115AV Helper JS - 本脚本将在免登录115的状态下,在AVMOO、JAVBUS等片库网站中基于115实现一些额外功能(前提当然是你要有会员啦)
xhamster download video JS - Download videos from xhamster.com
e621 Thumbnail Enhancer JS - Resizes thumbnails on e621.net, replacing them with higher resoltion images and adding support for video previews.
自动跳转到琉璃神社 JS - 基于acg.gy实现,再也不怕假神社了
E-Hentai / nHentai highlight thumb when open Anthology gallery JS - highlight and navigate to artist work first thumb when open "Anthology gallery" from search page with tag "artist"
辅助签到助手 JS - 个别网站辅助签到助手,包括18AMSR, 宅男龜, South Plus, Javbus論壇, 福利吧論壇, CCCAT
motherless-gallery JS - View search results, favorites, groups and more in a gallery
Rule34 Image Fit JS - Resize and center images on Rule34
av_everywhere JS - every time open web page, recommand a AV, H image, Ero manga, and Porn video to you, search base page title.
nhentai图片批量下载 JS - 解析nhentai页面的漫画url, 可以复制所有大图连接, 或者打包下载zip
PH Downloader - pornhubpremium.com JS - 3/12/2020, 10:56:35 PM
Hentai Heroes image viewer JS - Allows you to display any stage image of any harem girl, owned ones or not. Works also in event display and Places of Power. Includes zoom-in feature to display full-size girl images gallery (lightbox).
diskgirl 图片批量下载 JS - diskgirl 图片批量下载,解放双手
SIS SEX TXT JS - 下载SIS SEX spring4u小说内容
Rule34.xxx - Image Hover JS - Shows the full size image when you hover over a thumbnail. Also adds arrow key navigation.
PornoLab.net Thumbnail Expander JS - Automatically unfolds spoilers and replaces thumbnails with full sized images while removing thumbnails linking to adware.
re621 - e621 Reimagined JS - Subscription manager, mass downloader, thumbnail enhancer, and more for e621
HH Unlock Images JS - This script unlocks images of both recruited girls and non-recruited girls.
Ani Gamer Age Check Bypass JS - The script automically select agree when age check appear
eh磁力链助手 JS - 在种子列表直接复制磁力链
eh详情页标签颜色 JS - eh为详情页标签增加颜色
ph_user_video JS - redirect link to user video list / muti select & copy video links
ThisVid Download Button JS - Adds a download buttons to ThisVid video pages.
Enfocar scribd JS - Enfocar scribd, quitar difuminado y cartel de promo.
xvideo downloader JS - try to take over the world!
Yande.re 简体中文 JS - 中文标签 | 界面优化 | 高清大图 | 键盘翻页 | 流体布局
SankakuDLNamer JS - Help with DL naming
Bypass 18+ JS - Bypass 18+ checking forever
Literotica Downloader JS - Single page HTML download for Literotica with improved readability
Automatic Missions Handler (for hentaiheroes.com) JS - 3 functions: missionHandlerBackground, missionHandlerGUI, displayMissionsId
Riddle Master Assistant Reborn JS - ML based riddle master answering bot. Help novice to answer pony problem when encounter riddle master challenge.
jpxgmn极品性感美女全量加載 图片查看 大图 JS - jpxgmn极品性感美女全量加載 图片查看 大图 asdf
Better Erome download links JS - Exposes media-download links for erome media galleries
pornhub.com playlist videos link grabber JS - This adds a button to pornhub playlists to grab links to all videos of this playlist
nhentai漫画阅读模式 JS - 漫画阅读模式,从上到下顺序展示图片
Pornolab image preview JS - Lets you preview torrents first image by showing on hover on the tracker listing
xiurenji秀人集全量加載 图片查看 大图 JS - xiurenji秀人集全量加載 图片查看 大图123
91porn_display_m3u8_address JS - 91porn show m3u8 address
ONlovee: Private photos and advanced search FREE JS - See all private photos of any user and use the paid advanced search FOR FREE
Rule34 Image Downloader JS - makes easier to download images from rule34.xxx
JavScript JS - 一站式体验,JavBus & JavDB 兼容
eHunter_nhentai_support JS - Update eHunter's support for nhentai, all credit goes to original author hanFengSan
nhentai.net - G to Fullscreen ⛶ JS - Press G to rotate fullscreen comics
蝌蚪窝视频去除VIP限制、移除广告 JS - 蝌蚪窝视频去除VIP限制、移除广告、添加视频下载按钮
RandomSexyPicParser JS - Random Sexy Pictures Parser
VIP视频观看腾讯优酷爱奇艺 JS - VIP视频
R34.XXX Favorites Button JS - Adds a favorite button to gallery pages on rule34.xxx.
kp4jd2 JS - Generate a list of links for JD2 from kemono posts.
图聚合展示by xhua JS - 目标是聚合网页美女图
H-Flash Downloader JS - Create swf download link on the info bar
Pornhub 广告移除(图片广告及视频广告) JS - 通过 JavaScript 移除Pornhub 上的视频广告和图片广告,保持界面清爽干净无打扰!
