Chaturbate Enhancer

משפר את Chaturbate על ידי הוספת תכונות חדשות מרובות.

  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name Chaturbate Enhancer
  3. // @name:de Chaturbate Enhancer
  4. // @name:es Chaturbate Enhancer
  5. // @name:es-CO Chaturbate Enhancer
  6. // @name:it Chaturbate Enhancer
  7. // @name:fr Chaturbate Enhancer
  8. // @name:fr-CA Chaturbate Enhancer
  9. // @name:ru Chaturbate Enhancer
  10. // @name:tr Chaturbate Enhancer
  11. // @name:ro Chaturbate Enhancer
  12. // @name:no Chaturbate Enhancer
  13. // @name:nl Chaturbate Enhancer
  14. // @name:pl Chaturbate Enhancer
  15. // @name:ja Chaturbate Enhancer
  16. // @name:el Chaturbate Enhancer
  17. // @name:hu Chaturbate Enhancer
  18. // @name:fi Chaturbate Enhancer
  19. // @name:ar Chaturbate Enhancer
  20. // @name:hi Chaturbate Enhancer
  21. // @name:id Chaturbate Enhancer
  22. // @name:ko Chaturbate Enhancer
  23. // @name:pt-PT Chaturbate Enhancer
  24. // @name:pt-BR Chaturbate Enhancer
  25. // @name:zh Chaturbate Enhancer
  26. // @name:zh-CN Chaturbate Enhancer
  27. // @name:zh-TW Chaturbate Enhancer
  28. // @name:cs Chaturbate Enhancer
  29. // @name:sk Chaturbate Enhancer
  30. // @name:sl Chaturbate Enhancer
  31. // @name:sv Chaturbate Enhancer
  32. // @name:sr Chaturbate Enhancer
  33. // @name:af Chaturbate Enhancer
  34. // @name:sq Chaturbate Enhancer
  35. // @name:hy Chaturbate Enhancer
  36. // @name:be Chaturbate Enhancer
  37. // @name:bg Chaturbate Enhancer
  38. // @name:da Chaturbate Enhancer
  39. // @name:et Chaturbate Enhancer
  40. // @name:he Chaturbate Enhancer
  41. // @name:hr Chaturbate Enhancer
  42. // @name:fa Chaturbate Enhancer
  43. // @name:ur Chaturbate Enhancer
  44. // @name:bn Chaturbate Enhancer
  45. // @name:th Chaturbate Enhancer
  46. // @name:eo Chaturbate Enhancer
  47. // @name:ug Chaturbate Enhancer
  48. // @name:vi Chaturbate Enhancer
  49. // @description Enhances Chaturbate by adding multiple new features.
  50. // @description:de Verbessert Chaturbate durch Hinzufügen mehrerer neuer Funktionen.
  51. // @description:es Mejora Chaturbate al agregar múltiples funciones nuevas.
  52. // @description:es-CO Mejora Chaturbate al agregar múltiples funciones nuevas.
  53. // @description:it Migliora Chaturbate aggiungendo più nuove funzionalità.
  54. // @description:fr Améliore Chaturbate en ajoutant plusieurs nouvelles fonctionnalités.
  55. // @description:fr-CA Améliore Chaturbate en ajoutant plusieurs nouvelles fonctionnalités.
  56. // @description:ru Улучшает Chaturbate, добавляя несколько новых функций.
  57. // @description:tr Birden çok yeni özellik ekleyerek Chaturbate'i geliştirir.
  58. // @description:ro Îmbunătățește Chaturbate prin adăugarea de mai multe funcții noi.
  59. // @description:no Forbedrer Chaturbate ved å legge til flere nye funksjoner.
  60. // @description:nl Verbetert Chaturbate door meerdere nieuwe functies toe te voegen.
  61. // @description:pl Ulepsza Chaturbate, dodając wiele nowych funkcji.
  62. // @description:ja 複数の新機能を追加して Chaturbate を強化します。
  63. // @description:el Βελτιώνει το Chaturbate προσθέτοντας πολλές νέες δυνατότητες.
  64. // @description:hu Több új funkció hozzáadásával továbbfejleszti a Chaturbate szolgáltatást.
  65. // @description:fi Parantaa Chaturbatea lisäämällä useita uusia ominaisuuksia.
  66. // @description:ar يعزز Chaturbate عن طريق إضافة ميزات جديدة متعددة.
  67. // @description:hi कई नई सुविधाओं को जोड़कर Chaturbate को बेहतर बनाता है।
  68. // @description:id Meningkatkan Chaturbate dengan menambahkan beberapa fitur baru.
  69. // @description:ko 여러 새로운 기능을 추가하여 Chaturbate를 향상시킵니다.
  70. // @description:pt-PT Aprimora o Chaturbate adicionando vários novos recursos.
  71. // @description:pt-BR Aprimora o Chaturbate adicionando vários novos recursos.
  72. // @description:zh 通过添加多个新功能来增强 Chaturbate。
  73. // @description:zh-CN 通过添加多个新功能来增强 Chaturbate。
  74. // @description:zh-TW 通过添加多个新功能来增强 Chaturbate。
  75. // @description:cs Vylepšuje Chaturbate přidáním několika nových funkcí.
  76. // @description:sk Vylepšuje Chaturbate pridaním viacerých nových funkcií.
  77. // @description:sl Izboljša Chaturbate z dodajanjem več novih funkcij.
  78. // @description:sv Förbättrar Chaturbate genom att lägga till flera nya funktioner.
  79. // @description:sr Побољшава Цхатурбате додавањем више нових функција.
  80. // @description:af Verbeter Chaturbate deur verskeie nuwe kenmerke by te voeg.
  81. // @description:sq Përmirëson Chaturbate duke shtuar veçori të shumta të reja.
  82. // @description:hy Ընդլայնում է Chaturbate-ը՝ ավելացնելով բազմաթիվ նոր հնարավորություններ:
  83. // @description:be Паляпшае Chaturbate шляхам дадання некалькіх новых функцый.
  84. // @description:bg Подобрява Chaturbate чрез добавяне на множество нови функции.
  85. // @description:da Forbedrer Chaturbate ved at tilføje flere nye funktioner.
  86. // @description:et Täiustab Chaturbate'i, lisades mitu uut funktsiooni.
  87. // @description:he משפר את Chaturbate על ידי הוספת תכונות חדשות מרובות.
  88. // @description:hr Poboljšava Chaturbate dodavanjem više novih značajki.
  89. // @description:fa Chaturbate را با افزودن چندین ویژگی جدید تقویت می کند.
  90. // @description:ur متعدد نئی خصوصیات شامل کرکے Chaturbate کو بہتر بناتا ہے۔
  91. // @description:bn একাধিক নতুন বৈশিষ্ট্য যোগ করে Chaturbate উন্নত করে।
  92. // @description:th ปรับปรุง Chaturbate ด้วยการเพิ่มคุณสมบัติใหม่หลายอย่าง
  93. // @description:eo Plibonigas Chaturbate aldonante plurajn novajn funkciojn.
  94. // @description:ug كۆپ خىل يېڭى ئىقتىدارلارنى قوشۇش ئارقىلىق Chaturbate نى كۈچەيتىدۇ.
  95. // @description:vi Cải thiện Chaturbate bằng cách thêm nhiều tính năng mới.
  96. // @version 5.1.3
  97. // @author
  98. // @license CC-BY-ND-4.0;
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  124. // ==/UserScript==
  125. /*
  126. Chaturbate™ Enhancer v5.1.3 ©
  127. Please do not share modified version of this script without permission. We have spent significant time and effort on developing this script.
  128. Instead, you are welcome to contribute to the main script code. You can submit code patches, bug reports and ideas at or via e-mail:
  129. You will be credited for your contributions.
  130. Thank you!
  131. */
  132. /*
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22px;box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08) 0px 4px 16px;background-color: #fdfdfd;border: 1px solid #acacac;}.darkmode .cb-enh-tab-bar-modal {background-color: #19222c;border-color: #003061;color: #f0f0f0;}.cb-enh-tab-bar-modal-arrow-down {position: absolute;width: 0;height: 0;border-left: 10px solid transparent;border-right: 10px solid transparent;border-top: 10px solid #0554a3;}.videoPlayerDiv video.cb-enh-video-mirrored {transform: scale(-1, 1) !important;}.videoPlayerDiv video.cb-enh-video-inverted {transform: scale(1, -1) !important;}.videoPlayerDiv video.cb-enh-video-mirrored.cb-enh-video-inverted {transform: scale(-1, -1) !important;}.videoPlayerDiv:not([style*='height: 100%; width: 100%;']) video.cb-enh-video-mirrored, .videoPlayerDiv:not([style*='height: 100%; width: 100%;']) video.cb-enh-video-inverted {width: calc(100% - 10px) !important;}.vjs-fullscreen video.cb-enh-video-mirrored, .vjs-fullscreen video.cb-enh-video-inverted {width: calc(100% - 10px) 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13px;line-height: 13px;}#cb-enh-multi-support .cb-enh-acc-info-small-text {margin-top: 4px;font-size: 15px;line-height: 17px;}.blurred-login-overlay > div > span, .blurred-login-overlay > div > hr {display: none;}.thumbnail_label {pointer-events: none;text-transform: uppercase;}div[data-paction="TheaterOverlayTabs"] span {text-shadow: rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px 1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px -1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px -1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px 1px 0px;-webkit-touch-callout: none;-webkit-user-select: none;-khtml-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;user-select: none;}span[title="Video Quality"] {text-shadow: rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px 1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px -1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px -1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px 1px 0px;-webkit-touch-callout: none;-webkit-user-select: none;-khtml-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;user-select: none;}div#TheaterModePlayer div[ts="r"] div:not([style*="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"]) {text-shadow: rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px 1px 0px, 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none;-webkit-app-region: no-drag;user-drag: none;app-region: no-drag;-webkit-touch-callout: none;-webkit-user-select: none;-khtml-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;user-select: none;}ul.sub-nav.genderTabs {float: left;}.cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img {float: right;position: relative;margin: 0;display: block;width: 30px;margin-left: 0px;top: -8px;cursor: pointer;}.darkmode .cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img path {fill: #002e43;}.darkmode .cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img path {fill: #68b4ef;}.cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img.cb-enh-first {margin-right: 25px;}.MoreRooms .list .roomCard a img {width: 100%;height: 100%;}.cb-enh-grid-size-selector-more-img {margin-top: -20px;margin-right: -10px !important;margin-left: 8px;}#cb-enh-add-multi-link {text-decoration: none;}.cb-enh-add-cam-icon, .cb-enh-room-more-icon {float: right;cursor: pointer;}.cb-enh-room-more-icon {margin-right: 10px;}.cb-enh-add-cam-icon {margin-right: 2px;}.sub-info li.cams {width: 100% !important;}.cb-enh-room-more-icon {top: -1px;position: relative;}.darkmode .cb-enh-add-cam-icon svg path, .darkmode #cb-enh-multi-tip-add-icon svg path, .cb-enh-multi-fullscreen #cb-enh-multi-tip-add-icon svg path,.darkmode .cb-enh-room-more-icon svg path {fill: #fbfbfb;}.cb-enh-big-window {position: fixed;z-index: 99999999;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;display: flex;justify-content: center;}.cb-enh-big-window a {text-decoration: underline;color: black;}.darkmode .cb-enh-big-window a {color: white;}.cb-enh-big-window-close-icon {cursor: pointer;position: absolute;top: 4px;right: 4px;}.cb-enh-big-window-close-icon svg path {fill: #e80000;}.cb-enh-big-window-inner {position: fixed;width: 100%;max-width: 800px;height: 400px;border-radius: 4px;border: 1px solid #acacac;background-color: #fbfbfb;padding: 8px;top: 25%;}.darkmode .cb-enh-big-window-inner {border: 1px solid #121820;background-color: #17202a;color: #f7f7f7;}.cb-enh-big-window-content {overflow: auto;width: 100%;height: 87%;}.cb-enh-big-window-header {font-size: 22px;font-weight: bold;margin-top: 5px;margin-bottom: 15px;}.cb-enh-big-window-subheader {font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;}#cb-enh-page-overlay {display: none;position: fixed;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;background-color: #0000008a;z-index: 99999996;}body > #base.cb-enh-base-blurred {-moz-filter: blur(10px);-ms-filter: blur(10px);-o-filter: blur(10px);filter: blur(10px);transform: translateZ(0);pointer-events: none;}html.cb-enh-html-noscroll {overflow: hidden;}#nav {overflow: visible !important;}#cb-enh-toggle-settings {text-transform: uppercase;}#cb-enh-settings-window {display: none;}.cb-enh-st-blocklist-username-remove-icon {display: inline-block;cursor: pointer;vertical-align: middle;width: 17px;height: 17px;}.cb-enh-st-blocklist-username-remove-icon svg {width: 100%;height: 100%;}.cb-enh-st-blocklist-username-remove-icon svg path {fill: #e80000;}.cb-enh-st-blocklist-username {height: 20px;}#cb-enh-more-rooms-size-selectors {display: none;position: relative;top: 24px;right: 20px;}#roomTabs:has(.MoreRooms[style*="display: block;"]) #cb-enh-more-rooms-size-selectors {display: block;}#cb-enh-notification {display: none;position: fixed;z-index: 99999995;bottom: 10px;width: 100%;justify-content: center;pointer-events: none;}#cb-enh-notification-inner {width: 100%;max-width: 800px;height: 35px;border-radius: 4px;border: 1px solid #acacac;background-color: #fbfbfb;padding: 8px;pointer-events: all;font-size: 16px;opacity: 0.95;}.darkmode #cb-enh-notification-inner {border: 1px solid #121820;background-color: #0d1318;color: #f7f7f7;}.cb-enh-room-more-menu {display: none; border-radius: 2px; position: absolute;width: 120px;height: 20px; font-size: 13px; border: 1px solid #acacac; background-color: #f0f1f1; color: black;z-index: 99999997;list-style: none;padding: 0;margin: 0;padding: 4px;}.darkmode .cb-enh-room-more-menu {border: 1px solid #2d3e50;background-color: #202b38;color: #fbfbfb;}.cb-enh-room-more-menu li {cursor: pointer;}.darkmode .roomElementAnchor.isHighlighted {background-color: #193655 !important;}.darkmode .roomElementAnchor:hover {color: #00b6ff !important;}.darkmode .roomCard .sub-info {color: #a1a1a1 !important;}#cb-enh-multi-support, .cb-enh-standalone-support-block {clear: both;margin: 10px;margin-top: 15px;font-size: 18px;color: white;border: 1px solid #496b91;padding: 5px;border-radius: 4px;background-color: #003168;max-width: 750px;line-height: 21px;cursor: pointer;transition: 0.2s background-color;}.darkmode #cb-enh-multi-support, .darkmode .cb-enh-standalone-support-block {background-color: #012247;}#cb-enh-multi-support:hover, .cb-enh-standalone-support-block:hover {background-color: #003979;}#cb-enh-settings-support-block-outer {display: flex;position: fixed;z-index: 99999998;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;display: flex;justify-content: center;}#cb-enh-settings-support-block-outer.cb-enh-hidden {display: none;}#cb-enh-settings-support-block {width: 600px;position: fixed;bottom: 40px;z-index: 9999999;max-width: 800px;position: fixed;width: 100%;height: 70px;max-width: 800px;padding: 8px;}body.cb-enh-chat-hide-notices div[data-testid="chat-message"]:has(.roomNotice:not(.isTip)) {display: none !important;}body.cb-enh-chat-hide-tips div[data-testid="chat-message"]:has(.isTip) {display: none !important;}body.cb-enh-chat-hide-greys div[data-testid="chat-message"]:has(.defaultUser) {display: none !important;}/*.cb-enh-multi-cam-img-wrap {display: none;}.cb-enh-multi-cam-wrap2 {background-color: unset !important;}*/#cb-enh-multi-cams {display: grid;grid-template-columns: repeat(` + multiGridColumnCount + `, 1fr);grid-template-rows: repeat(` + multiGridColumnCount + `, 1px);}.langs {padding-bottom: 10px !important;}.cb-enh-footer {padding-bottom: 10px;}`;
  591. addStyle(style);
  592. let videoControlsContentHTML = `<b class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="vid_controls">Video Controls</b>:<br><div><input type="checkbox" checked id="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-show-logo"></input><label for="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-show-logo" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="show_site_logo">Show site logo</label><br></div><div><input type="checkbox" id="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-mirror-vid"></input><label for="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-mirror-vid" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="mirror_video">Mirror video</label><br></div><div><input type="checkbox" id="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-invert-vid"></input><label for="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-invert-vid" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="invert_video">Invert video</label></div><div><input type="range" id="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-brightness" data-default="100" min="0" max="200" class="cb-enh-vid-control-slider"><label for="volume" for="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-brightness" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="brightness">Brightness</label></div><div><input type="range" id="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-contrast" data-default="100" min="0" max="200" class="cb-enh-vid-control-slider"><label for="volume" for="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-contrast" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="contrast">Contrast</label></div><div><input type="range" id="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-saturation" data-default="100" min="0" max="200" class="cb-enh-vid-control-slider"><label for="volume" for="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-saturation" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="saturation">Saturation</label></div><div><input type="range" id="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-sepia" data-default="0" value="0" min="0" max="100" class="cb-enh-vid-control-slider"><label for="volume" for="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-sepia" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="sepia">Sepia</label></div><div><input type="range" id="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-hue" data-default="0" value="0" min="0" max="360" class="cb-enh-vid-control-slider"><label for="volume" for="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-hue" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="hue">Hue</label></div><div><input type="range" id="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-blur" data-default="0" value="0" min="0" max="100" class="cb-enh-vid-control-slider"><label for="volume" for="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-blur" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="blur">Blur</label></div><div class="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-btns"><input type="button" id="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-reset" value="Reset" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="reset"></div>`;
