Image Webinfo

Extract JSON-/string-style info from Pixiv/Booru image pages.

Version au 31/07/2024. Voir la dernière version.

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Image Webinfo

A Javascript extension to extract JSON-style info from the image board site webpages. It supports pixiv and booru.


Please not that the "Copy as string" doesn't copy all keys of the image info. Change the pixiv_str_keys and booru_str_keys variables in the script accordingly to customize.

Button locations:

  • Pixiv: In an artwork webapge, the Export Webinfo button can be found immediately under the Follow button (upperright).
  • Booru: In an artwork webpage, the Export Webinfo button can be found immediately under the Search box (upperleft).

Click the corresponding button, the image info JSON (or string) will be copied to clipboard. Copy format:

  • JSON string: Compatible with Python.
  • Pure string: Separated with tabs (\t) so that it can be directly pasted into spreadsheet or as tab-separated columns.

Output Examples

There are some examples. To include more keys in string copy, please customize the variables in the script as described in the Usage section.

  • Pixiv example:

    • Export to JSON:
    • Export to String (default keys):
    88079596    2022-12-16  バラバラな感情
  • Booru example

    • Export to JSON (with manual line split here for displaying):
    {"artists":"qys3","copyrights":"vocaloid","characters":"hatsune miku","general":"6+girls, :<, :t, > <,
    ahoge, aqua eyes, aqua hair, bowl, chibi, chopsticks, grin, holding with chopsticks, long hair,
    mini person, minigirl, multiple girls, nail polish, necktie, open mouth, simple background, skirt,
    smile, tears, thighhighs, twintails, very long hair, wavy mouth, white background",
    • Export to String (default keys):
    3028108 General