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HV auto attack script, for the first user, should configure before use it.

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Another Way to Use-Bookmarklet

Please add the following snippet add to bookmark, and use in hentaiver page.




About Font

Scripts get information through text, and if you have not yet modified the font, some information may not be available, causing some errors to occur.

Font Preference (for reference only)

  1. font-family: Times New Roman
  2. font-size: 12
  3. font-weight (normal, bold, bolder, lighter): normal
  4. font-style (normal, italic, oblique): normal
  5. vertical adjust: -5

Customize Condition

Each area with a red dotted border can be set to a customize condition.

  • If these areas are left blank (a condition is not set), then it's equivalent to true.

When the mouse moves in these areas, a box is displayed in the upper right corner. (When the mouse out, the box disappears)

Four drop down lists and one button are visible in the box

  • Drop-down List 1: the location of this condition inserted (see the example for specific effects)

  • Drop-down List 2/4: comparison value A / comparison value B

Comparison Value

  1. hp/mp/sp: percent of hp/mp/sp, 0-100
  2. oc: Overcharge, 0-250
  3. monsterAll/monsterAlive/bossAll/bossAlive: amount of all monster/boss (alive)
  4. roundNow/roundAll/roundLeft
  5. roundType: Battle Type (ar: The Arena, rb: Ring of Blood, gr: GrindFest, iw: Item World, ba: Random Encounter)

(Note: Because comparison between strings, please add quotation, such as "ar"/'ar')

  1. attackStatus: Attack Mode (0: Physical, 1: Fire, 2: Cold, 3: Elec, 4: Wind, 5: Divine, 6: Forbidden)
  2. isCd: whether the skill/item is cooldowning, format: _isCd_id

example 1: the id of Protection is 411 , _isCd_411,5,0 means Protection can't be casted or _isCd_411,5,1 means Protection can be casted

example 2: the id of ManaElixir is 11295, _isCd_11295,5,0 means ManaElixir can't be used or _isCd_11295,5,1 means ManaElixir can be used

  1. buffTurn: time the buff last in person, format_buffTurn_img

example: the image of Protection is protection, _buffTurn_protection,5,0 means you don't have the buff of Protection or _buffTurn_protection,3,10 means the the buff of Protection on you last at least 10 turns

  1. blank: the value you want to put in
  • Drop-down List 3: only support comparison operator (1: >, 2: <, 3: ≥, 4: ≤, 5: =, 6: ≠)

  • Button ADD: Generates an input box with a value of A,Comparison-Operator,B



In the picture, I set three big conditions (2 contains two small conditions)

  1. Condition 1: total rounds more than 12

  2. Condition 2: bosses more than 1 and hp more than hp

  3. Condition 3: monsters more than 6

It's TRUE, when any big condition is true (To judge big condition is true, all small condition must true)

The following is a schematic diagram of the circuit diagram

schematic diagram

Skill/Item ID Table

1 2 3
Flee / 1001 - -
Scan / 1011 - -
FUS RO DAH / 1101 - -
Orbital Friendship Cannon / 1111 - -
Skyward Sword / 2101 - -
Shield Bash / 2201 Vital Strike / 2202 Merciful Blow / 2203
Great Cleave / 2301 Rending Blow / 2302 Shatter Strike / 2303
Iris Strike / 2401 Backstab / 2402 Frenzied Blows / 2403
Concussive Strike / 2501 - -
Fiery Blast / 111 Inferno / 112 Flames of Loki / 113
Freeze / 121 Blizzard / 122 Fimbulvetr / 123
Shockblast / 131 Chained Lightning / 132 Wrath of Thor / 133
Gale / 141 Downburst / 142 Storms of Njord / 143
Smite / 151 Banishment / 152 Paradise Lost / 153
Corruption / 161 Disintegrate / 162 Ragnaro / 163
Drain / 211 Weaken / 212 Imperil / 213
Slow / 221 Sleep / 222 Confuse / 223
Blind / 231 Silence / 232 MagNet / 233
Cure / 311 Regen / 312 Full-Cure / 313
Protection / 411 Haste / 412 Shadow Veil / 413
Absorb / 421 Spark of Life / 422 Spirit Shield / 423
Arcane Focus / 431 Heartseeker / 432
- - -
Health Draught / 11191 Health Potion / 11195 Health Elixir / 11199
Mana Draught / 11291 Mana Potion / 11295 Mana Elixir / 11299
Spirit Draught / 11391 Spirit Potion / 11395 Spirit Elixir / 11399
Energy Drink / 11401 - -
Last Elixir / 11501 - -
Infusion of Flames / 12101 Infusion of Frost / 12201 Infusion of Lightning / 12301
Infusion of Storms / 12401 Infusion of Divinity / 12501 Infusion of Darkness / 12601
Scroll of Swiftness / 13101 Scroll of Protection / 13111 Scroll of the Avatar / 13199
Scroll of Absorption / 13201 Scroll of Shadows / 13211 Scroll of Life / 13221
Scroll of the Gods / 13299 - -
Flower Vase / 19111 Bubble-Gum / 19131 -

Buff Image Table

1 2 3
- Regen / regen -
Protection / protection Haste / haste Shadow Veil / shadowveil
Absorb / absorb Spark of Life / sparklife Spirit Shield / spiritshield
Arcane Focus / arcanemeditation Heartseeker / heartseeker Cloak of the Fallen / 423
Health Draught / healthpot Mana Draught / manapot Spirit Draught / spiritpot
Infusion of Flames / fireinfusion Infusion of Frost / coldinfusion Infusion of Lightning / elecinfusion
Infusion of Storms / windinfusion Infusion of Divinity / holyinfusion Infusion of Darkness / darkinfusion
Scroll of Swiftness / haste_scroll - -
Flower Vase / flowers Bubble-Gum / gum -

Attack Rule Example

Enemy id now hp init PW Imperiled (-2) Drained (-1) Confused (+2) PW
1 20K 10 10
2 30K 15 14
3 40K 20 18

NOTE: The script will attack enemy who has the least PW first.

In this example, the script will attack enemy 1 next.