אין להתקין סקריפט זה ישירות. זוהי ספריה עבור סקריפטים אחרים // @require https://update.sleazyfork.org/scripts/473105/1235474/Cellcraft%20Extras%20Script.js
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Cellcraft Extras Script
- // @namespace Add Hiden Item
- // @version 0.1
- // @description Cellcraft Add All Item Hiden
- // @author Huy
- // @match https://cellcraft.io/
- // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=cellcraft.io
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- (() => {
- addHiddenItems: {
- function createShopItem(
- title,
- price,
- prodId,
- type,
- tooltip,
- picture,
- time = null
- ) {
- const skinCard = document.createElement('div');
- skinCard.classList.add('skin-card');
- const skinDiv = document.createElement('div');
- skinDiv.classList.add('skin');
- if (time) {
- const timeDiv = document.createElement('div');
- timeDiv.classList.add('time');
- timeDiv.innerText = time;
- skinDiv.appendChild(timeDiv);
- }
- const productImage = document.createElement('img');
- productImage.src = picture;
- skinDiv.appendChild(productImage);
- const infoDiv = document.createElement('div');
- infoDiv.classList.add('info');
- const infoTitle = document.createElement('p');
- infoTitle.classList.add('title');
- infoTitle.innerText = title;
- const infoPrice = document.createElement('p');
- infoPrice.classList.add('price');
- const coinI = document.createElement('i');
- coinI.classList.add('fas', 'fa-coins');
- infoPrice.appendChild(coinI);
- infoPrice.appendChild(new Text(price.toString()));
- const buttonsDiv = document.createElement('div');
- buttonsDiv.classList.add('buttons');
- const infoBtn = document.createElement('button');
- infoBtn.classList.add('btn', 'info', 'small');
- infoBtn.onclick = () => {
- window.itemInfoAlert(title, tooltip);
- };
- const infoButtonIcon = document.createElement('i');
- infoButtonIcon.classList.add('fas', 'fa-info-circle');
- infoBtn.appendChild(infoButtonIcon);
- const buyButton = document.createElement('button');
- buyButton.classList.add('btn', 'success', 'small');
- buyButton.onclick = () => {
- window.warnBeforeBuy(
- type,
- 'coins',
- price.toString(),
- `${title}${time ? ` | ${time}` : ''}`,
- prodId.toString()
- );
- };
- buyButton.appendChild(new Text('Buy'));
- buttonsDiv.appendChild(infoBtn);
- buttonsDiv.appendChild(buyButton);
- infoDiv.appendChild(infoTitle);
- infoDiv.appendChild(infoPrice);
- infoDiv.appendChild(buttonsDiv);
- skinCard.appendChild(skinDiv);
- skinCard.appendChild(infoDiv);
- return skinCard;
- }
- const minionsDiv = document.querySelector(
- 'div.shop-page.minions > div.skin-cards'
- );
- const itemsDiv = document.querySelector(
- 'div.shop-page.runes > div.skin-cards'
- );
- function addItemToShop(
- targetDiv,
- title,
- price,
- prodId,
- type,
- tooltip,
- picture,
- time = null
- ) {
- const elm = createShopItem(
- title,
- price,
- prodId,
- type,
- tooltip,
- picture,
- time
- );
- /** @type { HTMLParagraphElement | null } */
- let lowest = null;
- for (const child of targetDiv.children) {
- /** @type { HTMLParagraphElement | null } */
- let npriceElm = child.querySelector('p.price');
- if (!npriceElm) {
- continue;
- }
- let nprice = parseInt(npriceElm.innerText);
- if (isNaN(nprice)) {
- continue;
- }
- let oprice = lowest
- ? parseInt(lowest.querySelector('p.price').innerText)
- : Infinity;
- if (nprice < oprice && nprice > price) {
- lowest = child;
- }
- }
- if (!lowest) {
- targetDiv.appendChild(elm);
- } else {
- targetDiv.insertBefore(elm, lowest);
- }
- }
- addHiddenMinions: {
- addItemToShop(
- minionsDiv,
- '50 Minions',
- 150,
- 3,
- 'minions',
- 'These 50 minions will follow you around the map, and gain you mass for 2 hours. You can control them with the keybinds set in the settings.',
- 'https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/famous-character-vol-1-colored/48/JD-06-512.png',
- '2 Hours'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- minionsDiv,
- '50 Minions',
- 300,
- 15,
- 'minions',
- 'These 50 minions will follow you around the map, and gain you mass for 8 hours. You can control them with the keybinds set in the settings.',
- 'https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/famous-character-vol-1-colored/48/JD-06-512.png',
- '8 Hours'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- minionsDiv,
- '80 Minions',
- 300,
- 4,
- 'minions',
- 'These 80 minions will follow you around the map, and gain you mass for 4 hours. You can control them with the keybinds set in the settings.',
- 'https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/famous-character-vol-1-colored/48/JD-06-512.png',
