- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Harem Heroes++ modified by 1121
- // @namespace haremheroes.com
- // @description Adding things here and there in Harem Heroes game.
- // @version 0.06.6
- // @match https://nutaku.haremheroes.com/*
- // @match https://www.hentaiheroes.com/*
- // @match https://www.gayharem.com/*
- // @match http://test.hentaiheroes.com/*
- // @run-at document-end
- // @grant none
- // @author Raphael Updated by 1121
- // ==/UserScript==
- /* ==================
- localStorage
- ==================
- - lsMarket (updated each time you enter the Market / click buttons in Market)
- .buyable
- .potion.Nb = number of buyable books
- .potion.Xp = total xp of buyable books
- .potion.Value = cost of buyable books
- .gift.Nb = number of owned gifts
- .gift.Xp = total affection of buyable gifts
- .gift.Value = cost of buyable gifts
- .stocks
- .armor.Nb = number of owned equipments
- .booster.Nb = number of owned boosters
- .potion.Nb = number of owned books
- .potion.Xp = total xp you can give to your girls
- .gift.Nb = number of owned gifts
- .gift.Xp = total affection you can give to your girls
- .restock
- .herolvl = hero level before restock
- .time = next market restock time
- ================== */
- var lang = "en";
- if($('html')[0].lang == "en")
- lang = "en";
- else if($('html')[0].lang == "es_ES"){
- lang = "es";
- }
- else if($('html')[0].lang == "de_DE"){
- // lang = "de";
- }
- else if($('html')[0].lang == "fr"){
- lang = "fr";
- }
- else if($('html')[0].lang == "it_IT"){
- // lang = "it";
- }
- //alert($('html')[0].lang);
- //lang = "et";
- var GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS = [10, 21, 32, 43, 54, 65, 76, 87, 98, 109, 120, 131, 142, 154, 166, 178, 190, 202, 214, 226, 238, 250, 262, 274, 286, 299, 312, 325, 338, 351, 364, 377, 390, 403, 416, 429, 443, 457, 471, 485, 499, 513, 527, 541, 555, 569, 584, 599, 614, 629, 644, 659, 674, 689, 704, 720, 736, 752, 768, 784, 800, 816, 832, 849, 866, 883, 900, 917, 934, 951, 968, 985, 1003, 1021, 1039, 1057, 1075, 1093, 1111, 1130, 1149, 1168, 1187, 1206, 1225, 1244, 1264, 1284, 1304, 1324, 1344, 1364, 1384, 1405, 1426, 1447, 1468, 1489, 1510, 1531, 1553, 1575, 1597, 1619, 1641, 1663, 1686, 1709, 1732, 1755, 1778, 1801, 1825, 1849, 1873, 1897, 1921, 1945, 1970, 1995, 2020, 2045, 2070, 2096, 2122, 2148, 2174, 2200, 2227, 2254, 2281, 2308, 2335, 2363, 2391, 2419, 2447, 2475, 2504, 2533, 2562, 2591, 2620, 2650, 2680, 2710, 2740, 2770, 2801, 2832, 2863, 2894, 2926, 2958, 2990, 3022, 3055, 3088, 3121, 3154, 3188, 3222, 3256, 3290, 3325, 3360, 3395, 3430, 3466, 3502, 3538, 3574, 3611, 3648, 3685, 3722, 3760, 3798, 3836, 3875, 3914, 3953, 3992, 4032, 4072, 4112, 4153, 4194, 4235, 4277, 4319, 4361, 4403, 4446, 4489, 4532, 4576, 4620, 4664, 4709, 4754, 4799, 4845, 4891, 4937, 4984, 5031, 5078, 5126, 5174, 5223, 5272, 5321, 5371, 5421, 5471, 5522, 5573, 5624, 5676, 5728, 5781, 5834, 5887, 5941, 5995, 6050, 6105, 6160, 6216, 6272, 6329, 6386, 6444, 6502, 6560, 6619, 6678, 6738, 6798, 6859, 6920, 6981, 7043, 7105, 7168, 7231, 7295, 7359, 7424, 7489, 7555, 7621, 7688, 7755, 7823, 7891, 7960, 8029, 8099, 8169, 8240, 8311, 8383, 8455, 8528, 8601, 8675, 8750, 8825, 8901, 8977, 9054, 9131, 9209, 9288, 9367, 9447, 9527, 9608, 9690, 9772, 9855, 9938, 10022, 10107, 10192, 10278, 10365, 10452, 10540, 10628, 10717, 10807, 10897, 10988, 11080, 11172, 11265, 11359, 11454, 11549, 11645, 11742, 11839, 11937, 12036, 12136, 12236, 12337, 12439, 12542, 12645, 12749, 12854, 12960, 13067, 13174, 13282, 13391, 13501, 13612, 13723, 13835, 13948, 14062, 14177, 14293, 14409, 14526, 14644, 14763, 14883, 15004, 15126, 15249, 15373, 15498, 15623, 15749, 15876, 16004, 16133, 16263, 16394, 16526, 16659, 16793, 16928, 17064, 17201, 17339, 17478, 17618, 17759, 17901, 18044, 18189, 18335, 18482, 18630, 18779, 18929, 19080, 19232, 19385, 19540, 19696, 19853, 20011, 20170, 20330, 20492, 20655, 20819, 20984, 21151, 21319, 21488, 21658, 21830, 22003, 22177, 22352, 22529, 22707, 22886, 23067, 23249, 23432, 23617, 23803, 23991, 24180, 24370, 24562, 24755, 24950, 25146, 25344];
- var texts = [];
- texts.fr = {
- navigate:"Déplaces-toi",
- current:"actuelle",
- locked:"bloquée",
- unlock_it:"débloques-la!",
- scene:"scène",
- harem:"Harem",
- bottom:"bas",
- or:"ou",
- total:"total",
- affection:"affection",
- harem_stats:"Stats du harem",
- haremettes:"haremettes",
- hardcore:"Hardcore",
- charm:"Charme",
- know_how:"Savoir-faire",
- unlocked_scenes:"scènes débloquées",
- money_incomes:"Revenu",
- per_hour:"par heure",
- when_all_collectable:"quand tout est disponible",
- required_to_unlock:"Requis pour débloquer la scène",
- my_stocks:"Mes Stocks",
- top:"haut",
- equipments:"équipments",
- boosters:"boosters",
- books:"livres",
- gifts:"cadeaux",
- currently_buyable:"Stocks achetable",
- visit_the:'Visite le <a href="../shop.html">Marché</a> first.',
- not_combatible:"Votre navigateur n'est pas compatible.",
- or_level:"ou niveau",
- restock:"Restock",
- wiki:"wiki",
- she_is_your:"Elle est ta", //He_is_your:"Il est ton',
- evolution_costs:"ème haremette. Ses coûts d'évolutions sont",
- world:"Monde ",
- villain:" villain",
- fight_villain:"Combats un villain",
- you_own:"Tu possèdes",
- you_can_give:"Tu peux donner un total de",
- you_can_sell:"Tu peux tout vendre pour",