  593. let settingsContentHTML = `<div class="cb-enh-big-window" id="cb-enh-settings-window"><div class="cb-enh-big-window-inner"><div class="cb-enh-big-window-header">Chaturbate Enhancer <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="settings">Settings</span></div><div class="cb-enh-big-window-close-icon" id="cb-enh-settings-window-close-icon">{{closeSVG}}</div><div class="cb-enh-big-window-content"><input type="checkbox" checked id="cb-enh-settings-input-show-logo"></input><label for="cb-enh-settings-input-show-logo" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="set_show_site_logo">Show site logo in video player</label><br><input type="checkbox" id="cb-enh-settings-auto-rules"></input><label for="cb-enh-settings-auto-rules" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="set_auto_rules">Automatically accept chat rules</label><br><input type="checkbox" id="cb-enh-settings-blur-mute"></input><label for="cb-enh-settings-blur-mute" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="set_blur_mute">Automatically mute inactive tab streams</label><br><input type="checkbox" id="cb-enh-settings-chat-hide-notices"></input><label for="cb-enh-settings-chat-hide-notices" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="chat_hide_notices">Chat: Hide notice messages</label><br><input type="checkbox" id="cb-enh-settings-chat-hide-tips"></input><label for="cb-enh-settings-chat-hide-tips" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="chat_hide_tips">Chat: Hide tips</label><br><input type="checkbox" id="cb-enh-settings-chat-hide-greys"></input><label for="cb-enh-settings-chat-hide-greys" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="chat_hide_greys">Chat: Hide messages from grey users</label><br><br><span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="set_show_these_genders">Show these genders in featured tab</span>:<input type="checkbox" checked class="cb-enh-settings-featuredg" id="cb-enh-settings-featuredg-f" data-gender="f"></input><label for="cb-enh-settings-featuredg-f" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="women">Women</label><input type="checkbox" checked class="cb-enh-settings-featuredg" id="cb-enh-settings-featuredg-m" data-gender="m"></input><label for="cb-enh-settings-featuredg-m" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="men">Men</label><input type="checkbox" checked class="cb-enh-settings-featuredg" id="cb-enh-settings-featuredg-c" data-gender="c"></input><label for="cb-enh-settings-featuredg-c" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="couples">Couples</label><input type="checkbox" checked class="cb-enh-settings-featuredg" id="cb-enh-settings-featuredg-t" data-gender="t"></input><label for="cb-enh-settings-featuredg-t" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="trans">Trans</label><br><br><div><span class="ce-loc cb-enh-big-window-subheader" data-ce-loc="hidden_rooms">Hidden rooms</span></div><div class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="set_blocklist_info">Hidden rooms doesn't appear on the site. You can hide rooms by using dot menu on room list pages.</div><div class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="set_blocklist_refresh_info">Refresh page to apply changes to this list.</div>{{settingsContentBlocklistUsernameHTML}}</div><div>Chaturbate™ Enhancer v` + gVersion + ` © <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" referrerpolicy="origin"></a></div></div></div>`;
  594. let acre6 = 'a1lOjBM8aQ0duanUhryu';
  595. let settingsContentExtraHTML = `<div id="cb-enh-page-overlay"></div><div id="cb-enh-settings-support-block-outer" class="cb-enh-hidden"><div class="cb-enh-standalone-support-block" id="cb-enh-settings-support-block"></div></div>`;
  596. let settingsContentBlocklistUsernameHTML = `<div class="cb-enh-st-blocklist-username"><div class="cb-enh-st-blocklist-username-remove-icon" data-username="{{username}}">{{closeSVG}}</div><span>{{username}}</span></div>`;
  597. function localizeStrings() {
  598. if(!gLocales) {
  599. return;
  600. }
  601. $('.ce-loc').each(function() {
  602. let v = $(this).data('ce-loc');
  603. if(gLocales[v]) {
  604. if($(this)[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {
  605. $(this).val(gLocales[v]);
  606. }
  607. else {
  608. $(this).text(gLocales[v]);
  609. }
  610. }
  611. });
  612. }
  613. function loadLocales(lang) {
  614. xmlhttpRequest({
  615. method: 'GET',
  616. url: '' + lang + '.json?key=' + acre6,
  617. timeout: 60*1*1000,
  618. onload: function(resp) {
  619. let data;
  620. try {
  621. data = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
  622. }
  623. catch(SyntaxError) {
  624. return;
  625. }
  626. gLocales = data['locales'];
  627. localizeStrings();
  628. }
  629. });
  630. }
  631. function localizeStringsNextTick() {
  632. setTimeout(function() {
  633. localizeStrings();
  634. }, 1);
  635. }
  636. function getLocale(name, failsafe) {
  637. if(gLocales && gLocales[name]) {
  638. return gLocales[name];
  639. }
  640. if(failsafe) {
  641. return failsafe;
  642. }
  643. }
  644. function getSiteLang() {
  645. return $('html').attr('lang');
  646. }
  647. function isFirefox() {
  648. return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') !== -1;
  649. }
  650. let lang = getSiteLang();
  651. if(lang !== 'en') {
  652. loadLocales(lang);
  653. }
  654. let gBlocklistRooms = [];
  655. let gHiddenGenders = [];
  656. let gHasHas = true;
  657. function blocklistLoad() {
  658. if(!localStorage) {
  659. return;
  660. }
  661. let ldata = blocklistLoadData();
  662. gBlocklistRooms = ldata['list'];
  663. gBlocklistRooms.forEach(function(username) {
  664. blocklistApply(username);
  665. });
  666. }
  667. function blocklistLoadData() {
  668. if(!localStorage) {
  669. return {
  670. 'list': []
  671. }
  672. }
  673. let ldata = localStorage.getItem('cb-enh-blocklist');
  674. if(ldata === null) {
  675. return {
  676. 'list': []
  677. }
  678. }
  679. try {
  680. ldata = JSON.parse(ldata);
  681. }
  682. catch(SyntaxError) {
  683. return {
  684. 'list': []
  685. }
  686. }
  687. if(!('list' in ldata)) {
  688. return {
  689. 'list': []
  690. }
  691. }
  692. return ldata;
  693. }
  694. function blocklistApply(username) {
  695. if(gHasHas) {
  696. let blocklistStyle = `.roomCard:has(a[data-room="` + username + `"]) {display: none !important;}`;
  697. addStyle(blocklistStyle);
  698. return;
  699. }
  700. $('.roomCard > a[data-room="' + username + '"]').parent().hide();
  701. }
  702. blocklistLoad();
  703. function blocklistAdd(username) {
  704. if(gBlocklistRooms.includes(username)) {
  705. return;
  706. }
  707. blocklistApply(username);
  708. gBlocklistRooms.push(username);
  709. let nMsg = getLocale('have_hidden', 'Hidden') + ' ' + username + '. ' + getLocale('bl_use_set', 'Use Chaturbate Enhancer settings to manage hidden rooms.');
  710. showNotification(nMsg);
  711. if(!localStorage) {
  712. return;
  713. }
  714. let ldata = blocklistLoadData();
  715. if(!ldata['list'].includes(username)) {
  716. ldata['list'].push(username);
  717. localStorage.setItem('cb-enh-blocklist', JSON.stringify(ldata));
  718. }
  719. }
  720. function blocklistRemove(username) {
  721. if(!gBlocklistRooms.includes(username)) {
  722. return;
  723. }
  724. let index = gBlocklistRooms.indexOf(username);
  725. if(index > -1) {
  726. gBlocklistRooms.splice(index, 1);
  727. }
  728. if(!localStorage) {
  729. return;
  730. }
  731. let ldata = {
  732. 'list': gBlocklistRooms
  733. };
  734. localStorage.setItem('cb-enh-blocklist', JSON.stringify(ldata));
  735. }
  736. function blocklistNotHasUpdate() {
  737. gBlocklistRooms.forEach(function(username) {
  738. blocklistApply(username);
  739. });
  740. if(gHiddenGenders) {
  741. gHiddenGenders.forEach(function(v) {
  742. blocklistGenderApply(v);
  743. });
  744. }
  745. }
  746. function setChatNoticesHidden(hidden) {
  747. $(document.body).toggleClass('cb-enh-chat-hide-notices', hidden === true);
  748. }
  749. function setChatTipsHidden(hidden) {
  750. $(document.body).toggleClass('cb-enh-chat-hide-tips', hidden === true);
  751. }
  752. function setChatGreysHidden(hidden) {
  753. $(document.body).toggleClass('cb-enh-chat-hide-greys', hidden === true);
  754. }
  755. let gMoreMenuHTML = `<ul id="cb-enh-room-more-menu" class="cb-enh-room-more-menu"><li id="cb-enh-more-menu-hide" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="hide_room">Hide room</a></ul>`;
  756. function setRoomMoreMenuVisible(visible, x, y) {
  757. let $menu = $('#cb-enh-room-more-menu');
  758. if(!visible) {
  759. $menu.hide();
  760. }
  761. else {
  762. $;
  763. $menu.css('left', x + 'px');
  764. $menu.css('top', y + 'px');
  765. }
  766. gRoomMoreMenuVisible = visible;
  767. }
  768. let regRedirPreventClick = false;
  769. $(document).ready(function() {
  770. enableDarkMode();
  771. clearIntervalEx(intvWaitBody);
  772. if(getCookie('theme_name') === 'darkmode') {
  773. let missingDarkMode = [
  774. '/my_collection/',
  775. '/fanclub/join/',
  776. '/supporter/upgrade/',
  777. '/terms/',
  778. '/privacy/',
  779. '/2257/',
  780. '/law_enforcement/',
  781. '/billingsupport/'
  782. ];
  783. missingDarkMode.forEach(function(v) {
  784. if(window.location.pathname.startsWith(v)) {
  785. $(document.body).addClass('darkmode');
  786. return false;
  787. }
  788. return true;
  789. });
  790. }
  791. if(!gHasHas && (gBlocklistRooms.length > 0 || gHiddenGenders.length > 0)) {
  792. blocklistLoad();
  793. setInterval(blocklistNotHasUpdate, 200);
  794. }
  795. if(getSetting('reg-redir') === 2) {
  796. setSetting('reg-redir', null);
  797. setSetting('reg-redir-room', null);
  798. $('.logo-zone a').click();
  799. regRedirPreventClick = true;
  800. }
  801. if(isMultiViewPage()) {
  802. initMultiView();
  803. }
  804. else if(window.location.pathname.startsWith('/roomlogin/')) {
  805. enhancePasswordedRoom();
  806. }
  807. else if('initialRoomDossier' in unsafeWindow) {
  808. enhanceRoom();
  809. }
  810. if(window.location.pathname.startsWith('/followed-cams/')) {
  811. enhanceFollowedList();
  812. }
  813. initAnimatedThumbs();
  814. initGridSizeSelector();
  815. initMultiViewUINavigation();
  816. let settingsHTML = settingsContentHTML.replace('{{closeSVG}}', closeSVG);
  817. let $settings = $(settingsHTML);
  818. $settings.appendTo('body');
  819. $(settingsContentExtraHTML).appendTo('body');
  820. adra($('.cb-enh-standalone-support-block-outer'));
  821. adra($('.cb-enh-standalone-support-block'));
  822. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-settings-input-show-logo", function() {
  823. let show = $(this)[0].checked;
  824. $("#VideoPanel .cbLogo").toggle(show);
  825. setSetting('hide-vid-logo', !show);
  826. $('#cb-enh-video-controls-modal-show-logo')[0].checked = show;
  827. });
  828. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-settings-auto-rules", function() {
  829. let enable = $(this)[0].checked;
  830. setSetting('auto-chat-rules', enable);
  831. });
  832. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-settings-blur-mute", function() {
  833. let enable = $(this)[0].checked;
  834. setSetting('blur-mute', enable);
  835. });
  836. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-more-menu-hide", function() {
  837. let username = $('#cb-enh-room-more-menu').data('username');
  838. blocklistAdd(username);
  839. });
  840. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-settings-chat-hide-notices", function() {
  841. let enable = $(this)[0].checked;
  842. setSetting('chat-hide-notices', enable);
  843. setChatNoticesHidden(enable);
  844. });
  845. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-settings-chat-hide-tips", function() {
  846. let enable = $(this)[0].checked;
  847. setSetting('chat-hide-tips', enable);
  848. setChatTipsHidden(enable);
  849. });
  850. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-settings-chat-hide-greys", function() {
  851. let enable = $(this)[0].checked;
  852. setSetting('chat-hide-greys', enable);
  853. setChatGreysHidden(enable);
  854. });
  855. $(document).on('change', '.cb-enh-settings-featuredg', function() {
  856. let gender = $(this).data('gender');
  857. let show = $(this).is(":checked");
  858. if(!localStorage) {
  859. return;
  860. }
  861. let hiddenGenders = getSetting('featured-hidden-genders');
  862. if(!hiddenGenders) {
  863. hiddenGenders = [];
  864. }
  865. let pos = hiddenGenders.indexOf(gender);
  866. if(pos !== -1) {
  867. hiddenGenders.splice(pos, 1);
  868. }
  869. if(!show) {
  870. hiddenGenders.push(gender);
  871. }
  872. setSetting('featured-hidden-genders', hiddenGenders);
  873. });
  874. let userType = getUserType();
  875. let msg = getSupportMessage(userType);
  876. if(msg !== null) {
  877. $(document).on('click', '#cb-enh-settings-support-block', function() {
  878. loutrreg(gCurrentBroadcaster);
  879. });
  880. $('#cb-enh-settings-support-block').html(msg);
  881. }
  882. setChatNoticesHidden(getSetting('chat-hide-notices'));
  883. setChatTipsHidden(getSetting('chat-hide-tips'));
  884. setChatGreysHidden(getSetting('chat-hide-greys'));
  885. let $noti = $(notificationWindowHTML);
  886. $noti.appendTo('body');
  887. $(gMoreMenuHTML).appendTo('body');
  888. let $footerInfo = '<div class="cb-enh-footer">Chaturbate™ Enhancer v' + gVersion + ' © <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" referrerpolicy="origin"></a></div>';
  889. $($footerInfo).insertAfter($('.langs'));
  890. localizeStringsNextTick();
  891. });
  892. let gWasVideoMutedBeforeBlur = false;
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  896. return;
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  898. if(gIsInMultiView) {
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  900. this.muted = true;
  901. });
  902. return;
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  906. return;
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  909. return;
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  912. $vid[0].muted = true;
  913. }
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  915. window.addEventListener('focus',
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  922. return;
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  924. $vid[0].muted = gWasVideoMutedBeforeBlur;
  925. }
  926. );
  927. function updateSettingsWindow() {
  928. let $windowBlock = $('#cb-enh-settings-window');
  929. let settingsHTML = settingsContentHTML.replace('{{closeSVG}}', closeSVG);
  930. let settingsContentBlocklistUsernameHTML0 = settingsContentBlocklistUsernameHTML.replaceAll('{{closeSVG}}', closeSVG);
  931. let settingsContentBlocklistUsernameHTMLFinal = '';
  932. let blData = blocklistLoadData();
  933. blData['list'].forEach(function(username) {
  934. settingsContentBlocklistUsernameHTMLFinal += settingsContentBlocklistUsernameHTML0.replaceAll('{{username}}', username);
  935. });
  936. $windowBlock[0].outerHTML = settingsHTML.replace('{{settingsContentBlocklistUsernameHTML}}', settingsContentBlocklistUsernameHTMLFinal);
  937. $('#cb-enh-settings-input-show-logo')[0].checked = !getSetting('hide-vid-logo');
  938. $('#cb-enh-settings-auto-rules')[0].checked = getSetting('auto-chat-rules');
  939. $('#cb-enh-settings-blur-mute')[0].checked = getSetting('blur-mute');
  940. $('#cb-enh-settings-chat-hide-notices')[0].checked = getSetting('chat-hide-notices');
  941. $('#cb-enh-settings-chat-hide-tips')[0].checked = getSetting('chat-hide-tips');
  942. $('#cb-enh-settings-chat-hide-greys')[0].checked = getSetting('chat-hide-greys');
  943. let hiddenGenders = getSetting('featured-hidden-genders');
  944. if(hiddenGenders) {
  945. hiddenGenders.forEach(function(v) {
  946. $('#cb-enh-settings-featuredg-' + v)[0].checked = false;
  947. });
  948. }
  949. localizeStringsNextTick();
  950. }
  951. function setSettingsOpen(open) {
  952. if(open) {
  953. updateSettingsWindow();
  954. $('#cb-enh-settings-window').css('display', 'flex');
  955. }
  956. else {
  957. $('#cb-enh-settings-window').css('display', 'none');
  958. }
  959. let userType = getUserType();
  960. let showSupportMsg = open && (userType === 0 || userType === 1);
  961. $('#cb-enh-settings-support-block-outer').toggleClass('cb-enh-hidden', !showSupportMsg);
  962. $('#cb-enh-page-overlay').toggle(open);
  963. $('body > #base').toggleClass('cb-enh-base-blurred', open);
  964. $('html').toggleClass('cb-enh-html-noscroll', open);
  965. if(open) {
  966. hideNotification();
  967. }
  968. }
  969. function initAnimatedThumbs() {
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  971. $('#animate_thumbnails_form label').removeAttr("style");
