
Click to Next Scroll Page && Easy to View.

  1. // ==UserScript==
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  74. // @exclude http://192.168.*
  75. // @description Click to Next Scroll Page && Easy to View.
  76. // @grant GM_addStyle
  77. // @grant GM_log
  78. // @version 0.5.6
  79. // @modified 2015.02.24.00h
  80. // ==/UserScript==
  82. // https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.7.2.min.js
  85. jQuery.noConflict();
  86. (function($) {
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  93. var gScrolled = false; // 是否捲動
  94. //var gBtnTopDiffNum = 0; // 按鈕與視窗 Top 差距多少.
  95. var jc_click_last_time = 0; // last click time
  96. $(document).ready(function() { // 動態載入,也會觸發 document ready 事件
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  100. function hasClickEvent( jqObj ) {
  101. var elem = jqObj.get(0);
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  103. var rule2 = jqObj.attr('onclick');
  104. rule2 = (!((typeof rule2 == 'undefined') || (rule2 == null) || (rule2 == false)));
  105. return (rule1 || rule2);
  106. }
  107. function jcAppendEvents() {
  108. // 事件附加區
  109. //
  110. // Page Scroll Down
  111. $('html,body').on('click' , function(e) {
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  118. //return;
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  120. runnext = false;
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  122. if (self.location != top.location) {
  123. //return;
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  125. runnext = false;
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  127. if ( ('DIV' == eTagName) && ($(e.target).attr('sap-media')) ) {
  128. runnext = false;
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  130. console.log('click element == ' + eTagName );
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  148. if (runnext) {
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  161. if (runnext) {
  162. // 如果有 handle event , 則放棄
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  172. if (runnext) {
  173. if (0 == $('#jcBtnPageDown').length) {
  174. var insHtml = '<div id="jcBtnPageDown" align="left" style="display:none;">' +
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  177. '<button type="button" class="hideClass">-</button>' +
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  181. $('#jcBtnPageDown button.PageDownClass').click(function(e) {
  182. jcGetNextScrollTop(e);
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  186. $('#jcBtnPageDown button.ezViewClass').click(function(e) {
  187. doJcEasyView();
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  189. $('#jcBtnPageDown button.hideClass').click(function(e) {
  190. //$('#jcBtnPageDown').hide();
  191. $('#jcBtnPageDown').remove();
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  194. //var x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft - parseInt($('#jcBtnPageDown').width() / 2);
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  196. // use position:fixed
  197. var x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft - 55;
  198. var y = e.pageY - this.offsetTop - $(window).scrollTop() - 13;
  199. console.log( ' W = ' + $(e.target).width() + ' , H = ' + $(e.target).height() );
  200. console.log(' x = ' + x + ' , y = ' + y );
  201. window.setTimeout(function() {
  202. $('#jcBtnPageDown').css('position' , 'fixed')
  203. .css('left' , x + 'px')
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  205. .show();
  206. }, 500);
  207. e.stopPropagation();
  208. e.preventDefault();
  209. }
  210. });
  211. //
  212. }
  213. function jcGetNextScrollTop(e) {
  214. // 取得下一個 scroll down
  215. // 如果有 jcTumblrClickToRemoveThisArticle ,則以其為準
  216. // 沒有則下捲 doc_top + win_h - 180
  217. var t = new Date;
  218. var click_time = t.getTime();
  219. if ((click_time - jc_click_last_time) < 200) { return; }
  220. jc_click_last_time = click_time;
  221. var docTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // document scroll top
  222. var winH = Math.min( $(window).height() , window.innerHeight ); // window hieght
  223. var docH = $(document).height(); // document hieght
  224. var liTop = docTop + winH - 180;
  225. if (docH > winH) { // check window height is correct!?
  226. // 下捲
  227. $(window).scrollTop(liTop);
  228. //GM_log('PageDown: docTop ' + docTop + ' , winH ' + winH + ' , docH ' + docH + ' , liTop ' + liTop);
  229. /*
  230. var y = parseInt($('#jcBtnPageDown').attr('data-y') , 10);
  231. y = y + ($(window).scrollTop() - docTop);
  232. $('#jcBtnPageDown').css('top' , y + 'px')
  233. .attr('data-y' , y);
  234. */
  235. }
  236. liTop = null;
  237. docTop = null;
  238. winH = null;
  239. docH = null;
  240. }
  241. function doJcEasyView() {
  242. // 易讀性
  243. doJcEasyView_v2();
  244. }
  245. function doJcEasyView_v1() {
  246. // 易讀性 v1
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  262. $('#jcBtnPageDown').remove();
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  264. function doJcEasyView_v2() {
  265. // 易讀性 v2
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  288. $('textarea').css('font-size', '');
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