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Gelbooru fullscreen image viewer

Auto loads original version of any picture on Gelbooru website

Od 11.08.2017.. Pogledajte najnovija verzija.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Gelbooru fullscreen image viewer
// @description    Auto loads original version of any picture on Gelbooru website
// @exclude        /^https?://gelbooru\.com/index\.php\?page=post\&s=view\&id=\d{1,99}#$/
// @include        /^https?://gelbooru\.com/index\.php\?page=post\&s=view\&id=\d{1,99}$/
// @require
// @author         iceman94
// @copyright      2015+, iceman94
// @version        0.01
// @grant          none
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==


// Cross-browsers load function
// Tests in this order :
// -support for jQuery API
// |-uses $(window).load method if available
// |-uses $(window).ready method if available
// -support for DOMContentLoaded event (compatible only with the following browsers :
// Chrome >= 0.2; Firefox >= 1.0; IE >= 9.0; Opera >= 9.0; Safari >= 3.1)
// -support for document.attachEvent
// -uses setTimeout w/ 5000ms delay

function XBLoad (func, verbose)
    verbose = verbose || false;

    if (window.jQuery)
        if ($(window).load)
            if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using $(window).load method'); };
            return $(window).load(function() { func(); });
        else if ($(window).ready)
            if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using $(window).ready method'); };
            return $(window).ready(function() { func(); });
    else if (document.addEventListener)
        if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using document.addEventListener method'); };
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event)
            return func();
    else if (document.attachEvent)
        if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using document.attachEvent method'); };
        document.attachEvent('load', function()
            return func();
        if (verbose == true) { console.log('Javascript loaded using setTimeout method'); };
        return setTimeout(function() { func(); }, 5000);

// Setting up functions

// Loads original (high resolution) version of any picture if available
function loadOriginal ()
	var coll = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
	var collL = coll.length;
	for (var i=0; i<collL; i++)
		if (coll[i] && coll[i].textContent == 'Original image')
			window.location = coll[i].href;
// function loadOriginal ()
// {
	// if (document.getElementById('image') && document.getElementById('image').src)
	// {
		// $('body').load( document.getElementById('image').src);
	// }
// }

// Appends pound ('#') symbol to actual URI to avoid endless redirecting
function editLocation ()
	window.location.replace(window.location.href + "#");

// Showtime !