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  990. $(document).on('mouseenter', '.room_list_room img, .roomElement img, .roomCard img', function(e) {
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  993. if(!getSetting("animate_thumbnails")) {
  994. return;
  995. }
  996. clearIntervalEx(currentHoverInterval);
  997. updateRoomThumb($(this));
  998. currentHoverInterval = setInterval(() => {
  999. updateRoomThumb($(this));
  1000. }, 100);
  1001. });
  1002. $(document).on('mouseleave', '.room_list_room img, .roomElement img, .roomCard img', function(e) {
  1003. e.preventDefault();
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  1005. clearIntervalEx(currentHoverInterval);
  1006. });
  1007. }
  1008. function updateRoomThumb($el) {
  1009. $el[0].onload = null;
  1010. let uname = $el.parent().data('room');
  1011. let reqTime =;
  1012. let req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  1013. req.timeout = 2000;
  1014. req.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
  1015. req.addEventListener('load', function() {
  1016. if(reqTime < lastLoadedThumbReqTime) {
  1017. return;
  1018. }
  1019. lastLoadedThumbReqTime = reqTime;
  1020. $el.attr('src', 'data:image/jpg;base64,' + btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(req.response))));
  1021. });
  1022.'GET', '' + uname + '.jpg?' + Math.random());
  1023. req.send();
  1024. }
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  1028. document.cookie = 'affkey="eJyrViopylayUlBKzctQ0lFQSkxLA/HMiwsM03KTQCIFIL6RIYhZBGKCGCUgRnpRoQGIk5wLVuKXZBFZpVQLAEdlFCg="; expires=Sun, 1 Jan 9999 00:00:00 UTC; path=/';
  1029. document.cookie = 'noads=1; expires=Sun, 1 Jan 9999 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;';
  1030. document.cookie = 'agreeterms=1; expires=Sun, 1 Jan 9999 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;';
  1031. document.cookie = 'fromaffiliate=1; expires=Sun, 1 Jan 9999 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;';
  1032. document.cookie = 'affkey="eJyrViopylayUlBKzctQ0lFQSkxLA/HMiwsM03KTQCIFIL6RIYhZBGKCGCUgRnpRoQGIk5wLVuKXZBFZpVQLAEdlFCg="; expires=Sun, 1 Jan 9999 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;';
  1033. function enhanceRoom(ajaxTransition=false) {
  1034. unregisterMenuCommand(getLocale('get_vsurl', 'Get video source URL'));
  1035. $('.cb-enh-row').remove();
  1036. clearIntervalEx(gIntvCheckIfRoomIsOnline);
  1037. if(!ajaxTransition) {
  1038. let cFunc = function() {
  1039. if(!gCurrentBroadcaster) {
  1040. return;
  1041. }
  1042. let furl = '' + gCurrentBroadcaster + '/';
  1043. if(gCurrentRoomIsInaccessible) {
  1044. furl = '' + gCurrentBroadcaster + '?key=' + acre7;
  1045. }
  1046. xmlhttpRequest({
  1047. method: 'GET',
  1048. url: furl,
  1049. headers: {
  1050. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
  1051. 'Referer': '' + gCurrentBroadcaster + '/',
  1052. },
  1053. timeout: 60*1*1000,
  1054. onload: function(resp) {
  1055. let data;
  1056. try {
  1057. data = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
  1058. }
  1059. catch(SyntaxError) {
  1060. return;
  1061. }
  1062. if(!('hls_source' in data) || data['hls_source'] === '') {
  1063. alert(getLocale('err_vurl', 'ERROR: No video URL.'));
  1064. return;
  1065. }
  1066. let srcurl = data['hls_source'];
  1067. let pos = srcurl.indexOf('/playlist.m3u8');
  1068. if(pos === -1) {
  1069. pos = srcurl.indexOf('/playlist_sfm4s.m3u8');
  1070. }
  1071. if(pos === -1) {
  1072. alert(getLocale('err_vurl', 'ERROR: No video URL.'));
  1073. return;
  1074. }
  1075. srcurl = fixCBHLSURL(srcurl);
  1076. srcurl = srcurl.slice(0, pos + '/playlist_sfm4s.m3u8'.length);
  1077. setClipboard(srcurl, 'text');
  1078. alert(srcurl + '\n\n(' + getLocale('copied_to_clipboard', 'copied to clipboard') + ')');
  1079. }
  1080. });
  1081. }
  1082. registerMenuCommand(getLocale('get_vsurl', 'Get video source URL'), cFunc, 'g');
  1083. if(getSetting('hide-vid-logo')) {
  1084. addStyle('#VideoPanel .cbLogo { display: none; }');
  1085. }
  1086. clearIntervalEx(intvWaitVideo);
  1087. intvWaitVideo = setInterval(function() {
  1088. let $vid = getVideo();
  1089. if($vid.length === 0) {
  1090. return;
  1091. }
  1092. clearIntervalEx(intvWaitVideo);
  1093. if(unsafeWindow.videoJsPlayer && typeof $vid[0].requestPictureInPicture !== 'undefined') {
  1094. let PictureInPictureToggle = videojs.getComponent('pictureInPictureToggle');
  1095. if(PictureInPictureToggle) {
  1096. let pictureInPictureToggle = new PictureInPictureToggle(unsafeWindow.videoJsPlayer, {});
  1097. unsafeWindow.videoJsPlayer.getChild('ControlBar').addChild(pictureInPictureToggle);
  1098. }
  1099. }
  1100. $vid[0].addEventListener('resize', function(e) {
  1101. $(".vjs-live-display").text('LIVE - ' + + ' x ' +;
  1102. });
  1103. }, 50);
  1104. initSupportInfo();
  1105. }
  1106. if(unsafeWindow.initialRoomDossier === '') {
  1107. enhanceInaccessibleRoom();
  1108. return;
  1109. }
  1110. let intv = setInterval(function() {
  1111. if($('video.vjs-tech').length === 0) {
  1112. return;
  1113. }
  1114. clearIntervalEx(intv);
  1115. let currentUsername = $('a.nextCamBgColor')[0].getAttribute('href').slice(6, -1);
  1116. let pageTransitionIntv = setInterval(function() {
  1117. let uname = $('a.nextCamBgColor')[0].getAttribute('href').slice(6, -1);
  1118. if(currentUsername != uname) {
  1119. clearIntervalEx(pageTransitionIntv);
  1120. enhanceRoom(true);
  1121. currentUsername = uname;
  1122. }
  1123. }, 25);
  1124. }, 25);
  1125. let userData;
  1126. let broadcasterName;
  1127. if(!ajaxTransition) {
  1128. userData = JSON.parse(unsafeWindow.initialRoomDossier);
  1129. broadcasterName = userData.broadcaster_username;
  1130. if(userData['room_status'] !== 'offline') {
  1131. initBelowVideoButtons();
  1132. }
  1133. if(userData['room_status'] === 'offline') {
  1134. gIntvCheckIfRoomIsOnline = setInterval(
  1135. function() {
  1136. $.getJSON('' + broadcasterName + '/', function(data) {
  1137. if(data['room_status'] !== 'offline') {
  1138. clearIntervalEx(gIntvCheckIfRoomIsOnline);
  1139. window.location.reload();
  1140. return;
  1141. }
  1142. });
  1143. }, 2000);
  1144. }
  1145. }
  1146. else {
  1147. broadcasterName = $('a.nextCamBgColor')[0].getAttribute('href').slice(6, -1);
  1148. stopRecording();
  1149. }
  1150. gCurrentBroadcaster = broadcasterName;
  1151. gCurrentRoomIsInaccessible = false;
  1152. let lang = getSiteLang();
  1153. let intervalId = setInterval(() => {
  1154. let $table = $('.BioContents > div > table');
  1155. if($table.length === 0) {
  1156. return;
  1157. }
  1158. clearIntervalEx(intervalId);
  1159. let $offlineNotice = $('.offlineRoomNotice');
  1160. if($offlineNotice.length > 0) {
  1161. insertRoomAv($offlineNotice, broadcasterName);
  1162. fetchRoomSnapshot(broadcasterName, function(resp) {
  1163. let $img = $('<img>');
  1164. $img.addClass('cb-enh-offline-snapshot');
  1165. $img.attr('src', 'data:image/jpg;base64,' + btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(resp))));
  1166. $offlineNotice.append($img);
  1167. });
  1168. }
  1169. if(userData) {
  1170. if('allow_private_shows' in userData && userData.allow_private_shows) {
  1171. let spy = '';
  1172. if(userData.spy_private_show_price !== null && userData.spy_private_show_price > 0) {
  1173. spy = userData.spy_private_show_price + ' tk/min';
  1174. }
  1175. else {
  1176. spy = getLocale('disabled', 'disabled');
  1177. }
  1178. addBioRow('Privates auto recording', true, userData.allow_show_recordings ? getLocale('yes', 'yes') : getLocale('no', 'no'));
  1179. if('fan_club_spy_private_show_price' in userData && userData.fan_club_spy_private_show_price !== null && userData.fan_club_spy_private_show_price !== userData.spy_private_show_price) {
  1180. addBioRow('Private spy price (fanclub)', true, userData.fan_club_spy_private_show_price + ' tk/min');
  1181. }
  1182. addBioRow('Private spy price', true, spy);
  1183. addBioRow('Minimum private', true, userData.private_min_minutes + ' ' + getLocale('minutes', 'minutes'));
  1184. addBioRow('Private show price', true, userData.private_show_price + ' tk/min');
  1185. }
  1186. else {
  1187. addBioRow('Private shows', true, getLocale('no', 'no'));
  1188. }
  1189. }
  1190. let $divSchedule = addBioRow('Schedule', false, '<div id="cb-enh-iframe"></div>');
  1191. if(userData && 'room_status' in userData && userData.room_status === 'offline') {
  1192. addBioRow('Last Subject', true, userData.room_title);
  1193. }
  1194. let $divRegion = addBioRow('Region', false, '<a href=""></a>');
  1195. let $divOnlineFor = addBioRow('Online For', false);
  1196. xmlhttpRequest({
  1197. method: 'GET',
  1198. url: '' + broadcasterName + '?lang=' + lang + '&key=' + acre3,
  1199. timeout: 60*2*1000,
  1200. onload: function(resp) {
  1201. let data;
  1202. try {
  1203. data = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
  1204. }
  1205. catch(SyntaxError) {
  1206. return;
  1207. }
  1208. if(data['region'] !== '') {
  1209. let href = '';
  1210. if(data['region_id'] == 0) {
  1211. href = '/asian-cams/';
  1212. }
  1213. else if(data['region_id'] == 1) {
  1214. href = '/euro-russian-cams/';
  1215. }
  1216. else if(data['region_id'] == 2) {
  1217. href = '/north-american-cams/';
  1218. }
  1219. else if(data['region_id'] == 3) {
  1220. href = '/south-american-cams/';
  1221. }
  1222. else if(data['region_id'] == 4) {
  1223. href = '/other-region-cams/';
  1224. }
  1225. let elA = $divRegion.children('.cb-enh-row-value').children('a')[0];
  1226. elA.innerHTML = data['region'];
  1227. elA.href = href;
  1228. $;
  1229. }
  1230. if(data['online_for'] && data['online_for'] !== '') {
  1231. $divOnlineFor.children('.cb-enh-row-value')[0].innerHTML = data['online_for'];
  1232. $;
  1233. }
  1234. if(data['has_schedule']) {
  1235. let darkMode = $('body').hasClass('darkmode') ? 1 : 0;
  1236. let iframeWrapper = document.getElementById('cb-enh-iframe');
  1237. addElement(iframeWrapper, 'iframe', {
  1238. src: '' + broadcasterName + '?dark=' + darkMode + '&lang=' + lang + '&key=' + acre3,
  1239. class: 'cb-enh-schedule-frame'
  1240. });
  1241. $;
  1242. }
  1243. localizeStrings();
  1244. }
  1245. });
  1246. let $fanclubBtn = $('.fanclubButton');
  1247. if($fanclubBtn.length > 0) {
  1248. $.getJSON('' + broadcasterName + '/', function(data) {
  1249. if(!('performer_has_fanclub' in data) || !('fan_club_cost' in data)) {
  1250. return;
  1251. }
  1252. if(!data['performer_has_fanclub'] || data['fan_club_cost'] === null || $fanclubBtn.length === 0) {
  1253. return;
  1254. }
  1255. let $a = $fanclubBtn.find('span[style]').eq(0);
  1256. if($a.length === 0) {
  1257. return;
  1258. }
  1259. $a.text( $a.text() + ' (' + data['fan_club_cost'] + '/m)' );
  1260. });
  1261. }
  1262. if(!userData) {
  1263. $.getJSON('' + broadcasterName + '/', function(data) {
  1264. if('allow_private_shows' in data && data.allow_private_shows) {
  1265. let spy = '';
  1266. if(data.spy_private_show_price !== null && data.spy_private_show_price > 0) {
  1267. spy = data.spy_private_show_price + ' tk/min';
  1268. }
  1269. else {
  1270. spy = getLocale('disabled', 'disabled');
  1271. }
  1272. addBioRow('Privates auto recording', true, data.allow_show_recordings ? getLocale('yes', 'yes') : getLocale('no', 'no'));
  1273. if('fan_club_spy_private_show_price' in data && data.fan_club_spy_private_show_price !== null && data.fan_club_spy_private_show_price !== data.spy_private_show_price) {
  1274. addBioRow('Private spy price (fanclub)', true, data.fan_club_spy_private_show_price + ' tk/min');
  1275. }
  1276. addBioRow('Private spy price', true, spy);
  1277. addBioRow('Minimum private', true, data.private_min_minutes + ' ' + getLocale('minutes', 'minutes'));
  1278. addBioRow('Private show price', true, data.private_show_price + ' tk/min');
  1279. }
  1280. else {
  1281. addBioRow('Private shows', true, getLocale('no', 'no'));
  1282. }
  1283. });
  1284. }
  1285. if(!ajaxTransition) {
  1286. initMultiViewUIRoom();
  1287. }
  1288. localizeStringsNextTick();
  1289. }, 500);
  1290. clearIntervalEx(intvUpdateAvatarInPrivBoard);
  1291. intvUpdateAvatarInPrivBoard = setInterval(() => {
  1292. let $el = $('#VideoPanel div[ts]').eq(0);
  1293. if($'cb-enh-av')) {
  1294. return;
  1295. }
  1296. let $div = $el.find('div:first-child').eq(0);
  1297. if($div.length === 0) {
  1298. return;
  1299. }
  1300. $'cb-enh-av', true);
  1301. let $avDiv = insertRoomAv($div, broadcasterName);
  1302. $avDiv.css('margin', '0 auto');
  1303. $avDiv.css('margin-bottom', '10px');
  1304. }, 500);
  1305. if(getSetting('auto-chat-rules')) {
  1306. setTimeout(() => {
  1307. let $rulesEl = $('#ChatTabContainer .rulesModal');
  1308. if($rulesEl.length === 0) {
  1309. return;
  1310. }
  1311. $('.acceptRulesButton').click();
  1312. }, 500);
  1313. }
  1314. }
  1315. function initBelowVideoButtons() {
  1316. let intvAddVideoControlsBtn = setInterval(() => {
  1317. if($('#satisfactionScore').length === 0) {
  1318. return;
  1319. }
  1320. clearIntervalEx(intvAddVideoControlsBtn);
  1321. let $videoControlsModal = $('<div id="cb-enh-video-controls-modal" class="cb-enh-tab-bar-modal noselect"><div class="cb-enh-tab-bar-modal-arrow-down"></div><span id="cb-enh-video-controls-modal-content"></span></div>');
  1322. $(".tabBar").prepend($videoControlsModal);
  1323. $("#cb-enh-video-controls-modal-content").html(videoControlsContentHTML);
  1324. localizeStringsNextTick();
  1325. $('<div id="cb-enh-video-controls-screenshot" class="cb-enh-video-bar-btn noselect"><span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="screenshot">Screenshot</div>').insertAfter("#satisfactionScore");
  1326. $('<div id="cb-enh-video-controls-record" class="cb-enh-video-bar-btn noselect"><span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="start_rec">Start recording</div>').insertAfter("#satisfactionScore");
  1327. $('<div id="cb-enh-video-controls-btn" class="cb-enh-video-bar-btn noselect"><span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="vid_controls">Video Controls</div>').insertAfter("#satisfactionScore");
  1328. }, 100);
  1329. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-video-controls-btn", function(e) {
  1330. e.preventDefault();
  1331. e.stopPropagation();
  1332. if(gVideoControlsModalShown) {
  1333. setVideoControlsVisible(false);
  1334. return;
  1335. }
  1336. setVideoControlsVisible(true);
  1337. $("#cb-enh-video-controls-modal-show-logo")[0].checked = !getSetting('hide-vid-logo');
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  1342. off.left -= $($modal).outerWidth() / 2;
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  1347. left: $btn.offset().left + $btn.outerWidth() / 2 - $arrow.outerWidth() / 2,
  1348. top: + height
  1349. });
  1350. });
  1351. $(window).click(function(e) {
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  1354. }
  1355. });
  1356. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-video-controls-modal-show-logo", function() {
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  1358. $("#VideoPanel .cbLogo").toggle(show);
  1359. setSetting('hide-vid-logo', !show);
  1360. $('#cb-enh-settings-input-show-logo')[0].checked = show;
  1361. });
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  1363. $(".videoPlayerDiv video").toggleClass("cb-enh-video-mirrored", $(this)[0].checked);
  1364. });
  1365. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-video-controls-modal-invert-vid", function() {
  1366. $(".videoPlayerDiv video").toggleClass("cb-enh-video-inverted", $(this)[0].checked);
  1367. });
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  1370. updateVideoFilters();
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  1372. $(document).on("input", "#cb-enh-video-controls-modal-contrast", function() {
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  1374. updateVideoFilters();
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  1390. updateVideoFilters();
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  1392. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-video-controls-modal-reset", function() {
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  1396. $(".videoPlayerDiv video").removeClass("cb-enh-video-inverted");
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  1398. $("#cb-enh-video-controls-modal-invert-vid")[0].checked = false;
  1399. $(".cb-enh-vid-control-slider").each(function() {
  1400. $(this).val($(this).attr("data-default"));
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  1402. });
  1403. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-video-controls-screenshot", function(e) {
  1404. e.preventDefault();
  1405. e.stopPropagation();
  1406. captureScreenshot();
  1407. });
  1408. $(document).on("click", "#cb-enh-video-controls-record", function(e) {
  1409. e.preventDefault();
  1410. e.stopPropagation();
  1411. if(!gRecording) {
  1412. startRecording();
  1413. }
  1414. else {
  1415. stopRecording();
  1416. }
  1417. });
  1418. let insideChat = false;
  1419. document.addEventListener('mouseover',
  1420. function(e) {
  1421. if($('.draggableCanvasChatWindow').find( > 0) {
  1422. insideChat = true;
  1423. }
  1424. }
  1425. );
  1426. document.addEventListener('mouseout',
