EXhentai Visual Borders Helper

Highlight images between JPG, GIF and PNG by border color.

  1. /* ==UserStyle==
  2. @name EXhentai Visual Borders Helper
  3. @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/58231
  4. @version 0.0.1
  5. @description Highlight images between JPG, GIF and PNG by border color.
  6. @author Jaraya
  7. ==/UserStyle== */
  8. @-moz-document url-prefix("https://exhentai.org/g/"),
  9. url-prefix("https://e-hentai.org/g/") {
  10. #gdt > div > a > img[title*="png"] {
  11. border: 3px solid red!important;
  12. margin: -2px!important;
  13. }
  15. #gdt > div > a > img[title*="jpg"],
  16. #gdt > div > a > img[title*="jpeg"] {
  17. border: 3px solid cyan!important;
  18. margin: -2px!important;
  19. }
  21. #gdt > div > a > img[title*="gif"] {
  22. border: 3px solid magenta!important;
  23. margin: -2px!important;
  24. }
  25. }