JS - Convert the toy size chart information from imperial to metric system from some famous adult toy makers
Danbooru tags buttons JS - Return +/- buttons to Danbooru
Free forever JS - chat as many times you want it wont tell you to pay
Soul Plus增强套件 JS - Soul-Plus Kit
H-NEXTサポート JS - サムネイルポップアップ、検索表示順維持
StripChat hide favourites JS - High favourite cams from listing so you can see only new ones to you
Jupiter OWOT JS - Jupiter adds mostly useless features to OWoT, based on KKosty4ka's scripts.
Questionable Questing Userscript JS - removing the remaining replies and renaming the last page button
Free forever JS - chat as many times you want it wont tell you to pay
Duolingo Pro JS - Duolingo Auto Solver Tool - WORKING JANUARY 2024
2 JS - local script to redirect
Anime1.me Dislike Highlighter JS - Highlight disliked anime titles on Anime1.me
Block Tags JS - Block tag images in search results
u9a9列表显示预览图 JS - u9a9在外部的列表直接查看预览图,无需进入详情页面查看,仅对 u9a9.com 域名生效
Random Prompt from Related Tags. JS - Press Ctrl+Y to create a random prompt from the results of Danbooru's RelatedTags and copy it to the clipboard. If you press Alt, it will be 20, if you press Shift, it will be 30, and if you press both Alt and Shift, it will be 50.
Send to Real-Debrid JS - Add a button next to each magnet link to send it to Real-Debrid, with user-friendly API token setup and enhanced error handling
SomeUserscript JS - Some userscript for some orange site idk
Sadpanda Download Archive hotkey JS - Adds a hotkey to download Archive.
Find this image on SauceNAO JS - tries to find currently opened image on SauceNAO
FANZA FREE高画質化 JS - インターネットカフェでみられるFANZA FREEのlist表示時に、サムネ画像を高画質化します。また、カーソルホバー時に複数のサムネイルを表示します。
Open RedGifs on phtn.app JS - Open RedGifs on phtn.app inside a iframe
javdb自动点击想看 JS - 在网页加载后自动点击指定按钮
pornleaks.in and leak.sx bypass JS - Redirect ComoHoy.com URLs
Open redgifs links on reddit JS - Open redgifs links in iframe on reddit
Scroll Element Into View on rule34.xxx JS - Scrolls into view either the element with the id "image" or "gelcomVideoPlayer" on rule34.xxx
慎独 JS - 君子慎其独,自动展示一言的先哲语句帮助你重新找回理智,需要自己修改@match 规则
F95-Zone skipper JS - This userscript skips masked f95 links for you.
e-hentai images overload JS - preload and cache next pages for faster loading time!
Copy Magnet Links JS - Copy all unique magnet links on a webpage with a button(一键复制所有磁力链接)
javdb优化 JS - javdb优化方便跳转不同网站
操你妈单词❤ JS - 将“单词类词汇”替换成“操你妈”
210vn-dl JS - Script dùng để download manga R18 trên 1 domain của hentaivn
12345asd JS - test
52asmr视频续播 JS - asmr视频自动续播,无破解仅仅是自动续播
Muah Dark Theme CSS - Stylus dark theme for whole Muah.AI website.
Nomi Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme for Nomi.
syosetu.com Remove emphasis dots JS - 06/02/2024, 20:03:22
RedGIFs iframe Sound Helper JS - Provide facilities to automatically enable RedGIFs audio in embedded iframes, and for communication regarding audio controls between the the hosting site and the iframe.
Rule34 Video Downloader JS - 快捷下载rule34.xxx的视频
SLR Video review icons JS - Display SLR playlists on thumbnails SLR https://forum.sexlikereal.com/d/6856-mark-videos-as-not-interested
czbooks.net JS - 自用
GPT-4 Unlocker JS - Unlocks GPT-4 on ChatGPT.com
色华堂列表显示预览图 JS - 色华堂列表显示预览图,无需点进详情页查看
javDB Title Selector JS - Double-click auto select title
t66y cleaner JS - t66y屏蔽10秒
JAV cover picture + video preview JS - yase.one、JavDB、JavBus、JavLibrary avmoo.cyou、JAV cover picture + video preview
Publiez un script que vous avez écrit (ou Apprenez à scripter)