Eza's Image Glutton JS - Redirects to high-res images on gallery sites, skipping past descriptions and comments
JavLib搜索番号 JS - 支持点击识别码搜寻番号
Jav小司机 JS - Jav小司机。简单轻量速度快!
jav_preview JS - 添加jav官方预览影片
下载PornHub字幕 JS - 点击下载PornHub视频的字幕
SpankBang - Search and UI Enhancer JS - Various search filters and user experience enhancers
根据番号快速搜索 JS - 标记网页上的所有番号, 在相关网站快速方便的进行搜索
91porn去广告+支持弹幕 JS - 91porn去广告+支持弹幕,自动生效!
91porn视频直链获取,一键下载 JS - 在91视频播放的下方添加m3u8下载直链
載入kemono.party與coomer.party原始圖檔 JS - 這個腳本將原始圖檔自動載入,取代你一張一張的用手點。
MissAV 迷你加強包 JS - 防止 MissAV 自動暫停、禁用彈出廣告,並將 missav.com 重新導向到 missav.ws
Redgifs Embed Tweaks JS - tweaks redgifs embed/iframe video
t66y助手 JS - 优化t66y网页使用体验
【fork&mod】Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com JS - Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com | 无需登录直接下载 | 可直接下载免费观看付费下载视频 | 可下载已禁止下载的视频 | 可下载所有可观看分辨率
色花堂 98堂 强化脚本 JS - 加强论坛功能
自动关闭MissAv的广告 JS - 自动关闭MissAv.com几乎所有的广告
LOLICON Wide Hentai JS - Full width E-Hentai and Exhentai, dynamically adjusting the page width, also allows you to adjust the size and margins of the thumbnails, infinite scroll to automatically load the next page
Yet Another Redgifs Downloader (YARD) JS - adds a button to the top-left corner that downloads redgifs videos as mp4.
Kemono FIX+Download JS - Embeds a "Download" button before each file element and starts downloading and saving it to your computer, can use constant to change replace kemono image server if standart not work.
海角天涯显示大图 JS - 放大显示海角里的图片,这么小怎么看!
草榴小助手 JS - 提供“加亮今日帖子”、“移除viidii跳转”、“图片自动缩放”、“种子链接转磁力链”、“预览整页图片”、“游客站内搜索”、“返回顶部”等功能!
4chan External Sounds JS - Plays audio associated with images on 4chan.
Webcomic Reader JS - Can work on almost any webcomic/manga page, preloads 5 or more pages ahead (or behind), navigates via ajax for instant-page-change, lets you use the keyboard, remembers your progress, and it's relatively easy to add new sites
Booru Downloader + Viewer JS - The original fullsize images downloader, and viewer for more than 20 booru imageboards
Unlock Hath Perks JS - Unlock Hath Perks and add other helpers
JAV快捷跳转 JS - 为部分JAV站点添加跳转功能,更方便地评分与搜索影片。
PornHub Plus JS - A kinder PornHub. Because you're worth it.
nhentai_endless JS - nhentai automate next page
Javlibrary - 首页一站式影片预览 JS - 不需要跳转,在 Javlibrary 首页就能直接预览影片。会缓存影片相关信息,下次可直接使用。可搜索番号或前缀。支持轻量的 torrentkitty 磁力搜索展示。
Exhentai Enhancer JS - improve UX of Gallery Page, Multi-Page Viewer and Front Page
Danbooru Tags Select to Export JS - Select specified tags and copy to clipboard, for Stable Diffusion WebUI or NovelAI to use.
磁链直接播!【磁链嗅探识别 + 在线播放(磁力云播)(电磁高手)】 JS - 自动嗅探识别页面磁力链接,到电磁高手中自动添加播放视频。识别后,会在相应位置添加直接播按钮,点击即可跳转到电磁高手并自动添加。
jav视频预览 JS - 在网页嵌入一个预览视频页面,无需翻墙
Exhentai公共账号 JS - 替换Exhentai的cookie,自动登录
91-plus JS - 多线程下载91porn视频,跳过广告,清除页面广告。
OnlyFans Right-Click Enabler JS - free the right-click menu! You can right-click to open images in a new window or right-click to save videos
Add Fanhao In AVstudio List Page JS - JAV片商官网列表页添加番号(搭配脚本'根据番号搜索',不用进入详情页,就能在列表页查看此车牌是否已入库(emby/115)\预览片花\一键跳转在线观看等花样操作.)
