Ezt a szkriptet nem ajánlott közvetlenül telepíteni. Ez egy könyvtár más szkriptek számára, amik tartalmazzák a // @require https://update.sleazyfork.org/scripts/433074/974435/zjy_002.js
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name zjy_002
- // @namespace http://xg.com
- // @version 1.0
- // @description this is a script for automatically refreshing courseware.
- // @author XG
- // @run-at document-end
- // @grant none
- // @License MIT
- // ==/UserScript==
- const sk = {
- hrefs: [],
- // The progress of TAB B on the current page
- progressSpans: [],
- arrowDown: 'am-icon-caret-down',
- // PPT viewing speed
- pptSpeedL: [1, 8, 15, 40],
- pptSpeedR: [4, 15, 40, 100],
- speedName: ['低速', '正常', '高速', '光速'],
- // Video viewing speed
- videoSpeedL: [2, 8, 10, 100],
- videoSpeedR: [6, 10, 30, 500],
- // Courseware interval time
- waitTimeL: [60, 20, 10, 5],
- waitTimeR: [120, 30, 15, 10],
- // Input viewing speed
- speed: '',
- zjsqInfoDom: '',
- currentLessonIndex: 0,
- lessonFailed: 0,
- totalStudyTime: 0,
- losingStreak: 0,
- stopFlag: false,
- totalLessons: 0,
- httpData: '',
- main: function () {
- var {
- isVip,
- isOver,
- nowFree
- } = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("httpData"));
- if (!isVip == false && !nowFree == false) {
- alert('Please make an illegal call!');
- return;
- }
- try {
- // fetch global datas
- sk.log('当前选择为:' + sk.speedName[sk.speed]);
- sk.log('开始获取课件数据!');
- sk.globalDataHander();
- // get datas
- setTimeout(() => {
- sk.log('正在准备刷取学习进度及时间的必要信息...');
- // started
- sk.directoryDataRequester(0);
- }, 12000);
- return 'started';
- } catch (e) {
- sk.log('主程序异常,可能无法正常工作:' + e);
- };
- },
- log: function (text) {
- const info = `[${new Date().format()}] ${text}`;
- console.log(info);
- sk.zjsqInfoDom.append(info + '<br>');
- var ele = sk.zjsqInfoDom[0];
- ele.scrollTop = ele.scrollHeight + 999
- },
- //Get random number
- getRndInteger: function (min, max) {
- return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
- },
- initial: function () {
- function makeDivDraggable(id) {
- var Drag = document.getElementById(id);
- Drag.onmousedown = function (event) {
- var ev = event || window.event;
- event.stopPropagation();
- var disX = ev.clientX - Drag.offsetLeft;
- var disY = ev.clientY - Drag.offsetTop;
- document.onmousemove = function (event) {
- var ev = event || window.event;
- Drag.style.left = ev.clientX - disX + 'px';
- Drag.style.top = ev.clientY - disY + 'px';
- Drag.style.cursor = 'move';
- }
- }
- Drag.onmouseup = function () {
- document.onmousemove = null;
- this.style.cursor = 'default';
- }
- };
- try {
- console.log('正在初始化...请勿随意操作页面...');
- Date.prototype.format = function () {
- var format = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss';
- var o = {
- 'M+': this.getMonth() + 1, // month
- 'd+': this.getDate(), // day
- 'H+': this.getHours(), // hour
- 'm+': this.getMinutes(), // minute
- 's+': this.getSeconds(), // second
- 'q+': Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3), // quarter
- S: this.getMilliseconds() // millisecond
- };
- if (/(y+)/.test(format)) {
- format = format.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + '').substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));
- };
- for (var k in o) {
- if (new RegExp('(' + k + ')').test(format)) {
- format = format.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.length == 1 ? o[k] : ('00' + o[k]).substr(('' + o[k]).length));
- };
- };
- return format;
- }
- //$('<style></style>').text(getText(zjsqCss)).appendTo($('head'));
- // $('body').append(getText(zjsqHtml))
- var mainView = document.createElement("div");
- mainView.setAttribute('style', 'background-color: green')
- mainView.innerHTML = '<div id="zjyInfoBoxId" class="zjyInfoBox"><div class="zjyTitle"><h3 style="text-align: center">职教云刷课X.G防封版</h3></div><div id="zjyInfo">欢迎使用X.G定制版本~! | <br>正在初始化...请勿随意操作页面...<br></div></div>';