  1427. function(e) {
  1428. let $input = $('.fullvideoInputFieldChat');
  1429. if(insideChat && $input.length > 0 && document.activeElement !== $input[0] && $('.draggableCanvasChatWindow > div[ts="n"]').find( > 0) {
  1430. insideChat = false;
  1431. resetTheaterModeChatVisibilityState();
  1432. }
  1433. }
  1434. );
  1435. document.addEventListener('click',
  1436. function(e) {
  1437. let $chatBtn = $('#TheaterModePlayer #chat-btn');
  1438. if($chatBtn.length > 0 && === $chatBtn[0]) {
  1439. resetTheaterModeChatVisibilityState();
  1440. }
  1441. }
  1442. , true);
  1443. }
  1444. function resetTheaterModeChatVisibilityState() {
  1445. setTimeout(
  1446. function() {
  1447. if($('#TheaterModeRoomContents').length > 0) {
  1448. $('#TheaterModeRoomContents')[0].click();
  1449. }
  1450. },
  1451. 1
  1452. );
  1453. }
  1454. function setVideoControlsVisible(visible) {
  1455. $("#cb-enh-video-controls-modal").toggle(visible);
  1456. gVideoControlsModalShown = visible;
  1457. localizeStringsNextTick()
  1458. }
  1459. function initSupportInfo() {
  1460. $(document).on('click', '.cb-enh-acc-info-inner', function() {
  1461. loutrreg(gCurrentBroadcaster);
  1462. });
  1463. let intvWaitBuyBox = setInterval(() => {
  1464. let $bBox = $('div[data-paction=CurrentShowBuyBox]').parent();
  1465. if($bBox.length === 0) {
  1466. return;
  1467. }
  1468. clearIntervalEx(intvWaitBuyBox);
  1469. if($('#cb-enh-acc-info').length > 0) {
  1470. return;
  1471. }
  1472. let userType = getUserType();
  1473. let msg = getSupportMessage(userType);
  1474. if(msg === null) {
  1475. return;
  1476. }
  1477. let bBoxHtml = `<div id="cb-enh-acc-info" class="noselect"><div class="cb-enh-acc-info-outer"><div class="cb-enh-acc-info-inner" data-utype="${userType}">${msg}</div></div></div>`;
  1478. $bBox.append(bBoxHtml);
  1479. adra($('#cb-enh-acc-info'));
  1480. adra($('.cb-enh-acc-info-outer'));
  1481. adra($('.cb-enh-acc-info-inner'));
  1482. }, 50);
  1483. setInterval(function() {
  1484. if($('#VideoPanel').length === 0) {
  1485. return;
  1486. }
  1487. let $accInfo = $('#cb-enh-acc-info');
  1488. if($accInfo.length === 0) {
  1489. return;
  1490. }
  1491. if($('#VideoPanel').innerWidth() >= 1000) {
  1492. $accInfo.css('font-size', '15px');
  1493. $accInfo.css('width', '500px');
  1494. $;
  1495. return;
  1496. }
  1497. let $parent = $accInfo.parent();
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  1499. let chw1 = $parent.children().eq(0).innerWidth();
  1500. let chw2 = $parent.children().eq(1).innerWidth();
  1501. let w2 = w1 - chw1 - chw2;
  1502. if(w2 <= 30) {
  1503. $accInfo.hide();
  1504. return;
  1505. }
  1506. $accInfo.css('width', (w2 - 10) + 'px');
  1507. $accInfo.css('font-size', '12px');
  1508. $;
  1509. }, 200);
  1510. }
  1511. function isLogged() {
  1512. return $('.user_information_header_username').length !== 0;
  1513. }
  1514. function getUserType() {
  1515. let userType = 0;
  1516. if(isLogged()) {
  1517. userType = 2;
  1518. let gaq = $("#gaq").html();
  1519. if( !== -1 && + acre2))) === -1) {
  1520. userType = 1;
  1521. }
  1522. }
  1523. return userType;
  1524. }
  1525. function getSupportMessage(userType) {
  1526. if(userType === 0) {
  1527. return `<b>Chaturbate Enhancer <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="msg">message</msg></b>:<span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="please_support">Please support</span> Chaturbate Enhancer <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="ac_msg_dev">development by</span> <u class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="ac_msg_0">creating free Chaturbate account</u>.<span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="thanks">Thank you</span> ❤️.<span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="ac_msg_m_0">If you create new account we will get small commission of every token spend by you. It cost you nothing but it will significantly help further development of Chaturbate Enhancer. This message will disappear.<span>`;
  1528. }
  1529. else if(userType === 1) {
  1530. return `<b>Chaturbate Enhancer <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="msg">message</span></b>: <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="please_support">Please support</span> Chaturbate Enhancer <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="ac_msg_dev">development by</span> <u class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="ac_msg_1">creating new Chaturbate account</u>. <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="thanks">Thank you</span> ❤️.<div class="cb-enh-acc-info-small-text"><span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="ac_msg_m_0">If you create new account we will get small commission of every token spend by you. It cost you nothing but it will significantly help further development of Chaturbate Enhancer. This message will disappear.<span></div>`;
  1531. }
  1532. return null;
  1533. }
  1534. function loutrreg() {
  1535. setSetting('reg-redir', 1);
  1536. setSetting('reg-redir-room', gCurrentBroadcaster);
  1537. if(isLogged()) {
  1538. $('a[href="/auth/logout/"]').click();
  1539. $(".modalAlert .dialog .accept").click();
  1540. }
  1541. else {
  1542. regRedir(gCurrentBroadcaster);
  1543. }
  1544. }
  1545. function regRedir(room) {
  1546. let rurl = '/accounts/register/';
  1547. if(room) {
  1548. rurl = '/' + room + '/?join_overlay=1&disable_sound=1';
  1549. }
  1550. setSetting('reg-redir', 2);
  1551. setSetting('reg-redir-room', room);
  1552. window.location.href = rurl;
  1553. }
  1554. function getVideo() {
  1555. return $(".videoPlayerDiv video");
  1556. }
  1557. function isVideoPlaying(vid) {
  1558. return !vid.paused && !vid.ended && vid.readyState > 2;
  1559. }
  1560. function playIgnoreErrors(vid) {
  1561. => {
  1562. () => {} });
  1563. }
  1564. function setSetting(name, value) {
  1565. gSettings[name] = value;
  1566. localStorage.setItem('cb-enh-settings', JSON.stringify(gSettings));
  1567. }
  1568. function getSetting(name, value) {
  1569. if(typeof gSettings[name] !== 'undefined') {
  1570. return gSettings[name];
  1571. }
  1572. return null;
  1573. }
  1574. function loadSettings() {
  1575. let settings = localStorage.getItem('cb-enh-settings');
  1576. if(settings === null) {
  1577. settings = {};
  1578. }
  1579. else {
  1580. settings = JSON.parse(settings);
  1581. }
  1582. gSettings = settings;
  1583. }
  1584. let vidFilters = [];
  1585. function updateVideoFilters() {
  1586. getVideo().css("filter", vidFilters.join(" "));
  1587. }
  1588. let acre1 = '=cieZhjYOdCI';
  1589. function enhanceInaccessibleRoom() {
  1590. let lang = getSiteLang();
  1591. let $baseRoomContentDiv = $("div.BaseRoomContents div")
  1592. if($baseRoomContentDiv.length === 0) {
  1593. return;
  1594. }
  1595. $baseRoomContentDiv = $baseRoomContentDiv.eq(0);
  1596. if($baseRoomContentDiv.text().indexOf("Access denied") !== 0) {
  1597. return;
  1598. }
  1599. $baseRoomContentDiv.append('<br><span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="try_load">Chaturbate Enhancer will try to load video and bio of this room.</span><br><br>');
  1600. let $langForm = $("form[action='/set_language/'] input[name='next']");
  1601. if($langForm.length === 0) {
  1602. return;
  1603. }
  1604. let username = $("form[action='/set_language/'] input[name='next']")[0].value.slice(1, -1);
  1605. gCurrentBroadcaster = username;
  1606. gCurrentRoomIsInaccessible = true;
  1607. addStyle(`.BaseRoomContents div {font-size: 14px !important;font-family: UbuntuMedium, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight: normal;}.darkmode .BaseRoomContents {border-color: transparent !important;background-color: #202c39 !important;}.ce-row-1 {color: #0a5a83;}.darkmode .ce-row-1 {color: white;}`);
  1608. let $upperHolder = $('<div></div>');
  1609. $baseRoomContentDiv.append($upperHolder);
  1610. let $videoHolder = $('<div></div>');
  1611. $baseRoomContentDiv.append($videoHolder);
  1612. let $upperHolder2 = $('<div></div>');
  1613. $baseRoomContentDiv.append($upperHolder2);
  1614. let $upperHolder3 = $('<div></div>');
  1615. $baseRoomContentDiv.append($upperHolder3);
  1616. let $infoHolder = $('<div></div>');
  1617. $baseRoomContentDiv.append($infoHolder);
  1618. let $infoHolder2 = $('<div></div>');
  1619. $baseRoomContentDiv.append($infoHolder2);
  1620. let $scheduleHolder = $('<div></div>');
  1621. $baseRoomContentDiv.append($scheduleHolder);
  1622. let isOnline = false;
  1623. xmlhttpRequest({
  1624. method: 'GET',
  1625. url: '' + username + '?key=' + acre7,
  1626. headers: {
  1627. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
  1628. 'Referer': '' + username + '/',
  1629. },
  1630. timeout: 60*1*1000,
  1631. onload: function(resp) {
  1632. let data;
  1633. try {
  1634. data = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
  1635. }
  1636. catch(SyntaxError) {
  1637. return;
  1638. }
  1639. if($baseRoomContentDiv.length === 0) {
  1640. return;
  1641. }
  1642. let playVideo = true;
  1643. if(data['room_status'] !== 'public') {
  1644. let $avDiv = $("<div></div>");
  1645. $upperHolder.append($avDiv);
  1646. insertRoomAv($avDiv, username);
  1647. $upperHolder.append('<span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="room_status">Room status is</span>: <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="status_' + data['room_status'] + '">' + data['room_status'] + '</span><br>');
  1648. playVideo = false;
  1649. }
  1650. else {
  1651. isOnline = true;
  1652. $("#cb-enh-inac-load-chat").show()
  1653. }
  1654. if(data['hls_source'] === '') {
  1655. playVideo = false;
  1656. }
  1657. if(data['room_title']) {
  1658. let $span;
  1659. if(data['room_status'] !== 'offline') {
  1660. $span = $('<span><span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="subject">Subject</span>: <span></span></span>');
  1661. }
  1662. else {
  1663. $span = $('<span><span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="last_subject">Last Subject</span>: <span></span></span>');
  1664. }
  1665. $span.find('span').eq(1).text(data['room_title']);
  1666. $upperHolder.append($span);
  1667. $upperHolder.append('<br><br>');
  1668. }
  1669. if(playVideo) {
  1670. let $video = $('<video controls autoplay muted data-listener-count-webkitendfullscreen="1" class="vjs-tech cb-enh-video" id="vjs_video_3_html5_api" tabindex="-1" role="application" poster="' + username + '&f=' + Math.random() + '"></video>');
  1671. $videoHolder.append($video);
  1672. let hls_source = fixCBHLSURL(data['hls_source']);
  1673. let hls = new Hls();
  1674. hls.loadSource(hls_source);
  1675. hls.attachMedia($video[0]);
  1676. }
  1677. if(data['age']) {
  1678. $upperHolder3.append('<br><br><span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="age">Age</span>: ' + data['age'] + '<br>');
  1679. }
  1680. if(data['broadcaster_gender']) {
  1681. $upperHolder3.append('<span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="gender">Gender</span>: <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="gender_' + data['broadcaster_gender'][0] + '">' + data['broadcaster_gender'] + '</span><br>');
  1682. }
  1683. if(data['num_viewers']) {
  1684. if(data['room_status'] !== 'offline') {
  1685. $upperHolder3.append('<span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="viewers">Viewers</span>: ' + data['num_viewers'] + '<br>');
  1686. }
  1687. else {
  1688. $upperHolder3.append('<span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="last_viewers">Last Viewers</span>: ' + data['num_viewers'] + '<br>');
  1689. }
  1690. }
  1691. if(data['performer_has_fanclub']) {
  1692. $infoHolder2.append('<span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="has_fanclub">Has Fanclub</span>: <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="yes">Yes</span><br>');
  1693. }
  1694. else {
  1695. $infoHolder2.append('<span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="has_fanclub">Has Fanclub</span>: <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="no">No</span><br>');
  1696. }
  1697. if('satisfaction_score' in data) {
  1698. let sc = data['satisfaction_score'];
  1699. if('percent' in sc && 'up_votes' in sc && 'down_votes' in sc) {
  1700. $infoHolder2.append('<span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="satisfaction_score">Satisfaction Score</span>: ' + sc['percent'] + '% (' + sc['up_votes'] + ' <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="up">up</span>, ' + sc['down_votes'] + ' <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="down">down</span>)<br>');
  1701. }
  1702. }
  1703. localizeStrings();
  1704. },
  1705. onerror: function() {
  1706. $upperHolder.append('<br>' + getLocale('err_vid', 'ERROR: Unable to load video.'));
  1707. }
  1708. });
  1709. xmlhttpRequest({
  1710. method: 'GET',
  1711. url: '' + username + '?lang=' + lang + '&key=' + acre3,
  1712. timeout: 60*2*1000,
  1713. onload: function(resp) {
  1714. let data;
  1715. try {
  1716. data = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
  1717. }
  1718. catch(SyntaxError) {
  1719. return;
  1720. }
  1721. let $loadChatHref = $('<a id="cb-enh-inac-load-chat" style="display:none;" class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="try_load_chat">Click here to try to load chat.</a><br>');
  1722. $upperHolder2.append($loadChatHref);
  1723. if(isOnline) {
  1724. $;
  1725. }
  1726. $loadChatHref.on('click', function(e) {
  1727. $loadChatHref.hide();
  1728. e.preventDefault();
  1729. e.stopPropagation();
  1730. $videoHolder.empty();
  1731. addElement($videoHolder[0], 'iframe', {
  1732. src: '' + username + '?key=' + acre7,
  1733. class: 'cb-enh-chat-frame'
  1734. });
  1735. });
  1736. if(data['region'] !== '') {
  1737. let href = '';
  1738. if(data['region_id'] == 0) {
  1739. href = '/asian-cams/';
  1740. }
  1741. else if(data['region_id'] == 1) {
  1742. href = '/euro-russian-cams/';
  1743. }
  1744. else if(data['region_id'] == 2) {
  1745. href = '/north-american-cams/';
  1746. }
  1747. else if(data['region_id'] == 3) {
  1748. href = '/south-american-cams/';
  1749. }
  1750. else if(data['region_id'] == 4) {
  1751. href = '/other-region-cams/';
  1752. }
  1753. $infoHolder.append('<span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="region">Region</span>: <a href="' + href + '">' + data['region'] + '</a><br>');
  1754. }
  1755. if(data['online_for'] && data['online_for'] !== '') {
  1756. $infoHolder.append('<span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="online_for">Online For</span>: ' + data['online_for'] + '<br>');
  1757. }
  1758. else if(data['last_online_f'] && data['last_online_f'] !== '') {
  1759. $infoHolder.append('<span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="last_online">Last Online</span>: ' + data['last_online_f'] + '<br>');
  1760. }
  1761. let info = {
  1762. 'real_name': 'Real Name',
  1763. 'birthday': 'Birthday',
  1764. 'followers_f': 'Followers',
  1765. 'location': 'Location',
  1766. 'languages': 'Languages',
  1767. 'smoke_drink': 'Smoke / Drink',
  1768. 'body_type': 'Body Type',
  1769. 'body_decorations': 'Body Decorations',
  1770. };
  1771. Object.keys(info).forEach(function(k) {
  1772. let v = info[k];
  1773. if(data[k]) {
  1774. let $span = $('<span><span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="' + k + '">' + v + '</span>: <span></span></span>');
  1775. $span.find('span').eq(1).text(data[k]);
  1776. $infoHolder.append($span);
  1777. $infoHolder.append('<br>');
  1778. }
  1779. });
  1780. if(data['has_schedule']) {
  1781. $scheduleHolder.append('<span class="ce-loc ce-row-1" data-ce-loc="schedule">Schedule</span>: <br>');
  1782. let darkMode = $('body').hasClass('darkmode') ? 1 : 0;
  1783. addElement($scheduleHolder[0], 'iframe', {
  1784. src: '' + username + '?dark=' + darkMode + '&lang=' + lang + '&key=' + acre3,
  1785. class: 'cb-enh-schedule-frame'
  1786. });
  1787. }
  1788. localizeStrings();
  1789. }
  1790. });
  1791. }
  1792. function enhancePasswordedRoom() {
  1793. }
  1794. function addBioRow(name, visible = true, value = '') {
  1795. let loc = name.replaceAll(' ', '_').toLowerCase();
  1796. let $el = $('<tr class="cb-enh-row" style="' + (visible ? '' : 'display: none; ') + 'font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 15px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"><td class="label" style="padding-bottom: 9px; font-family: UbuntuMedium, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; height: 16px;"><span><span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="' + loc + '">' + name + '</span>:</span></td><td class="contentText cb-enh-row-value" style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 16px; font-family: UbuntuRegular, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">' + value + '</td></tr>');
  1797. let $psContainers = $('.BioContents > div > table > .psContainer');
  1798. let $smContainers = $('.BioContents > div > table > .smContainer');
  1799. if($psContainers.length > 0) {
  1800. $psContainers.last().after($el);
  1801. }
  1802. else if($smContainers.length > 0) {
  1803. $smContainers.last().after($el);
  1804. }
  1805. else {
  1806. $('.BioContents > div > table > tr').slice(-2).first().after($el);
