Date Moderator Item Action Reason
2021.08.16. wOxxOm Deleted script 419454 Delete and lock
2021.08.16. wOxxOm Deleted script 426298 Delete and lock
2021.08.16. wOxxOm Deleted script 427191 Delete and lock
2021.08.16. wOxxOm Deleted script 31470 Delete and lock
2021.08.16. wOxxOm Deleted script 4294 Delete and lock
2021.08.16. wOxxOm Deleted script 428766 Delete and lock
2021.08.16. wOxxOm Deleted script 428766 Delete and lock
2021.08.16. wOxxOm Script: anti-redirect Delete and lock
2021.08.16. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 805121 Ban
2021.08.16. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 805110 Ban
2021.08.16. wOxxOm Script: 智能划词翻译,可替换原文版 Undelete
2021.08.16. JasonBarnabe User: Deleted user 804932 Ban
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 430748 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 430741 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 430742 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 418447 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 369862 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 408860 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 430218 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 32957 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 367750 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 30341 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 430828 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 430827 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 430832 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. JasonBarnabe User: Deleted user 804962 Ban
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 368192 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 427751 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. JasonBarnabe User: Deleted user 804916 Ban
2021.08.15. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804896 Ban
2021.08.15. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804343 Ban
2021.08.15. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 803945 Ban
2021.08.15. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 798687 Ban
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 421365 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804762 Ban
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 430537 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 430537 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Script: 狄卡小幫手-圖片下載 Mark as adult content
Screenshot is NSFW
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 430803 Delete and lock
2021.08.15. wOxxOm Deleted script 430802 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. JasonBarnabe User: Deleted user 804686 Ban
2021.08.14. JasonBarnabe User: Deleted user 777246 Ban
2021.08.14. JasonBarnabe Script: MAL-Sync (Deprecated on Greasyfork) Undelete
Updated to be unminified
2021.08.14. JasonBarnabe User: Deleted user 804613 Ban
2021.08.14. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804586 Ban
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 420590 Undelete
Appeal #3
2021.08.14. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804556 Ban
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Script: CSGO饰品2D/3D对比 Undelete
Appeal #2
2021.08.14. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804510 Ban
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Script: CSGO饰品2D/3D对比 Undelete
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 430637 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 24269 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 402003 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Script: CSGO饰品2D/3D对比 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804472 Ban
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 430706 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 430708 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 430709 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 430732 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 430648 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 430683 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 428409 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 412777 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 408287 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 408286 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 397645 Delete and lock
2021.08.14. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 456838 Ban
2021.08.14. wOxxOm Deleted script 397344 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Script: CSGO饰品2D/3D对比 Undelete
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 430363 Delete and lock
obfuscated code
2021.08.13. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 800448 Ban
obfuscated code
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 430363 Delete and lock
obfuscated code
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 428715 Delete and lock
discord token stealer
2021.08.13. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 788971 Ban
discord token stealer
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 428715 Delete and lock
discord token stealer
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 430704 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 430723 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804329 Ban
2021.08.13. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804171 Ban
2021.08.13. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804209 Ban
2021.08.13. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804309 Ban
2021.08.13. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804289 Ban
2021.08.13. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804240 Ban
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 430709 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 430708 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 430706 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 430704 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 803921 Ban
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Script: CSGO饰品2D/3D对比 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Script: CSGO饰品2D/3D对比 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 423826 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 427046 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 430315 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 401375 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 382816 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 427535 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 426117 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Script: 超星学习通网课助手(考试专版) Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm Deleted script 430369 Delete and lock
2021.08.13. wOxxOm User: Deleted user 804014 Ban