- document.body.appendChild(mainView);
- $('<style></style>').text(
- '.zjyInfoBox {' +
- 'width: 700px;' +
- 'height: 450px;' +
- 'background-color:#8dd08d;' +
- //'overflow:auto'+
- 'position:absolute;' +
- 'top:50%;' +
- 'left:50%;' +
- 'transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);' +
- '-moz-transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);' +
- '-webkit-transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);' +
- '-ms-transform:translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);' +
- 'border-radius:5px;' +
- 'z-index: 9999;' +
- 'box-shadow: 3px 3px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.2);' +
- 'padding: 20px;}' +
- '.zjyTitle {' +
- 'font-weight: bold;' +
- 'font-size: 16px;' +
- 'width: 100%;' +
- 'text-align: center;}' +
- '#zjyInfo {' +
- 'border-radius: 4px;' +
- 'margin-top: 15px;' +
- 'padding: 15px;' +
- 'width: 100%;' +
- 'height: 370px;' +
- 'word-wrap: break-word;' +
- 'overflow-y: scroll;' +
- 'font-size: 14px;' +
- 'color: #FAFAFA;' +
- 'background-color: #7ea290;}'
- ).appendTo($('head'));
- makeDivDraggable('zjyInfoBoxId');
- console.log('makeAfter')
- sk.zjsqInfoDom = $('#zjyInfo');
- return true;
- } catch (e) {
- sk.log('初始化控制台框架异常:' + e);
- return false;
- };
- },
- hrefParamsToArray: function (url) {
- return url
- .substring(url.indexOf('?') + 1)
- .split('&')
- .map((query) => query.split('='))
- .reduce((params, pairs) => (params[pairs[0]] = pairs[1] || '', params), {});
- },
- studyProcessRequester: function (data) {
- // Record value of successful video viewing
- let successStudyTime = 0;
- function getProcessText() {
- return `[${new Date().format()}] 完成进度:(${Math.max(requestData.studyNewlyPicNum,Math.floor(Math.min(requestData.studyNewlyTime,successStudyTime)))}/${Math.max(data.pageCount,data.audioVideoLong)}) / 成功数:${successCount} / 失败数:${failedCount}`;
- };
- if (sk.stopFlag === true) return 0;
- var lessonId = `lesson${sk.currentLessonIndex}`;
- var successCount = 0;
- var failedCount = 0;
- var totalCount = 0;
- // var randomRequestTimes = Math.floor((Math.random() * 87) + 56)
- const requestData = {
- courseOpenId: data.courseOpenId,
- openClassId: data.openClassId,
- cellId: data.cellId,
- cellLogId: data.cellLogId,
- picNum: 0,
- studyNewlyTime: 0,
- studyNewlyPicNum: 0,
- token: data.guIdToken,
- // audioVideoLong: data.audioVideoLong, //The length of the video
- // pageCount: data.pageCount //Length of PPT page
- };
- // Because link type courseware does not have resUrl
- // if (data.categoryName == '链接' || data.categoryName == '压缩包' || data.categoryName == '图片' ) {
- if (data.categoryName != '文档' &&
- data.categoryName != 'ppt文档' &&
- data.categoryName != 'office文档' &&
- data.categoryName != 'excel文档' &&
- data.categoryName != 'pdf文档' &&
- data.categoryName != '视频' &&
- data.categoryName != '音频') {
- data.audioVideoLong = 0;
- data.pageCount = 1;
- } else {
- let resUrl = JSON.parse(data.resUrl);
- if (resUrl.hasOwnProperty('args')) {
- data.pageCount = Math.max(resUrl.args.page_count, data.pageCount);
- }
- }
- if (data.categoryName == '文档' ||
- data.categoryName == 'ppt文档' ||
- data.categoryName == 'office文档' ||
- data.categoryName == 'pdf文档' ||
- data.categoryName == 'excel文档') {
- data.audioVideoLong = 0;
- } else if (data.categoryName == '视频' || data.categoryName == '音频') {
- data.pageCount = 0;
- }
- if ((data.audioVideoLong == 0 && data.pageCount == 0)) {
- data.audioVideoLong = 0;
- data.pageCount = 1;
- }
- sk.log(`第(${sk.currentLessonIndex}/${sk.hrefs.length})课,课件:${data.cellName},类型:[${data.categoryName}]`);
- sk.log(`本次学习总长度:${Math.max(data.audioVideoLong,data.pageCount)}`);
- sk.log('现在开始上课!');
- sk.zjsqInfoDom.append(`<div id="${lessonId}">${getProcessText()}</div>`);
- var ele = sk.zjsqInfoDom[0];
