f95zone watched filter

f95zone filter only the watched threads.

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30 קילו-בייט
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A first version of a script I made to filter all your watched threads in the latest update page.

Picture 2

I wanted to be able to see my watched games within the latest update page and then filter them like I wanted, so I made this script to let me do exactly that. With it you will be able to use all the filters normally with the exception of the weighted rating that use a custom function (with the way I did the script, I can't have access to the number of ratings, which is what's used by the website, and instead used the number of views to make the calcul).

The script work by first getting the threads info from the website and then manually filtering said data to give it to the page to display instead of the normal one. The loading of the data used by the script be made automatically each time the latest update page is loaded, the first time may take a few minutes because it's going to check every threads to see if they're watched. Each following time will look only until the last time the search was made (only the first page of threads most of the time). You can also launch the search manually with the "get filter data" button if you find it necessary (maybe you watched an old thread or you want to update the info of an soft banned thread...).

simply click the "filter watched" button, as showed in the picture above to get access to all your watched threads and apply the filters to them.

enjoy :)