Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Cleared Pixiv Artists

Keeps track of Pixiv artists' works and image responses and adds a random link to one of those pages.

Ezek a szkript azon változatai, ahol a kód módosítva lett. Minden verzió mutatása

  • v2017.06.08 2017.06.09. Fixed on Danbooru artist pages
  • v2017.04.24 2017.04.25. Other HTTPS fixes
  • v2017.04.18 2017.04.18. https pixiv @include
  • v2015.03.08 2015.03.08. Added title attribute containing total links (pending+cleared) to random link
  • v2014.07.25 2014.07.26. Forced random link to never point to the current page if there's another choice; Remove strikethrough when a new link is added
  • v2014.02.23 2014.07.26.