HV - 战斗日志汉化 JS - 汉化 HV 战斗日志
XVIDEOS Blacklister JS - Delete unwanted xvideos.com videos with a list of blacklisted keywords (see code for the list)
Camwhores.tv Private Vids JS - automatically open private videos in a new tab using the URL script by reddit user Bakolas
Data18 WideScreen Dark and Gray v.2 CSS - Wide Data18
图集岛VIP中P(改) JS - VIP破解 + 单张下载 + 一键下载(批量单张下载)+ 打包下载 + Viwer预览(可以使用FancyBox但是不让发布不会js引用) + 简易收藏功能
Embed - 废柴视频网 JS - 允许直接播放VIP视频❗
18comic漫画下载edited JS - 从18comic上下载cbz格式(整话阅读)或webp格式(分页阅读)的漫画
Hitomi.la - Spacebar/Enter to go next panel JS - Enables clicking `spacebar` (or `enter`) to go to next panel, and shift+spacebar (of shift+enter) to go to previous
Javdb评分筛选 JS - 突出显示好评番号,淡化评价的的
Download / Play - [ X ] JS - 1) Auto play 2) Auto widescreen 3) High quality playback 4) Click to push the next video 5) Download thumbnail
Restore Removed Posts JS - Script tries to restore images/videos from removed posts. If post couldn't be restored that means it had been also removed from servers.
Rule34 Artist favorites JS - A simple script to add the possibility to favorite artists to rule34
video play util JS - Universal video control, Control of the first video element of the page, advance and retract and multiply speed.
91porn视频直链获取J JS - 在91视频播放的下方添加m3u8下载直链 借鉴:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/427514-91porn%E5%8E%BB%E5%B9%BF%E5%91%8A-%E6%94%AF%E6%8C%81%E5%BC%B9%E5%B9%95
find panda JS - check panda.chaika.moe for related galleries when searching
Pornolab Shows Thumbnails of all torrents on Forum Page JS - Lets you preview torrents first image by showing on hover on the tracker listing
亚洲审美车(极品比较多) JS - 破解网站时长限制,需要自己注册登录
Javbus 工具 JS - Javbus 瀑布流排序
哔咔漫画一键下载 JS - 推荐打开梯子下载,不然下载很慢,还容易出错少图。 1.分集选择页面按d下载所有分集。2.阅读时按d下载当前分集。3.漫画详情页面打开新标签页。4.读不到登录信息时跳转到登录页面。5.修复选集页面看不到推荐漫画。6.屏蔽部分广告。
HV 彩虹小马 (My Little Pony) JS - 验证码助手 (Hentaiverse verification helper)
磁力链接一键推送下载 JS - 一键下载 ✅115网盘 ✅PikPak ✅qbitorrent ✅aria2 添加磁力链接 目前支持98堂、javbus
Pre-Client Remake Minify JS - Beta, Have issue.
JavBus-Guide 番号筛选器 JS - JavBus 影片筛选
Iwara 自动分辨率调整 JS - 自动调整新版 Iwara 的视频分辨率为原始分辨率
灵梦御所隐藏默认打开 JS - 优化事件钩子
iwara 一键搜索 JS - 一键在mmdfans.net中搜索MMD
Reddit Embed Redgifs Video JS - embed iframe redgifs in posts for reddit
含羞草破解播放 vip、收费免费观看 fi11.tv JS - 含羞草破解播放 vip、收费免费观看 fi11.tv 免费下载视频
waifubitches.com, ososedki.com Downloader JS - Download gallery from waifubitches.com, ososedki.com
HearYourWaifu | HYW JS - Let's you view censored messages.
rule34 fav JS - fav rule34 post by hotkey 'F' or numpad enter
Rule34 Blacklisted Element Blocker JS - Blocks blacklisted elements on Rule34 website for a cleaner browsing experience
Missav 多开播放 JS - Missav 多开播放.
在kemono.party和coomer.party中使用滾輪翻頁 JS - 當你將滾輪滾動至頁面頂部或底部時觸發翻頁。
搜索那个 JS - 日本影视行业内部搜索工具Pro Max Plus Ultra
Working ExHentai Login Screen (Cookies) JS - Displays a (working) login form.
javbus 巴士司机 - 开得稳,不翻车,带你嗨 JS - javbus 功能增强,增加稍后再看、已观看、收藏影片、收藏演员、去广告功能。更多功能持续更新中...
MissavNoPause JS - Missav切换页面或者失去焦点都会自动暂停,此插件就是阻止视频自动暂停,不影响空格或者单击导致的暂停。注意:使用manifestV3实现后,可能每次需要手动授权才会运行,首次使用,如果需要授权,请选择总是允许(chrome不需要,firefox需要),这样下次打开页面就会自动运行了。当游猴不能运行远程脚本时,可以直接安装插件,源代码及更多详情见:https://github.com/ChangShaJackMa/MissavNoPause。
XNXX Dark Theme JS - XNXX Dark them.
Turn kemono.party fluid player into video link JS - Makes it real easy to download or open the raw video, as it turns the video name into a clickable link.
Kemono.Party - User Filter JS - Block specified user in artists page and posts page.
bikamanhua.com(哔咔漫画/PicAcg) 增强 JS - 增强体验:1. 自动调节图片高度、宽度;2. 手动修改图片最大高度, 一行装下更多图; 3. 使用方向键或鼠标按键/滚轮进行快速翻页; 4. 阅读背景、图片边框
Generate patreon links for reactionsBot JS - This script generates buttons on kemono.party which a copy a link to the clipboard that is usable for the reactionBot
SeaArt Blur Remover JS - Remove blurred images from SeaArt
E-Hentai Helper JS - 画廊新窗口打开
hitomi.la url catcher JS - Copy shown content's URL and name to clipboard, maintained for JDownloader2. like https://URL%Packagename=name, and based nyaa magnet catcher thank you very much for based coder.