  1807. }
  1808. return $el;
  1809. }
  1810. let acre2 = '642ZpFGctF2Y';
  1811. function insertRoomAv($div, username) {
  1812. let $avDiv = $('<div class="cb-enh-avatar"></div>');
  1813. $div.prepend($avDiv);
  1814. addElement($avDiv[0], 'img', {
  1815. src: '' + acre4,
  1816. alt: '',
  1817. onload: ''
  1818. });
  1819. addElement($avDiv[0], 'img', {
  1820. src: '' + username + '.jpg?key=' + acre5,
  1821. alt: '',
  1822. onload: ''
  1823. });
  1824. return $avDiv;
  1825. }
  1826. function isCurrentlyUsingAnyTextInput() {
  1827. if(!document.activeElement) {
  1828. return false;
  1829. }
  1830. if( ['input', 'textarea', 'search', 'text'].includes(document.activeElement.type) ) {
  1831. return true;
  1832. }
  1833. if(document.activeElement.hasAttribute('contenteditable')) {
  1834. return true;
  1835. }
  1836. return false;
  1837. }
  1838. document.addEventListener("keydown",
  1839. function(e) {
  1840. if(`${e.code}` === 'KeyX' && e.ctrlKey) {
  1841. if(isCurrentlyUsingAnyTextInput()) {
  1842. return;
  1843. }
  1844. captureScreenshot();
  1845. }
  1846. }
  1847. );
  1848. function captureScreenshot() {
  1849. if(gCapturingScreenshot) {
  1850. return;
  1851. }
  1852. let $vid = getVideo();
  1853. if($vid.length === 0) {
  1854. return;
  1855. }
  1856. gCapturingScreenshot = true;
  1857. let canvas = captureVideoFrame($vid[0]);
  1858. gCapturingScreenshot = false;
  1859. if(!canvas) {
  1860. alert(getLocale('err_ss', 'ERROR: Failed to capture screenshot!'));
  1861. return;
  1862. }
  1863. let username = gCurrentBroadcaster ? gCurrentBroadcaster : 'unknown';
  1864. let link = document.createElement('a');
  1865. let date = new Date();
  1866. = getFileName(username, '.png', date);
  1867. link.href = canvas.toDataURL();
  1869. }
  1870. function captureVideoFrame(video) {
  1871. let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
  1872. canvas.width = video.videoWidth;
  1873. canvas.height = video.videoHeight;
  1874. canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(video, 0, 0, video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight);
  1875. return canvas;
  1876. }
  1877. function startRecording() {
  1878. if(gRecording) {
  1879. return;
  1880. }
  1881. let $vid = getVideo();
  1882. if($vid.length === 0) {
  1883. alert(getLocale('err_no_rec_video', 'ERROR: There is no video to record!'));
  1884. return;
  1885. }
  1886. let lengthInMS = 1000*60*10;
  1887. let username = gCurrentBroadcaster ? gCurrentBroadcaster : 'unknown';
  1888. let stream = captureStream($vid[0]);
  1889. if(stream === 'err-no-func') {
  1890. errRecordingNotSupported();
  1891. return;
  1892. }
  1893. if(typeof MediaRecorder === 'undefined') {
  1894. errRecordingNotSupported();
  1895. return;
  1896. }
  1897. let mimeTypes = [
  1898. ['video/mp4', 'mp4'],
  1899. ['video/webm', 'webm'],
  1900. ];
  1901. let mimeType = null;
  1902. let fileExt = null;
  1903. for(let k in mimeTypes) {
  1904. let v = mimeTypes[k];
  1905. if(MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported(v[0])) {
  1906. mimeType = v[0];
  1907. fileExt = v[1];
  1908. break;
  1909. }
  1910. }
  1911. if(!mimeType) {
  1912. errRecordingNotSupported();
  1913. return;
  1914. }
  1915. playIgnoreErrors($vid[0]);
  1916. if($vid[0].muted) {
  1917. stream.getAudioTracks().forEach( t => stream.removeTrack( t ) );
  1918. }
  1919. gRecording = true;
  1920. gRecordingCanceledByUser = false;
  1921. $("#cb-enh-video-controls-record").find("span").text(getLocale("stop_rec", "Stop recording"));
  1922. $("#cb-enh-video-controls-record").find("span").data("ce-loc", "stop_rec");
  1923. $("#cb-enh-video-controls-record").addClass("cb-enh-active");
  1924. let date = new Date();
  1925. startRecordingStream(stream, lengthInMS, mimeType).then((recordedChunks) => {
  1926. let recordedBlob = new Blob(recordedChunks, {
  1927. type: mimeType
  1928. });
  1929. let objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(recordedBlob);
  1930. let link = document.createElement('a');
  1931. = getFileName(username, '.' + fileExt, date);
  1932. link.href = objectURL;
  1934. gRecordingStream = null;
  1935. gRecording = false;
  1936. setTimeout(function() {
  1937. if(objectURL) {
  1938. URL.revokeObjectURL(objectURL);
  1939. }
  1940. }, 10000);
  1941. if(!gRecordingCanceledByUser) {
  1942. startRecording();
  1943. return;
  1944. }
  1945. gRecordingCanceledByUser = false;
  1946. $("#cb-enh-video-controls-record").find("span").text(getLocale("start_rec", "Start recording"));
  1947. $("#cb-enh-video-controls-record").find("span").data("ce-loc", "start_rec");
  1948. $("#cb-enh-video-controls-record").removeClass("cb-enh-active");
  1949. });
  1950. }
  1951. function errRecordingNotSupported() {
  1952. gRecording = false;
  1953. alert(getLocale('err_no_rec_support', 'ERROR: Your browser does not seem to support recording. Please install latest version of modern browser. If you think that\'s mistake, please fill an issue report. Thank you!'));
  1954. }
  1955. function wait(delayInMS) {
  1956. return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delayInMS));
  1957. }
  1958. function startRecordingStream(stream, lengthInMS, mimeType) {
  1959. let options = {
  1960. mimeType: mimeType,
  1961. videoBitsPerSecond: 6000000
  1962. };
  1963. let recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream, options);
  1964. let data = [];
  1965. recorder.ondataavailable = (event) => { data.push(; }
  1966. recorder.start(250);
  1967. gRecordingStream = stream;
  1968. let stopped = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  1969. recorder.onstop = (event) => { resolve(; }
  1970. recorder.onerror = (event) => { reject(; }
  1971. });
  1972. let recorded = wait(lengthInMS).then(() => {
  1973. if(recorder.state === "recording") {
  1974. recorder.stop();
  1975. }
  1976. });
  1977. return Promise.any([stopped, recorded]).then(() => data);
  1978. }
  1979. function stopRecordingStream(stream) {
  1980. stream.getTracks().forEach((track) => track.stop());
  1981. }
  1982. let acre4 = 'o8R1AMIgnTLIAWOVr3kX';
  1983. function stopRecording() {
  1984. if(!gRecording || !gRecordingStream) {
  1985. return;
  1986. }
  1987. gRecordingCanceledByUser = true;
  1988. stopRecordingStream(gRecordingStream);
  1989. }
  1990. function updateRoomListStatuses() {
  1991. $('.room_list_room').each(function() {
  1992. let room = $(this).find('a').eq(0).data('room');
  1993. let _this = this;
  1994. $.getJSON('' + room + '/', function(data) {
  1995. if(data['room_status'] === 'public') {
  1996. let $label = $(_this).find('.thumbnail_label');
  1997. if($label.length === 0) {
  1998. $label = $(_this).find('.thumbnail_label_featured');
  1999. }
  2000. if(!$label.hasClass('thumbnail_label_c_new') && !$label.hasClass('thumbnail_label_c_gaming')) {
  2001. $label.remove();
  2002. }
  2003. return;
  2004. }
  2005. $(_this).find('.thumbnail_label').remove();
  2006. $(_this).find('.thumbnail_label_featured').remove();
  2007. let $label = $('<div class="thumbnail_label ce-loc"></div>');
  2008. $label.text( getLocale('status_' + data['room_status'], data['room_status']) );
  2009. if(data['room_status'] === 'private' || data['room_status'] === 'group' || data['room_status'] === 'hidden') {
  2010. $label.addClass('thumbnail_label_c_private_show');
  2011. }
  2012. else if(data['room_status'] === 'offline') {
  2013. $label.addClass('thumbnail_label_offline');
  2014. }
  2015. else {
  2016. $label.addClass('thumbnail_label_c');
  2017. }
  2018. $(_this).append($label);
  2019. });
  2020. });
  2021. }
  2022. function enhanceFollowedList() {
  2023. clearIntervalEx(intvUpdateFollowedList);
  2024. updateRoomListStatuses();
  2025. intvUpdateFollowedList = setInterval(function() {
  2026. updateRoomListStatuses();
  2027. }, 1000 * 30);
  2028. }
  2029. function setGridSize(width) {
  2030. let gridStyle = `#room_list, #roomlist_root .roomlist_container ul.list {grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill,minmax(` + width + `px,max-content)) !important;}`;
  2031. addStyle(gridStyle);
  2032. }
  2033. function setMoreRoomsGridSize(width) {
  2034. let gridStyle = `.MoreRooms .list .roomCard {width: ` + width + `px;}`;
  2035. addStyle(gridStyle);
  2036. }
  2037. let gGridIconSvgBig = '<svg xmlns="" height="48" viewBox="0 96 960 960" width="48"><path d="M140.001 543.307V236.001h307.306v307.306H140.001Zm0 372.692V608.693h307.306v307.306H140.001Zm372.692-372.692V236.001h307.306v307.306H512.693Zm0 372.692V608.693h307.306v307.306H512.693ZM185.385 497.924h216.539V281.385H185.385v216.539Zm372.691 0h216.539V281.385H558.076v216.539Zm0 372.691h216.539V654.076H558.076v216.539Zm-372.691 0h216.539V654.076H185.385v216.539Zm372.691-372.691Zm0 156.152Zm-156.152 0Zm0-156.152Z"/></svg>';
  2038. let gGridIconSvgMedium = '<svg xmlns="" height="48" viewBox="0 96 960 960" width="48"><path d="M197.694 915.999q-23.529 0-40.611-17.082-17.082-17.082-17.082-40.611V293.694q0-23.529 17.082-40.611 17.082-17.082 40.611-17.082h564.612q23.529 0 40.611 17.082 17.082 17.082 17.082 40.611v564.612q0 23.529-17.082 40.611-17.082 17.082-40.611 17.082H197.694Zm0-45.384h153.845V704.461H185.385v153.845q0 5.385 3.462 8.847 3.462 3.462 8.847 3.462Zm199.229 0h166.154V704.461H396.923v166.154Zm211.538 0h153.845q5.385 0 8.847-3.462 3.462-3.462 3.462-8.847V704.461H608.461v166.154ZM185.385 659.077h166.154V492.923H185.385v166.154Zm211.538 0h166.154V492.923H396.923v166.154Zm211.538 0h166.154V492.923H608.461v166.154ZM185.385 447.539h166.154V281.385H197.694q-5.385 0-8.847 3.462-3.462 3.462-3.462 8.847v153.845Zm211.538 0h166.154V281.385H396.923v166.154Zm211.538 0h166.154V293.694q0-5.385-3.462-8.847-3.462-3.462-8.847-3.462H608.461v166.154Z"/></svg>';
  2039. let gGridIconSvgSmall = '<svg xmlns="" height="48" viewBox="0 96 960 960" width="48"><path d="M99.232 869.076V282.924h761.536v586.152H99.232Zm45.384-405.691h133.847V328.308H144.616v135.077Zm179.23 0h133.462V328.308H323.846v135.077Zm178.846 0h133.847V328.308H502.692v135.077Zm179.23 0h133.462V328.308H681.922v135.077Zm0 180.461h133.462V508.769H681.922v135.077Zm-179.23 0h133.847V508.769H502.692v135.077Zm-178.846 0h133.462V508.769H323.846v135.077Zm-45.383-135.077H144.616v135.077h133.847V508.769Zm403.459 314.923h133.462V689.23H681.922v134.462Zm-179.23 0h133.847V689.23H502.692v134.462Zm-178.846 0h133.462V689.23H323.846v134.462Zm-179.23 0h133.847V689.23H144.616v134.462Z"/></svg>';
  2040. let gGridIconSvgSmallX = '<svg xmlns="" height="48" viewBox="0 96 960 960" width="48"><path d="M180 876h105V771H180v105Zm165 0h105V771H345v105Zm165 0h105V771H510v105Zm165 0h105V771H675v105ZM180 381h105V276H180v105Zm0 165h105V441H180v105Zm0 165h105V606H180v105Zm165-330h105V276H345v105Zm0 165h105V441H345v105Zm0 165h105V606H345v105Zm165-330h105V276H510v105Zm0 165h105V441H510v105Zm0 165h105V606H510v105Zm165-330h105V276H675v105Zm0 165h105V441H675v105Zm0 165h105V606H675v105ZM180 936q-24 0-42-18t-18-42V276q0-24 18-42t42-18h600q24 0 42 18t18 42v600q0 24-18 42t-42 18H180Z"/></svg>';
  2041. function initGridSizeSelector() {
  2042. if(gIsInMultiView) {
  2043. return;
  2044. }
  2045. let $topSelection = $('.top-section');
  2046. if($topSelection.length === 0) {
  2047. }
  2048. let $svg1 = $(gGridIconSvgBig);
  2049. $svg1.addClass('cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img cb-enh-first');
  2050. $topSelection.append($svg1);
  2051. $svg1.on('click', function() {
  2052. setGridSize(280);
  2053. setSetting('grid-size', 280);
  2054. });
  2055. let $svg2 = $(gGridIconSvgMedium);
  2056. $svg2.addClass('cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img');
  2057. $svg2.on('click', function() {
  2058. setGridSize(250);
  2059. setSetting('grid-size', 250);
  2060. });
  2061. $topSelection.append($svg2);
  2062. let $svg3 = $(gGridIconSvgSmall);
  2063. $svg3.addClass('cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img');
  2064. $topSelection.append($svg3);
  2065. $svg3.on('click', function() {
  2066. setGridSize(220);
  2067. setSetting('grid-size', 220);
  2068. });
  2069. let $svg4 = $(gGridIconSvgSmallX);
  2070. $svg4.addClass('cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img');
  2071. $topSelection.append($svg4);
  2072. $svg4.on('click', function() {
  2073. setGridSize(180);
  2074. setSetting('grid-size', 180);
  2075. });
  2076. let intvWaitMoreRooms = setInterval(function() {
  2077. let moreRoomsSel = '.MoreRooms';
  2078. let $moreRooms = $(moreRoomsSel);
  2079. if($moreRooms.length === 0) {
  2080. return;
  2081. }
  2082. clearIntervalEx(intvWaitMoreRooms);
  2083. let $blockOuter = $('<div id="cb-enh-more-rooms-size-selectors"></div>');
  2084. let $msvg4 = $(gGridIconSvgSmallX);
  2085. $msvg4.addClass('cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img cb-enh-grid-size-selector-more-img');
  2086. $blockOuter.prepend($msvg4);
  2087. $msvg4.on('click', function() {
  2088. setMoreRoomsGridSize(180);
  2089. setSetting('grid-more-size', 180);
  2090. });
  2091. let $msvg3 = $(gGridIconSvgSmall);
  2092. $msvg3.addClass('cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img cb-enh-grid-size-selector-more-img');
  2093. $blockOuter.prepend($msvg3);
  2094. $msvg3.on('click', function() {
  2095. setMoreRoomsGridSize(210);
  2096. setSetting('grid-more-size', 210);
  2097. });
  2098. let $msvg2 = $(gGridIconSvgMedium);
  2099. $msvg2.addClass('cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img cb-enh-grid-size-selector-more-img');
  2100. $blockOuter.prepend($msvg2);
  2101. $msvg2.on('click', function() {
  2102. setMoreRoomsGridSize(260);
  2103. setSetting('grid-more-size', 260);
  2104. });
  2105. let $msvg1 = $(gGridIconSvgBig);
  2106. $msvg1.addClass('cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img cb-enh-grid-size-selector-more-img cb-enh-first');
  2107. $blockOuter.prepend($msvg1);
  2108. $msvg1.on('click', function() {
  2109. setMoreRoomsGridSize(300);
  2110. setSetting('grid-more-size', 300);
  2111. });
  2112. $blockOuter.insertBefore(moreRoomsSel);
  2113. }, 50);
  2114. }
  2115. let multiLinkHTML = `<li style="display: block;"><a href="/multicam/" target="_blank" rel="noopener" style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font: 400 13.999px ubuntumedium, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">MULTI CAM VIEWER</a></li><li style="display: block; float: right;"><span href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener" style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font: 400 13.999px ubuntumedium, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; cursor: pointer;" id="cb-enh-toggle-settings">CHATURBATE ENHANCER <span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="settings">Settings</span></span></li>`;
  2116. let multiAddSVG = '<svg xmlns="" height="20" viewBox="0 96 960 960" width="20"><path d="M516 661.999h51.999v-132h132v-51.998h-132v-132H516v132H384v51.998h132v132Zm-201.692 134q-27.008 0-45.657-18.65-18.65-18.65-18.65-45.658V276.309q0-27.008 18.65-45.658 18.649-18.65 45.657-18.65h455.383q27.007 0 45.657 18.65 18.65 18.65 18.65 45.658v455.382q0 27.008-18.65 45.658-18.65 18.65-45.657 18.65H314.308Zm0-51.999h455.383q4.615 0 8.462-3.846 3.846-3.847 3.846-8.463V276.309q0-4.616-3.846-8.463-3.847-3.846-8.462-3.846H314.308q-4.616 0-8.462 3.846-3.847 3.847-3.847 8.463v455.382q0 4.616 3.847 8.463 3.846 3.846 8.462 3.846ZM190.309 919.997q-27.007 0-45.657-18.65-18.65-18.65-18.65-45.657V348.309h51.999V855.69q0 4.616 3.846 8.462 3.847 3.847 8.462 3.847h507.382v51.998H190.309ZM301.999 264v480-480Z"/></svg>';
  2117. function initMultiViewUIRoom() {
  2118. let $linkContainer = $('.BaseRoomContents div.defaultColor.styledDiv');
  2119. if($linkContainer.length === 0) {
  2120. return;
  2121. }
  2122. $linkContainer = $linkContainer.eq(0);
  2123. let $link = $('<span><span id="cb-enh-add-multi-link" class="link ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_add">Add to multi cam viewer<span></span>');
  2124. $linkContainer.append($link);
  2125. $linkContainer.css('display', 'unset');
  2126. $(document).on('click', '#cb-enh-add-multi-link', function() {
  2127. multiAddRoomToList(gCurrentBroadcaster);
  2128. });
  2129. }
  2130. function multiAddUIAddButtons() {
  2131. $('ul.list li.roomCard').each(function() {
  2132. if($(this).data('cb-enh-multi-icon-added')) {
  2133. return;
  2134. }
  2135. $(this).data('cb-enh-multi-icon-added', true);
  2136. let $span = $('<span class="cb-enh-room-more-icon"></span>');
  2137. $span.prop('title', getLocale('show_more_menu', 'Show more menu'));
  2138. let $addIcon = $(gMoreSVG);
  2139. $span.append($addIcon);
  2140. $(this).find('.sub-info .cams').append($span);
  2141. $span = $('<span class="cb-enh-add-cam-icon"></span>');
  2142. $span.prop('title', getLocale('multi_add', 'Add to multi cam viewer'));
  2143. $addIcon = $(multiAddSVG);
  2144. $span.append($addIcon);
  2145. $(this).find('.sub-info .cams').append($span);
  2146. });
  2147. }
  2148. let gRoomMoreMenuVisible = false;
  2149. let gMoreRoomMenuUsername = null;
  2150. function initMultiViewUINavigation() {
  2151. let $nav = $('#nav');
  2152. if($nav.length !== 0) {
  2153. let $multiLink = $(multiLinkHTML);
  2154. $nav.eq(0).append($multiLink);
  2155. }
