Sukebei nyaa video previews JS - Facilitates access to video previews
EhTagSyringe JS - Build EhTagTranslater from Wiki.
RARBG Show thumbnails in torrent lists (Plain JavaScript) JS - Shows the thumbnail on every item of the torrent list, highlight matched torrent in searchpattern
ShowUp.TV Tips Sounds JS - Dodaje dźwięk żetona przy otrzymywaniu wiadomości prywatnej (płatnej), napiwku na transmisji i priv (przy zakończeniu też)
ShowUp.TV Tools JS - Zmienia nieco stronę SU - wygląd i funkcje.
ShowUp.TV AutoWarner JS - Ostrzeżenie przed opuszczeniem własnej transmisji.
ShowUp.TV LeavingViaMSGWarning JS - Ostrzeżenie przed opuszczeniem własnej transmisji.
ShowUp.TV Font Changer JS - Zmienia czcionkę na showup.tv
comentParaShenL♂ng JS - Esta extensión permite compartir contenido no admitido en taringa(no se quebran las normas del sitio,ya que todo es guardado en un servidor externo).
comentParaShenL♂ng JS - Esta extensión permite compartir contenido no admitido en taringa(no se quebran las normas del sitio,ya que todo es guardado en un servidor externo).
ShadeRoot XTube JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for XTube
Gelbooru Lazyload Fix JS - This script fixes the Gelbooru thumbnails if the thumbnail lazyloader doesn't run (typically due to an Adblocker)
Best Tricksplit, Doublesplit, and Feeding Macros + Auto Settings + Triplesplit Macro JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
匿名版.草榴 JS - try to take over the world!
Agar Copy & Paste JS - Copy leaderboard names, cell names and your score straight from the game! Mod made by Turtle ? Clan
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Xhamster Helper - Spam user indicator + infos about DELETED Users v.51 JS - The SPAM indicator is now (with the New Xhamster design) the only useful infos
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HentaiLx Downloader JS - Download manga on hentaiLx.com
nHentai Downloader JS - Download manga on nHentai.net
Gelbooru Image Viewer JS - Adds a fullscreen image view option when you click on images and various other neat features
No Dick-Pics Reddit /r/gonewild JS - No Dick-Pics in /r/gonewild
E-Hentai Highlighter-Mod JS - Highlighter for E-Hentai (e-hentai.org/exhentai.org). Supports regular expressions.
oshioki notifecation JS - おしおき支援ソフト第1弾 発展場情報の板が自動更新します。 ついでに音でお知らせします。
gfy ignore list JS - block threads, posts, etc from certain users
4shared.com Free Downloader (NextWap) JS - Auto Generate to www.nextwap.net. thanks @Shivesh96
PornoLab.net Thumbnail Expander JS - Automatically unfolds spoilers and replaces thumbnails with full sized images while removing thumbnails linking to adware.
HV - Item World Cost Calculator JS - Calculates various numbers related to IW service
Penis for Twitter JS - Replaces the "Favorite" heart by a penis.
handsoff JS - 解放双手,空格暂停,回车播放
Disable Fixed Header JS - Changes the CSS of the header of http://tsumino.com on doujin pages from "fixed" to "absolute".
Chaturbate Easy Tipping JS - Adds a new tipping popup and modifies the existing one
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コイツにブチミる JS - うおおおおおおおおおおおおあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ!!!!!!!!!!! (ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!!)
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Mutik's DotD Script for ArmorGames JS - Script which makes raids management a lot easier
OGARio by szymy JS - Agar.io Unofficial Polish MOD (EN)
Google Expert Search JS - Add many other hidden (only available in text) functionality to the basic search: file extension filter (video, text document, presentation, datasheets, audio search ...), site filter (video streaming, file share sites, anime streaming sites ...) and all popular file share link search, customizable categories and many more improvements. Check the site for tips and more information: http://googlescript.blogspot.com Contact: pogisti@gmail.com
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Xtube Enhancer - Animated Thumbnails, Inline Video Loading, and Sponsor/Premium-Free Videos JS - Animates thumbnails, inlines video loading, and cleans up sponsored content
Streamate Fullscreen Link JS - Adds a full screen link to Streamate cam profiles
ErogameScape Remove Uid JS - エロゲー批評空間のレビューをユーザー条件で非表示
Dipmotes JS - more like shitmotes amirite
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Gelbooru Paged Gallery JS - A simplified gallery for viewing gelbooru images in succession.
motherless.com - sort videos by hits JS - Sorts Videos by hits over multiple pages
Ex-Hentai: Frame Popups JS - Embed popup window instead of another window.