- Xp:"Xp",
- stat_points_need:"Nombre de points requis pour max",
- money_need:"Argent demandée pour max",
- money_spent:"Argent dépensé dans le Marché",
- bought_points:"Points achetés au Marché",
- equipment_points:"Points donnés par ton équipement",
- points_from_level:"Points donnés par ton niveau",
- quick_list:"Liste rapide",
- required_to_get_max_level:"Requis pour obtenir toutes les filles au niveau maximum"
- };
- texts.es = {
- navigate:"Navegar",
- current:"actual",
- locked:"bloqueado",
- unlock_it:"desbloquealo!",
- scene:"escena",
- harem:"Harén",
- bottom:"Fondo",
- or:"o",
- total:"Total",
- affection:"afecto",
- harem_stats:"Estatus del Harén",
- haremettes:"haremettes",
- hardcore:"Folladas",
- charm:"Encanto",
- know_how:"Saber-hacer",
- unlocked_scenes:"escenas desbloqueadas",
- money_incomes:"Ingreso de dinero",
- per_hour:"por hora",
- when_all_collectable:"cuando todo es coleccionable",
- required_to_unlock:"Requerido para desbloquear todas las escenas bloqueadas",
- my_stocks:"Mi Stock",
- top:"Tope",
- equipments:"equipamiento",
- boosters:"potenciadores",
- books:"libros",
- gifts:"regalos",
- currently_buyable:"Stocks Comprables Actualmente",
- visit_the:'Visita el <a href="../shop.html">Mercado</a> primero.',
- not_combatible:"Tu navegador no es compatible.",
- or_level:"o nivel",
- restock:"Restock",
- wiki:"wiki",
- she_is_your:"Ella es tu",
- evolution_costs:"ta haremette. Sus costo de evolucion son",
- world:"Mundo ",
- villain:" villano",
- fight_villain:"Pelear un villano",
- you_own:"Tienes",
- you_can_give:"Puedes dar un total de",
- you_can_sell:"Puedes vender todo por",
- Xp:"Xp",
- stat_points_need:"Puntos de estatus necesarios para maximo",
- money_need:"Dinero necesario para maximo",
- money_spent:"Dinero usado en el mercado",
- bought_points:"Puntos comprados del mercado",
- equipment_points:"Puntos de estatus de equipamiento",
- points_from_level:"Puntos de estatus de nivel",
- quick_list:"Lista Rapida",
- required_to_get_max_level:"Requerido para obtener el máximo nivel de todas las chicas"
- };
- texts.en = {
- navigate:"Navigate",
- current:"current",
- locked:"locked",
- unlock_it:"unlock it!",
- scene:"scene",
- harem:"Harem",
- bottom:"Bottom",
- or:"or",
- total:"Total",
- affection:"affection",
- harem_stats:"Harem Stats",
- haremettes:"haremettes",
- hardcore:"Hardcore",
- charm:"Charm",
- know_how:"Know-how",
- unlocked_scenes:"unlocked scenes",
- money_incomes:"Money incomes",
- per_hour:"per hour",
- when_all_collectable:"when all collectable",
- required_to_unlock:"Required to unlock all locked scenes",
- my_stocks:"My Stocks",
- top:"Top",
- equipments:"equipments",
- boosters:"boosters",
- books:"books",
- gifts:"gifts",
- currently_buyable:"Currently Buyable Stocks",
- visit_the:'Visit the <a href="../shop.html">Market</a> first.',
- not_combatible:"Your webbrowser is not compatible.",
- or_level:"or level",
- restock:"Restock",
- wiki:"'s wiki page",
- she_is_your:"She is your",
- evolution_costs:"th haremette. Evolution costs are",
- world:"World ",
- villain:" villain",
- fight_villain:"Fight a villain",
- you_own:"You own",
- you_can_give:"You can give a total of",
- you_can_sell:"You can sell everything for",
- Xp:"Xp",
- stat_points_need:"Stat points need to max",
- money_need:"Money need to max",
- money_spent:"Money spent in market",
- bought_points:"Bought points from market",
- equipment_points:"Equipments stat points",
- points_from_level:"Stat points from level",
- quick_list:"Quick list",
- required_to_get_max_level:"Required to get all haremettes max level"
- };
- texts.et = {
- navigate:"Navigeeri",
- current:"praegune",
- locked:"lukus",
- unlock_it:"ava!",
- scene:"stseen",
- harem:"Naase haaremisse",
- bottom:"Alla",
- or:"või",
- total:"Kokku",
- affection:"kiinduvust",
- harem_stats:"Haaremi näitajad",
- haremettes:"haaremi naist",
- hardcore:"Hardcore",
- charm:"Sarm",
- know_how:"Teadmisi",
- unlocked_scenes:"avatud stseene",
- money_incomes:"Sissetulek",
- per_hour:"tunnis",
- when_all_collectable:"kui kõik valmis",
- required_to_unlock:"Maksumus, et avada stseenid",
- my_stocks:"Minu laoseis",
- top:"Üles",
- equipments:"eset",
- boosters:"boonust",
- books:"raamatut",
- gifts:"kingitust",
- currently_buyable:"Praegu ostetavad",
- visit_the:'Külasta <a href="../shop.html">turgu</a> kõigepealt.',
- not_combatible:"Sinu brauser ei ühildu.",
- or_level:"või level",
- restock:"Lao uuendus",
- wiki:" wiki",
- she_is_your:"Ta on sinu",
- evolution_costs:" haaremi liige. Tema evolutsiooni maksumused",
- world:"Maailma",
- villain:"boss",
- fight_villain:"Võitle bossiga",
- you_own:"Sul on",
- you_can_give:"Sa saad lisada kokku",
- you_can_sell:"Sa saad müügiga teenida",
- Xp:"Xp",
- stat_points_need:"Oskuse punkte maksimumini",
- money_need:"Raha maksimumini",
- money_spent:"Raha kulunud oskuspunktidele",
- bought_points:"Ostetud oskuse punkte",
- equipment_points:"Esemete oskuse punktid",
- points_from_level:"Oskuse punkte levelist",
- quick_list:"Sorteeritud nimekiri",
- required_to_get_max_level:"Vajalik, et saada kõik tüdrukud maksimum levelini"
- };
- var CurrentPage = window.location.pathname;
- // css define
- var sheet = (function() {
- var style = document.createElement('style');
- document.head.appendChild(style);
- return style.sheet;
- })();