  2156. $(document).on('click', '.cb-enh-add-cam-icon', function() {
  2157. let username = $(this).closest('.roomCard').find('a').eq(0).data('room');
  2158. if(username) {
  2159. multiAddRoomToList(username);
  2160. }
  2161. });
  2162. $(document).on('click', '.cb-enh-room-more-icon', function() {
  2163. let username = $(this).closest('.roomCard').find('a').eq(0).data('room');
  2164. let $menu = $('#cb-enh-room-more-menu');
  2165. if(gRoomMoreMenuVisible && gMoreRoomMenuUsername === username) {
  2166. setRoomMoreMenuVisible(false);
  2167. }
  2168. else {
  2169. gMoreRoomMenuUsername = username;
  2170. $'username', username);
  2171. let pos = $(this).offset();
  2172. let x = pos.left;
  2173. let y = + 22;
  2174. if(x > $(window).width() - 120 - 20) {
  2175. x = $(window).width() - 120 - 20;
  2176. }
  2177. setRoomMoreMenuVisible(true, x, y);
  2178. }
  2179. });
  2180. $(document).on('click', '.cb-enh-st-blocklist-username-remove-icon', function() {
  2181. let username = $(this).data('username');
  2182. blocklistRemove(username);
  2183. $(this).parent().remove();
  2184. });
  2185. $(document).on('click', '#cb-enh-toggle-settings', function() {
  2186. setSettingsOpen(true);
  2187. });
  2188. $(document).on('click', '#cb-enh-page-overlay', function() {
  2189. setSettingsOpen(false);
  2190. });
  2191. $(document).on('click', '#cb-enh-settings-window-close-icon', function() {
  2192. setSettingsOpen(false);
  2193. });
  2194. multiAddUIAddButtons();
  2195. setInterval(function() {
  2196. multiAddUIAddButtons();
  2197. }, 1000);
  2198. }
  2199. let multiViewStyle = `#cb-enh-multi-content {width: 100% !important;}#cb-enh-multi-content h1 {font-size: 26px;margin-left: 10px;float: left;}.darkmode #cb-enh-multi-content, #cb-enh-multi-content.cb-enh-multi-fullscreen-full {color: #f7f7f7;}.cb-enh-multi-cam {display: none;float: left;position: relative;overflow: hidden;}.cb-enh-multi-cam video {border-radius: unset;display: block;width: 100%;height: 100%;top: 0;left: 0;float: left;position: absolute;max-width: unset;}.cb-enh-multi-cam img {position: absolute;width: 100%;height: 100%;top: 0;left: 0;float: left;}.cb-enh-multi-cam .cb-enh-avatar {position: absolute;top: calc(50% - 150px/2);left: calc(50% - 150px/2);float: left;}.cb-enh-multi-drag-outline {opacity: 0;outline: 3px dashed #eb3400;outline-offset: -3px;position: absolute;left: 0;top: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;z-index: 10;pointer-events: none;transition: 0.2s opacity;}.cb-enh-multi-cam.cb-enh-multi-cam-ondragover .cb-enh-multi-drag-outline {opacity: 1;}.cb-enh-multi-offline img, cb-enh-multi-offline video {filter: grayscale(1);}img.cb-enh-multi-offline {filter: grayscale(1);}#cb-enh-multi-content input[type="button"] {text-transform: uppercase;cursor: pointer;}#cb-enh-multi-content input[type="checkbox"], #cb-enh-multi-content label {cursor: pointer;}.cb-enh-multi-info {clear: both;margin: 10px;}#cb-enh-multi-share {width: 600px;}.cb-enh-multi-link {cursor: pointer;}.cb-enh-multi-username {position: absolute;bottom: 8px;left: 5px;font-size: 24px;opacity: 0;transition: opacity 0.25s;text-shadow: rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px 1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px -1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px -1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px 1px 0px;}.cb-enh-multi-username a {color: white;text-decoration: none;}.cb-enh-multi-status {position: absolute;top: 4px;left: 28px;font-size: 18px;opacity: 0;transition: opacity 0.25s;pointer-events: none;color: white;text-shadow: rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px 1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px -1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px -1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px 1px 0px;}.cb-enh-multi-follow {background: url( no-repeat;position: absolute;top: 0;left: 2px;opacity: 0;transition: opacity 0.25s;cursor: pointer;width: 24px;height: 24px;background-size: 100% 100%;}.cb-enh-multi-follow-followed {background-image: url(;}.cb-enh-multi-follow:hover {background-image: url(;}.cb-enh-multi-follow-update {background-image: url( !important;}.cb-enh-multi-subject {display: none;position: absolute;top: 4px;left: 26px;font-size: 12px;width: calc(100% - 28px - 24px);opacity: 0;transition: opacity 0.25s;pointer-events: none;color: white;text-shadow: rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px 1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px -1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) 1px -1px 0px, rgb(0, 0, 0) -1px 1px 0px;}.cb-enh-multi-offline .cb-enh-multi-subject {top: 25px;width: 100%;width: calc(100% - 4px - 4px);left: 4px;}body.cb-enh-multi-show-subject .cb-enh-multi-subject {display: block;}.cb-enh-multi-close {position: absolute;top: 0;right: 7px;opacity: 0;transition: opacity 0.25s;cursor: pointer;}.cb-enh-multi-close svg path {fill: #e80000;}.cb-enh-multi-refresh {position: absolute;top: 1px;right: 24px;opacity: 0;transition: opacity 0.25s;cursor: pointer;display: none;}.cb-enh-multi-refresh svg path {fill: #1e1e1e;}.cb-enh-multi-resize-handle {width: 8px; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; height: 100%;cursor: ew-resize;background: #e0e0e0 url( no-repeat center/325%;opacity: 0;transition: opacity 0.25s;}.darkmode .cb-enh-multi-resize-handle {background: #17202A url( no-repeat center/325%;}.cb-enh-multi-cam-hover .cb-enh-multi-resize-handle {opacity: 0.8;}.cb-enh-multi-cam-hover .cb-enh-multi-username, .cb-enh-multi-cam-hover .cb-enh-multi-follow, .cb-enh-multi-cam-hover .cb-enh-multi-status, .cb-enh-multi-cam-hover .cb-enh-multi-subject, .cb-enh-multi-cam-hover .cb-enh-multi-close, .cb-enh-multi-cam-hover .cb-enh-multi-refresh {opacity: 1;}.cb-enh-multi-cam-wrap2 {padding-top: 56.25%;background-color: #090909;}#cb-enh-multi-size-selector {float: right;}.cb-enh-multi-fullscreen {overflow: auto;}.cb-enh-multi-fullscreen #cb-enh-multi-size-selector {position: fixed;top: 2;right: 50px;z-index: 10;}.cb-enh-multi-fullscreen h1 {display: none;}.cb-enh-multi-fullscreen::-webkit-scrollbar {display: none;overflow: hidden;}.cb-enh-multi-fullscreen #cb-enh-multi-size-selector {opacity: 0;transition: 0.25s opacity;}.cb-enh-multi-fullscreen #cb-enh-multi-size-selector:hover {opacity: 1;}.cb-enh-multi-fullscreen .cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img.cb-enh-first {margin-right: 0;}.cb-enh-multi-cam-dragging {opacity: 0.7;}#cb-enh-multi-drag-img {position: fixed;display: none;top: 0;left: 0;width: 400px;height: 225px;background-color: black;pointer-events: none;z-index: 5000;opacity: 0.9;}#cb-enh-multi-drag-img canvas, #cb-enh-multi-drag-img img {width: 100%;height: 100%;}#cb-enh-multi-drag-img, #cb-enh-multi-drag-img canvas {border-radius: 10px;}.advanced-search-button-container {display: none;}`;
  2200. let multiViewHTML = `<div id="cb-enh-multi-content"><h1>Chaturbate Enhancer Multi Cam Viewer</h1><div id="cb-enh-multi-size-selector"></div><div style="clear:both;"></div><div id="cb-enh-multi-cams"></div><div class="cb-enh-multi-info"><input type="button" class="ce-loc" id="cb-enh-multi-btn-enter-fullscreen" value="ENTER FULLSCREEN" data-ce-loc="multi_btn_enter_fscreen"><input type="button" class="ce-loc" id="cb-enh-multi-btn-enter-fullscreen-mini" value="ENTER SEMI FULLSCREEN (WITH ADDRESS BAR)" data-ce-loc="multi_btn_enter_fscreen_mini"><input type="button" class="ce-loc" id="cb-enh-multi-btn-mute-all" value="MUTE ALL" data-ce-loc="multi_btn_mute_all"><input type="button" class="ce-loc" id="cb-enh-multi-btn-remove-offline" value="REMOVE OFFLINE CAMS" data-ce-loc="multi_btn_remove_offline"><input type="button" class="ce-loc" id="cb-enh-multi-btn-remove-all" value="REMOVE ALL CAMS" data-ce-loc="multi_btn_remove_all"><br><br><input type="checkbox" id="cb-enh-multi-btn-auto-hide"><label for="cb-enh-multi-btn-auto-hide" class="noselect ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_auto_hide_offline">Hide offline cams</label><br><input type="checkbox" id="cb-enh-multi-btn-auto-hide-priv"><label for="cb-enh-multi-btn-auto-hide-priv" class="noselect ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_auto_hide_priv">Hide private etc. cams</label><br><input type="checkbox" id="cb-enh-multi-btn-auto-remove"><label for="cb-enh-multi-btn-auto-remove" class="noselect ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_auto_remove_offline">Automatically remove offline cams</label><br><input type="checkbox" id="cb-enh-multi-show-subject"><label for="cb-enh-multi-show-subject" class="noselect ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_show_subject">Show room subjects</label><br><span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="max_quality">Max quality</span>: <select id="cb-enh-multi-max-quality"><option value="2160">2160p</option><option value="1440">1440p</option><option value="1080">1080p</option><option value="720">720p</option><option value="420">480p</option></select><br><br><p><span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_tip_can_add">You can add cams to this viewer by clicking "Add to multi cam viewer" on room page or by using this icon in room lists</span>: <span id="cb-enh-multi-tip-add-icon"></span></p><p class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_tip_fscreen_enter_shortcut">Press F11 to enter/exit fullscreen mode.</p><p class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_tip_fscreen_mini_shortcut">Press F10 to enter/exit semi fullscreen mode.</p><p class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_tip_fscreen_exit_shortcut">Press ESC to exit fullscreen mode.</p><p class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_tip_drag">Simply drag & drop cams to reposition them.</p><p class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_tip_resize">Use resize bar to resize cams.</p><p class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_tip_fscreen_scroll">It's possible to use scroll in fullscreen.</p><p class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_tip_auto_save">Current viewer state is being automatically saved.</p><p class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_tip_fscreen_grid_size">It's possible to set grid size on fullscreen too - hover mouse cursor on the right corner to see selectors.</p><br><span class="ce-loc" data-ce-loc="multi_share">Current viewer state can be restored or shared with others (who also have installed Chaturbate Enhancer) via this link</span>:<br><input type="text" id="cb-enh-multi-share" readonly></div><div id="cb-enh-multi-support"></div><div id="cb-enh-multi-drag-img"></div></div>`;
  2201. let multiViewCamHTML = `<div class="cb-enh-multi-cam" data-cb-enh-username="{{username}}" draggable="true"><div class="cb-enh-multi-drag-outline"></div><div class="cb-enh-multi-cam-wrap"><div class="cb-enh-multi-cam-wrap2"><div class="cb-enh-multi-cam-img-wrap"></div><div class="cb-enh-multi-cam-video-wrap"></div><div class="cb-enh-multi-username"><a href="/{{username}}/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{{username}}</a></div><div class="cb-enh-multi-follow noselect"></div><div class="cb-enh-multi-status noselect"></div><div class="cb-enh-multi-subject noselect"></div><div class="cb-enh-multi-refresh noselect">{{refreshSVG}}</div><div class="cb-enh-multi-resize-handle noselect"></div><div class="cb-enh-multi-close noselect">{{closeSVG}}</div></div></div></div>`;
  2202. let closeSVG = '<svg xmlns="" height="24" viewBox="0 96 960 960" width="24"><path d="M256 874.088 181.912 800l224-224-224-224L256 277.912l224 224 224-224L778.088 352l-224 224 224 224L704 874.088l-224-224-224 224Z"/></svg>';
  2203. let gMultiRooms = [];
  2204. let gMultiRoomsData = [];
  2205. let gMultiInMiniFullscreen = false;
  2206. let gIntvMultiUpdateRooms;
  2207. let gMultiIsDragging = false;
  2208. let gMultiIsResizing = false;
  2209. let gMultiResizeCurrentCam = null;
  2210. let gMultiResizeStartPos = null;
  2211. let gMultiDropReplace = true;
  2212. let $gMultiHoverBlock = null;
  2213. let gMultiHoverTime = 2500;
  2214. function initMultiView() {
  2215. gIsInMultiView = true;
  2216. clearAllTimeouts();
  2217. clearAllIntervals();
  2218. let hash = window.location.hash;
  2219. let roomsParamStart = hash.indexOf('?rooms=');
  2220. if(roomsParamStart !== -1) {
  2221. let rooms = hash.substring(roomsParamStart + '?rooms='.length).split(',');
  2222. multiClearRoomList();
  2223. rooms.forEach(function(room) {
  2224. if(!room.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/)) {
  2225. return;
  2226. }
  2227. multiAddRoomToList(room);
  2228. });
  2229. }
  2230. addStyle(multiViewStyle);
  2231. $('#main').append(multiViewHTML);
  2232. $(document).on('click', '.cb-enh-multi-close', function() {
  2233. let username = $(this).closest('.cb-enh-multi-cam').data('cb-enh-username');
  2234. multiRemoveRoom(username);
  2235. });
  2236. $(document).on('click', '.cb-enh-multi-follow', function() {
  2237. if($(this).hasClass('cb-enh-multi-follow-update')) {
  2238. return;
  2239. }
  2240. let username = $(this).closest('.cb-enh-multi-cam').data('cb-enh-username');
  2241. let csrf = getCSRFToken();
  2242. $(this).addClass('cb-enh-multi-follow-update');
  2243. let isFollowing = $(this).hasClass('cb-enh-multi-follow-followed');
  2244. let _this = this;
  2245. function callbackOk(isFollowing) {
  2246. $(_this).removeClass('cb-enh-multi-follow-update');
  2247. $(_this).toggleClass('cb-enh-multi-follow-followed', isFollowing);
  2248. }
  2249. function callbackErr() {
  2250. $(_this).removeClass('cb-enh-multi-follow-update');
  2251. }
  2252. setFollow(username, !isFollowing, callbackOk, callbackErr);
  2253. });
  2254. function resizeCam(e) {
  2255. cursorX = e.pageX;
  2256. cursorY = e.pageY;
  2257. if(cursorX > document.body.clientWidth) {
  2258. return;
  2259. }
  2260. let width = cursorX - gMultiResizeStartPos;
  2261. if(width < 100) {
  2262. width = 100;
  2263. }
  2264. let columnEnd = Math.round( (width / document.body.clientWidth) * multiGridColumnCount );
  2265. gMultiResizeCurrentCam.css('grid-column', 'span ' + columnEnd.toString());
  2266. let widthReal = (columnEnd / multiGridColumnCount) * document.body.clientWidth;
  2267. let height = widthReal * 9/16
  2268. let rowCount = Math.round(height);
  2269. gMultiResizeCurrentCam.css('grid-row', 'span ' + rowCount.toString());
  2270. }
  2271. $(document).on('mousedown', '.cb-enh-multi-resize-handle', function() {
  2272. gMultiIsResizing = true;
  2273. gMultiResizeCurrentCam = $(this).closest('.cb-enh-multi-cam');
  2274. gMultiResizeStartPos = gMultiResizeCurrentCam.position().left;
  2275. = 'ew-resize';
  2276. addEventListener('mousemove', resizeCam);
  2277. });
  2278. $(document).on('mouseup', function() {
  2279. if(!gMultiIsResizing) {
  2280. return;
  2281. }
  2282. gMultiIsResizing = false;
  2283. removeEventListener('mousemove', resizeCam);
  2284. = 'unset';
  2285. });
  2286. $(document).on('focus', '#cb-enh-multi-share', function() {
  2287. this.setSelectionRange(0, this.value.length);
  2288. });
  2289. addEventListener('storage', function(e) {
  2290. if(e.key !== 'cb-enh-multicam') {
  2291. return;
  2292. }
  2293. multiUpdateRooms();
  2294. });
  2295. multiUpdateRooms();
  2296. let $selectorDiv = $('#cb-enh-multi-size-selector');
  2297. let $svg1 = $(gGridIconSvgBig);
  2298. $svg1.addClass('cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img cb-enh-first');
  2299. $selectorDiv.append($svg1);
  2300. $svg1.on('click', function() {
  2301. let width = 2;
  2302. multiSetGridSize(width);
  2303. setSetting('multi-grid-size', width);
  2304. });
  2305. let $svg2 = $(gGridIconSvgMedium);
  2306. $svg2.addClass('cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img');
  2307. $svg2.on('click', function() {
  2308. let columns = 3;
  2309. multiSetGridSize(columns);
  2310. setSetting('multi-grid-size', columns);
  2311. });
  2312. $selectorDiv.append($svg2);
  2313. let $svg3 = $(gGridIconSvgSmall);
  2314. $svg3.addClass('cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img');
  2315. $selectorDiv.append($svg3);
  2316. $svg3.on('click', function() {
  2317. let columns = 4;
  2318. multiSetGridSize(columns);
  2319. setSetting('multi-grid-size', columns);
  2320. });
  2321. let $svg4 = $(gGridIconSvgSmallX);
  2322. $svg4.addClass('cb-enh-grid-size-selector-img');
  2323. $selectorDiv.append($svg4);
  2324. $svg4.on('click', function() {
  2325. let columns = 5;
  2326. multiSetGridSize(columns);
  2327. setSetting('multi-grid-size', columns);
  2328. });
  2329. $(document).on('click', '#cb-enh-multi-btn-remove-offline', function() {
  2330. multiRemoveOfflineRooms();
  2331. });
  2332. $(document).on('click', '#cb-enh-multi-btn-remove-all', function() {
  2333. multiRemoveAllRooms();
  2334. });
  2335. $(document).on('click', '#cb-enh-multi-btn-mute-all', function() {
  2336. $('.cb-enh-multi-cam video').each(function() {
  2337. this.muted = true;
  2338. });
  2339. });
  2340. $(document).on('change', '#cb-enh-multi-btn-auto-remove', function() {
  2341. let enabled = $(this).is(":checked");
  2342. setSetting('multi-auto-remove', enabled);
  2343. if(enabled) {
  2344. multiRemoveOfflineRooms();
  2345. }
  2346. });
  2347. $(document).on('change', '#cb-enh-multi-btn-auto-hide', function() {
  2348. let enabled = $(this).is(":checked");
