Date Moderator Item Action Reason
2024.12.11. woxxom Script: 移动端微软Rewards每日任务脚本 自用修改 by NoWorld Delete and lock
2024.12.11. hoothin User: baqvilla Ban
2024.12.11. hoothin User: j房管局法国海军肉汤羊肉汤已投入 Ban
2024.12.11. hoothin User: utrurtu5647457 Ban
2024.12.11. hoothin User: geryeryret45346 Ban
2024.12.10. JasonBarnabe User: wattana19945 Ban
2024.12.10. JasonBarnabe User: AGRMrefractory Ban
2024.12.10. JasonBarnabe User: Canadian Business Email Database Ban
2024.12.10. woxxom User: Hanna Wilson Ban
2024.12.10. woxxom User: Mitolyn Ban
2024.12.10. woxxom User: Mitolyn Reviews Australia Ban
2024.12.10. woxxom User: StoneyMartha Ban
2024.12.10. woxxom User: minayillbh Ban
2024.12.10. woxxom User: Mahtab Khan Ban
2024.12.10. woxxom User: LarySattler Ban
2024.12.10. woxxom User: Angelo Mitchell Ban
2024.12.10. woxxom User: stacey marshall Ban
2024.12.10. woxxom User: BernieAbbott Ban
2024.12.09. woxxom Script: Duolingo Streak Buff Delete and lock
dupe of 520132
2024.12.09. woxxom Script: Auto Increment Streaks Delete and lock
dupe of 520227
2024.12.09. woxxom User: minatillcb Ban
2024.12.09. woxxom Script: 百度网盘SVIP解析高速下载-度娘加速 Undelete
2024.12.09. woxxom User: AnvikaJoe Ban
2024.12.09. woxxom User: DeweyGrier Ban
2024.12.09. woxxom User: Vitalflexcore Ban
2024.12.09. NotYou User: Latosha McCray Ban
2024.12.08. JasonBarnabe Script: ku11works Delete and lock
2024.12.08. JasonBarnabe User: Ku11 Works Ban
2024.12.08. woxxom Script: 百度网盘SVIP解析高速下载-度娘加速 Delete and lock
2024.12.08. woxxom Script: 💯 懒人专用系列 ——— 全网 VIP 视频破解去广告 Delete and lock
2024.12.08. woxxom Script: 懒人专用,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告、全网音乐直接下载、知乎增强、短视频无水印下载、百度网盘直接下载等多功能工具箱,功能可独立开关。长期更新,放心使用。v6 Delete and lock
2024.12.08. woxxom Script: BstX Notes Undelete
2024.12.08. woxxom Script: 🍇 全国网课处理【学习通 U校园ai 知到 英华 仓辉 雨课堂 职教云】【学起 青书 柠檬 睿学 慕享 出头科技 慕华】【国开 广开】等平台视频处理,作业和考试 客服微信:wkds857 Delete and lock
invalid code with broken IIFE
2024.12.08. woxxom User: Deleted user 1407016 Ban
invalid code with broken IIFE
2024.12.08. woxxom Script: 🍇 全国网课处理【学习通 U校园ai 知到 英华 仓辉 雨课堂 职教云】【学起 青书 柠檬 睿学 慕享 出头科技 慕华】【国开 广开】等平台视频处理,作业和考试 客服微信:wkds857 Delete and lock
invalid code with broken IIFE
2024.12.08. StephenP Script: My Script Name Delete and lock
2024.12.08. StephenP User: rongbachkim247 Ban
2024.12.08. StephenP Script: My Script Name Delete and lock
2024.12.08. StephenP User: soicaumienphi888 Ban
2024.12.08. woxxom Script: BstX Notes Delete and lock
2024.12.08. JasonBarnabe User: Deleted user 1408163 Ban
2024.12.08. JasonBarnabe Script: Replace Emoji Script Delete and lock
2024.12.08. JasonBarnabe Script: Emoji Replacer Delete and lock
2024.12.08. JasonBarnabe Script: FCQ网课通助手[全网题库][通用智能适配答题][刷课] Delete and lock
2024.12.07. NotYou Script: Rule34 Combined Script Mark as adult content
Contains functionality for adult website
2024.12.07. JasonBarnabe User: Elsie Vidrio Ban
2024.12.07. JasonBarnabe User: VolteX Heated Vest Ban
2024.12.07. JasonBarnabe User: Hector Villegas Ban
2024.12.07. JasonBarnabe User: FoamyHero Ban
2024.12.07. woxxom Script: 【😉♂️已完美兼容、智慧树、中国大学mooc、慕课、雨课堂、新国开、超星、学习通、知到、国家开放大学、蓝墨云、职教云、智慧职教、云班课精品课、剩余网站仅支持部分功能✨】 Delete and lock
2024.12.07. woxxom Comment on discussion: A review on LinkSwift Delete
2024.12.07. woxxom User: 70965464949 Ban
abusive behavior