- // verify localstorage
- var lsAvailable = (lsTest() === true) ? 'yes' : 'no';
- FightATroll(); // added everywhere
- if (CurrentPage.indexOf('shop') != -1) ModifyMarket(); // Current page: Market
- else if (CurrentPage.indexOf('harem') != -1) ModifyHarem(); // Current page: Harem
- else if (CurrentPage.indexOf('quest') != -1) ModifyScenes(); // Current page: Haremettes' Scenes
- /* ======================
- Fight A Troll Menu
- ====================== */
- function FightATroll() {
- // Some pages don't carry the Hero data - skip the menu in this case by Hollo
- if (typeof Hero == 'undefined') {
- return;
- }
- // Trolls' database
- var Trolls = ['Dark Lord', 'Ninja Spy', 'Gruntt', 'Edwarda', 'Donatien', 'Silvanus', 'Bremen', 'Finalmecia', 'Fredy Sih Roko Senseï'];
- // get current world of player
- var CurrentWorld = Hero.infos.questing.id_world - 1,
- TrollName = '',
- TrollsMenu = '';
- // generate troll list
- for (var i = 0; i < CurrentWorld; i++) {
- if (typeof Trolls[i] !== typeof undefined && Trolls[i] !== false) {
- TrollName = Trolls[i];
- } else TrollName = texts[lang].world + ' ' + (i+1) + ' ' + texts[lang].villain;
- TrollsMenu += '<a href="/battle.html?id_troll=' + (i+1) + '">' + TrollName + '</a><br />';
- }
- // display: 'Fight a troll' menu
- $('#contains_all > header').children('[type=energy_fight]').append('<div id="FightTroll">' + texts[lang].fight_villain + '<span class="Arrow"></span><div class="TrollsMenu">' + TrollsMenu + '</div></div>');
- fightTrollCss();
- }
- /* ==========
- Market
- ========== */
- function ModifyMarket() {
- var loc2 = $('.hero_stats').children();
- loc2.each(function() {
- var stat = $(this).attr("hero");
- if(stat == "carac1" || stat == "carac2" || stat == "carac3"){
- $(this).append('<span class="CustomStats"></span><div id="CustomStats' + stat +'" class="StatsTooltip"></div>');
- }
- });
- updateStats();
- function updateStats(){
- var loc2 = $('.hero_stats').children();
- var last_cost = 0,
- levelPoints = 0,
- levelMoney = 0,
- level = Hero.infos.level;
- if(level <=25)
- levelPoints = level *40;
- else
- levelPoints = 1000 + (level-25)*19;
- levelMoney = calculateTotalPrice(levelPoints);
- loc2.each(function() {
- var stat = $(this).attr("hero");
- $(".CustomStats").html('');
- if(stat == "carac1" || stat == "carac2" || stat == "carac3"){
- var currentStatPoints = Hero.infos[stat],
- remainingPoints = levelPoints - currentStatPoints,
- currentMoney = calculateTotalPrice(currentStatPoints),
- remainingMoney = levelMoney - currentMoney,
- skillPoints = Hero.infos.caracs[stat],
- itemPoints = Hero.infos.items[stat],
- boughtPoints = Hero.infos[stat];
- skillPoints = skillPoints - itemPoints - boughtPoints;
- $("#CustomStats" + stat).html(
- "<b>" + texts[lang].stat_points_need + ":</b> " + NbCommas(remainingPoints) + "<br />" +
- "<b>" + texts[lang].money_need + ": </b>" + NbCommas(remainingMoney) + "<br />" +
- "<b>" + texts[lang].money_spent + ": </b>" + NbCommas(currentMoney) + "<br /><br />" +
- "<b>" + texts[lang].bought_points + ": </b>" + NbCommas(boughtPoints) + "<br />" +
- "<b>" + texts[lang].equipment_points + ": </b>" + NbCommas(itemPoints) + "<br />" +
- "<b>" + texts[lang].points_from_level + ": </b>" + NbCommas(skillPoints) + "<br />"
- );
- }
- });
- }
- function calculateTotalPrice(points){
- var last_price = calculateStatPrice(points);
- if(points < 2001)
- price = (5+last_price)/2*(points);
- else if(points < 4001){
- price = 4012005+(4009+last_price)/2*(points-2001);
- }else if(points < 6001)
- price = 20026005+(12011+last_price)/2*(points-4001);
- else if(points < 8001)
- price = 56042005+(24013+last_price)/2*(points-6001);
- else if(points < 10001)
- price = 120060005+(40015+last_price)/2*(points-8001);
- return price;
- }
- function calculateStatPrice(points){
- var cost = 0;
- if(points < 2001)
- cost = 3 + points * 2;
- else if(points < 4001)
- cost = 4005+(points-2001)*4;
- else if(points < 6001)
- cost = 12005+(points-4001)*6;
- else if(points < 8001)
- cost = 24005+(points-6001)*8;
- else if(points < 10001)
- cost = 40005+(points-8001)*10;
- return cost;
- }
- var lsMarket = {};
- lsMarket.buyable = {};
- lsMarket.stocks = {};
- lsMarket.restock = {};
- setTimeout( function() {
- // save time of restock
- var RestockTimer = $('#shop > .shop_count > span').text().split(':'),
- s = 0, m = 1;
- // convert HH:MM:SS or MM:SS or SS to seconds
- while (RestockTimer.length > 0) {
- s += m * parseInt(RestockTimer.pop(), 10);
- m *= 60;
- }
- lsMarket.restock.herolvl = Hero.infos.level;
- lsMarket.restock.time = (new Date()).getTime() + s*1000;
- // first load
- get_buyableStocks('potion');
- get_buyableStocks('gift');
- equipments_shop(0);
- boosters_shop(0);
- books_shop(0);
- gifts_shop(0);
- }, 500 );
- // catch click on Buy, Restock, Equip/Offer or Sell > update tooltip after 500ms
- var timer;
- $('#shop > button, #inventory > button').click(function() {
- var clickedButton = $(this).attr('rel'),
- opened_shop = $('#shop').children('.selected');
- clearTimeout(timer); // kill previous update
- timer = setTimeout( function() {
- if (opened_shop.hasClass('armor')) {
- equipments_shop(1);
- } else if (opened_shop.hasClass('booster')) {
- boosters_shop(1);
- } else if (opened_shop.hasClass('potion')) {
- if (clickedButton == 'buy' || clickedButton == 'shop_reload') get_buyableStocks('potion');
