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Brazen Base Search Enhancer

Base class for search enhancement scripts

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Ovu skriptu ne treba izravno instalirati. To je biblioteka za druge skripte koje se uključuju u meta direktivu // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Brazen Base Search Enhancer
// @namespace    brazenvoid
// @version      2.3.0
// @author       brazenvoid
// @license      GPL-3.0-only
// @description  Base class for search enhancement scripts
// ==/UserScript==

const CONFIG_PAGINATOR_LIMIT = 'Pagination Limit'
const CONFIG_PAGINATOR_THRESHOLD = 'Pagination Threshold'
const OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_SETTINGS_PANE = 'Always Show Settings Pane'

const FILTER_TEXT_BLACKLIST = 'Blacklist'
const FILTER_TEXT_SEARCH = 'Search'
const FILTER_TEXT_SANITIZATION = 'Text Sanitization Rules'
const FILTER_TEXT_WHITELIST = 'Whitelist'

class BrazenPaginator
     * @callback PaginatorAfterPaginationEventHandler
     * @param {BrazenPaginator} paginator

     * @callback PaginatorGetPageNoFromUrlHandler
     * @param {string} pageUrl
     * @param {BrazenPaginator} paginator

     * @callback PaginatorGetPageUrlFromPageNoHandler
     * @param {number} pageNo
     * @param {BrazenPaginator} paginator

     * @callback PaginatorGetPaginationElementForPageNoHandler
     * @param {number} pageNo
     * @param {BrazenPaginator} paginator

     * @param {JQuery} paginationWrapper
     * @param {JQuery.Selector} listSelector
     * @param {JQuery.Selector} itemClassesSelector
     * @param {string } lastPageUrl
     * @return {BrazenPaginator}
    static create (paginationWrapper, listSelector, itemClassesSelector, lastPageUrl)
        return (new BrazenPaginator).configure(paginationWrapper, listSelector, itemClassesSelector, lastPageUrl)

    constructor ()
         * @type {number}
         * @private
        this._currentPageNo = 0

         * @type {JQuery.Selector}
         * @private
        this._itemClassesSelector = ''

         * @type {number}
         * @private
        this._lastPageNo = 0

         * @type {string}
         * @private
        this._lastPageUrl = ''

         * @type {JQuery.Selector}
         * @private
        this._listSelector = ''

         * @type {boolean}
         * @private
        this._pageConcatenated = false

         * @type {number}
         * @private
        this._paginatedPageNo = 0

         * @type {JQuery}
         * @private
        this._paginationWrapper = null

         * @type {JQuery}
         * @private
        this._targetElement = null

        // Events and callbacks

         * @type {PaginatorAfterPaginationEventHandler}
         * @private
        this._onAfterPagination = null

         * @type {PaginatorGetPageNoFromUrlHandler}
         * @private
        this._onGetPageNoFromUrl = null

         * @type {PaginatorGetPageUrlFromPageNoHandler}
         * @private
        this._onGetPageUrlFromPageNo = null

         * @type {PaginatorGetPaginationElementForPageNoHandler}
         * @private
        this._onGetPaginationElementForPageNo = null

    _conformUIToNewPaginatedState ()
        if (this._pageConcatenated) {
            this._pageConcatenated = false

            let currentPageElement = this.getPaginationElementForPageNo(this._currentPageNo)
            let newSubsequentPageNo = this._paginatedPageNo + 1
            let newSubsequentPageNoUrl = this.getPageUrlFromPageNo(newSubsequentPageNo)

            // Mutate current page no element to show paginated page numbers

            currentPageElement.text(this._currentPageNo + '-' + this._paginatedPageNo)

            // Get next pages' pagination elements

            let currentNextPageElements = currentPageElement.nextAll()

            if (this._paginatedPageNo === this._lastPageNo) {

                // Delete all pagination elements if last page is paginated


            } else {

                // Determine whether the paginated page immediately precedes the last page

                if (newSubsequentPageNo !== this._lastPageNo) {

                    // If not so, determine whether pagination element for the page following the paginated page exists

                    let newSubsequentPageElement = this.getPaginationElementForPageNo(newSubsequentPageNo)
                    if (!newSubsequentPageElement.length) {

                        // If it does not exist then try getting the old next page no element

                        let oldSubsequentPageElement = this.getPaginationElementForPageNo(this._currentPageNo + 1)
                        if (oldSubsequentPageElement.length) {

                            // If it does exist then mutate it for this purpose

                            oldSubsequentPageElement.attr('href', newSubsequentPageNoUrl).text(newSubsequentPageNo)

