E-Hentai 中文功能集


Od 25.06.2016.. Pogledajte najnovija verzija.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         E-Hentai 中文功能集
// @namespace    Tast
// @version      0.45
// @description  E紳士功能中文總集
// @author       Tast
// @include      *://exhentai.org/*
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// @grant		 GM_setValue
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// @resource 	 iconFN https://greasyfork.org/system/screenshots/screenshots/000/004/495/original/function_%283%29.png?1466097291
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// ==/UserScript==
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// @include      *://*
//1 USD = BTC/USD.
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function UnSafeFunction(){
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$(document).ready(function() { //console.log( "document loaded" );
	if(url.match('uconfig.php')) 				uconfig();
	if(url.match("hentai.org\/g\/")) 			GalleryAutoRate();
	if(GM_getValue("rating_hide","1") == "1") 	GalleryRateAutoTranslucent()
	if(GM_getValue("HrefBlank","0") == "1") 	HrefBlank();
	if(url.match("home.php")) 					OverView_Money();
	//if(url.match("exchange.php\\?t=hath")) 		Exchange_Hath();
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	if(url.match("hentai.org\/s\/")) 			GallerySview();
//MainMenu for all
function MainMenu(){
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		+'<li><a href="javascript:void()" rel="MyPage">我的首頁</a></li>'
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	+'<ul class="ulmenu" id="MyPages">'
		+'<li><a href="http://g.e-hentai.org/home.php"				>概觀狀態</a></li>'
		+'<li><a href="http://g.e-hentai.org/stats.php"				>資訊統計</a></li>'
		+'<li><a href="http://g.e-hentai.org/uconfig.php"			>個人設定</a></li>'
		+'<li><a href="http://g.e-hentai.org/hentaiathome.php"		>紳士之家</a></li>'
		+'<li><a href="http://g.e-hentai.org/bitcoin.php"			>贊助捐款</a></li>'
		+'<li><a href="http://g.e-hentai.org/hathperks.php"			>特殊功能</a></li>'
		+'<li><a href="http://g.e-hentai.org/exchange.php?t=hath"	>駭斯市集</a></li>'
		+'<li><a href="http://g.e-hentai.org/exchange.php?t=gp"		>圖幣市場</a></li>'
		+'<li><a href="http://g.e-hentai.org/logs.php?t=credits"	>交易記錄</a></li>'
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function DoMenu(){
	ddiconmenu.docinit({ // initialize an Icon Menu
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		dur:500 //<--no comma after last setting
//MakeStyle Globe
function MakeStyle(){
	if($("#searchbox").length) 			MakeBanner();
	if(url.match("hentai.org\/g\/"))	$("#gright,#gmid").css("height","auto")

function MakeBanner(){
	var BannerImage = "http://tast.banner.tw/Javascript/EHentai/Banner/" 
					+ BannerList[getRandomInt(0,BannerList.length - 1)]
	var BannerStyle = "width:100%;height:136px;background:#E3E0D1 "
					+ "url(http://ehgt.org/c/graphics/botm_bg.jpg) repeat-x 0px center;"
					+ "position:relative;z-index:2;margin:auto;text-align:center;"
					//+ "display:none;"
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	$("#toppane > h1.ih").hide();

//Setting Box
var TagFlagColor = {
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var BannerList = 

function uconfig(){ if(!url.match('uconfig.php')) return;
	$(	 "<div id='uConfig' style='border-radius:25px;border: 2px solid blue;padding: 20px; '>"
		+"<div id='uConfigFN'></div>"
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			+"<input type='button' class='stdbtn' id='uConfigApply' value=' -儲存本框設定- '></div></div><br><br>"
	).insertAfter("#outer h1:eq(0)");
		var TagFlagColorSet = []
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		GM_setValue("TagFlagFly"	,$("option.BKC:selected").val())
		var AutoRateNum = parseInt($("#rating_box").val());
		else 	GM_setValue("rating_hide","0");
		else 	GM_setValue("HrefBlank","0");
		else 	GM_setValue("ThumbLarger","0");