- books_shop(1);
- } else if (opened_shop.hasClass('gift')) {
- if (clickedButton == 'buy' || clickedButton == 'shop_reload') get_buyableStocks('gift');
- gifts_shop(1);
- }
- }, 500 );
- });
- function get_buyableStocks(loc_class) {
- // initialize
- var itemsNb = 0,
- itemsXp = 0,
- itemsPrice = 0,
- loc = $('#shop').children('.' + loc_class);
- // get stats
- loc.find('.slot').each(function() {
- if ($(this).hasClass('empty')) return false;
- var item = $(this).data('d');
- itemsNb++;
- itemsXp += parseInt(item.value, 10);
- itemsPrice += parseInt(item.price, 10);
- });
- // save
- lsMarket.buyable[loc_class] = {'Nb':itemsNb, 'Xp':itemsXp, 'Value':itemsPrice};
- }
- function equipments_shop(update) {
- tt_create(update, 'armor', 'EquipmentsTooltip', 'equipments', '');
- }
- function boosters_shop(update) {
- tt_create(update, 'booster', 'BoostersTooltip', 'boosters', '');
- }
- function books_shop(update) {
- tt_create(update, 'potion', 'BooksTooltip', 'books', 'Xp');
- }
- function gifts_shop(update) {
- tt_create(update, 'gift', 'GiftsTooltip', 'gifts', 'affection');
- }
- // create/update tooltip & save to localstorage
- function tt_create(update, loc_class, tt_class, itemName, itemUnit) {
- // initialize
- var itemsNb = 0,
- itemsXp = (itemUnit === '') ? -1 : 0,
- itemsSell = 0,
- loc = $('#inventory').children('.' + loc_class);
- // get stats
- loc.find('.slot').each(function() {
- if ($(this).hasClass('empty')) return false;
- var item = $(this).data('d'),
- Nb = parseInt(item.count, 10);
- itemsNb += Nb;
- itemsSell += Nb * parseInt(item.price_sell, 10);
- if (itemsXp != -1) itemsXp += Nb * parseInt(item.value, 10);
- });
- var tooltip = texts[lang].you_own + ' <b>' + NbCommas(itemsNb) + '</b> ' + texts[lang][itemName] + '.<br />' +
- (itemsXp == -1 ? '' : texts[lang].you_can_give + ' <b>' + NbCommas(itemsXp) + '</b> ' + texts[lang][itemUnit] + '.<br />') +
- texts[lang].you_can_sell + ' <b>' + NbCommas(itemsSell) + '</b> <span class="imgMoney"></span>.';
- // save to localstorage
- lsMarket.stocks[loc_class] = (loc_class == 'potion' || loc_class == 'gift') ? {'Nb':itemsNb, 'Xp':itemsXp} : {'Nb':itemsNb};
- localStorage.setItem('lsMarket', JSON.stringify(lsMarket));
- // create or update tooltip
- if (update === 0) {
- loc.prepend('<span class="CustomTT"></span><div class="' + tt_class + '">' + tooltip + '</div>');
- } else {
- loc.children('.' + tt_class).html(tooltip);
- }
- }
- $('plus').on('click', function (event) {
- var stat = "carac" + $(this).attr("for_carac");
- Hero.infos[stat]++;
- timer = setTimeout( function() {
- updateStats();
- }, 400 );
- });
- marketCss();
- }
- /* =========
- Harem
- ========= */
- function ModifyHarem() {
- // initialize
- var i = 0,
- GirlId = '',
- GirlName = '',
- Anchor = '',
- Specialty = [0, 0, 0], // [Hardcore, Charm, Know-how]
- UnlockedSc = 0,
- AvailableSc = 0,
- IncHourly = 0,
- IncCollect = 0,
- HList = [],
- Saffection = 0, // S= Stats tab
- Smoney = 0,
- Skobans = 0,
- ScenesLink = '',
- total_exp = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS[Hero.infos.level-2],
- totalXpNeeded = 0;
- var EvoReq = [];
- EvoReq.push({ affection: 15, money: 3150, kobans: 3 });
- EvoReq.push({ affection: 50, money: 6750, kobans: 6 });
- EvoReq.push({ affection: 150, money: 18000, kobans: 18 });
- EvoReq.push({ affection: 700, money: 135000, kobans: 90 });
- EvoReq.push({ affection: 1750, money: 968000, kobans: 300 });
- $('#harem_left').find('div[girl]').each( function(){
- i++;
- GirlId = $(this).attr('girl');
- GirlName = $(this).find('h4').text();
- IncCollect += parseInt($(this).find('.sal').text(), 10);
- HList.push({Id: GirlId, Order: i, Name: GirlName});
- $(this).attr('id', GirlName);
- if ($(this).hasClass('opened')) Anchor = GirlName;
- $(this).find('h4').append('<div class="HaremetteNb">' + i + '</div>');
- });
- var haremBottomGirl = GirlName;
- // auto-scroll to anchor
- location.hash = '#' + Anchor;
- // get haremettes stats & display wiki link
- i = 0;
- $('#harem_right').children('[girl]').each( function() {
- // display: wiki link
- if(HH_UNIVERSE == "gay")
- $(this).append('<div class="WikiLink"><a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Gay-Harem/GH:' + HList[i].Name + '" target="_blank"> ' + HList[i].Name + texts[lang].wiki + ' </a></div>');
- else
- $(this).append('<div class="WikiLink"><a href="https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:' + HList[i].Name + '" target="_blank"> ' + HList[i].Name + texts[lang].wiki + ' </a></div>');
- i++;
- var j = 0,
- Taffection = 0, // T= Total requirements (right tooltip)
- Tmoney = 0,
- Tkobans = 0,
- FirstLockedScene = 1,
- AffectionTT = texts[lang].she_is_your + ' <b>' + i + '</b>' + texts[lang].evolution_costs + ':<br />',
- girl_quests = $(this).find('.girl_quests');
- // get stats: specialty
- Spe = parseInt($(this).find('h3 > span').attr('carac'), 10) - 1;
- Specialty[Spe]++;
- // get stats: hourly income update by Hollo
- //IncHourly += parseInt($(this).find('.salary').text(), 10);
- var salaryStr = $(this).find('.salary').text().replace(/\s|,/g,"");
- IncHourly += parseInt(salaryStr, 10);
- girl_quests.find('g').each( function() {
- // prepare affection tooltip
- var Raffection = EvoReq[j].affection * i, // R= Required for this star (right tooltip)
