FAKKU Metadata Downloader
Script that allows you to easily generate JSON metadata file from FAKKU doujin/hentai just by one click!
Source code - Report an issue, contribute - Greasy Fork

Button generates and downloads json file like this (example below)
all tags can be found here
"URL": "url",
"Title": "string",
"Artist": "string",
"Parody": "stringk",
"Magazine": "string",
"Publisher": "string",
"Language": "string",
"Pages": 123,
"Favourites": 123,
"Description": "string",
"Tags": [
"Thumb": "url",
"Related": [
"Released": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss UTC"
generated example from Bubbling Over
"URL": "https://www.fakku.net/hentai/bubbling-over-english",
"Title": "Bubbling Over",
"Artist": "Fujimaru",
"Parody": "Original Work",
"Magazine": "Comic Kairakuten 2022-09",
"Publisher": "FAKKU",
"Language": "English",
"Pages": 20,
"Favourites": 489,
"Description": "Long have they endured...now, they're finally ready.",
"Tags": [
"heart pupils",
"short hair",
"Thumb": "https://t.fakku.net/images/manga/b/bubbling-over-english_1659739951/thumbs/002.thumb.jpg",
"Related": [
"Released": "2022-08-07 19:06:00 UTC"