Greasefork auto redirect Sleazyfork discussions JS - Redirect to Sleazyfork when discussions is adult.
Motherless.com Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration and key phrases. Download button fixed. Reveal all related galleries to video at desktop. Galleries and tags url rewritten and redirected to video/image section if available
MagicPH JS - A video downloader for various adult websites.
XVideos Improved JS - Infinite scroll. Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
FetLife ASL Search (Extened Edition) JS - Allows you to search for FetLife profiles based on age, sex, location, and role.
MissAv批量备份收藏视频 JS - 从当前missav页面获取图片文件和视频信息,并合并结果后提供下载生成的网页文件
Nhentai Plus+ JS - Enhances the functionality of Nhentai website.
MissAv m3u8 finder JS - try fun ~
JavLibrary MissAV 早知道 JS - 针对javlibrary的AVID展示missav的链接,并判断是否已发布,已发布则展示视频预览,需要搭配jav老司机使用
Nhentai Manga Loader JS - Loads nhentai manga chapters into one page in a long strip format with image scaling, click events, and a dark mode for reading.
草榴社区显示列表预览图 JS - 草榴社区显示列表预览图,仅针对 t66y.com 域名有效
LPSG Video Unlocker JS - Automatically unlocks and enhances your LPSG browsing experience
Javbus在线播放 JS - 在磁力链接下方增加【在线播放】地址
NoChaturbateTippingSounds JS - Disables the annoying tipping sounds on the cam girls website of chaturbate.com. Note that those sounds would still be heard via the girl's microphone.
E-Hentai E绅士中文版 JS - E绅士中文化
Google Expert Search JS - Add many other hidden (only available in text) functionality to the basic search: file extension filter (video, text document, presentation, datasheets, audio search ...), site filter (video streaming, file share sites, anime streaming sites ...) and all popular file share link search, customizable categories and many more improvements. Check the site for tips and more information: http://googlescript.blogspot.com Contact: pogisti@gmail.com
8muses Downloader JS - Download from 8muses.com
Modal Image in rule JS - Add a modal image and thumbnails vertical-carrousel to rule34
1024浏览助手 JS - 支持自定义屏蔽1024广告、屏蔽反广告检测、显示游客站内搜索框、图片延迟加载、修改图片显示尺寸和排列方式、种子链接转磁力链接、取消外链跳转、屏蔽指定回复等。
打包下载wnacg的图片 JS - 由于wnacg的直接下载通道无法使用,所以我想通过脚本请求每一张图片,之后打包保存。
一键批量加载页面[EX绅士][exhentai] JS - 一键批量加载所有后续页面内容
Ad blocker Adult sites 18+ JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying 18+
Jable_Helper JS - 快速显示jable的m3u8下载链接, 现已支持cableav
javdb性癖净化器 JS - 过滤掉你不喜欢的内容
草榴社区一夜精品磁力搜索 JS - 在skrbt网站中搜索资源,复制磁力哈希下载资源,而不是使用那些什么垃圾网盘,大多数资源都能在skrbt网站搜索到。
91porn_display_m3u8_address JS - 91porn show m3u8 address
JavScript JS - 一站式体验,JavBus & JavDB 兼容
RandomSexyPicParser JS - Random Sexy Pictures Parser
图聚合展示by xhua JS - 目标是聚合网页美女图
去除广告+瀑布流 JS - 去除广告+瀑布流+自动播放
OneJAVOneWeb(Revise) JS - 老司机开车带你飞,一个插件畅览几大JAV网站,感谢匿名老司机,此脚本为匿名老司机创作,版权属原作者所有,我只是修改了一些不能用的网址和加了免梯子网址自用,如有兴趣者可自行下载。
JavBus 添加跳转在线观看 JS - 在影片详情页添加跳转到在线观看网站的按钮,并检查对应是否存在资源,如果对应网站上存在该资源则为绿色,否则显示红色,顺便检测有无中文字幕。
E-Hentai图片尺寸自适应 JS - 为PC端浏览器访问E-Hentai提供更好的图片自适应策略
e-hentai-infinite-scroll JS - Exhentai infinite scroll scripts.