- Rmoney = EvoReq[j].money * i,
- Rkobans = EvoReq[j].kobans * i;
- if(i>20){
- if(j==3){
- Raffection = 14000;
- Rmoney = 2700000;
- Rkobans = 1800;
- } else if(j==4){
- Raffection = 35000;
- Rmoney = 19360000;
- Rkobans = 6000;
- }
- }
- if(i>100){
- if(j==0){
- Raffection = 1500;
- Rmoney = 315000;
- Rkobans = 300;
- } else if(j==1){
- Raffection = 5000;
- Rmoney = 675000;
- Rkobans = 600;
- } else if(j==2){
- Raffection = 15000;
- Rmoney = 1800000;
- Rkobans = 1800;
- }
- }
- if(hh_nutaku)
- Rkobans = Math.ceil(Rkobans/6);
- Taffection += Raffection;
- Tmoney += Rmoney;
- Tkobans += Rkobans;
- j++;
- AffectionTT += addPriceRow(j + '</b><span class="imgStar"></span>', Raffection, Rmoney, Rkobans);
- AvailableSc++;
- ScenesLink += (ScenesLink === '') ? 'hh_scenes=' : ',';
- var SceneHref = $(this).parent().attr('href');
- if ($(this).hasClass('grey') || $(this).hasClass('green')) {
- if (FirstLockedScene === 0) {
- Saffection += Raffection;
- ScenesLink += '0';
- } else {
- FirstLockedScene = 0;
- var XpLeft = girl_quests.parent().children('.girl_exp_left');
- var isUpgradable = girl_quests.parent().children('.green_text_button');
- // console.log(XpLeft.text());
- // console.log(parseInt(XpLeft.text().replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''), 10));
- Saffection += (XpLeft.length) ? parseInt(XpLeft.text().replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''), 10) : 0;
- ScenesLink += (isUpgradable.length) ? '0.' + isUpgradable.attr('href').substr(7) : '0';
- }
- Smoney += Rmoney;
- Skobans += Rkobans;
- } else {
- UnlockedSc++;
- var attrHref = $(this).parent().attr('href');
- if (typeof attrHref != 'undefined') {
- ScenesLink += attrHref.substr(7);
- }
- }
- });
- var counter = 0;
- $(this).find('.girl_line').each( function() {
- var h4 = $(this).find('h4');
- if( counter == 0 ){
- var XpLeft = $(this).find('.girl_exp_left');
- var xp = (XpLeft.length) ? parseInt(XpLeft.text().replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''), 10) : 0;
- var girl_level = $(this).find("span[rel='level']").html();
- var girl_current_exp = GIRLS_EXP_LEVELS[girl_level-1] - xp;
- totalXpNeeded +=(total_exp - girl_current_exp);
- }
- counter++;
- });
- // parseInt(XpLeft.text().replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''), 10)
- // change scene links
- girl_quests.children('a').each(function() {
- var attr = $(this).attr('href');
- if (typeof attr !== typeof undefined && attr !== false) {
- $(this).attr('href', attr + '?' + ScenesLink);
- }
- });
- ScenesLink = '';
- AffectionTT += addPriceRow(texts[lang].total, Taffection, Tmoney, Tkobans);
- // display: Affection costs tooltip
- girl_quests.parent().children('h4').prepend('<span class="CustomTT"></span><div class="AffectionTooltip">' + AffectionTT + '</div>');
- });
- // ### TAB: Quick List ###
- // order haremettes alphabetically
- HList.sort(function(a, b) {
- var textA = a.Name.toUpperCase(),
- textB = b.Name.toUpperCase();
- return (textA < textB) ? -1 : (textA > textB) ? 1 : 0;
- });
- // html quick list
- var len = HList.length,
- QListString = '<div class="QListContent"><span class="Title">' + texts[lang].quick_list + ':</span>';
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- QListString += '<br /><a f="ql_girl" girl="' + HList[i].Id + '" href="#' + HList[i].Name + '">' + HList[i].Name + '</a> (#' + HList[i].Order + ')';
- }
- QListString += '</div>';
- // ### TAB: Stats ###
- // Market stocks
- try {
- var lsMarket = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('lsMarket')),
- d = new Date(lsMarket.restock.time);
- // console.log(lsMarket);
- // buyable stocks
- if (new Date() > lsMarket.restock.time || Hero.infos.level > lsMarket.restock.herolvl) {
- var RestockInfo = '> The <a href="../shop.html">Market</a> restocked since your last visit.';
- } else {
- var marketBookTxt = lsMarket.buyable.potion.Nb + ' ' + texts[lang].books + ' (' + NbCommas(lsMarket.buyable.potion.Xp) + ' Xp)',
- marketGiftTxt = lsMarket.buyable.gift.Nb + ' ' + texts[lang].gifts + ' (' + NbCommas(lsMarket.buyable.gift.Xp) + ' Aff)',
- RestockInfo = '- ' + marketBookTxt + ' = ' + NbCommas(lsMarket.buyable.potion.Value) + ' <img src="https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/01/07/0Gsvn.png">'
- + '<br />- ' + marketGiftTxt + ' = ' + NbCommas(lsMarket.buyable.gift.Value) + ' <img src="https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/01/07/0Gsvn.png">'
- + '<br /><font style="color:gray;">' + texts[lang].restock + ': ' + d.toLocaleString() + ' (' + texts[lang].or_level + ' ' + (Hero.infos.level+1) + ')</font>';
- }
- // my stocks
- var myArmorTxt = NbCommas(lsMarket.stocks.armor.Nb) + (lsMarket.stocks.armor.Nb > 99 ? '+ ' : ' ') + ' ' + texts[lang].equipments,
- myBoosterTxt = NbCommas(lsMarket.stocks.booster.Nb) + ' ' + texts[lang].boosters,
- myBookTxt = NbCommas(lsMarket.stocks.potion.Nb) + ' ' + texts[lang].books + ' (' + NbCommas(lsMarket.stocks.potion.Xp) + ' Xp)',
- myGiftTxt = NbCommas(lsMarket.stocks.gift.Nb) + ' ' + texts[lang].gifts + ' (' + NbCommas(lsMarket.stocks.gift.Xp) + ')',
- MarketStocks = '- ' + myArmorTxt + ', ' + myBoosterTxt
- + '<br />- ' + myBookTxt
- + '<br />- ' + myGiftTxt
- + '<span class="subTitle">' + texts[lang].currently_buyable + ':</span>'
- + RestockInfo;
- } catch(e) {