function uConfigTagFlagBKColor(){
	$(	"<style type='text/css'>"
			+"#sortable { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; }"
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			+".ui-state-highlight { height: 2.2em; line-height: 1.2em; }"
		+"<h2>畫冊列表背景顏色 ( 透過畫冊旗幟 )</h2>"
		+"<p>設定畫冊列表顯示標籤旗幟時設定優先的背景色 ( 拖曳改變順序 )<p>"
		+"<select id='BKC'>"//selected="selected"
			+'<option class="BKC" value="0" style="color:darkred  ;font-weight:bold;">不使用排列</option>'
			+'<option class="BKC" value="1" style="color:darkgreen;font-weight:bold;">排列到上方</option>'
			+'<option class="BKC" value="2" style="color:darkblue ;font-weight:bold;">排列到下方</option>'
		+'<ul id="sortable"></ul><br>'
		+"<button id='uCTFBKCbutton'>重新預設排列</button>");
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	$("#BKC")[0].selectedIndex = parseInt(BKCval);
	//$("option.BKC[value='" + BKCval + "']").prop("selected",true);
		var Tags	= $("input[maxlength='20'][name*='favorite_']:eq(" + i + ")").val();
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			.attr("name","fav-" + i)
			.append('&nbsp;#' + (i+1) + ":" + Tags)
			//.append('&nbsp;畫冊標籤旗幟 - ' + (i + 1));
		var Tags	= $("input[style='width:540px'][type='text']:eq(" + i + ")").val();
		var BK_Pos 	= $(this).css("background-position");
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		$("#sortable li:last")
			.attr("name","tf-" + i)
			.append('&nbsp;#' + (i+1) + ":" + Tags)
	var TagFlagColorI = GM_getValue("TagFlagColor",[]);
	for(var i = 0 ; i < TagFlagColorI.length ; i++){
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	$( "#sortable" ).sortable({ placeholder: "ui-state-highlight" });
    $( "#sortable" ).disableSelection();
		$("#sortable li[name*='fav']").sort(function(a,b) {
			return $(a).attr("name") > $(b).attr("name")
		$("#sortable li[name*='tf']").sort(function(a,b) {
			return $(a).attr("name") > $(b).attr("name")

function uConfigAutoRate(){
	$(	"<style type='text/css'>"
			+'div.ir img{width:80px;height:16px}'
		+"<h2>畫冊自動評星 ( 可用當作已讀 )</h2>"
		+'<input type="checkbox" id="rating_box" style="position:relative; top:2px"> - '
		+'<a id="rating_show" style="display:inline;"></a>'
		+'<div id="rating_image" class="ir" style="background-position: 0px -21px;">'
			+'<img src="http://ehgt.org/g/blank.gif" usemap="#rating" alt="">'
		+'</div><div id="rating_map"><map name="rating">'
			+'<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,7,16"   rating="1">'
			+'<area shape="rect" coords="8,0,15,16"  rating="2">'
			+'<area shape="rect" coords="16,0,23,16" rating="3">'
			+'<area shape="rect" coords="24,0,31,16" rating="4">'
			+'<area shape="rect" coords="32,0,39,16" rating="5">'
			+'<area shape="rect" coords="40,0,47,16" rating="6">'
			+'<area shape="rect" coords="48,0,55,16" rating="7">'
			+'<area shape="rect" coords="56,0,63,16" rating="8">'
			+'<area shape="rect" coords="64,0,71,16" rating="9">'
			+'<area shape="rect" coords="72,0,79,16" rating="10">'
	var AutoRateNum = GM_getValue("AutoRateNum",0);
		$("#rating_image").attr("class","ir irb");
	else update_rating_image(10);
	$("#rating_map area").hover(function() {
		$("#rating_image").attr("class","ir irg");
		var b = $(this).attr("rating");
		//console.error("update_rating_image" + b);
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		if(Elclass == "ir irb") return;
		var b = $(this).attr("rating");
		$("#rating_image").attr("class","ir irb");
		if($("#rating_box").prop("checked")) return;

function update_rating_image(b) {
	b = Math.round(b);
	var a = -80 + Math.ceil(b / 2) * 16;
	var c = b % 2 == 1 ? -21 : -1;
	document.getElementById("rating_image").style.backgroundPosition = a + "px " + c + "px";

function uConfigRateAutoTranslucent(){
		+'<input type="checkbox" id="rating_hide" style="position:relative; top:2px"></p>'
	if(GM_getValue("rating_hide","1") == "1") $("#rating_hide").prop("checked",true)

function uConfigHrefBlank(){
		+'<input type="checkbox" id="HrefBlank" style="position:relative; top:2px"></p>'
	if(GM_getValue("HrefBlank","0") == "1") $("#HrefBlank").prop("checked",true)

function uConfigThumb(){
		+'<input type="checkbox" id="ThumbLarger" style="position:relative; top:2px"></p>'
	if(GM_getValue("ThumbLarger","1") == "1") $("#ThumbLarger").prop("checked",true)