Pornolab Enhancer JS - Improves User Experience
BunkrSorter JS - Sorts bunkr items by size. Biggest first
JavBus去广告 JS - 去除详情页右边的广告以及缩略图下面的广告
91新窗口观看 JS - 91新窗口观看0.6.4
JavBus 添加跳转在线观看 JS - 在影片详情页添加跳转到在线观看网站的按钮,并检查对应是否存在资源,如果对应网站上存在该资源则为绿色,否则显示红色,顺便检测有无中文字幕。
麻豆 JS - 免费观看电影,手机电脑均可使用,觉得不错的话,给个好评呦😜
Camvault Mosaic Preview IMG Fix JS - Switches the preview (mosaic) image for the correct one on the page for video download..
fantia.jp无料视频放大 JS - 用来放大fantia.jp网站里作者视频的播放窗口大小,简简单单一段代码,欢迎大佬添加新功能!
绅士会所解锁老绅士 JS - 找不到上车地址?直接安装一键上车!
Cunt Empire Cheat JS - Enables the cheat menu - open it by pressing "c"
Get Booru Tags JS - Press the [~] tilde key under ESC to open a prompt with all tags
Restore Removed Posts JS - Script tries to restore images/videos from removed posts. If post couldn't be restored that means it had been also removed from servers.
Rule34 Artist favorites JS - A simple script to add the possibility to favorite artists to rule34
GetJavCover JS - 在javBus番片详情页面上生成下载按钮,点击按钮自动下载封面大图
PornoLab.net | Clean Layout [de-bloated] JS - Clean, ad-free layout with improved structure for Pornolab
91porn视频直链获取J JS - 在91视频播放的下方添加m3u8下载直链 借鉴:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/427514-91porn%E5%8E%BB%E5%B9%BF%E5%91%8A-%E6%94%AF%E6%8C%81%E5%BC%B9%E5%B9%95
Hanime Resumer and Hider JS - Store video timespamps locally, hide videos that have a timespamp, button to hide all videos in a playlist (all your liked videos)
missav disable pop window JS - hello world
磁链直接播!【磁链嗅探识别 + 在线播放(磁力云播)(电磁高手)】 JS - 自动嗅探识别页面磁力链接,到电磁高手中自动添加播放视频。识别后,会在相应位置添加直接播按钮,点击即可跳转到电磁高手并自动添加。
Erome Video Cloner JS - clone videos in an erome album, play multiple & side-by-side!
find panda JS - check panda.chaika.moe for related galleries when searching
解除小草检测去广告插件及贴子净化 JS - 解除小草对去广告插件的检测,净化小草贴子内容。请配合各类去广告插件一起使用,如ABP。
Gelbooru Tag Copyer JS - 复制 Gelbooru 的 tags,支持自定义选择 tag 类型 / Quickly copy tags from gelbooru's post so you can use thoes tags to generate AI images.
Javbus 工具 JS - Javbus 瀑布流排序
Better R34 JS - Adds Next/Back button to rule34s Post site
Chicken Mod v1.15 JS - very much so dumb
8Muses Downloader JS - Download comics from 8muses.com
nHentai Full color Filter button JS - Adds quick Full color filter to nHentai pages. (Rewrite of English only userscript made by Hen-tie)
91共享福利无限看 JS - 不用登录,不用花费金币,无限次观看91共享福利网的视频!
LOLBeans.io Idler JS - Get LOLBeans colors and accessories while doing absolutely nothing
Kemono访问时间记录&去广告 JS - 移除页面的部分广告,并且在关注(favorites)页面记录和展示上次的访问时间
taro's baraag unspoiler JS - remove spoiler from media tabs
Soulgen AI Blur Remover JS - Remove blur paywall for images in Soulgen AI
Reddit Embed Redgifs Video JS - embed iframe redgifs in posts for reddit
含羞草破解播放 vip、收费免费观看 fi11.tv JS - 含羞草破解播放 vip、收费免费观看 fi11.tv 免费下载视频
在kemono.party和coomer.party中使用滾輪翻頁 JS - 當你將滾輪滾動至頁面頂部或底部時觸發翻頁。
Kemono 下载工具 JS - 仅支持Files内图片下载
HV Utils 汉化 JS - A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse
FANBOX直转KEMONO JS - 在创作者的FANBOX页面生成一个‘在KEMONO中打开’的按钮
Jable一键下载收藏 JS - Jable一键下载视频,并自动点击收藏
Nozomi infinite scroll JS - Adds support for infinite scrolling on Nozomi.la
Skip age verification JS - We're all consenting adults here, skip the annoying age verification pages
unlock lpsg videos JS - unlock lpsg video access. may need to manually switch video format since I can't figure that part out. Also load all images ASAP instead of having to scroll to them.
Ehentai画廊收藏助手 JS - e-hentai和exhentai画廊页面直接管理收藏和种子下载
NoAge Pornhub JS - Remove age verification on PornHub
Greasefork auto redirect Sleazyfork discussions JS - Redirect to Sleazyfork when discussions is adult.
Reddit Redgifs VideoJS in Post JS - reddit display redgifs video with videoJS within iframe
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