- '4 Hours'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- minionsDiv,
- '100 Minions',
- 700,
- 9,
- 'minions',
- 'These 100 minions will follow you around the map, and gain you mass for 24 hours. You can control them with the keybinds set in the settings.',
- 'https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/famous-character-vol-1-colored/48/JD-06-512.png',
- '24 Hours'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- minionsDiv,
- '125 Minions',
- 900,
- 10,
- 'minions',
- 'These 125 minions will follow you around the map, and gain you mass for 48 hours. You can control them with the keybinds set in the settings.',
- 'https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/famous-character-vol-1-colored/48/JD-06-512.png',
- '48 Hours'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- minionsDiv,
- '300 Minions',
- 2000,
- 11,
- 'minions',
- 'These 300 minions will follow you around the map, and gain you mass for 72 hours. You can control them with the keybinds set in the settings.',
- 'https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/famous-character-vol-1-colored/48/JD-06-512.png',
- '72 Hours'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- minionsDiv,
- '100XL Minions',
- 800,
- 8,
- 'minions',
- 'These 100 XXL minions will follow you around the map, and gain you mass for 1 hour. You can control them with the keybinds set in the settings.',
- 'https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/famous-character-vol-1-colored/48/JD-06-512.png',
- '1 Hour'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- minionsDiv,
- '100XL Minions',
- 2500,
- 12,
- 'minions',
- 'These 100 XXL minions will follow you around the map, and gain you mass for 24 hours. You can control them with the keybinds set in the settings.',
- 'https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/famous-character-vol-1-colored/48/JD-06-512.png',
- '24 Hours'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- minionsDiv,
- '500XL Minions',
- 3000,
- 16,
- 'minions',
- 'These 500 XXL minions will follow you around the map, and gain you mass for 24 hours. You can control them with the keybinds set in the settings.',
- 'https://cdn0.iconfinder.com/data/icons/famous-character-vol-1-colored/48/JD-06-512.png',
- '24 Hours'
- );
- }
- addItems: {
- let ogShop = [];
- for (const child of itemsDiv.children) {
- try {
- const infoBtn = child.querySelector(
- 'button.btn.info.small'
- );
- const buyBtn = child.querySelector(
- 'button.btn.success.small'
- );
- const imgSrc = child.querySelector('img').src;
- const infoJSON = JSON.parse(
- infoBtn.getAttribute('item-info')
- );
- const buyJSON = JSON.parse(
- buyBtn.getAttribute('warn-before-buy')
- );
- console.log(parseInt(buyJSON.price));
- ogShop.push([
- infoJSON.title,
- parseInt(buyJSON.price),
- parseInt(buyJSON.prodId),
- buyJSON.type,
- infoJSON.text,
- imgSrc,
- ]);
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- itemsDiv.innerHTML = '';
- for (const ogShopItem of ogShop) {
- addItemToShop(itemsDiv, ...ogShopItem);
- }
- addItemToShop(
- itemsDiv,
- 'Virus',
- 380,
- 7,
- 'items',
- 'Virus',
- 'https://cellcraft.io/img/inventory/virus.png'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- itemsDiv,
- 'Mothercell',
- 380,
- 8,
- 'items',
- 'Mothercell',
- 'https://cellcraft.io/img/inventory/mothercell.png'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- itemsDiv,
- 'Freeze Ability',
- 290,
- 18,
- 'items',
- 'Freeze Ability',
- 'https://cellcraft.io/img/freeze.png'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- itemsDiv,
- '2x Spawn Mass',
- 300,
- 20,
- 'items',
- '2x Spawn Mass',
- 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/376498148358750209/694875968522813480/wjzVz167eGDWdGVRKVnsHpeY32mQkUc9yn6WaJ3jGDMmeh0d6o5c60cUpJ57Y-s1SP79Z1935m_TLaflO5u6WRUC1s0HLqNqplf2.png'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- itemsDiv,
- 'Invisibility',
- 280,
- 22,
- 'items',
- 'Invisibility',
- 'https://cellcraft.io/img/frozen_virus.png'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- itemsDiv,
- '2x XP',
- 2000,
- 23,
- 'items',
- '2x XP',
- 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/376498148358750209/694875968522813480/wjzVz167eGDWdGVRKVnsHpeY32mQkUc9yn6WaJ3jGDMmeh0d6o5c60cUpJ57Y-s1SP79Z1935m_TLaflO5u6WRUC1s0HLqNqplf2.png'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- itemsDiv,
- 'Anti Recombine',
- 60,
- 34,
- 'items',
- 'Anti Recombine',
- 'https://cellcraft.io/skins/objects/21_lo.png'
- );
- addItemToShop(
- itemsDiv,
- 'Anti Freeze',
- 60,
- 35,
- 'items',
- 'Anti Freeze',
- 'https://cellcraft.io/skins/objects/20_lo.png'
- );
- }
- }
- })();