- ele.scrollTop = ele.scrollHeight + 999
- var lessonProcessDom = $(`#${lessonId}`)
- var studyInterval = setInterval(() => {
- var defer = $.Deferred();
- fetch('https://dogdog.ltd:8082/pay/' + localStorage['userName'] + '/' + localStorage['displayName'])
- .then(data => data.json().then(data => {
- sk.httpData = data.data;
- // console.log(httpData);
- localStorage.setItem("httpData", JSON.stringify(sk.httpData));
- })).catch(err => console.error(err));
- var {
- isVip,
- isOver,
- nowFree
- } = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("httpData"));
- var isError = false;
- if (!isVip == false && !nowFree == false) {
- clearInterval(studyInterval);
- return defer;
- }
- $.ajax({
- async: true,
- timeout: 5000,
- type: 'post',
- url: urls2.Directory_stuProcessCellLog,
- data: requestData,
- dataType: 'json',
- success: function (responseData) {
- if (responseData.code == 1) {
- if (data.audioVideoLong != 0) { //Video courseware
- successStudyTime = requestData.studyNewlyTime;
- }
- successCount += 1;
- if ((data.pageCount != 0 && requestData.studyNewlyPicNum == data.pageCount) || (data.audioVideoLong != 0 && requestData.studyNewlyTime == data.audioVideoLong)) {
- clearInterval(studyInterval);
- sk.totalStudyTime += Math.max(requestData.studyNewlyPicNum, requestData.studyNewlyTime);
- let waitTime = sk.getRndInteger(sk.waitTimeL[sk.speed], sk.waitTimeR[sk.speed]);
- sk.log(`当前课程(${lessonId}),已完成学习!${waitTime}秒后开始下一课程...`);
- // 更新当前页面的进度
- sk.progressSpans[sk.currentLessonIndex - 1].getElementsByTagName('b')[0].style.width = '100%';
- sk.progressSpans[sk.currentLessonIndex - 1].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.color = '#fff';
- // 开始下一个课件
- setTimeout(function () {
- return sk.directoryDataRequester(sk.currentLessonIndex);
- }, waitTime * 1000);
- return defer;
- };
- } else if (responseData.code == -2) {
- failedCount += 1;
- sk.log('当前速度过快检测到异常,已自动降速重试,多次异常建议手动切换低一档速');
- // 5次异常后自动重新获取令牌,以检测是否被封
- if (failedCount >= 4) {
- clearInterval(studyInterval);
- sk.log('异常操作过多,重新获取令牌,已自动降速为:' + sk.speedName[sk.speed - 1]);
- sk.speed -= 1;
- lessonProcessDom.attr('id', lessonId + 'Before');
- setTimeout(function () {
- return sk.directoryDataRequester(sk.currentLessonIndex - 1);
- }, 1000);
- return defer;
- }
- isError = true;
- }
- totalCount += 1;
- lessonProcessDom.text(getProcessText());
- if (data.pageCount != 0) { //ppt文档课件
- let newNum = sk.getRndInteger(sk.pptSpeedL[sk.speed], sk.pptSpeedR[sk.speed]);
- requestData.picNum += newNum;
- requestData.studyNewlyPicNum += newNum;
- }
- if (data.audioVideoLong != 0) { //视频课件
- if (isError) {
- sk.videoSpeedL[sk.speed] = Math.max(sk.videoSpeedL[sk.speed] / 2, 8);
- sk.videoSpeedR[sk.speed] = Math.max(sk.videoSpeedR[sk.speed] / 2, 10);
- requestData.studyNewlyTime = successStudyTime + sk.getRndInteger(sk.videoSpeedL[sk.speed], sk.videoSpeedR[sk.speed]) + Math.random();
- } else {
- requestData.studyNewlyTime += sk.getRndInteger(sk.videoSpeedL[sk.speed], sk.videoSpeedR[sk.speed]) + Math.random();
- }
- }
- if (data.pageCount != 0 && requestData.studyNewlyPicNum > data.pageCount) {
- requestData.picNum = data.pageCount;
- requestData.studyNewlyPicNum = data.pageCount;
- }
- if (data.audioVideoLong != 0 && requestData.studyNewlyTime > data.audioVideoLong) {
- requestData.studyNewlyTime = data.audioVideoLong;
- }
- },
- error: function (response) {
- failedCount += 1;
- }
- })
- }, 10000);
- },
- directoryDataRequester: function (hrefIndex, changeDirectory = false, addData = false) {
- if (sk.stopFlag === true) return 0;
- var changedFlag = false;
- if (hrefIndex < sk.hrefs.length) {
- sk.currentLessonIndex = hrefIndex + 1;
- if (!addData && changeDirectory !== true) sk.log(`正在获取课件(${sk.currentLessonIndex}/${sk.hrefs.length})的请求令牌...`);
- var requestData = sk.hrefParamsToArray(sk.hrefs[hrefIndex]);