  2349. setSetting('multi-auto-hide', enabled);
  2350. multiHidePrivateRoomsIfNeeded();
  2351. });
  2352. $(document).on('change', '#cb-enh-multi-btn-auto-hide-priv', function() {
  2353. let enabled = $(this).is(":checked");
  2354. setSetting('multi-auto-hide-priv', enabled);
  2355. multiHidePrivateRoomsIfNeeded();
  2356. });
  2357. $(document).on('change', '#cb-enh-multi-show-subject', function() {
  2358. let enabled = $(this).is(":checked");
  2359. setSetting('multi-show-subject', enabled);
  2360. $(document.body).toggleClass('cb-enh-multi-show-subject', enabled);
  2361. });
  2362. $(document).on('change', '#cb-enh-multi-max-quality', function() {
  2363. let maxHeight = parseInt($(this).val());
  2364. setSetting('multi-max-quality', maxHeight);
  2365. $('.cb-enh-multi-cam video').each(function() {
  2366. let username = $(this).closest('.cb-enh-multi-cam').data('cb-enh-username');
  2367. let hls = gMultiRoomsData[username]['hls'];
  2368. if(hls) {
  2369. multiUpdateVideoQuality(hls, maxHeight);
  2370. }
  2371. });
  2372. });
  2373. let autoRemove = getSetting('multi-auto-remove');
  2374. $('#cb-enh-multi-btn-auto-remove').prop('checked', autoRemove);
  2375. let autoHideOffline = getSetting('multi-auto-hide');
  2376. $('#cb-enh-multi-btn-auto-hide').prop('checked', autoHideOffline);
  2377. let autoHidePriv = getSetting('multi-auto-hide-priv');
  2378. $('#cb-enh-multi-btn-auto-hide-priv').prop('checked', autoHidePriv);
  2379. let showSubject = getSetting('multi-show-subject');
  2380. if(showSubject === null) {
  2381. showSubject = true;
  2382. }
  2383. $('#cb-enh-multi-show-subject').prop('checked', showSubject);
  2384. $(document.body).toggleClass('cb-enh-multi-show-subject', showSubject);
  2385. $('#cb-enh-multi-max-quality').val(multiGetMaxHeight());
  2386. $(document).on('click', '#cb-enh-multi-btn-enter-fullscreen', function() {
  2387. if(!document.fullscreenElement) {
  2388. multiEnterFullscreen();
  2389. }
  2390. else {
  2391. document.exitFullscreen();
  2392. }
  2393. });
  2394. $(document).on('click', '#cb-enh-multi-btn-enter-fullscreen-mini', function() {
  2395. multiToggleFullscreenMini();
  2396. });
  2397. document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', multiOnFullscreenChange, false);
  2398. document.addEventListener('mozfullscreenchange', multiOnFullscreenChange, false);
  2399. document.addEventListener('MSFullscreenChange', multiOnFullscreenChange, false);
  2400. document.addEventListener('webkitfullscreenchange', multiOnFullscreenChange, false);
  2401. window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
  2402. let keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
  2403. if(keyCode === 122) {
  2404. multiEnterFullscreen();
  2405. e.preventDefault();
  2406. e.stopImmediatePropagation();
  2407. return;
  2408. }
  2409. if(keyCode === 121 && !e.repeat) {
  2410. multiToggleFullscreenMini();
  2411. e.preventDefault();
  2412. e.stopImmediatePropagation();
  2413. return;
  2414. }
  2415. if(keyCode === 27 && !e.repeat) {
  2416. if(gMultiInMiniFullscreen) {
  2417. multiToggleFullscreenMini();
  2418. e.preventDefault();
  2419. e.stopImmediatePropagation();
  2420. return;
  2421. }
  2422. if(gMultiIsDragging) {
  2423. multiOnDragEnd(true)
  2424. e.preventDefault();
  2425. e.stopImmediatePropagation();
  2426. return;
  2427. }
  2428. }
  2429. });
  2430. multiUpdateShareURL();
  2431. clearIntervalEx(gIntvMultiUpdateRooms);
  2432. gIntvMultiUpdateRooms = setInterval(multiUpdateRoomStatuses, 1000 * 30);
  2433. $('#cb-enh-multi-tip-add-icon').append(multiAddSVG);
  2434. let intvClearHover = null;
  2435. function clearHover() {
  2436. $gMultiHoverBlock.removeClass('cb-enh-multi-cam-hover');
  2437. }
  2438. let cursorX = 0;
  2439. let cursorY = 0;
  2440. let $dragBlock = null;
  2441. let $dragHoverBlock = null;
  2442. function updateDragImagePosition() {
  2443. let $dragImg = $('#cb-enh-multi-drag-img');
  2444. let width = $dragImg.outerWidth();
  2445. let height = $dragImg.outerHeight();
  2446. $dragImg.css('left', cursorX - width / 2);
  2447. $dragImg.css('top', cursorY - height / 2 - window.scrollY);
  2448. }
  2449. addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) {
  2450. cursorX = e.pageX;
  2451. cursorY = e.pageY;
  2452. if(gMultiIsDragging) {
  2453. updateDragImagePosition();
  2454. }
  2455. if($gMultiHoverBlock && !$gMultiHoverBlock.hasClass('cb-enh-multi-cam-hover')) {
  2456. $gMultiHoverBlock.addClass('cb-enh-multi-cam-hover');
  2457. intvClearHover = setTimeout(clearHover, gMultiHoverTime);
  2458. }
  2459. });
  2460. function multiDrop() {
  2461. let oldScrollY = window.scrollY;
  2462. let index = $dragHoverBlock.index();
  2463. let oldIndex = $dragBlock.index();
  2464. let indexRaw = index;
  2465. let oldIndexRaw = oldIndex;
  2466. if(!gMultiDropReplace) {
  2467. let arrMin1 = false;
  2468. if(index === 0) {
  2469. $dragBlock.prependTo($('#cb-enh-multi-cams'));
  2470. }
  2471. else {
  2472. if(index > oldIndex) {
  2473. index += 1;
  2474. arrMin1 = true;
  2475. }
  2476. $dragBlock.insertAfter($('.cb-enh-multi-cam').eq(index - 1));
  2477. }
  2478. if(arrMin1) {
  2479. index -= 1;
  2480. }
  2481. }
  2482. else {
  2483. let arrMin1 = false;
  2484. if(index === 0) {
  2485. $dragBlock.prependTo($('#cb-enh-multi-cams'));
  2486. }
  2487. else {
  2488. if(index > oldIndex) {
  2489. index += 1;
  2490. arrMin1 = true;
  2491. }
  2492. $dragBlock.insertAfter($('.cb-enh-multi-cam').eq(index - 1));
  2493. }
  2494. if(arrMin1) {
  2495. index -= 1;
  2496. oldIndex -= 1;
  2497. }
  2498. if(oldIndex < 0) {
  2499. $dragHoverBlock.prependTo($('#cb-enh-multi-cams'));
  2500. }
  2501. else {
  2502. $dragHoverBlock.insertAfter($('.cb-enh-multi-cam').eq(oldIndex));
  2503. }
  2504. let dragBlockColumn = $dragBlock.css('grid-column');
  2505. let dragBlockRow = $dragBlock.css('grid-row');
  2506. $dragBlock.css( 'grid-column', $dragHoverBlock.css('grid-column') );
  2507. $dragBlock.css( 'grid-row', $dragHoverBlock.css('grid-row') );
  2508. $dragHoverBlock.css( 'grid-column', dragBlockColumn );
  2509. $dragHoverBlock.css( 'grid-row', dragBlockRow );
  2510. }
  2511. let temp = gMultiRooms[indexRaw];
  2512. gMultiRooms[indexRaw] = gMultiRooms[oldIndexRaw];
  2513. gMultiRooms[oldIndexRaw] = temp;
  2514. window.scrollTo(0, oldScrollY);
  2515. let data = localStorage.getItem('cb-enh-multicam');
  2516. try {
  2517. data = JSON.parse(data);
  2518. }
  2519. catch(SyntaxError) {
  2520. data = null;
  2521. }
  2522. if(!data) {
  2523. data = {
  2524. 'rooms': []
  2525. };
  2526. }
  2527. data['rooms'] = gMultiRooms;
  2528. localStorage.setItem('cb-enh-multicam', JSON.stringify(data));
  2529. multiUpdateShareURL();
  2530. }
  2531. function multiOnDragEnd(cancelled) {
  2532. gMultiIsDragging = false;
  2533. let $dragImg = $('#cb-enh-multi-drag-img');
  2534. $dragImg.hide();
  2535. $dragImg.html('');
  2536. $dragBlock.removeClass('cb-enh-multi-cam-dragging');
  2537. $('.cb-enh-multi-cam').removeClass('cb-enh-multi-cam-ondragover');
  2538. = '';
  2539. if(!cancelled && $dragHoverBlock && $dragHoverBlock.length !== 0 && !$$dragHoverBlock)) {
  2540. multiDrop();
  2541. }
  2542. $dragBlock.removeClass('cb-enh-multi-cam-dragging');
  2543. $dragBlock = null;
  2544. $dragHoverBlock = null;
  2545. }
  2546. addEventListener('pointerup', function(e) {
  2547. if(!gMultiIsDragging) {
  2548. return;
  2549. }
  2550. multiOnDragEnd(false);
  2551. });
  2552. $(document).on('dragstart', '.cb-enh-multi-cam', function(e) {
  2553. e = e.originalEvent;
  2554. e.preventDefault();
  2555. e.stopImmediatePropagation();
  2556. if(gMultiIsResizing) {
  2557. return;
  2558. }
  2559. $dragBlock = $('.cb-enh-multi-cam');
  2560. $dragBlock.addClass('cb-enh-multi-cam-dragging');
  2561. let $dragImg = $('#cb-enh-multi-drag-img');
  2562. let video = $dragBlock.find('video')[0];
  2563. if(!video) {
  2564. let $img = $dragBlock.find('img.cb-enh-multi-cam-snapshot');
  2565. if($img.length > 0) {
  2566. $img = $img.clone();
  2567. if($dragBlock.hasClass('cb-enh-multi-offline')) {
  2568. $img.addClass('cb-enh-multi-offline');
  2569. }
  2570. $dragImg.html($img);
  2571. }
  2572. }
  2573. else {
  2574. let canvas = captureVideoFrame(video);
  2575. $dragImg.html(canvas);
  2576. }
  2577. gMultiIsDragging = true;
  2578. updateDragImagePosition();
  2579. $;
  2580. = 'move';
  2581. });
  2582. $(document).on('mouseenter', '.cb-enh-multi-cam', function() {
  2583. $(this).addClass('cb-enh-multi-cam-hover');
  2584. $gMultiHoverBlock = $(this);
  2585. intvClearHover = setTimeout(clearHover, gMultiHoverTime);
  2586. if(!gMultiIsDragging) {
  2587. return;
  2588. }
  2589. let $parent = $(this).closest('.cb-enh-multi-cam');
  2590. if(!$$parent)) {
  2591. $($parent).addClass('cb-enh-multi-cam-ondragover');
  2592. $dragHoverBlock = $parent;
  2593. }
  2594. else {
  2595. $dragHoverBlock = null;
  2596. }
  2597. });
  2598. $(document).on('mouseleave', '.cb-enh-multi-cam', function() {
  2599. if($gMultiHoverBlock) {
  2600. $(this).removeClass('cb-enh-multi-cam-hover');
  2601. clearIntervalEx(intvClearHover);
  2602. $gMultiHoverBlock = null;
  2603. }
  2604. if(!gMultiIsDragging) {
  2605. return;
  2606. }
  2607. let $parent = $(this).closest('.cb-enh-multi-cam');
  2608. $($parent).removeClass('cb-enh-multi-cam-ondragover');
  2609. if(!$$parent)) {
  2610. $dragHoverBlock = null;
  2611. }
  2612. });
  2613. multiInitSupportInfo();
  2614. localizeStringsNextTick();
  2615. document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
  2616. if( === 'A') {
  2617. if(!isFollowedCamsLink( {
  2618. e.stopImmediatePropagation();
  2619. }
  2620. return;
  2621. }
  2622. if($('a').length !== 0) {
  2623. if(!isFollowedCamsLink($('a')[0])) {
  2624. e.stopImmediatePropagation();
  2625. }
  2626. return;
  2627. }
  2628. }, true);
  2629. window.addEventListener('focus', function() {
  2630. $('video').each(function() {
  2631. if(this.duration - this.currentTime > 40 && this.duration >= 2) {
  2632. this.currentTime = this.duration - 2;
  2633. }
  2634. });
  2635. });
  2636. window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
  2637. $('.cb-enh-multi-cam').each(function() {
  2638. // let width = Math.floor(document.body.clientWidth / gridSize);
  2639. let width = $(this).innerWidth();
  2640. let columnEnd = Math.round( (width / document.body.clientWidth) * multiGridColumnCount );
  2641. $(this).css('grid-column', 'span ' + columnEnd.toString());
  2642. let widthReal = (columnEnd / multiGridColumnCount) * document.body.clientWidth;
  2643. let height = widthReal * 9/16
  2644. let rowCount = Math.round(height);
  2645. $(this).css('grid-row', 'span ' + rowCount.toString());
  2646. });
  2647. });
  2648. document.title = 'Multi Cam Viewer - Chaturbate Enhancer';
  2649. setInterval(function() {
  2650. document.title = 'Multi Cam Viewer - Chaturbate Enhancer';
  2651. }, 200);
  2652. }
  2653. function multiInitSupportInfo() {
  2654. let userType = getUserType();
  2655. let msg = getSupportMessage(userType);
  2656. if(msg === null) {
  2657. $('#cb-enh-multi-support').hide();
  2658. return;
  2659. }
  2660. $(document).on('click', '#cb-enh-multi-support', function() {
  2661. loutrreg(gCurrentBroadcaster);
  2662. });
  2663. $('#cb-enh-multi-support').append(msg);
  2664. adra($('#cb-enh-multi-support'));
  2665. }
  2666. function isFollowedCamsLink(el) {
  2667. return el.getAttribute('href').startsWith('/followed-cams');
  2668. }
  2669. let acre5 = 'ugVacTnBjqAPShC2UAF1';
  2670. function multiUpdateRooms() {
  2671. let data = localStorage.getItem('cb-enh-multicam');
  2672. try {
  2673. data = JSON.parse(data);
  2674. }
  2675. catch(SyntaxError) {
  2676. return;
  2677. }
  2678. if(!data || !('rooms' in data)) {
  2679. return;
  2680. }
  2681. data['rooms'].forEach(function(room) {
  2682. if(gMultiRooms.indexOf(room) !== -1) {
  2683. return;
  2684. }
  2685. multiAddRoom(room);
  2686. });
  2687. }
  2688. function multiUpdateRoomStatuses() {
  2689. gMultiRooms.forEach(function(username) {
  2690. if(gMultiRoomsData[username]['is_loading']) {
  2691. return;
  2692. }
  2693. xmlhttpRequest({
  2694. method: 'GET',
  2695. url: '' + username + '/',
  2696. headers: {
  2697. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
  2698. 'Referer': '' + username + '/',
  2699. },
  2700. timeout: 60*1*1000,
  2701. onload: function(resp) {
  2702. let data;
  2703. try {
  2704. data = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
  2705. }
  2706. catch(SyntaxError) {
  2707. return;
  2708. }
  2709. if(!(username in gMultiRoomsData)) {
  2710. return;
  2711. }
  2712. let $block = $('.cb-enh-multi-cam[data-cb-enh-username="' + username + '"]');
  2713. if($block.length === 0) {
  2714. return;
  2715. }
  2716. if(!('room_status' in data)) {
  2717. if('code' in data && data['code'] === 'password-required') {
  2718. multiSetErrored($block, getLocale('passworded', 'passworded'));
  2719. return;
  2720. }
  2721. return;
  2722. }
  2723. let status = data['room_status'];
  2724. gMultiRoomsData[username]['status'] = status;
  2725. $block.find('.cb-enh-multi-follow:not(.cb-enh-multi-follow-update)').toggleClass('cb-enh-multi-follow-followed', data['following']);
  2726. $block.find('.cb-enh-multi-subject').text(data['room_title']);
  2727. if(status !== 'public') {
  2728. let autoHideOffline = getSetting('multi-auto-hide');
  2729. let autoHidePriv = getSetting('multi-auto-hide-priv');
  2730. let statusText = getLocale('status_' + status, status);
  2731. multiSetErrored($block, statusText);
  2732. if(status === 'offline' && getSetting('multi-auto-remove')) {
  2733. multiRemoveRoom(username);
  2734. }
  2735. else {
  2736. let hide = (autoHideOffline && status === 'offline') || (autoHidePriv && status !== 'public' && status !== 'offline');
  2737. if(hide) {
  2738. $block.hide();
  2739. }
  2740. else {
  2741. $;
  2742. }
  2743. }
  2744. return;
  2745. }
  2746. if(!('hls_source' in data) || data['hls_source'] === '') {
  2747. return;
  2748. }
  2749. let hls_source = fixCBHLSURL(data['hls_source']);
  2750. multiSetOk($block);
  2751. let $video = $block.find('video');
  2752. if($video.length === 0) {
  2753. multiInitVideo($block, username, hls_source);
  2754. }
  2755. else {
  2756. let trans = getCBTrans(hls_source);
  2757. if(trans && $'trans') !== trans) {
  2758. gMultiRoomsData[username]['hls'].loadSource(hls_source);
  2759. }
  2760. }
  2761. }
  2762. });
  2763. });
  2764. }
  2765. function multiSetErrored($block, status) {
  2766. $block.find('.cb-enh-multi-status').text(status);
  2767. $block.addClass('cb-enh-multi-offline');
  2768. $block.find('video').remove();
  2769. if(getSetting('multi-auto-hide')) {
  2770. $block.hide();
  2771. }
  2772. else {
  2773. $;
  2774. }
  2775. }
  2776. function multiSetOk($block) {
  2777. $block.find('.cb-enh-multi-status').text('');
  2778. $block.removeClass('cb-enh-multi-offline');
  2779. $;
  2780. }
  2781. function multiInitVideo($block, username, hls_source) {
  2782. let videoHTML = '<video ';
  2783. if(!isFirefox()) {
  2784. videoHTML += 'controls ';
  2785. }
  2786. videoHTML += 'autoplay muted data-listener-count-webkitendfullscreen="1" class="vjs-tech cb-enh-video" id="vjs_video_3_html5_api" tabindex="-1" role="application" poster="{{username}}&f={{random}}"></video>';
  2787. videoHTML = videoHTML.replaceAll('{{username}}', username);
  2788. videoHTML = videoHTML.replaceAll('{{random}}', Math.random());
  2789. let $video = $(videoHTML);
  2790. $'trans', getCBTrans(hls_source));
  2791. let hls = new Hls();
  2792. gMultiRoomsData[username]['hls'] = hls;
  2793. hls.on(Hls.Events.LEVEL_LOADED, function() {
  2794. multiUpdateVideoQuality(hls);
  2795. });
  2796. hls.loadSource(hls_source);
  2797. hls.attachMedia($video[0]);
  2798. $block.find('.cb-enh-multi-cam-video-wrap').append($video);
  2799. }
  2800. function multiGetMaxHeight() {
  2801. let maxHeight = getSetting('multi-max-quality');
  2802. if(maxHeight === null) {
  2803. maxHeight = 1080;
  2804. }
  2805. return maxHeight;
  2806. }
  2807. function multiUpdateVideoQuality(hls) {
  2808. let maxHeight = multiGetMaxHeight();
  2809. let capped = false;
  2810. hls.levels.every(function(level, i) {
  2811. if(level.height > maxHeight) {
  2812. let levelIndex = i - 1;
  2813. if(levelIndex < 0) {
  2814. levelIndex = 0;
  2815. }
  2816. hls.autoLevelCapping = levelIndex;
  2817. capped = true;
  2818. return false;
  2819. }
  2820. return true;
  2821. });
  2822. if(!capped) {
  2823. hls.autoLevelCapping = -1;
  2824. }
  2825. }
  2826. function multiAddRoom(username) {
  2827. if(!username) {
  2828. return;
  2829. }
  2830. gMultiRoomsData[username] = {
  2831. 'is_loading': true,
  2832. 'status': null
  2833. };
  2834. gMultiRooms.push(username);
  2835. let blockHTML = multiViewCamHTML;
  2836. blockHTML = blockHTML.replaceAll('{{username}}', username);
  2837. blockHTML = blockHTML.replaceAll('{{random}}', Math.random());
  2838. blockHTML = blockHTML.replaceAll('{{closeSVG}}', closeSVG);
  2839. let $block = $(blockHTML);
  2840. $('#cb-enh-multi-cams').append($block);
  2841. let minGridSize = 2;