function TagFlagBKColor(){ //if(url.match("favorites.php")) return;
	if(getQueryString("fly",url) == "0") return;
	$("div.itg:eq(0) > div.id1 , table.itg:eq(0) > tbody > tr")
		.each(function(i){ $(this).attr("SortOF",i); }) //預覽模式 + 列表模式
	$("#pp > div.id1")
		.each(function(i){ $(this).attr("SortOF",i); }) //熱門板塊
	var TagFlagFly 		= GM_getValue("TagFlagFly","0");
	var TagFlagColorI 	= GM_getValue("TagFlagColor",[]);
	//var IsListMode	 	= $("#dmi a[href*='?inline_set=dm_t']").length;
	//var IsThumMode 		= $("#dmi a[href*='?inline_set=dm_l']").length;
	for(var i = 0 ; i < TagFlagColorI.length ; i++){
		$("div.itg div.tft[style*='" + TagFlagColorI[i] + "']").each(function(){
			var Target = $(this).parent().parent().parent();
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		$("div.itg:eq(0) div.i[id*='favicon_'][style*='" + TagFlagColorI[i] + "']").each(function(){
			var Target = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent();
		$("table.itg div.tfl[style*='" + TagFlagColorI[i] + "']").each(function(){
			var Target = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent()
	for(var i = 0 ; i < TagFlagColorI.length ; i++){
		$("#pp div.tft[style*='" + TagFlagColorI[i] + "']").each(function(){
			var Target = $(this).parent().parent().parent();
		$("#pp div.i[id*='favicon_'][style*='" + TagFlagColorI[i] + "']").each(function(){
			var Target = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent();
	var Child = -1;
	function DoFlaged(Target,i,type){
		if($(Target).attr("Flaged") == "1") return;
		if(TagFlagFly !== "0"){
					$(Target).appendTo("table.itg:eq(0) > tbody:eq(0)");
			else $(Target).appendTo("#pp");
	function DoFaved(Target){
		$(Target).find("div.id3 img")
		$(Target).find("div.id2 a")
			$(this).find("div.id3 img")
			$(Target).find("div.id2 a")
			$(Target).find("div.it5 a")
			$(this).find("div.id3 img")
			$(Target).find("div.id2 a")
			$(Target).find("div.it5 a")
	if(TagFlagFly == "1"){
		$("div.itg:eq(0) > div.id1[Flaged!='1']").each(function(){
		$("table.itg:eq(0) > tbody:eq(0) > tr[class*='gtr'][Flaged!='1']").each(function(){
			$(this).appendTo("table.itg:eq(0) > tbody:eq(0)");
		$("#pp > div.id1[Flaged!='1']").each(function(){
	if(TagFlagFly !== "0"){
		$("div.itg:eq(0) div.c").appendTo("div.itg:eq(0)")
		$("#pp div.c").appendTo("#pp")
		$("div.itg:eq(0) > div.id1 , table.itg:eq(0) > tbody > tr")
			.each(function(i){ $(this).attr("SortED",i); }) //預覽模式 + 列表模式
		$("#pp > div.id1")
			.each(function(i){ $(this).attr("SortED",i); }) //熱門板塊
		$("#CurFNs").append('<li class="SortOF"><a>取消排序</a></li>');
		$("#CurFNs").append('<li class="SortED"><a>重新排序</a></li>');
			$(getSorted('div.itg:eq(0) > div.id1'	, 'SortOF')).appendTo('div.itg:eq(0)');
			$(getSorted('#pp > div.id1'				, 'SortOF')).appendTo('#pp');
			$("div.itg:eq(0) div.c").appendTo("div.itg:eq(0)")
			$("#pp div.c").appendTo("#pp")
			$(getSorted('div.itg:eq(0) > div.id1'	, 'SortED')).appendTo('div.itg:eq(0)');
			$(getSorted('#pp > div.id1'				, 'SortED')).appendTo('#pp');
			$("div.itg:eq(0) div.c").appendTo("div.itg:eq(0)")
			$("#pp div.c").appendTo("#pp")