                        } else {

                            // If even that does not exist, then clone the less desirable alternative; the last page element and mutate it to this use

                            let lastPageElement = this.getPaginationElementForPageNo(this._lastPageNo)
                            lastPageElement.clone().insertAfter(currentPageElement).attr('href', newSubsequentPageNoUrl).text(newSubsequentPageNo)


                    // Remove any other pagination elements for already paginated pages

                    currentNextPageElements.each((index, element) => {
                        let paginationLink = $(element)
                        if (this.getPageNoFromUrl(paginationLink.attr('href')) <= this._paginatedPageNo) {
            Utilities.callEventHandler(this._onAfterPagination, [this])

     * @param {number} threshold
     * @param {number} limit
     * @private
    _loadAndParseNextPage (threshold, limit)
        let lastPageHasNotBeenReached = this._paginatedPageNo < this._lastPageNo
        let paginationLimitHasNotBeenMet = limit > 0 && (this._paginatedPageNo - this._currentPageNo) < limit
        let compliantItemsAreLessThanTheThreshold = this._targetElement.find(this._itemClassesSelector + ':not(.noncompliant-item)').length < threshold

        if (lastPageHasNotBeenReached && paginationLimitHasNotBeenMet && compliantItemsAreLessThanTheThreshold) {

            this._sandbox.load(this.getPageUrlFromPageNo(++this._paginatedPageNo) + ' ' + this._listSelector, '', () => {
                this._pageConcatenated = true
                this._sandbox.find(this._itemClassesSelector).insertAfter(this._targetElement.find(this._itemClassesSelector + ':last'))
        } else {

     * @param {JQuery} paginationWrapper
     * @param {JQuery.Selector} listSelector
     * @param {JQuery.Selector} itemClassesSelector
     * @param {string } lastPageUrl
     * @return {BrazenPaginator}
    configure (paginationWrapper, listSelector, itemClassesSelector, lastPageUrl)
        this._lastPageUrl = lastPageUrl
        this._listSelector = listSelector
        this._itemClassesSelector = itemClassesSelector
        this._paginationWrapper = paginationWrapper
        return this

    getCurrentPageNo ()
        return this._currentPageNo

    getLastPageNo ()
        return this._lastPageNo

    getListSelector ()
        return this._listSelector

     * @param {string} pageUrl
     * @return {number}
    getPageNoFromUrl (pageUrl)
        return Utilities.callEventHandlerOrFail('onGetPageNoFromUrl', this._onGetPageNoFromUrl, [pageUrl, this])

     * @param {number} pageNo
     * @return {string}
    getPageUrlFromPageNo (pageNo)
        return Utilities.callEventHandlerOrFail('onGetPageUrlFromPageNo', this._onGetPageUrlFromPageNo, [pageNo, this])

     * @param {number} pageNo
     * @return {JQuery}
    getPaginationElementForPageNo (pageNo)
        return Utilities.callEventHandlerOrFail('onGetPaginationElementForPageNo', this._onGetPaginationElementForPageNo, [pageNo, this])

    getPaginatedPageNo ()
        return this._paginatedPageNo

    getPaginationWrapper ()
        return this._paginationWrapper

    initialize ()
        this._currentPageNo = this.getPageNoFromUrl(window.location.href)
        this._lastPageNo = this.getPageNoFromUrl(this._lastPageUrl)
        this._paginatedPageNo = this._currentPageNo
        this._sandbox = $('<div id="brazen-paginator-sandbox" hidden/>').appendTo('body')
        this._targetElement = $(this._listSelector + ':first')
        return this

     * @param {PaginatorAfterPaginationEventHandler} handler
     * @return {this}
    onAfterPagination (handler)
        this._onAfterPagination = handler
        return this

     * @param {PaginatorGetPageNoFromUrlHandler} handler
     * @return {this}
    onGetPageNoFromUrl (handler)
        this._onGetPageNoFromUrl = handler
        return this

     * @param {PaginatorGetPageUrlFromPageNoHandler} handler
     * @return {this}
    onGetPageUrlFromPageNo (handler)
        this._onGetPageUrlFromPageNo = handler
        return this

     * @param {PaginatorGetPaginationElementForPageNoHandler} handler
     * @return {this}
    onGetPaginationElementForPageNo (handler)
        this._onGetPaginationElementForPageNo = handler
        return this

    run (threshold, limit)
        if (this._paginationWrapper.length && threshold) {
            this._loadAndParseNextPage(threshold, limit)
        return this

class BrazenBaseSearchEnhancer
     * @return BrazenBaseSearchEnhancer
    static initialize ()

    static throwOverrideError ()
        throw new Error('Method must be overridden.')