Derpibooru - Rating Info JS - Shows image's rating above its thumbnail on Derpibooru.
Motherless gallery keyboard navigation JS - Increases productivity when you're not being productive. Supports left and right handed browsing (arrow keys or A and D)
Karma Plus JS - Add a link to the Karma URL in the user profile page
Hentai Foundry - Image Hover JS - Fetches a larger version of the image upon hovering over a thumbnail.
searchEngineJump 简化修复版 JS - 方便的在各个引擎之间跳转。可自定义搜索列表的 NLF 修改版。
sis.link.sortByPostTime JS - sort threads by post time
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HV - Open MoogleMail in New Tab JS - Open MM in a new tab. Automatically recall MM. Automatically take attachments.
Sadpanda torrent inline JS - Inlines torrent into to gallery view in sadpanda & regular panda, and adds a hotkey to download the most popular torrent.
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Yet Another Imagehost Redirect JS - Remove ads from ImageHost
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Movie4k Streamcloud Online Checker JS - Checks Streamcloud Links
Fakku.net image list JS - Lists all images in a chapter/volume
Adultddl Sweet Captcha Solver JS - Automatically solve the sweetcaptcha on adultddl.ws on a single post page
XTube Hide Sponsor Videos JS - Hides all videos from the users "xtubehouse", xtube_sponsor, xxxvids
Cityvibe Enhancer JS - Increases the image sizes of slideshows and main profile image and adds keybindings for slideshow and escort navigation.
Alabout Direct Link JS - Strips jump page.
RecoPoringa. JS - Recomienda posts en Poringa!
Загрузка скринов из раздачи для pornolab.net JS - Загрузка скринов из раздачи
ExHentai - Preload next page JS - Loosely inspired by "Handy ExHentai" script. Now loads more pages by nesting iFrames.
FetLife pop-up chat JS - An alternative view for the FetLife chat
palimas.com fix JS - removes malicious links from palimas.com
Xhamster Quick Links v.2.8 JS - Adds handy links to the top/right of the Xhamster page (inculde USERSTYLE for HOVER)
Additionalemotes JS - Emoticons for pocketsande
HV - Clean Forum Contents JS - E-H Forums Tweaks
rm2mag 自动获取CL1024/草榴/磁力链 JS - Automatically convert rmdown to magnet and show on the top of 1024 page
Easy Download in H ACG JS - 维护网络健康发展:)
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MyFreeCams PVT video link adder JS - Adds links to privates in your chat log (see picture) http://i.imgur.com/UM0A50S.jpg
MyHentaiComics Downloader JS - Downloads all the pages of a specific comic
Coinbrawl JS - try to take over the world!
Direct Image Link E621/926 JS - Рипалка ссылок / имён / номеров картинок
mrFARTY is GASSY JS - no one likes mrFARTY
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m-team https fix - download JS - Convert in-site http links to https
m-team https fix - default tracker JS - Convert in-site http links to https
XTube - Instant Subscribe JS - Changes "Subscribe" links to subscribe immediately, rather than requiring a second click on the Subscriptions screen
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Imagehost Redirect JS - Redirects Imagehost Pages to the hosted Image
Better FetLife JS - Enhances the functionality of various features of FetLife.com. Best used in conjunction with other browser add-ons, such as those that reveal Microformats.
FetLife Text Search JS - Searches through FetLife group discussions for a specific keyword or phrase.
FetLife Demographics JS - Displays the demographics of FetLife events and user friend lists by age, sex, and role. May help you quickly determine whether an event is worth participating in or not, or whether a user is an objectifying troll.
Predator Alert Tool for FetLife (PAT-FetLife) JS - Alerts you of people who have allegedly assaulted others as you browse FetLife. Empowers you to anonymously report a consent violation perpetrated by a FetLife user.
Danbooru - Miscellaneous Tweaks JS - Adds a variety of useful tweaks to Danbooru
Booru.org Transparency Checkerboard JS - Adds a transparent checkerboard behind (transparent) images on booru.org
Cleared Pixiv Artists JS - Keeps track of Pixiv artists' works and image responses and adds a random link to one of those pages.
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Namize Background Ponies! JS - Namize Background Ponies on Derpibooru!