function getSorted(selector, attrName) {
    return $($(selector).toArray().sort(function(a, b){
        var aVal = parseInt(a.getAttribute(attrName)),
            bVal = parseInt(b.getAttribute(attrName));
        return aVal - bVal;
function GalleryAutoRate(){ if(!url.match("hentai.org\/g\/")) return;
	var RateIMG = $("#rating_image[class='ir']").length;	if(!RateIMG) 		return;
	var AutoRateNum = GM_getValue("AutoRateNum",0);			if(!AutoRateNum)	return;
	//$("#gdr area:eq(" + (AutoRateNum-1) + ")").click();
	var APItarget 	= $("script:contains('var apikey'):eq(0)");
	var APIinfo		= $(APItarget).html();
	//var base_url 	= new RegExp("var base_url = (.+);"	,'i')	.exec(APIinfo)[1];
	var dataIN = 
		 "method"	:"rategallery"
		,"rating"	: AutoRateNum
		,"apiuid"	: new RegExp("var apiuid = (.+);"	,'i')	.exec(APIinfo)[1]
		,"apikey"	: new RegExp('var apikey = "(.+)";'	,'i')	.exec(APIinfo)[1]
		,"gid"		: new RegExp("var gid = (.+);"		,'i')	.exec(APIinfo)[1]
		,"token"	: new RegExp('var token = "(.+)";'	,'i')	.exec(APIinfo)[1]
		url: "/api.php",
		type: "POST",
		data: JSON.stringify(dataIN),
		contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
		dataType: "json",
		success: function(data){ //console.error(JSON.stringify(data))
			//alert( "Data Loaded: " + JSON.stringify(data));
			if(data["rating_avg"] == undefined) return;
			$("#rating_label").html("平均:" + data["rating_avg"]);

function TargetHover(Target){
	$(Target).unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');
	$(Target).find("div.id3 img")
		$(this).find("div.id3 img")
		$(this).find("div.id3 img")

function GalleryRateAutoTranslucent(){ if(GM_getValue("rating_hide","1") == "0") return;
	$("div.id43[class!='id43 ir']").each(function(){
		var Target = $(this).parent().parent();
		if($(Target).attr("Flaged") == "1") $(Target).unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');

function GalleryClickedTranslucent(){
	//$("div.id1[]").unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');
	$("div.id1").click(function(event) {
		//var Target = this;

function HrefBlank(){
	if(GM_getValue("HrefBlank","0") == "0") return;
	//$("a").each(function(){ $(this).attr("target","_blank"); })

function ThumbLarger(){ if(GM_getValue("ThumbLarger","1") == "0") return;
	$("div.id3 img").each(function(){
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		var naturalHeight 	= $(this).prop("naturalHeight")
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		else $(this).load(function(){ CheckSetThumbWH(this); })
	$("table.itg div.it2 > img").each(function(){
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				.css("height"	,height)
	unsafeWindow.load_pane_image = function(b){ if (b == undefined) return;
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function CheckSetThumbWH(Target){
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function TooltipGallery(){
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		items: "div.id2,div.id3",
		content: function () { 
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			var TipText = 	  "<div style='text-align: left;'>"
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								+"<font color='" + TagFlagColor[color] + "'>"
				TipText += favText + "</font></p>"
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		content: function () {
			var elemLen = 0;
			var TipText = "<div style='text-align: left;'>";
			$(this).parent().find("div.tfl").each(function(){ elemLen += 1;
				var color = $(this).css("background-position");
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				TipText += tftText + "</font></p>"
			$(this).parent().find("div[id*='favicon_']").each(function(){ elemLen += 1;
				var color = $(this).css("background-position");
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								+"<font color='" + TagFlagColor[color] + "'>"
				TipText += favText + "</font></p>"
					return "";
			else 	return TipText + "</div>";

//E[-X]Hentai Helper
function SadPandaGO(){ if(getQueryString("success",url) !== "1") return;
function SadPanda(){ if($("img:eq(0)").attr("src") !== window.location.href) return;
	$("body").html('<iframe id="if_login" src="http://e-hentai.org/?login=1"></iframe><div id="if_div"></div>');
		//console.error('setInterval = ' + GM_getValue("Login","false"))
		if(GM_getValue("Login","false") == "true"){
			document.cookie = "yay" + "=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
			//var cookie = GM_getValue("LoginCookie","");
			//document.cookie = cookie;
			//window.location.href = "http://exhentai.org/?success=1"
			window.location = ""; // TO REFRESH THE PAGE
	}, 1000);

function clearListCookies(){   
    var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
	for(var i=0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
		var equals = cookies[i].indexOf("=");
		var name = equals > -1 ? cookies[i].substr(0, equals) : cookies[i];
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function clearCookie(name, domain, path){
    var domain = domain || document.domain;
    var path = path || "/";
    document.cookie = name + "=; expires=" + +new Date + "; domain=" + domain + "; path=" + path;

function SadPandaLogin(){ if(getQueryString("login",url) !== "1") return;
	var LoginForm = $("form[name='ipb_login_form']:eq(0)").clone();
	$(LoginForm).attr("action",$(LoginForm).attr("action") + "&logined=1");

