simpcity 去除广告 JS - simpcity 每过一段时间点击页面都会弹出新的广告页面,移除这种恼人的特性。
akuma.Moe Downloader JS - Helps download mangas from akuma.moe with ComicInfo.xml
SankakuComplex - Click on the image to download JS - Open the image in its best version
IndeXXX - Show Related Actress v.1.05 JS - IndeXXX - Show Related Actress
scat.gold fixes JS - fix the dead dood url + remove the useless players
JavDB Trailer JS - JavDB观看预告片
summper-plus南+浏览优化 JS - 只有详情会打开新页签,分页查询不会处理
Soundgasm Progress Bar JS - Adds a progress bar when uploading a file to Soundgasm. Also displays an estimated time of completion.
x1080x提取品番并列出缩略图 JS - 提取品番并列出缩略图
Rule34 Quick Buttons JS - Just a few buttons that a useful
糖心Vlog JS - 🔥无限制站内所有付费视频,下载视频(日限),复制播放链接,屏蔽广告
极乐禁地/暗网 JS - 🔥无限制看站内所有付费视频,下载视频(日限),复制播放链接,屏蔽广告
x Downloader JS - download bad videos
PH_Downloader JS - pornhub.com
Stake.com Crash Bot JS - Bot that automates Stake.com crash game to place a bet every 2 minutes.
JavDB Exporter plus JS - 导出 想看、看过、清单 | Export Want, watched, list
Hoşgeldin Yarram Mesajı - Her Sitede Çalışır JS - Her sitede "Hoşgeldin Yarram" mesajı gösterir ve 3 saniye sonra kaybolur.
PornoLab.net Thumbnail ExpanderEX JS - Automatically unfolds spoilers and replaces thumbnails with full-sized images constrained to the viewport height while blocking thumbnails linking to adware.
NicePT大图 JS - NicePT大图模式
Remove adds Ad JS - Eliminates the annoying ad to pay premiun every time you enter the page.
FC2PPVDB 预览图 JS - 给FC2PPVDB作品详情页添加预览图
rule4video移除广告 JS - ttt
VIP图片查看 JS - try to take over the world!
AS mmd cleanup JS - This script is to clean up the spam in the Anime sharing MMD sharethread.
Bunkr Media Opener JS - Открывает все картинки и видео в новой вкладке с задержкой
Sniffies Negative Profile Filter JS - Add a popup with filters for profiles, including age range and dropdown menus, and remembers user choices.
Sniffies Negative Profile Filter JS - Add a popup with filters for profiles, including age range and dropdown menus, and remembers user choices.
nhentai-infinite-scroll (Fixed) (Jan 2025) JS - Working in Jan 2025.
Sniffies Save Profiles JS - Adds a "Save Profile" button to profiles and a professional GUI to manage saved profiles in a table format. Allows editing the profile title before saving.
Sniffies Saved Phrases JS - Adds an overlay for quick phrase selection and user blocking on Sniffies.com
Captura de pantalla en webcomicgamma.takeshobo.co.jp JS - Toma una captura de pantalla del elemento #content-pX en webcomicgamma.takeshobo.co.jp
Missav keeps playing JS - Let videos keeps playing after losing focus
New script duolingo.com JS - 2/1/2025, 6:00:23 PM
JavDB Watched Marker JS - 自动标记看过的影片
JavDB Watched Marker JS - 自动标记看过的影片
JavDB Exporter plus JS - 导出 想看、看过、清单 | Export Want, watched, list
aichattings Private album unblur. JS - removes blurring from chatbot images
Gelbooru "Index" Button JS - Adds an "Index" button on post pages, allowing you to return to a search starting from the ID of the current post you're on
ExHentai 多功能按钮 JS - 在搜索栏旁添加按钮,点击后在搜索内容后自动加 " l:chinese$" 并执行搜索
Add Links back to IP2Always JS - Add old links back to IP2Always
javbus 快捷键 JS - 使用说明:下载封面:alt+s 复制番号:alt+c
Kemono Video Linker & Image Loader JS - Turns the video name into a clickable link, and automatically loads image previews.
NoChaturbateTippingSounds JS - Disables the annoying tipping sounds on the cam girls website of chaturbate.com. Note that those sounds would still be heard via the girl's microphone.
M-Team Legacy Preview JS - Show original image on hover for M-Team
Cкрипт для Кураторов Форума || Novosibirsk JS - Скрипт предназначен для удобной работы для Кураторов Форума. Скрипт ТОЛЬКО для кураторов форума. По всем вопросам обращаться к ГКФ Anton_Rodin
Empornium Torrent ID Collector JS - Collect torrent IDs from forum threads, copy their URLs to clipboard, and clear stored IDs
jable加载本地字幕 JS - 一键搜索字幕,加载本地字幕,快捷键操作加速
thisVID.com Native Player (HTML5) and download JS - Replace video player with HTML5 native player (also enables download of videos)
Thisvid Copy Link Button JS - Adds copy link buttons to video thumbnails on thisvid.com
Scat.Gold Doodstream Copy Button JS - Adds a button to copy the Doodstream link on scat.gold
pics-viewer JS - search pics-viewer images quickly
Miconisomi.com Styling JS - Apply custom styles to miconisomi.com
bika漫画,哔咔漫画-本子排行榜与列表操作优化 JS - bika漫画,哔咔漫画 : 本子排行榜与列表中 1.使用新网页打开本子 2.右键菜单选择网页打开方式
FC2PPVDB页面添加AV链接快捷搜素 JS - 在FC2PPVDB页面添加AV链接快捷搜素
获取jable.tv当前页面番号 JS - 获取jable.tv当前页面番号,任何页面
PornoLab Hider-Fixer JS - Allows to hide unwanted categories everywhere and remember tracker search options, fixes some things
Sigma Male Jerkmate Automation JS - Auto-clicker and auto-upgrader for JerkMate
9sex优化版 JS - 免费脚本
详细网页分析工具(增强版) JS - 监控页面中的网络请求并分析页面内容,支持点击查看详细信息,增加主动刷新按钮
爱豆视频 JS - 针对爱豆视频的优化脚本
InkBunny.net – Compact Dark [Ath] CSS - InkBunny.net: dark theme with usability improvements and vector graphics.