     * @param {string} scriptPrefix
     * @param {string|string[]} itemClasses
    constructor (scriptPrefix, itemClasses)
         * Array of item compliance filters ordered in intended sequence of execution
         * @type {Function[]}
         * @protected
        this._complianceFilters = []

         * @type {string[]}
         * @protected
        this._itemClasses = Array.isArray(itemClasses) ? itemClasses : [itemClasses]

         * @type {string}
         * @protected
        this._itemClassesSelector = '.' + this._itemClasses.join(',.')

         * Pagination manager
         * @type BrazenPaginator|null
         * @protected
        this._paginator = null

         * @type {string}
         * @protected
        this._scriptPrefix = scriptPrefix

         * @type {StatisticsRecorder}
         * @protected
        this._statistics = new StatisticsRecorder(this._scriptPrefix)

         * @type {BrazenUIGenerator}
         * @protected
        this._uiGen = new BrazenUIGenerator(this._scriptPrefix)

         * @type {Validator}
         * @protected
        this._validator = (new Validator(this._statistics))

         * Local storage store with defaults
         * @type {BrazenConfigurationManager}
         * @protected
        this._configurationManager = BrazenConfigurationManager.create(this._uiGen).
            addFlagField(OPTION_DISABLE_COMPLIANCE_VALIDATION, 'Disables all search filters.').
            addFlagField(OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_SETTINGS_PANE, 'Always show configuration interface.').
            addNumberField(CONFIG_PAGINATOR_LIMIT, 1, 50, 'Limit paginator to concatenate the specified number of maximum pages.').
            addNumberField(CONFIG_PAGINATOR_THRESHOLD, 1, 1000, 'Make paginator ensure the specified number of minimum results.').
            addRulesetField(FILTER_TEXT_BLACKLIST, '', null, null, (rules) => Utilities.buildWholeWordMatchingRegex(rules)).
            addRulesetField(FILTER_TEXT_SANITIZATION, '', (rules) => {
                let sanitizationRulesText = []
                for (let substitute in rules) {
                    sanitizationRulesText.push(substitute + '=' + rules[substitute].join(','))
                return sanitizationRulesText

            }, (rules) => {
                let sanitizationRules = {}, fragments, validatedTargetWords
                for (let sanitizationRule of rules) {

                    if (sanitizationRule.includes('=')) {
                        fragments = sanitizationRule.split('=')
                        if (fragments[0] === '') {
                            fragments[0] = ' '

                        validatedTargetWords = Utilities.trimAndKeepNonEmptyStrings(fragments[1].split(','))
                        if (validatedTargetWords.length) {
                            sanitizationRules[fragments[0]] = validatedTargetWords
                return sanitizationRules
            }, (rules) => {
                let optimizedRules = {}
                for (const substitute in rules) {
                    optimizedRules[substitute] = Utilities.buildWholeWordMatchingRegex(rules[substitute])
                return optimizedRules
            addRulesetField(FILTER_TEXT_WHITELIST, '', null, null, (rules) => Utilities.buildWholeWordMatchingRegex(rules)).
            addTextField(FILTER_TEXT_SEARCH, 'Show videos with these comma separated words in their names.')

        // Events

         * Operations to perform after script initialization
         * @type {Function}
         * @protected
        this._onAfterInitialization = null

         * Operations to perform after UI generation
         * @type {Function}
         * @protected
        this._onAfterUIBuild = null

         * Operations to perform before compliance validation. This callback can also be used to skip compliance validation by returning false.
         * @type {null}
         * @protected
        this._onBeforeCompliance = null

         * Operations to perform before UI generation
         * @type {Function}
         * @protected
        this._onBeforeUIBuild = null

         * Operations to perform after compliance checks, the first time a item is retrieved
         * @type {Function}
         * @protected
        this._onFirstHitAfterCompliance = null

         * Operations to perform before compliance checks, the first time a item is retrieved
         * @type {Function}
         * @protected
        this._onFirstHitBeforeCompliance = null

         * Get item lists from the page
         * @type {Function}
         * @protected
        this._onGetItemLists = null

         * @type {Function}
         * @private
        this._onGetItemName = null

         * Logic to hide a non-compliant item
         * @type {Function}
         * @protected
        this._onItemHide = (item) => {

         * Logic to show compliant item
         * @type {Function}
         * @protected
        this._onItemShow = (item) => {