function SadPandaLogined(){ if(getQueryString("logined",url) !== "1") return;
	var Checker = $("#redirectwrap p:contains('You are now logged in as:')").length;
	if(Checker == 1){
		window.location.href = "http://e-hentai.org/?catchCat=1";

function SadPandaCatchCat(){ if(getQueryString("catchCat",url) !== "1") return;
	location.hash = "Logined";
function LinkToHentai(){
	var GoText = "Error";
	var GoHref = "Error";
	var GoFilter = [
		GoText = " 裡站"
		GoHref = url.replace("g.e-hentai.org","exhentai.org")
		//GoHref = "http://exhentai.org";
	else {
		GoText = " 表站"
		GoHref = url.replace("exhentai.org","g.e-hentai.org")
	$( "#nb img:eq(0)" ).clone().attr("blank","none").insertAfter( "#nb a:eq(0)");
	$( "#nb a:eq(0)" ).clone().attr("blank","none").html(GoText).attr("href",GoHref).insertAfter( "#nb img:eq(1)");
	//if(document.body.title === "") window.location.href = GoHref;
	if(document.title == "" && url.match("exhentai.org")){ document.title = "無目標網頁";
		var Banner= "http://tast.banner.tw/Javascript/EHentai/Banner/" 
			+ BannerList[getRandomInt(0,BannerList.length - 1)]
		var style = "width:100%;height:136px;background:#E3E0D1 "
		style += "url(http://ehgt.org/c/graphics/botm_bg.jpg) repeat-x 0px center;"
		style += "position:relative;z-index:2;margin:auto;text-align:center;"
		//$("head").append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://g.e-hentai.org/z/0319/g.css" />')
			+"<div id='LinkToHentai' style='text-align:center;'>"
				+"<div style='" + style + "'>"
					+"<img src='" + Banner + "'>"
				+"<a href='http://g.e-hentai.org/' blank='none'>進入表站首頁</a>"
				+"<a> | </a>"
				+"<a href='#' onclick='history.back()'  blank='none'>回到上一頁</a>"
				+"<a> | </a>"
				+"<a href='http://exhentai.org/'  blank='none'>進入裡站首頁</a>"
		$("#LinkToHentai a").css("color","white");

function getRandomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }
//E-Hentai Gallery Overview - How Rich Am I?
function OverView_Money(){ if(!url.match("home.php")) return;
	var exchange = "http://g.e-hentai.org/exchange.php";
	$(	 "<h2><font color='Sienna'>財產金庫</font></h2>"
		+"<div class='homebox'>"
		+"<table style='margin:10px auto'><tbody>"
				+"<td><font color='Teal'>紳士幣</font>:</td>"
				+"<td><p id='FN_OVM_Credits' class='FC_OVM_p'></p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'>Credits</a></td>"
				+"<td><font color='DarkOrchid'>駭斯幣</font>:</td>"
				+"<td><p id='FN_OVM_Hath' class='FC_OVM_p'></p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'>Hath<p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'>平均單價 (<b id='FN_OVM_CH_Rate'></b>)</p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'><font color='Teal'>紳士幣</font></p></td>"
				+"<td><font color='RoyalBlue'>千圖幣</font>:</td>"
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				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'>kGP<p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'>平均單價 (<b id='FN_OVM_CK_Rate'></b>)</p></td>"
				+"<td><p class='FC_OVM_te'><font color='Teal'>紳士幣</font></p></td>"
	$(".FC_OVM_p")	.css("float","right");
	$(".FC_OVM_te")	.css("float","left");
	$.get( exchange + "?t=hath", function( data ) {
		var Credits = new RegExp("Available:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*Credits"			,'i')	.exec(data)[1];
		var Hath 	= new RegExp("Available:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*Hath"				,'i')	.exec(data)[1];
		var CH_AVG	= new RegExp("<strong>Avg</strong>:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*Credits",'i')	.exec(data)[1];
		$("#FN_OVM_Hath")	.html(Hath);
	$.get( exchange + "?t=gp", function( data ) {
		var kGP 	= new RegExp("Available:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*kGP"				,'i')	.exec(data)[1];
		var CK_AVG	= new RegExp("<strong>Avg</strong>:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*Credits",'i')	.exec(data)[1];
		$("#FN_OVM_KGP")	.html(kGP);