Kemono Download Button JS - 点击按钮下载帖子中的所有图片,文件名包含作者ID、帖子标题和作品编号,仅在kemono.su的帖子页面上运行
SouthPlus域名跳转 JS - 域名跳转到可以直连的地址,且很多插件都要适配一个域名就可以了
DerpiBooru.org - Tweaks [Ath] CSS - DerpiBooru.org and TrixieBooru.org: various usability tweaks.
Pixiv Kemono リンク(仮) JS - PixivのユーザープロフィールにKemonoのURLリンクを追加します。
astars club Mega Clicker JS - fuck him all )
WNACG压缩下载器 JS - 紳士漫畫的漫画首页新增一个“压缩下载”功能按钮。。可以解析漫画页面图片进行打包zip文件下载。。避免下载漫画的下载链接失效问题。。。
Booru Volume Fixer JS - Fix the problem in certain boorus where volume would always be set to a certain percentage.
Porn Pics Add title to the thumbnails v.2 JS - Add title to thumbnails
Kufirc 大图 JS - 在Kufirc的torrent列表显示大图
BitPorn 大图 JS - 在BitPorn的torrent列表显示大图
Hentairead.com - Spacebar/Enter to go next panel JS - Enables clicking `spacebar` (or `enter`) to go to next panel, and shift+spacebar (of shift+enter) to go to previous
Hentairead.com - Download manga as zip JS - Adds a Download button to the top-right of the manga reader that downloads the entire manga as a zip
e621 highlight searched tags JS - Higghlight searched tags in the tag panel on the left side of the page
Bloxd.io autoclick speed JS - Simple auto clicker for bloxd.io with toggle functionality using the V key. Click interval set to 1 second.
TF Games Search Enhancer JS - Combines collapsible subcategories with a Save Search Config button and adds table sorter buttons (by likes, last update, name, author).
Jerkmate Ranked Tool JS - Adds an autoclicker and autobuyer to Jerkmate Ranked
OnlyFans 自動跳轉 Coomer JS - 自動在 Coomer 搜尋 OnlyFans 創作者
Patreon / Fanbox 自動跳轉 Kemono 搜尋 JS - 自動在 Kemono 搜尋 Patreon / Pixiv Fanbox 創作者
JavDB 番号磁链批量获取 JS - Magnet Link Batch Retrieval
Rule34 Bulk Unfavorite JS - Automatically remove all favorites from rule34.xxx using AJAX and auto-refresh to handle pagination.
Rule34.Paheal.net – Dark Enhanced [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for Paheal Rule 34 (Rule34.Paheal.net). All pages fully redesigned. Highly customizable: choosing controls below thumbnail, fonts, colors etc.
DLマグネット(Tampermonkey専用) JS - 表示している作品のマグネットを https://sukebei.nyaa.si/ から検索します。
av quick search JS - search av quickly
Scroll to Top/bottom for mobile phone JS - A set of floating buttons on the screen that quickly scroll to the top and bottom of the page, and scroll up/down one page.
JAV_ONLINE JS - 将JavaDB在线播放替换为MissAV跳转播放
danbooru Download Button JS - Adds a download button to the https://danbooru.donmai.us post pages to quickly donwload the full rez image your currently looking at.
哔咔:新页面打开+列表大图平铺Bika Global showComic Override & Conditional Thumbnail View JS - 为方便电脑横屏使用:1. 覆盖原本的点击漫画打开逻辑,现在点击漫画会从新的标签页面打开并且列表页面不会刷新;2. 在漫画列表将图片放大并进行平铺,现在点击漫画图片不会显示放大的图片而是直接打开漫画。Overrides showComic globally to open books in a new tab. Also conditionally applies a full-width thumbnail view with 50px top/bottom margins, and makes both image and text clicks open the book.
Xhamster Search Favs in Collection List v.4 JS - Xhamster Search Favs in Collection List
Cam4 pagination figuccio JS - cam cambio pagine senza reflesh 2025
18avmmcg 單頁閱讀 JS - 在一頁中顯示所有圖像
Sankaku Tag Popularity Autocompletion JS - Makes the default autocompletion pick the most popular tag. Borders are added to the currently selected autocompletion. Arrow keys can also pick completions in textareas.
RedGIFs Tag Filter JS - Remove RedGIFs posts based on tags and injection nodes
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