Water|Client JS - next time dont use Hack!,,,,, Credits to essa & Smiley
GetSome"m3u8" JS - 获取网页中的m3u8资源
xfolio解除保存限制 JS - 在图片浏览界面生成保存按钮,点按即可保存到浏览器默认下载目录
E-Hentai - UX Tweaks JS - Numerous features to enrich your browsing experience
Bypass reddit nsfw click JS - Click on blurred nodes on Reddit
Xvideos download videos in hd with yt-dlp JS - Xvideos download videos in HD 1080p or at the highest resolution available and at high speed with yt-dlp.exe
草榴社区 JS - 论坛式在线播放平台
mmdfans 一键下载 JS - 在网页上检测视频标签并获取标题和下载链接,点击下载按钮会跳转到视频链接下载并尝试返回页面。
Bunkrr DL Button JS - Add a download button below each thumbnails
海角社区脚本 JS - 海角社区视频解析
自动登录并获取VIP JS - auto login
Greasefork auto redirect Sleazyfork discussions JS - Redirect to Sleazyfork when discussions is adult.
rule34 search modify JS - convenience, adding this search prompt to every search
Reddit Redgifs VideoJS in Post JS - reddit display redgifs video with videoJS within iframe
m网站跳转移除 JS - missav网站跳转移除
Redgifs Embed Tweaks JS - tweaks redgifs embed/iframe video
Multporn Blur Killer JS - Removes the blur on comic headers
AV Info Saver - AV 作品信息一键保存工具 JS - 将厂商、系列、发布日期、演员名、番号等 AV 作品信息作为封面图片文件名,一键保存到本地的油猴脚本。
福利吧 Lite JS - 移除福利吧主站网页的多余元素。
一键打开 Javlibrary 当前页面所有视频的详情页 JS - 一键打开 Javlibrary 当前页面所有视频的详情页(带自定义间隔时间)
解决草榴社区(1024) 去广告后隐藏内容的问题 JS - 解除草榴广告拦截后的十秒限制
Hitomi.la cover animation JS - Replace jQuery animation with CSS transition on Hitomi.la hover reveal effect for preview images to fix stutter or delay.
Play stripchat or chaturbate videos with potplayer,vlc,nplayer,mpv, etc V2 JS - Play stripchat or chaturbate videos with potplayer,vlc,nplayer,mpv, etc.
海角社区脚本 JS - 海角社区视频解析
Open RedGifs on phtn.app JS - Open RedGifs on phtn.app inside a iframe
e-hentai images overload JS - preload and cache next pages for faster loading time!
javdb优化 JS - javdb优化方便跳转不同网站
t66y cleaner JS - t66y屏蔽10秒
JAV cover picture + video preview JS - yase.one、JavDB、JavBus、JavLibrary avmoo.cyou、JAV cover picture + video preview
Hitomi Language Settings JS - Change all language page to specific language result page.
看图能手 图集多页\分页 合并展示 JS - 分页图片合并展示,支持打包下载
Pornhub: Copy username along with video title JS - Saves time pasting filenames to downloaded pornhub videos.
SauceNAO 跳轉e-hentai JS - SauceNAO 跳轉e-hentai按鈕
HV Utils URL CN JS - zh-cn
【etai2019】明里小秘书 JS - 评论区、优优收藏馆、紬宝图片馆。侧边展示、简洁排版和无限翻页
【Mod】PHDownloader JS - Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com 【Mod】1、调整样式减少版面占用,2、增加对手机网页的支持
4chan /gif/ sound fix - CORS issue JS - Fix webm that are silenced because of CORS
Ehentai画廊收藏助手 (BennyChou 自用修改版) JS - Ehentai画廊收藏助手的修改版,詳細資訊請參考倉庫描述 https://github.com/bennyz327/Ehentai-gallery-script
e-hance JS - 一个脚本,用来改善e站的观看体验
Redgifs full height video JS - use css to set full height video
Redgifs watch page view only video JS - watch page show only video
中文版nhentai JS - 翻译nhentai的标签和界面为中文
Pornhub移动端体验提升 JS - Pornhub移动端使用体验提升,优化了视频播放页交互
Empornium: Name to tag search JS - Takes marked text and searches empornium
Hide Blacklisted Posts on Rule34.xxx JS - Simple script to hide blacklisted posts on Rule34.xxx
Recurbate download JS - Adds a download button for each video on recurbate.com/cc
去掉烦人的“外链安全检查” JS - 如题,点击即达
海角大兄弟 JS - 播放并复制链接
草飞pixiv浏览记录会员限制 JS - 狠狠破解pixiv让你可以使用一些会员的功能
2048论坛自动滚动和度盘检测 JS - 打开帖子自动滚动到正文部分,并且自动执行检测附件
Skip First 3 Seconds of Pornhub Videos JS - Automatically skip the first 3 seconds of every video on Pornhub when it starts playing.
JAVlibrary磁力搜索 JS - JAVlibrary磁力搜索,搜索引擎为btdigg与16magnet
pixelplanet.fun picture overlay JS - Add your picture as overlay to pixelplanet.fun