function Exchange_Hath(){ if(!url.match("exchange.php\\?t=hath")) return;
	var AvaCredits	= $("div:contains('Available: '):contains(' Credits'):eq(0)")	.html();
	var AvaHath		= $("div:contains('Available: '):contains(' Hath'):eq(0)")		.html();
	var Credits		= new RegExp("Available:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*Credits",'i')	.exec(AvaCredits)[1].replace(new RegExp(",","gmi"),"");
	var Hath		= new RegExp("Available:\\s*([,0-9]*)\\s*Hath",'i')		.exec(AvaHath)	 [1].replace(new RegExp(",","gmi"),"");
	Credits 		= parseInt(Credits);
	Hath 			= parseInt(Hath);
	//購買駭斯幣 BuyCredits	
	var BuyHath 	= $("#bid_count");
	var BuyCredits 	= $("#bid_price");
	if($(BuyHath).val() 	== "0") $(BuyHath).val("");
	if($(BuyCredits).val() 	== "0") $(BuyCredits).val("");
	$(BuyHath).keyup(function(){ //alert("ccc");
		var BuyHathVal = parseInt($(BuyCredits).val());
		$(BuyHath).val( Math.floor(Credits / BuyHathVal) );
	var SellHath 	= $("#ask_count");
	var SellCredits = $("#ask_price");
	if($(SellHath).val() 	== "0") $(SellHath).val("")
	if($(SellCredits).val() == "0") $(SellCredits).val("")
	$(SellHath).keyup(function(){ //alert("ccc");
		var SellHathVal = parseInt($(SellCredits).val());
		$(SellHath).val( Math.floor(Credits / SellHathVal) );

//e-hentai magnet link
function GalleryTorrents(){ if(!url.match("gallerytorrents.php")) return;
	$("form a[href*='.torrent']").each(function(i){
		var magnet 	= "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + this.href.match(/\/(\w+)\.torrent/i)[1];
		var torrent	= this.href.split("?p=")[0];
		var HTML	= "<br><br><a style='color:blue' href='" + torrent + "'>[下載公眾用種子]</a>"
					+ "、<a style='color:green'      href='" + magnet  + "'>[下載公眾用磁鏈]</a>";
	$("#ett ~ table a[href$='.torrent']").each(function(){
		var magnet 	= "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" + this.href.match(/\/(\w+)\.torrent/i)[1];
		var HTML	= "<tr><td><a href='" + magnet + "'><font color='green'>公開用磁鏈</font></a></td>"
					+ "<td>( 可公開使用分享 - 發表或給予他人 )</td></tr>"

function FavoritesRate(){ if(!url.match("favorites.php")) return;
		"method": "rategallery",
		"apiuid": ,
		"apikey": "",
		"rating": 4,
	var elem_Sel = $("select.stdinput[name='ddact']:eq(0)");
	var optionAttr = 'selected="selected" style="height:17px; padding-left:10px; padding-top:4px"'
	$(elem_Sel).prepend('<optgroup id="SelGroup" label="其他功能:" style="padding:3px 5px 5px 5px">')
	$('<input type="button" id="FN_apply" value="執行" class="stdbtn">').insertAfter(elem_Sel);
	$("#SelGroup").append('<option value="favIT" ' + optionAttr + '>批次評星</option>')

//EH to ExH
function GalleryNotAvailable(){ if(!url.match("g.e-hentai.org\/g\/")) 	return;
	if(document.title !== "Gallery Not Available - E-Hentai Galleries") return;
	//$(window).on('beforeunload', function (){ return false; });
	window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("g.e-hentai.org","exhentai.org");