91porn视频直链获取J JS - 在91视频播放的下方添加m3u8下载直链 借鉴:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/427514-91porn%E5%8E%BB%E5%B9%BF%E5%91%8A-%E6%94%AF%E6%8C%81%E5%BC%B9%E5%B9%95
Erome Video Cloner JS - clone videos in an erome album, play multiple & side-by-side!
快猫视频免费看 JS - 针对快猫视频的优化脚本,此脚本可以让用户观看VIP视频
Better Rule34 JS - A script to improve the use of rule34!
Kemono/Coomer-VideoPlayer JS - A simple tampermonkey script allows you can watch the videos of post links in Kemono or Coomer.
Better Kemono Galleries JS - Load original resolution, toggle fitted zoom views, remove photos. Use a plug-in for batch download, can't do cross-origin image downloads with JS alone.
JavBus-Guide 番号筛选器 JS - JavBus 影片筛选
灵梦御所隐藏默认打开 JS - 优化事件钩子
Redgifs++ JS - Automatically sets Redgifs to HD and unmutes when viewed directly or on Reddit. Inspired by "betterRedgifs" by u/MatthieuG7.
MissavNoPause JS - Missav切换页面或者失去焦点都会自动暂停,此插件就是阻止视频自动暂停,不影响空格或者单击导致的暂停。注意:使用manifestV3实现后,可能每次需要手动授权才会运行,首次使用,如果需要授权,请选择总是允许(chrome不需要,firefox需要),这样下次打开页面就会自动运行了。当游猴不能运行远程脚本时,可以直接安装插件,源代码及更多详情见:https://github.com/ChangShaJackMa/MissavNoPause。
Go to kemono.su JS - Go to the corresponding kemono.su page from an artist's page. Supports Patreon, Pixiv, Fanbox and Fantia
Play stripchat by potplayer,vlc,nplayer,etc JS - Play stripchat by potplayer,vlc,nplayer,etc.
Pornhub Pro-ish JS - Alters and improves the PH experience, see addition info
禁止miassav窗口失焦自动暂停 JS - 可以禁止miassav窗口失焦自动暂停
Recurbate download JS - Adds a download button for each video on recurbate.com/cc
JAV老司机,JAV各大网站优化【18岁以下用户请勿安装】 JS - JAV老司机神器,支持各Jav老司机站点。拥有高效浏览Jav的页面排版,JAV高清预览大图,JAV列表无限滚动自动加载,合成“挊”的自动获取JAV磁链接,一键自动115离线下载。。。。没时间解释了,快上车!
OnlyFans to Coomer JS - Redirects from OnlyFans to coomer.su.
PHDownloader JS - Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com
JAV老司机(磁链排序优化版) JS - 因原作者脚本很长一段时间没有更新,目前也暂时尚未与原作者取得联系,故临时将增加了一个按磁链资源大小排序的版本发布上来,有任何疑问欢迎联系
Manga Loader NSFW + Download JS - This is an unoficial fork of https://greasyfork.org/fr/scripts/12657-manga-loader-nsfw all credits goes to the original author, This script add a button to download the chapter
Danbooru Tags Select to Sort and Export JS - Select specified tags and copy to clipboard, for Stable Diffusion WebUI or NovelAI to use. Tags can be sorted by tag order in NovelAI method.
Hentai Heroes+++ JS - Few QoL improvement and additions for competitive PvP players.
看图能手 图集多页\分页 合并展示 JS - 分页图片合并展示,支持打包下载
研究生视频破解会员--备用版 JS - 针对研究生视频网站的优化脚本,此脚本可以让用户观看全站视频,免费无任何注入
Erome Improved JS - Infinite scroll. Filter photo albums. Filter photos in albums. Skips 18+ dialog
中文版nhentai JS - 翻译nhentai的标签和界面为中文
SpankBang.com Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
PornHub Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
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