Hentai Heroes automatic money collector (for hentaiheroes.com)

getMoneyBackground: collects money on a regular basis / getMoneyGUI: Same as getMoneyBackground but only if the harem is displayed

Version au 02/04/2021. Voir la dernière version.

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Hentai Heroes automatic money collector

The script has been made for hentaiheroes.com
The functions don't refresh the page so you will still see the progress bar after the collect.
Both funtions use JQuery and Notify.js, which is a JQuery plugin for the notifications

3 functions:

  • getMoneyBackground:

  • It collects money on a regular basis by sending POST requests to the server (even if the harem section is not displayed)
    It means that you will not have to go back to the harem for collecting money.
    You will need to find the ID of the girls you own in order to put them into the array allGirlsId

    Here is a selector to find your girls' ID:
    $('#hh_game').contents().find('body div#contains_all.fixed_scaled div#harem_whole div.global-container div#harem_left div.girls_list div[id_girl] div[class=""]')

    You can run it with Tampermonkey or on your browser console (F12 => Console). The harem section has to be open to get the IDs, otherwise the selector will not be able to locate them

  • getMoneyGUI

  • It collects money on a regular basis by sending POST requests to the server.
    It's only triggered if the harem section is open
    This function doesn't need the ids of your girls. It finds them himself

  • displayGirlsId

  • It displays the girls' id. (notification + log in the browser console)
    The harem section has to be open