
🏆 支持【超星/学习通】【知到/智慧树】平台 ✅视频自动观看,跳转下一个任务点✅章节测试自动完成,无答案保存✅作业自动完成✅考试自动完成,自动保存✅智慧树答题已经开发完成(视频正在开发)

Ce script a été supprimé et n'est plus accessible aux autres. Vous pouvez le restaurer à partir de l'onglet Supprimer.

🥇超星/学习通网课小助手|修复视频播放|自动跳转任务点|章测字体解密|自动答题|题库覆盖率高|逐渐支持更多平台 a été supprimé en raison de: Signaler #21121.

Appel présenté par l'auteur:

Hello, reviewer, the description office has explained that it is based on MIT. At present, most scripts are written by https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/369625-%E8%B6%85%E6%98%9F%E7%BD%91%E8%AF%BE%E5%8A%A9%E6%89%8B I have made corresponding changes in the API. More new functions will be developed in the future. Please let me go.

À la suite de cet appel, un modérateur a rétabli ce script.

I think that this script is compliant with the MIT license, as it's properly credited and released under the same license. The license message is missing as the original author didn't include one in their script. Some similar scripts were blocked due to advertising, but this one doesn't seem to include any.