- var MarketStocks = (lsAvailable == 'yes') ? '> ' + texts[lang].visit_the : '> ' + texts[lang].not_combatible;
- }
- var StatsString = '<div class="StatsContent"><span class="Title">' + texts[lang].harem_stats + ':</span>' +
- '<span class="subTitle" style="margin-top:-10px;">' + i + ' ' + texts[lang].haremettes +':</span>' +
- '- ' + Specialty[0] + ' ' + texts[lang].hardcore + ', ' + Specialty[1] + ' ' + texts[lang].charm + ', ' + Specialty[2] + ' ' + texts[lang].know_how + ''
- + '<br />- ' + UnlockedSc + '/' + AvailableSc + ' ' + texts[lang].unlocked_scenes + ''
- + '<span class="subTitle">' + texts[lang].money_incomes + ':</span>'
- + '~' + NbCommas(IncHourly) + ' <img src="https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/01/07/0Gsvn.png"> ' + texts[lang].per_hour
- + '<br />' + NbCommas(IncCollect) + ' <img src="https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/01/07/0Gsvn.png"> ' + texts[lang].when_all_collectable
- + '<span class="subTitle">' + texts[lang].required_to_unlock + ':</span>'
- + addPriceRow('', Saffection, Smoney, Skobans)
- + '<span class="subTitle">' + texts[lang].required_to_get_max_level + ':</span>' //fdfdf
- + NbCommas(totalXpNeeded) + ' xp(' + NbCommas(totalXpNeeded*200) + ' <span class="imgMoney"></span>), '+ ' <br />'
- + '<span class="subTitle">' + texts[lang].my_stocks + ':</span>'
- + MarketStocks
- + '</div>';
- // add custom bar buttons/links & quick list div & stats div
- $('#harem_left').append('<div id="CustomBar">'
- + '<img f="list" src="https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/09/10/FRW.png">'
- + '<img f="stats" src="https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/09/11/FRh.png">'
- + '<div class="TopBottomLinks"><a href="#Bunny">' + texts[lang].top + '</a> | <a href="#' + haremBottomGirl + '">' + texts[lang].bottom + '</a></div>'
- + '</div>'
- + '<div id="TabsContainer">' + QListString + StatsString + '</div>');
- // cache
- TabsContainer = $('#TabsContainer');
- QList = TabsContainer.children('.QListContent');
- Stats = TabsContainer.children('.StatsContent');
- // catch clicks
- $('body').click(function(e) {
- var clickOn = e.target.getAttribute('f');
- switch (clickOn) {
- // on quick list button
- case 'list':
- toggleTabs(QList, Stats);
- break;
- // on stats button
- case 'stats':
- toggleTabs(Stats, QList);
- break;
- // on a girl in quick list
- case 'ql_girl':
- var clickedGirl = e.target.getAttribute('girl');
- $('#harem_left').find('[girl=' + clickedGirl + ']').triggerHandler('click');
- break;
- // somewhere else except custom containers
- default:
- var clickedContainer = $(e.target).closest('[id]').attr('id');
- if (clickedContainer == 'TabsContainer') return;
- TabsContainer.fadeOut(400);
- }
- });
- // tabs switching animations
- function toggleTabs(tabIn, tabOut) {
- if (TabsContainer.css('display') == 'block') {
- if (tabOut.css('display') == 'block') {
- tabOut.fadeOut(200);
- setTimeout( function(){ tabIn.fadeIn(300); }, 205 );
- } else {
- TabsContainer.fadeOut(400);
- }
- } else {
- tabOut.toggle(false);
- tabIn.toggle(true);
- TabsContainer.fadeIn(400);
- }
- }
- haremCss();
- function addPriceRow(rowName, affection, money, kobans){
- return '<b>' + rowName + ':</b> ' +
- NbCommas(affection) + ' ' + texts[lang].affection + '(' + NbCommas(affection*417) + ' <span class="imgMoney"></span>), '+
- NbCommas(money) + ' <span class="imgMoney"></span> ' + texts[lang].or + ' '+
- NbCommas(kobans) + ' <span class="imgKobans"></span><br />';
- }
- }
- /* ==========
- Scenes
- ========== */
- function ModifyScenes() {
- // parse GET hh_scenes variable
- var currentScene = CurrentPage.substr(7),
- hh_scenesParams = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get('hh_scenes'),
- hh_scenes = hh_scenesParams.split(','),
- len = hh_scenes.length;
- // no scenes, less than 3 or more than 5 (human manipulation)
- if (!len || len < 3 || len > 5) {
- return false;
- } else {
- var ScenesNavigate = '<div class="Scenes" style="display:block;">' + texts[lang].navigate + ':<br/>',
- SceneLink = '';
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
- // string format certification
- if (/^(0\.)?[0-9]{1,5}$/.test(hh_scenes[i]) === true) {
- if (hh_scenes[i] == currentScene) {
- SceneLink = '<span class="current">' + texts[lang].current + '</span>';
- } else if (hh_scenes[i] == '0') {
- SceneLink = '<span class="locked">' + texts[lang].locked + '</span>';
- } else if (parseInt(hh_scenes[i], 10) < 1) {
- SceneLink = '<a href="/quest/' + hh_scenes[i].substr(2) + '">' + texts[lang].unlock_it + '!</a>';
- } else {
- SceneLink = '<a href="/quest/' + hh_scenes[i] + '?hh_scenes=' + hh_scenesParams + '">' + texts[lang].scene + '</a>';
- }
- ScenesNavigate += (i+1) + '<span class="imgStar"></span> ' + SceneLink + '<br />';
- }
- // string error: doesn't match (human manipulation)
- else return false;
- }
- ScenesNavigate += '<span class="backToHarem">< <a href="' + $('#breadcrumbs').children('a').eq(2).attr('href') + '">' + texts[lang].harem + '</a></span></div>';
- // insert navigate interface
- $('#controls').append(ScenesNavigate);
- }
- scenesCss();
- }
- // is localstorage available?
- function lsTest() {
- try {
- localStorage.setItem('test', 'test');
- localStorage.removeItem('test');
- return true;
- } catch(e) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // adds thousands commas
