Xhamster Widescreen - New Design v.478

Wide Xhamster on large screen (1920x1080) ONLY...

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v1.176.0 24.05.2021.

    Continue to Fine Tuning for Chrome and Correction lor Videos in Blog / "About Me" pages

  • v1.175.0 23.05.2021.

    Fine tuning Videos/ Images in "About Me"

  • v1.174.0 22.05.2021.

    Adaptation for difference between Chrome / Firefox Quantum / Waterfox Classic and some fine tuning

  • v1.173.5 22.04.2021.

    small correction for Creator Badge on hover (Video page)

  • v1.173.0 22.04.2021.

    refine Tags Colors Background, Badge Creator

  • v1.172.0 27.03.2021.

    Smalls corrections ...

  • v1.171.0 21.03.2021.

    Small correction

  • v1.170.0 21.03.2021.

    More fine tuning...

  • v1.169.0 23.02.2021. Clean colors, top header, report icon in video page etc ....
  • v1.168.0 03.02.2021. improve thumbnail in many place
  • v1.167.6 20.12.2020.

Show all script versions