function ArchiveWithLink(){ if(!url.match("\/archive\/")) return;
	var href 		= $("#db a[href*='archive']").attr("href");
	href 			= url.split('\/archive')[0] + href;
	var Thunder 	= EncryptionThunder(href);
	var FlashGet 	= EncryptionFlashGet(href);
	var XuanFeng 	= EncryptionXuanFeng(href);
	$("#db").append("<br><a href='" + Thunder + "'><font color='blue'><b>【迅雷網址】</b></font></a>")
	$("#db").append(" | <a href='" + FlashGet+ "'><font color='green'><b>【快車網址】</b></font></a>")
	$("#db").append(" | <a href='" + XuanFeng+ "'><font color='darkred'><b>【旋風網址】</b></font></a><br><br>")
	$("#db a").css("color","purple")
function EncryptionThunder(href) { //迅雷
	return "thunder://" + encode64(strUnicode2Ansi("AA" + href + "ZZ")); }
function EncryptionFlashGet(href) { //快车
	return "flashget://" + encode64(strUnicode2Ansi("[FLASHGET]" + href + "[FLASHGET]")) + "&abc"; }
function EncryptionXuanFeng(href) { //旋风
	return "qqdl://" + encode64(strUnicode2Ansi(href)); }
function GalleryFastFav(){ if(!url.match("hentai.org\/g\/")) return;
	var style = "background-image:url(http://ehgt.org/g/fav.png); color:white; text-align:center; display:inline;"
	$("#gdd tbody:eq(0)").append(""
		+'<tr id="FastFavTR">'
			+'<td style="white-space:nowrap;" class="gdt1" id="FFtd1">快速收藏:</td>'
			+'<td id="FastFavDIV" style="display:inline;">'
				+'<div id="FFd1" style="display:inline-block;"></div>'
				+'<div id="FFd2" style="display:inline-block;"></div>'
			//+'<td><img src="http://ehgt.org/g/e.png"></td>'
	var ColorBK = Object.keys(TagFlagColor);
	for(var i = 6 ; i < ColorBK.length ; i++){ //console.error(i); 
		var id = i - 6;
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				var FavDivID = "#FFd1";
		else 	var FavDivID = "#FFd2";
			+'<a class="FastFav" id="FFa_' + id + '" style="float:left; cursor:pointer" '
			+'onclick="FastFavTo(\'' 		+ id + '\')" ' //+ ">"
			+'onmouseout="FastFavOut(\'' 	+ id + '\')" '
			+'onmouseover="FastFavOver(\'' 	+ id + '\')">'
				+'<div class="i" id="FFd_' 	+ id + '" style="' + style + 'background-position:' + ColorBK[i] + ';">'
	unsafeWindow.FastFavTo 		= function(id){  addfav(id); }
	unsafeWindow.FastFavOver 	= function(id){
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		var color = TagFlagColor[$("#FFd_" + id).css("background-position")]
	unsafeWindow.FastFavOut 	= function(id){ 
		//$("#FFd_" + id).html("");

function addfav(id){
	var gid 	= unsafeWindow.gid;
	var token 	= unsafeWindow.token;
	var TarURL	= "/gallerypopups.php?act=addfav&gid=" + gid + "&t=" + token;
	var IMGsrc	= "http://www.erhlin.cch.org.tw/opd/img/loading.gif"
	//$("#favoritelink").append("<br>&nbsp;<img src='" + IMGsrc + "'>")
		url: TarURL, type: "POST",
		data: { favcat:id, update:"1" },
		success: function(data){ //console.error(JSON.stringify(data))
			var background_position = new RegExp("fi\\.style\\.backgroundPosition='(.+x)';"	,'mi').exec(data)[1];
			var divTitle			= new RegExp("fi\\.title='(.+)'\\;"	,'mi').exec(data)[1];
			//console.error(divTitle + " - " + background_position);
				$("#fav").append('<div class="i" style="background-image:url(http://ehgt.org/g/fav.png); margin-left:16px"></div>')

function GalleryMPV(){ if(!url.match("hentai.org\/mpv\/")) return;
	//Auto Reload Failed Image
	document.addEventListener("load_image", newMessageHandler, false);
	function newMessageHandler(e) { //console.error(JSON.stringify(e.detail.b))
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		$(ImageElem).error(function() {
			console.error("Image fail(" + b + "):" + $(this).attr("src"))
			setTimeout(function(){ unsafeWindow.action_reload(b); }, 2000);
		//.load(function(){ console.error("Load:" + $(this).attr("src")); })
	unsafeWindow.load_image = load_image2
	//Ajust From HashTag
	var hash = location.hash;
	if(hash.length >= 2) document.location = hash

function load_image2(b) {
    if (imagelist[b - 1].i != undefined) {
        var c = '<a href="#page' + (b + 1) + '"><img id="imgsrc_' + b + '" src="' + imagelist[b - 1].i + '" title="' + imagelist[b - 1].n + '" style="margin:0; width:' + imagelist[b - 1].xres + "px; height:" + imagelist[b - 1].yres + 'px" /></a> <div class="mi1"> 	<div class="mi2"> 		' + (imagelist[b - 1].o == "org" ? '<img style="cursor:default" title="Original Image" src="' + img_url + 'mpvd_d.png" />': '<img title="' + imagelist[b - 1].o + '" onclick="action_fullimg(' + b + ')" src="' + img_url + 'mpvd.png" />') + ' 		<img title="Reload broken image" onclick="action_reload(' + b + ')" src="' + img_url + 'mpvr.png" /> 	</div> 	<div class="mi3"> 		<a href="' + base_url + imagelist[b - 1].lo + '" target="_ehshow_' + gid + "_" + b + '"><img title="Open image in normal viewer" onclick="action_open(' + b + ')" src="' + img_url + 'mpvn.png" /></a> 		<img title="Show galleries with this image" onclick="action_search(' + b + ')" src="' + img_url + 'mpvs.png" /> 		<img title="Get forum link to image" onclick="action_link(' + b + ')" src="' + img_url + 'mpvl.png" /> 	</div> 	<div class="mi4">' + imagelist[b - 1].d + " :: " + imagelist[b - 1].n + '</div> 	<div style="clear:both"></div> </div>';
        document.getElementById("image_" + b).innerHTML = c;
        rescale_image(b, document.getElementById("imgsrc_" + b))
		//Here is start
		var event = new CustomEvent( "load_image", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true,
			detail: { "b":b }}
		//and Stop
    } else {
        if (imagelist[b - 1].xhr != undefined) {
        imagelist[b - 1].xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        var a = {
            method: "imagedispatch",
            gid: gid,
            page: b,
            imgkey: imagelist[b - 1].k,
            mpvkey: mpvkey
        api_call(imagelist[b - 1].xhr, a,
        function() {