- function NbCommas(x) {
- if(lang == "fr" || lang == "es" || lang == "et")
- return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, " ");
- return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
- }
- function fightTrollCss(){
- sheet.insertRule('#FightTroll {'
- + 'position: absolute;'
- + 'z-index: 99;'
- + 'width: 90%;'
- + 'margin:21px 0 0 13px;'
- + 'border-radius: 8px 10px 10px 8px;'
- + 'background: rgba(102,136,153,0.67);'
- + 'box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.73);'
- + 'text-align: center; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#FightTroll > .Arrow {'
- + 'float:right;'
- + 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/09/19/Fmo.png");'
- + 'background-size: 18px 18px;'
- + 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
- + 'width: 18px;'
- + 'height: 18px; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#FightTroll > .TrollsMenu {'
- + 'position: absolute;'
- + 'width: 88%;'
- + 'margin-left:6px;'
- + 'border-radius: 0px 0 8px 8px;'
- + 'background: rgba(102,136,153,0.67);'
- + 'line-height: 15px;'
- + 'opacity: 0;'
- + 'visibility: hidden;'
- + 'transition: opacity 400ms, visibility 400ms; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#FightTroll:hover > .TrollsMenu {'
- + 'opacity: 1;'
- + 'visibility: visible; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#FightTroll a {'
- + 'color: rgb(255, 255, 255);'
- + 'text-decoration: none; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#FightTroll a:hover {'
- + 'color: rgb(255, 247, 204);'
- + 'text-decoration: underline; }');
- }
- function marketCss(){
- // -----------------
- // -----------------
- sheet.insertRule('#inventory .CustomTT {'
- + 'float: right;'
- + 'margin: 11px 1px 0 0;'
- + 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/09/13/FPE.png");'
- + 'background-size: 20px 20px;'
- + 'width: 20px;'
- + 'height: 20px; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#inventory .CustomTT:hover {'
- + 'cursor: help; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#inventory .CustomTT:hover + div {'
- + 'opacity: 1;'
- + 'visibility: visible; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#inventory .EquipmentsTooltip, #inventory .BoostersTooltip, #inventory .BooksTooltip, #inventory .GiftsTooltip {'
- + 'position: absolute;'
- + 'z-index: 99;'
- + 'width: 240px;'
- + 'border: 1px solid rgb(162, 195, 215);'
- + 'border-radius: 8px;'
- + 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);'
- + 'padding: 3px 7px 4px 7px;'
- + 'background-color: #F2F2F2;'
- + 'font: normal 10px/17px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;'
- + 'color: #057;'
- + 'opacity: 0;'
- + 'visibility: hidden;'
- + 'transition: opacity 400ms, visibility 400ms; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#inventory .EquipmentsTooltip, #inventory .BoostersTooltip {'
- + 'margin: -33px 0 0 210px;'
- + 'height: 43px; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#inventory .BooksTooltip, #inventory .GiftsTooltip {'
- + 'margin: -50px 0 0 210px;'
- + 'height: 60px; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#inventory .EquipmentsTooltip b, #inventory .BoostersTooltip b, #inventory .BooksTooltip b, #inventory .GiftsTooltip b {'
- + 'font-weight:bold; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#inventory .imgMoney {'
- + 'background-size: 12px 12px;'
- + 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
- + 'width: 12px;'
- + 'height: 14px;'
- + 'vertical-align: text-bottom;'
- + 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/01/07/0Gsvn.png");'
- + 'display: inline-block; }');
- sheet.insertRule('.hero_stats .CustomStats:hover {'
- + 'cursor: help; }');
- sheet.insertRule('.hero_stats .CustomStats {'
- + 'float: right;'
- + 'margin-left: -25px;'
- + 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/09/13/FPE.png");'
- + 'background-size: 18px 18px;'
- + 'background-position: center;'
- + 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
- + 'width: 18px;'
- + 'height: 100%;'
- + 'visibility: none; }');
- sheet.insertRule('.hero_stats .CustomStats:hover + div {' +
- 'opacity: 1;' +
- 'visibility: visible; }');
- sheet.insertRule('.hero_stats .StatsTooltip {'
- + 'position: absolute;'
- + 'z-index: 99;'
- + 'margin: -130px 0 0 -28px;'
- + 'width: 280px;'
- + 'height: 127px;'
- + 'border: 1px solid rgb(162, 195, 215);'
- + 'border-radius: 8px;'
- + 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);'
- + 'padding: 3px 7px 4px 7px;'
- + 'background-color: #F2F2F2;'
- + 'font: normal 10px/17px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;;'
- + 'text-align: left;'
- + 'opacity: 0;'
- + 'visibility: hidden;'
- + 'transition: opacity 400ms, visibility 400ms; }');
- sheet.insertRule('.hero_stats .StatsTooltip b {'
- + 'font-weight: bold; }');
- }
- function haremCss(){
- // -----------------
- // -----------------
- sheet.insertRule('#harem_left .HaremetteNb {'
- + 'float: right;'
- + 'line-height: 14px;'
- + 'font-size: 12px; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#CustomBar {'
- + 'position: absolute;'
- + 'z-index: 99;'
- + 'width: 100%;'
- + 'padding: 3px 10px 0 3px;'
- + 'font: bold 10px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#CustomBar img {'
- + 'width: 20px;'