2024.12.07. woxxom User: cupfoxys Ban
2024.12.07. woxxom User: monopijkl Ban
2024.12.07. woxxom User: adamsmith6089 Ban
2024.12.07. woxxom User: GordonFuler Ban
2024.12.07. woxxom User: Deleted user 1407675 Ban
2024.12.07. woxxom User: biotrustageless Ban
2024.12.07. woxxom User: Joye Hoe Ban
2024.12.07. woxxom Comment on discussion: miniblox hacked client Delete
2024.12.07. woxxom Comment on discussion: miniblox hacked client Delete
2024.12.07. woxxom Comment on discussion: miniblox hacked client Delete
2024.12.07. woxxom Comment on discussion: miniblox hacked client Delete
2024.12.07. woxxom Comment on discussion: miniblox hacked client Delete
2024.12.07. woxxom Comment on discussion: miniblox hacked client Delete
2024.12.07. woxxom Script: hello world Delete and lock
2024.12.07. woxxom Script: 🔥超星学习通小助手[章节、作业、考试] |后台自动挂机|闯关课程|自动答题|阅读时长|公式题、图片题|1:1时长|不清进度| Delete and lock
2024.12.07. woxxom Script: 🔥超星学习通小助手-章节、作业、考试覆盖98%|后台自动挂机|闯关课程|自动答题|阅读时长|公式题、图片题|1:1时长|不清进度|云端题库实时更新{爱来自蛋炒饭} Delete and lock
2024.12.07. woxxom Script: 最强超星学习通网课助手 Delete and lock
2024.12.07. woxxom Script: 网页继续教育万能自动播放视频倍数,支持国家开放大学|成人本科|继续教育|教师|会计|医生|华医网|好医生|公需课|专业课|网课等均部分支持需要尝试 Delete and lock
2024.12.07. woxxom Script: 🏆电脑网页浏览器万能视频加速快进倍速播放刷课时一键加速,🏆支持开放大学|教师|会计|医生|专业技术人员继续教育|公需课|专业课|企业培训等 🏆使用前可添加作者微信🏆 Delete and lock
2024.12.06. JasonBarnabe User: omen666 Ban
2024.12.06. JasonBarnabe Script: Demis boti brat Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom User: Eva Mason Ban
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: Telegram Photo Protection Remover Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: Telegram Web - Allow Saving Content Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: Telegram Media Downloader Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: Script Finder GreasyFork Script Lookup Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: [Premium] Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: LinksBypasser Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: Block All Popups in My Blogs Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: AdsBypasser Lite Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: Instagram Download Button Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: Bypass All Shortlinks Manual Captcha Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: Greasyfork Search with Sleazyfork Results include Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: AdRemover Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: Additional Bypass Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: adLBypasser [v1.6] || Ouo.Io, Uii.Io, Exe.Io, Bc.Vc, Adf.Ly & More ✔ NINCSENEK HIRDETÉSEK Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: AB Links Solver Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom Script: Bypass Összes Rövid linkek Delete and lock
2024.12.06. woxxom User: Md Abdul Awal Ban
2024.12.06. woxxom User: bintinhalp Ban
2024.12.06. hoothin User: KansasMcCabe Ban
2024.12.06. hoothin User: AntoineAker Ban
2024.12.06. StephenP User: Kathy Lutz Ban
2024.12.06. JasonBarnabe User: xiaoj2002 Ban
2024.12.06. JasonBarnabe User: Deleted user 1407170 Ban
2024.12.05. StephenP User: Deleted user 1400389 Ban
2024.12.05. StephenP User: Cornelia Reeves Ban
2024.12.05. StephenP User: Ruby Rice Ban