         * Must return the generated settings section node
         * @type {Function}
         * @protected
        this._onUIBuild = null

         * Validate initiating initialization.
         * Can be used to stop script init on specific pages or vice versa
         * @type {Function}
         * @protected
        this._onValidateInit = () => true

     * Filters items as per settings
     * @param {JQuery} itemsList
     * @param {boolean} fromObserver
     * @protected
    _complyItemsList (itemsList, fromObserver = false)
        let items = fromObserver ? itemsList.filter(this._itemClassesSelector) : itemsList.find(this._itemClassesSelector)
        items.each((index, element) => {
            let item = $(element)
            if (typeof element['scriptProcessedOnce'] === 'undefined') {
                element.scriptProcessedOnce = false
                element.scriptItemName = Utilities.callEventHandlerOrFail('getItemName', this._onGetItemName, [item])
                Utilities.callEventHandler(this._onFirstHitBeforeCompliance, [item])


            if (!element['scriptProcessedOnce']) {
                Utilities.callEventHandler(this._onFirstHitAfterCompliance, [item])
                element.scriptProcessedOnce = true


     * @protected
    _createSettingsFormActions ()
        return this._uiGen.createFormSection().append([
                this._uiGen.createFormButton('Apply', 'Apply settings.', () => this._onApplyNewSettings()),
                this._uiGen.createFormButton('Save', 'Apply and update saved configuration.', () => this._onSaveSettings()),
                this._uiGen.createFormButton('Reset', 'Revert to saved configuration.', () => this._onResetSettings()),

     * @param {JQuery} UISection
     * @private
    _embedUI (UISection)
        UISection.on('mouseleave', (event) => {
            if (!this._configurationManager.getValue(OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_SETTINGS_PANE)) {
        if (this._configurationManager.getValue(OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_SETTINGS_PANE)) {
        this._uiGen.constructor.appendToBody(this._uiGen.createSettingsShowButton('', UISection))

    _onApplyNewSettings ()

    _onResetSettings ()

    _onSaveSettings ()

     * @protected
    _showNotLoggedInAlert ()
        alert('You need to be logged in to use this functionality')

     * @param {boolean} firstRun
     * @protected
    _validateCompliance (firstRun = false)
        let itemLists = Utilities.callEventHandler(this._onGetItemLists)
        if (!firstRun) {
            itemLists.each((index, itemsList) => {
        } else {
            itemLists.each((index, itemList) => {
                let itemListObject = $(itemList)

                if (this._paginator && {
                    ChildObserver.create().onNodesAdded((itemsAdded) => {
                        this._complyItemsList($(itemsAdded), true)
              , this._configurationManager.getValue(CONFIG_PAGINATOR_LIMIT))
                } else {
                    ChildObserver.create().onNodesAdded((itemsAdded) => this._complyItemsList($(itemsAdded), true)).observe(itemList)

        if (this._paginator) {
  , this._configurationManager.getValue(CONFIG_PAGINATOR_LIMIT))

     * @param {JQuery} item
     * @return {boolean}
     * @protected
    _validateItemBlacklist (item)
        let field = this._configurationManager.getField(FILTER_TEXT_BLACKLIST)
        return field.value.length ? this._validator.validateTextDoesNotContain(item[0].scriptItemName, field.optimized, FILTER_TEXT_BLACKLIST) : true

     * @param {JQuery} item
     * @protected
    _validateItemCompliance (item)
        let itemComplies = true

        if (!this._configurationManager.getValue(OPTION_DISABLE_COMPLIANCE_VALIDATION) &&
            this._validateItemWhiteList(item) &&
            Utilities.callEventHandler(this._onBeforeCompliance, [item], true)
        ) {
            for (let complianceFilter of this._complianceFilters) {
                if (!complianceFilter(item)) {
                    itemComplies = false
        itemComplies ? Utilities.callEventHandler(this._onItemShow, [item]) : Utilities.callEventHandler(this._onItemHide, [item])

     * @param {JQuery} item
     * @return {boolean}
     * @protected
    _validateItemWhiteList (item)
        let field = this._configurationManager.getField(FILTER_TEXT_WHITELIST)
        return field.value.length ? this._validator.validateTextContains(item[0].scriptItemName, field.optimized, FILTER_TEXT_WHITELIST) : true

     * Initialize the script and do basic UI removals
    init ()
        if (Utilities.callEventHandler(this._onValidateInit)) {


            if (this._paginator) {




            this._uiGen.updateStatus('Initial run completed.')