- + 'height: 20px;'
- + 'margin-right: 3px;'
- + 'opacity: 0.5; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#CustomBar img:hover {'
- + 'opacity: 1;'
- + 'cursor: pointer; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#CustomBar .TopBottomLinks {'
- + 'float: right;'
- + 'margin-top: 2px; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#CustomBar a, #TabsContainer a, #harem_right .WikiLink a {'
- + 'color: #057;'
- + 'text-decoration: none; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#CustomBar a:hover, #TabsContainer a:hover, #harem_right .WikiLink a:hover {'
- + 'color: #B14;'
- + 'text-decoration: underline; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#TabsContainer {'
- + 'position: absolute;'
- + 'z-index: 99;'
- + 'margin: -270px 0 0 -1px;'
- + 'width: 240px;'
- + 'height: 270px;'
- + 'overflow-y: scroll;'
- + 'border: 1px solid rgb(156, 182, 213);'
- + 'box-shadow: 1px -1px 1px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);'
- + 'font: normal 10px/16px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;'
- + 'color: #000000;'
- + 'background-color: #ffffff;'
- + 'display: none; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#TabsContainer > div {'
- + 'padding: 1px 0 8px 10px; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#TabsContainer .Title {'
- + 'margin-left: -5px;'
- + 'font: bold 12px/22px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;'
- + 'color: #B14; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#TabsContainer .subTitle {'
- + 'padding-top: 10px;;'
- + 'font-weight: bold;'
- + 'display: block; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#TabsContainer img {'
- + 'width: 14px;'
- + 'height: 14px;'
- + 'vertical-align: text-bottom; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#harem_right .CustomTT {'
- + 'float: right;'
- + 'margin-left: -25px;'
- + 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/09/13/FPE.png");'
- + 'background-size: 18px 18px;'
- + 'width: 18px;'
- + 'height: 18px;'
- + 'visibility: none; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#harem_right .CustomTT:hover {'
- + 'cursor: help; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#harem_right .CustomTT:hover + div {'
- + 'opacity: 1;'
- + 'visibility: visible; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#harem_right .AffectionTooltip {'
- + 'position: absolute;'
- + 'z-index: 99;'
- + 'margin: -130px 0 0 -28px;'
- + 'width: 320px;'
- + 'height: 127px;'
- + 'border: 1px solid rgb(162, 195, 215);'
- + 'border-radius: 8px;'
- + 'box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);'
- + 'padding: 3px 7px 4px 7px;'
- + 'background-color: #F2F2F2;'
- + 'font: normal 10px/17px Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;;'
- + 'text-align: left;'
- + 'opacity: 0;'
- + 'visibility: hidden;'
- + 'transition: opacity 400ms, visibility 400ms; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#harem_right .AffectionTooltip b {'
- + 'font-weight: bold; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#harem_right .WikiLink {'
- + 'float: right;'
- + 'margin: -13px 7px 0 0;'
- + 'font-size: 12px; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#harem_right .imgStar, #harem_right .imgMoney, #harem_right .imgKobans, #harem_left .imgStar, #harem_left .imgMoney, #harem_left .imgKobans {'
- + 'background-size: 10px 10px;'
- + 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
- + 'width: 10px;'
- + 'height: 14px;'
- + 'display: inline-block; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#harem_right .imgStar, #harem_left .imgStar {'
- + 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2016/12/29/R9HWCKEtD.png"); }');
- sheet.insertRule('#harem_right .imgMoney, #harem_left .imgMoney {'
- + 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/01/07/0Gsvn.png"); }');
- sheet.insertRule('#harem_right .imgKobans, #harem_left .imgKobans {'
- + 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2016/08/30/gNUo3XdY.png"); }');
- }
- function scenesCss(){
- // -----------------
- // -----------------
- sheet.insertRule('#controls .Scenes {'
- + 'height:200px;'
- + 'box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);'
- + 'background-color:#000000;'
- + 'background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(196,3,35,1) 0%,rgba(132,2,30,1) 51%,rgba(79,0,14,1) 100%);'
- + 'text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);'
- + 'display: block !important; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#controls .current {'
- + 'color: rgb(251, 255, 108); }');
- sheet.insertRule('#controls .locked {'
- + 'color: rgb(150, 99, 99); }');
- sheet.insertRule('#controls .Scenes a {'
- + 'color: rgb(233, 142, 228);'
- + 'text-decoration: none; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#controls .Scenes a:hover {' +
- 'color: rgb(254, 202, 255);' +
- 'text-decoration: underline; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#controls .backToHarem {'
- + 'position: absolute;'
- + 'bottom: 0;'
- + 'left: 0;'
- + 'width: 100%; }');
- sheet.insertRule('#controls .imgStar {'
- + 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2016/12/29/R9HWCKEtD.png");'
- + 'background-size: 10px 10px;'
- + 'background-repeat: no-repeat;'
- + 'width: 10px;'
- + 'height: 18px;'
- + 'display: inline-block; }');
- }