PH - Search & UI Tweaks

Various search filters and user experience enhancers

Version au 10/08/2020. Voir la dernière version.

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*** Incompatible with GreaseMonkey v4 ***

A comprehensive script to simplify search and also manipulate the UI. A simplistic UI is also included, toggled by a yellow line button on the left side. All filters are optional and can be disabled as needed.

What's New in v1.15.2

  • UI Improvements Leaner UI opening button with viewport sensitive dimensions. Autohide behavior for settings form on mouse leave event.

Video Filtering

  • Hide Videos Containing Blacklisted Words

    Sick of piss drinking or plain old bdsm while generally browsing? Add the detested words to never see videos named with them again!

  • Hide SD Videos

    Especially on video pages where there is no option to hide them.

  • Hide Paid/Premium/Private Videos

    Hide videos that require befriending the uploader or spending money.

  • Hide Unrated/Paid Videos

    Hide videos with no rating visible or they are paid.

  • Hide Videos From Professional Channels

    Hide these pesky things which even make into places marked for only homemade sources.

  • Hide Watched Videos

    Hide marked watched videos.

  • Minimum/Maximum Rating

    Defaults to minimum 80%.

  • Minimum/Maximum Duration

    Defaults to minimum 120 seconds.

  • Minimum/Maximum Views

    Disabled by default.

  • Name Sanitization (Needs to be configured within the script)

    Replaces words in video names with user defined substitutes. I simply hate the new step- revolution!

UI Manipulations

  • Fix Counter Height

    Due to usage of ad and content blockers, the counter height can become an eyesore.

  • Remove All iFrames

    My adblocker and uMatrix simply can't remove some of them so here is a small tweak to send them to kingdom come. This will also block google recaptcha, you will have to disable the plugin to make it show.

  • Remove Live Model Streams

    Removes the live model stream blocks wherever they may be displayed.

  • Remove Porn Stars Listing (sidebar)

    I detest them all.

Feedback welcome!