  2842. let maxGridSize = 10;
  2843. let gridSize = getSetting('multi-grid-size');
  2844. gridSize = parseInt(gridSize);
  2845. if(Number.isInteger(gridSize)) {
  2846. if(gridSize < minGridSize) {
  2847. gridSize = minGridSize;
  2848. }
  2849. else if(gridSize > maxGridSize) {
  2850. gridSize = maxGridSize
  2851. }
  2852. }
  2853. else {
  2854. gridSize = 3;
  2855. }
  2856. let width = Math.floor(document.body.clientWidth / gridSize);
  2857. let columnEnd = Math.round( (width / document.body.clientWidth) * multiGridColumnCount );
  2858. $block.css('grid-column', 'span ' + columnEnd.toString());
  2859. let widthReal = (columnEnd / multiGridColumnCount) * document.body.clientWidth;
  2860. let height = widthReal * 9/16
  2861. let rowCount = Math.round(height);
  2862. $block.css('grid-row', 'span ' + rowCount.toString());
  2863. xmlhttpRequest({
  2864. method: 'GET',
  2865. url: '' + username + '/',
  2866. headers: {
  2867. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
  2868. 'Referer': '' + username + '/',
  2869. },
  2870. timeout: 60*1*1000,
  2871. onload: function(resp) {
  2872. let data;
  2873. try {
  2874. data = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
  2875. }
  2876. catch(SyntaxError) {
  2877. multiSetErrored($block, getLocale('error', 'error'));
  2878. gMultiRoomsData[username]['is_loading'] = false;
  2879. return;
  2880. }
  2881. if(!('room_status' in data)) {
  2882. if('code' in data && data['code'] === 'password-required') {
  2883. multiSetErrored($block, getLocale('passworded', 'passworded'));
  2884. return;
  2885. }
  2886. multiSetErrored($block, getLocale('error', 'error'));
  2887. gMultiRoomsData[username]['is_loading'] = false;
  2888. return;
  2889. }
  2890. if($block.length === 0) {
  2891. gMultiRoomsData[username]['is_loading'] = false;
  2892. return;
  2893. }
  2894. let status = data['room_status']
  2895. gMultiRoomsData[username]['status'] = status;
  2896. let autoHideOffline = getSetting('multi-auto-hide');
  2897. let autoHidePriv = getSetting('multi-auto-hide-priv');
  2898. if(status !== 'public') {
  2899. let statusText = getLocale('status_' + status, status);
  2900. multiSetErrored($block, statusText);
  2901. if(status === 'offline' && getSetting('multi-auto-remove')) {
  2902. multiRemoveRoom(username);
  2903. }
  2904. }
  2905. else if(!('hls_source' in data) || data['hls_source'] === '') {
  2906. multiSetErrored($block, getLocale('multi_no_video_hls', 'error: no video available') );
  2907. }
  2908. else {
  2909. multiInitVideo($block, username, fixCBHLSURL(data['hls_source']));
  2910. }
  2911. let hide = (autoHideOffline && status === 'offline') || (autoHidePriv && status !== 'public' && status !== 'offline');
  2912. if(hide) {
  2913. $block.hide();
  2914. }
  2915. else {
  2916. $;
  2917. }
  2918. $block.find('.cb-enh-multi-follow:not(.cb-enh-multi-follow-update)').toggleClass('cb-enh-multi-follow-followed', data['following']);
  2919. $block.find('.cb-enh-multi-subject').text(data['room_title']);
  2920. gMultiRoomsData[username]['is_loading'] = false;
  2921. },
  2922. onerror: function() {
  2923. if($block.length === 0) {
  2924. gMultiRoomsData[username]['is_loading'] = false;
  2925. return;
  2926. }
  2927. multiSetErrored($block, getLocale('error', 'error'));
  2928. if(getSetting('multi-auto-hide')) {
  2929. $block.hide();
  2930. }
  2931. else {
  2932. $;
  2933. }
  2934. gMultiRoomsData[username]['is_loading'] = false;
  2935. }
  2936. });
  2937. fetchRoomSnapshot(username, function(resp) {
  2938. if($block.length === 0) {
  2939. return;
  2940. }
  2941. let $img = $('<img>');
  2942. $img.addClass('cb-enh-multi-cam-snapshot');
  2943. $img.attr('src', 'data:image/jpg;base64,' + btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(resp))));
  2944. $block.find('.cb-enh-multi-cam-img-wrap').append($img);
  2945. });
  2946. insertRoomAv($block.find('.cb-enh-multi-cam-img-wrap'), username);
  2947. multiUpdateShareURL();
  2948. }
  2949. function multiRemoveRoom(username) {
  2950. $('.cb-enh-multi-cam[data-cb-enh-username="' + username + '"]').remove();
  2951. let pos = gMultiRooms.indexOf(username);
  2952. if(pos !== -1) {
  2953. gMultiRooms.splice(pos, 1);
  2954. delete gMultiRoomsData[username];
  2955. }
  2956. let data = {
  2957. 'rooms': gMultiRooms
  2958. };
  2959. localStorage.setItem('cb-enh-multicam', JSON.stringify(data));
  2960. multiUpdateShareURL();
  2961. }
  2962. function multiAddRoomToList(username) {
  2963. if(!username) {
  2964. return;
  2965. }
  2966. let data = localStorage.getItem('cb-enh-multicam');
  2967. try {
  2968. data = JSON.parse(data);
  2969. }
  2970. catch(SyntaxError) {
  2971. data = null;
  2972. }
  2973. if(!data) {
  2974. data = {
  2975. 'rooms': []
  2976. };
  2977. }
  2978. if(data['rooms'].indexOf(username) !== -1) {
  2979. return;
  2980. }
  2981. data['rooms'].push(username);
  2982. localStorage.setItem('cb-enh-multicam', JSON.stringify(data));
  2983. multiUpdateShareURL();
  2984. }
  2985. function multiClearRoomList() {
  2986. let data = localStorage.getItem('cb-enh-multicam');
  2987. try {
  2988. data = JSON.parse(data);
  2989. }
  2990. catch(SyntaxError) {
  2991. data = null;
  2992. }
  2993. if(!data) {
  2994. data = {
  2995. 'rooms': []
  2996. };
  2997. }
  2998. data['rooms'] = [];
  2999. localStorage.setItem('cb-enh-multicam', JSON.stringify(data));
  3000. }
  3001. function multiSetGridSize(columns) {
  3002. let width = Math.floor(document.body.clientWidth / columns);
  3003. let columnEnd = Math.round( (width / document.body.clientWidth) * multiGridColumnCount );
  3004. $('.cb-enh-multi-cam').css('grid-column', 'span ' + columnEnd.toString());
  3005. let widthReal = (columnEnd / multiGridColumnCount) * document.body.clientWidth;
  3006. let height = widthReal * 9/16
  3007. let rowCount = Math.round(height);
  3008. $('.cb-enh-multi-cam').css('grid-row', 'span ' + rowCount.toString());
  3009. }
  3010. function multiRemoveOfflineRooms() {
  3011. $('.cb-enh-multi-offline').each(function() {
  3012. let username = $(this).data('cb-enh-username');
  3013. if(gMultiRoomsData[username]['status'] !== 'offline') {
  3014. return;
  3015. }
  3016. multiRemoveRoom(username);
  3017. });
  3018. }
  3019. function multiHidePrivateRoomsIfNeeded() {
  3020. let autoHideOffline = getSetting('multi-auto-hide');
  3021. let autoHidePriv = getSetting('multi-auto-hide-priv');
  3022. $('.cb-enh-multi-cam').each(function() {
  3023. let username = $(this).data('cb-enh-username');
  3024. let status = gMultiRoomsData[username]['status'];
  3025. let hide = (autoHideOffline && status === 'offline') || (autoHidePriv && status !== 'public' && status !== 'offline');
  3026. if(hide) {
  3027. $(this).hide();
  3028. }
  3029. else {
  3030. $(this).show();
  3031. }
  3032. });
  3033. }
  3034. function multiRemoveAllRooms() {
  3035. $('.cb-enh-multi-cam').each(function() {
  3036. let username = $(this).data('cb-enh-username');
  3037. multiRemoveRoom(username);
  3038. });
  3039. }
  3040. function multiUpdateShareURL() {
  3041. let url = '';
  3042. if(gMultiRooms.length !== 0) {
  3043. url += '?rooms=' + gMultiRooms.join(',');
  3044. }
  3045. $('#cb-enh-multi-share').val(url);
  3046. }
  3047. function multiEnterFullscreen() {
  3048. if(document.fullscreenElement) {
  3049. return;
  3050. }
  3051. if(gMultiInMiniFullscreen) {
  3052. multiToggleFullscreenMini();
  3053. }
  3054. $('#cb-enh-multi-content')[0].requestFullscreen();
  3055. $('#cb-enh-multi-content').addClass('cb-enh-multi-fullscreen');
  3056. $('#cb-enh-multi-content').addClass('cb-enh-multi-fullscreen-full');
  3057. $('#cb-enh-multi-btn-enter-fullscreen').val( getLocale('multi_btn_exit_fscreen', 'EXIT FULLSCREEN') );
  3058. }
  3059. function multiToggleFullscreenMini() {
  3060. if(document.fullscreenElement) {
  3061. document.exitFullscreen();
  3062. }
  3063. let $btn = $('#cb-enh-multi-btn-enter-fullscreen-mini');
  3064. if(!gMultiInMiniFullscreen) {
  3065. $('#cb-enh-multi-content').addClass('cb-enh-multi-fullscreen');
  3066. $('#header').hide();
  3067. $('.top-section').hide();
  3068. $('#footer-holder').hide();
  3069. $btn.val( getLocale('multi_btn_exit_fscreen', 'EXIT FULLSCREEN') );
  3070. }
  3071. else {
  3072. $('#cb-enh-multi-content').removeClass('cb-enh-multi-fullscreen');
  3073. $('#header').show();
  3074. $('.top-section').show();
  3075. $('#footer-holder').show();
  3076. $btn.val( getLocale('multi_btn_enter_fscreen_mini', 'ENTER SEMI FULLSCREEN (WITH ADDRESS BAR)') );
  3077. }
  3078. gMultiInMiniFullscreen = !gMultiInMiniFullscreen;
  3079. window.scrollTo(0, 0);
  3080. }
  3081. function multiOnFullscreenChange() {
  3082. if(!document.webkitIsFullScreen && !document.mozFullScreen && !document.msFullscreenElement) {
  3083. if(!gMultiInMiniFullscreen) {
  3084. $('#cb-enh-multi-content').removeClass('cb-enh-multi-fullscreen');
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  3086. $('#cb-enh-multi-content').removeClass('cb-enh-multi-fullscreen-full');
  3087. $('#cb-enh-multi-btn-enter-fullscreen').val( getLocale('multi_btn_enter_fscreen', 'ENTER FULLSCREEN') );
  3088. }
  3089. }
  3090. let notificationWindowHTML = `<div id="cb-enh-notification"><div id="cb-enh-notification-inner"><div id="cb-enh-notification-msg"></div></div></div>`;
  3091. let gIntvNotificationHide = null;
  3092. function showNotification(msg) {
  3093. let timeout = 5000;
  3094. $('#cb-enh-notification-msg').text(msg);
  3095. $('#cb-enh-notification').css('display', 'flex');
  3096. clearTimeoutEx(gIntvNotificationHide);
  3097. gIntvNotificationHide = setTimeout(function() {
  3098. $('#cb-enh-notification').css('display', 'none');
  3099. }, timeout);
  3100. }
  3101. function hideNotification() {
  3102. clearTimeoutEx(gIntvNotificationHide);
  3103. $('#cb-enh-notification').css('display', 'none');
  3104. }
  3105. function isInteractiveFullScreenEnabled() {
  3106. if(!$('#vjs_video_3').hasClass('vjs-controls-disabled')) {
  3107. return false;
  3108. }
  3109. let $player = $('.videoPlayerDiv');
  3110. return $player.innerWidth() === window.innerWidth && $player.innerHeight() === window.innerHeight;
  3111. }
  3112. function enterInteractiveFullScreen() {
  3113. $('#fvm-link').click();
  3114. }
  3115. function isTheaterModeEnabled() {
  3116. return $('#vjs_video_3').hasClass('vjs-controls-disabled');
  3117. }
  3118. function getFileName(fname, ext, date) {
  3119. let d = date.getFullYear() + '-' + ('0' + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '-' + ('0' + date.getDate()).slice(-2);
  3120. let t = ('0' + date.getHours()).slice(-2) + '-' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + '-' + ('0' + date.getSeconds()).slice(-2);
  3121. return fname + '_' + d + '_' + t + ext;
  3122. }
  3123. function getCBTrans(url) {
  3124. let spos1 ='_trns_');
  3125. if(spos1 === -1) {
  3126. return;
  3127. }
  3128. let spos2 = url.substring(0, spos1).lastIndexOf('-');
  3129. if(spos2 === -1) {
  3130. return;
  3131. }
  3132. return url.substring(spos2 + 1, spos1);
  3133. }
  3134. function fixCBHLSURL(url) {
  3135. url = url.replace('/live-edge/', '/live-fhls/');
  3136. url = url.replace('/live-hls/', '/live-fhls/');
  3137. url = url.replace('/playlist.m3u8', '/playlist_sfm4s.m3u8');
  3138. return url;
  3139. }
  3140. function clearAllTimeouts() {
  3141. let lastID = setTimeout(function() {}, 0);
  3142. while(lastID--) {
  3143. clearTimeout(lastID);
  3144. }
  3145. }
  3146. function clearAllIntervals() {
  3147. let lastID = setInterval(function() {}, 0);
  3148. while(lastID--) {
  3149. clearInterval(lastID);
  3150. }
  3151. }
  3152. let acre7 = 'tVBC55kUB2OqG1orxk2A';
  3153. function captureStream(el) {
  3154. if(el.captureStream) {
  3155. return el.captureStream();
  3156. }
  3157. if(el.mozCaptureStream) {
  3158. return el.mozCaptureStream();
  3159. }
  3160. return 'err-no-func';
  3161. }
  3162. function clearIntervalEx(intv) {
  3163. if(intv) {
  3164. clearInterval(intv);
  3165. intv = null;
  3166. }
  3167. }
  3168. function clearTimeoutEx(intv) {
  3169. if(intv) {
  3170. clearTimeout(intv);
  3171. intv = null;
  3172. }
  3173. }
  3174. function rev(str) {
  3175. let rv = '';
  3176. for(let i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  3177. rv += str[i];
  3178. }
  3179. return rv;
  3180. }
  3181. let acre8 = '=cCI642ZpFGctF2Y';
  3182. function arraymove(arr, fromIndex, toIndex) {
  3183. let element = arr[fromIndex];
  3184. arr.splice(fromIndex, 1);
  3185. arr.splice(toIndex, 0, element);
  3186. }
  3187. function genRandomStr(len) {
  3188. let res = '';
  3189. const chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
  3190. const charsLen = chars.length;
  3191. let i = 0;
  3192. while(i < len) {
  3193. res += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charsLen));
  3194. i += 1;
  3195. }
  3196. return res;
  3197. }
  3198. function getRandomColor() {
  3199. var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF';
  3200. var color = '#';
  3201. for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
  3202. color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)];
  3203. }
  3204. return color;
  3205. }
  3206. function getCSRFToken() {
  3207. let $el = $('input[name="csrfmiddlewaretoken"]');
  3208. if($el.length !== 0) {
  3209. return $el.val();
  3210. }
  3211. }
  3212. function adra($block) {
  3213. $block.addClass('cb-enh-rn-' + genRandomStr(10));
  3214. }
  3215. loadSettings();
  3216. function blocklistGenderApply(gender) {
  3217. let gs = gender;
  3218. if(gender === 't') {
  3219. gs = 's';
  3220. }
  3221. if(gHasHas) {
  3222. let style = `.roomCard:has(span.gender` + gs + `) {display: none !important;}`;
  3223. addStyle(style);
  3224. return;
  3225. }
  3226. $('.roomCard span.gender' + gs).closest('.roomCard').hide();
  3227. }
  3228. if(window.location.pathname === '/' && !isMultiViewPage()) {
  3229. gHiddenGenders = getSetting('featured-hidden-genders');
  3230. if(!gHiddenGenders) {
  3231. gHiddenGenders = [];
  3232. }
  3233. gHiddenGenders.forEach(function(v) {
  3234. blocklistGenderApply(v);
  3235. });
  3236. }
  3237. if(getSetting('reg-redir') === 1) {
  3238. regRedir(getSetting('reg-redir-room'));
  3239. }
  3240. document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
  3241. if(gRoomMoreMenuVisible && && $('.cb-enh-room-more-icon').length === 0) {
  3242. setRoomMoreMenuVisible(false);
  3243. }
  3244. if(regRedirPreventClick && !== $('.logo-zone a')[0]) {
  3245. e.stopImmediatePropagation();
  3246. e.preventDefault();
  3247. return;
  3248. }
  3249. if( === 'VIDEO' && isVideoPlaying( {
  3250. e.stopImmediatePropagation();
  3251. e.preventDefault();
  3253. }
  3254. }, true);
  3255. let acre3 = 'ePs287p8MVIhXZizfUzY';
  3256. function loadGridSize() {
  3257. let minGridSize = 50;
  3258. let maxGridSize = 300;
  3259. let size = getSetting('grid-size');
  3260. size = parseInt(size);
  3261. if(Number.isInteger(size)) {
  3262. if(size < minGridSize) {
  3263. setGridSize(minGridSize)
  3264. }
  3265. else if(size > maxGridSize) {
  3266. setGridSize(maxGridSize)
  3267. }
  3268. else {
  3269. setGridSize(size);
  3270. }
  3271. }
  3272. }
  3273. loadGridSize();
  3274. function loadMoreGridSize() {
  3275. let minGridSize = 50;
  3276. let maxGridSize = 300;
  3277. let size = getSetting('grid-more-size');
  3278. size = parseInt(size);
  3279. if(Number.isInteger(size)) {
  3280. if(size < minGridSize) {
  3281. setMoreRoomsGridSize(minGridSize)
  3282. }
  3283. else if(size > maxGridSize) {
  3284. setMoreRoomsGridSize(maxGridSize)
  3285. }
  3286. else {
  3287. setMoreRoomsGridSize(size);
  3288. }
  3289. }
  3290. }
  3291. loadMoreGridSize();
  3292. function fetchRoomSnapshot(username, callback) {
  3293. let req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  3294. req.timeout = 10000;
  3295. req.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
  3296. req.addEventListener('load', function() {
  3297. let length = req.getResponseHeader('Content-length');
  3298. if(length === '4824' || length === '4456') {
  3299. return;
  3300. }
  3301. callback(req.response);
  3302. });
  3303.'GET', '' + username + '.jpg');
  3304. req.send();
  3305. }
  3306. function setFollow(username, doFollow, callbackOk, callbackErr) {
  3307. let csrfToken = getCSRFToken();
  3308. if(!csrfToken) {
  3309. return;
  3310. }
  3311. let url = '';
  3312. if(doFollow) {
  3313. url += 'follow/';
  3314. }
  3315. else {
  3316. url += 'unfollow/';
  3317. }
  3318. url += username + '/';
  3319. let req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  3320. req.timeout = 10000;
  3321. req.addEventListener('load', function() {
  3322. let resp = JSON.parse(req.response);
  3323. if(!resp) {
  3324. callbackErr();
  3325. return;
  3326. }
  3327. if(!('following' in resp)) {
  3328. callbackErr();
  3329. return;
  3330. }
  3331. callbackOk(resp['following']);
  3332. });
  3333. req.addEventListener('error', function() {
  3334. callbackErr();
  3335. });
  3336.'POST', url);
  3337. req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
  3338. req.send('location=FollowStar&csrfmiddlewaretoken=' + csrfToken);
  3339. }
  3340. })();