function GallerySview(){ if(!url.match("hentai.org\/s\/")) return;
	unsafeWindow.load_image = function load_image(a, b) {
		SetEventOut({detail:{page:a , token:b}});
		//return _load_image(a, b, false)
		return false;
		var page 		= e.detail.detail.page
		var token 		= e.detail.detail.token
		var gid 		= unsafeWindow.gid
		var base_url 	= unsafeWindow.base_url
		var TargetURL 	= base_url + "s/" + token + "/" + gid + "-" + page;
		document.location = TargetURL
	function SetGoto(){
		var GoToIng = setInterval(function(){
		}, 700);
	//GetEvent(function(e){ CheckReloadImage(); })
	function CheckReloadImage(){
			testImage($("#img"),function(url, status){
				if(status != "success"){
		, 500);
		$("#i3 img").error(function() { 
			console.error("Image fail:" + $(this).attr("src"))
			//Timeout = setTimeout(function(){ GetImageLink() }, 1500);
			alert($(this).prop("naturalHeight") + "\n" + $(this).prop("naturalWidth"));
	function GetImageLink(){
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			,"imgkey"	: unsafeWindow.startkey
			,"showkey"	: unsafeWindow.showkey }
			url: "/api.php",
			type: "POST",
			data: JSON.stringify(dataIN),
			contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
			dataType: "json",
			success: function(data){ console.error(JSON.stringify(data.i3))
				//var src = /<img id=\"img\" src=\"(.+)\" style/i.exec(data.i3)[1];
				var src = $(data.i3).find("#img").attr("src");

function ButtomCredit(){
	var iconFN = GM_getResourceURL("iconFN");
	 "<div id='CreditText' align='center' style='display:none;'><br><br>"
	+"<a href='https://goo.gl/4L9grY'>E-Hentai 中文功能集 By Tast</a><br><br>"
	+'<div>Icons made by <a href="http://www.flaticon.com/authors/vaadin" title="Vaadin">Vaadin</a> from <a href="http://www.flaticon.com" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a> is licensed by <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/" title="Creative Commons BY 3.0" target="_blank">CC 3.0 BY</a></div>'
	+"<div align='center'><div id='Credit' style='display:inline;'>"
		+"<img src='" + iconFN + "' width='32' height='32'><br><br>"
	$("#Credit").click(function(){ $( "#CreditText" ).toggle( "blind", 500 ); })
	if(url.match("exhentai.org")) $("#CreditText a").css("color","white")

function getQueryString( paramName,paramURL){
	if(paramURL == undefined) paramURL = window.location.href;
	paramName = paramName .replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]").toLowerCase();
	var reg = "[\\?&]"+paramName +"=([^&#]*)";
	var regex = new RegExp( reg );
	var regResults = regex.exec( paramURL.toLowerCase());
	if( regResults == null ) {
		   return "";
	} else {
		   return regResults [1];

(function($) {
    $.fn.goTo = function() {
        $('html, body').animate({
            scrollTop: $(this).offset().top + 'px'
        }, 'fast');
        return this; // for chaining...

var SetEventIN = function(obj){
	var elem 		= ObjUndefined(obj,"elem"		,document)
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function GetEvent(newMessageHandler,eventName){
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function ObjUndefined(obj,key,tar){
	if(obj 		== undefined)	return tar; 
	var objKey = Object.keys(obj)
	for(var i = 0 ; i < objKey.length ; i++){ if(objKey[i] == key) return obj[key]; }
	return tar; 

function testImage(url, callback, timeout) {
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    timeout = timeout || 5000;
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    img.onload = function() {
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            callback(url, "success");
    img.src = url;
    timer = setTimeout(function() {
        timedOut = true;
        callback(url, "timeout");
    }, timeout); 