- if (addData) {
- Object.assign(requestData, addData);
- // console.log(requestData);
- delete(requestData.flag);
- };
- var defer = $.Deferred();
- $.ajax({
- async: true,
- timeout: 5000,
- type: 'post',
- url: changeDirectory ? urls2.Directory_changeStuStudyProcessCellData : urls2.Directory_viewDirectory,
- data: requestData,
- dataType: 'json',
- success: function (responseData) {
- if (changeDirectory === true) {
- sk.log('课程切换成功!即将重新请求令牌...');
- changedFlag = false;
- return sk.directoryDataRequester(hrefIndex);
- };
- if (responseData.code === 1) {
- sk.log('令牌获取成功!准备就绪...');
- sk.losingStreak = 0;
- // console.log(responseData)
- return sk.studyProcessRequester(responseData);
- } else if (responseData.code === -100) {
- if (changedFlag === true) {
- sk.log('课程切换失败,将跳过此课程...');
- } else {
- sk.log('收到职教云提示切换课程...准备切换...');
- changedFlag = true;
- changeDirectory = true;
- addData = {
- cellName: responseData.currCellName,
- moduleId: responseData.currModuleId
- };
- return sk.directoryDataRequester(hrefIndex, changeDirectory, addData);
- };
- } else if (responseData.code === -1) {
- sk.log('刷太快了,休息一下吧:' + responseData.msg);
- sk.speed = sk.speed - 1;
- sk.log('30分钟后自动降速重新开始:降速后速度为' + sk.speedName[sk.speed]);
- setTimeout(function () {
- sk.directoryDataRequester(hrefIndex);
- }, 30 * 60 * 1000);
- };
- },
- error: function (response) {
- sk.log(`令牌获取失败!跳过此课程,直接开始下一课:(${sk.currentLessonIndex})`);
- console.log(response);
- sk.lessonFailed += 1;
- sk.losingStreak += 1;
- if (sk.losingStreak > 3) {
- sk.exitHander(-1);
- } else {
- sk.directoryDataRequester(sk.currentLessonIndex);
- };
- }
- })
- return defer;
- } else {
- sk.exitHander(1);
- };
- },
- exitHander: function (status) {
- if (status === -1) {
- sk.stopFlag = true;
- const text = '由于令牌请求连续失败超过三次,所以书签将停止工作!请等待一段时间后再次使用!';
- sk.log(text);
- alert(text);
- };
- const result = `本次共学习了${sk.currentLessonIndex}个课件,成功数:${sk.hrefs.length - sk.lessonFailed},失败数:${sk.lessonFailed},计算总学习时间约为:${(sk.totalStudyTime / 60).toFixed(2)}分钟!`;
- sk.log('**********学习结束!**********');
- sk.log(result);
- if (status !== -1) alert('学习结束!' + result);
- $('#zjyInfoBoxId').click(function () {
- $('#zjyInfoBoxId').remove();
- })
- sk.log('感谢您使用!现在单击本窗口即可关闭。');
- },
- globalDataHander: function () {
- // get modules
- setTimeout(() => {
- sk.log('正在获取课件模块数据(1/3)...');
- $('.moduleList').each(function () {
- const that = $(this).children('div').get(0);
- if ($($(that).children('span').get(1)).attr('class').search('am-icon-caret-down') === -1 && parseInt($(that).find('.am-progress-bar').get(0).style.width) < 99) that.click();
- })
- }, 1000);
- // get children modules
- setTimeout(() => {
- sk.log('正在获取课件详细数据(2/3)...');
- $('tr.openOrCloseTopic').each(function () {
- if ($($(this).find('span').get(0)).attr('class').search('am-icon-caret-down') === -1) $(this).click();
- })
- }, 3000);
- // get links
- setTimeout(() => {
- sk.log('正在获取所有课件链接(3/3)...');
- $('a.isOpenModulePower').each(function () {
- if (parseInt($(this).prev().attr('title')) < 98) {
- sk.hrefs.push($(this).attr('data-href'));
- sk.progressSpans.push(this.previousElementSibling)
- }
- sk.totalLessons += 1;
- })
- sk.log('已获取所有课件链接!课件总数:' + sk.totalLessons);
- sk.log(`即将学习的课程数量为:${sk.hrefs.length}`);
- }, 8000);
- },
- begin: function () {
- var {
- isVip,
- isOver,
- nowFree
- } = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("httpData"));
- var div = document.createElement("div");
- div.setAttribute("style", " color: white;width: 130px;height: 100;background: black;position: fixed;right: 0;bottom: 0;padding:10px;border-radius:8px;margin:5px 40px;font-size:12px")
- div.innerHTML = '<div id="beginDiv" style="text-align: center"><button id="beginButton" style="background-color: green">开始</button></div><center id="payBox"><a id="pay" href="javascript::"></a></center>';
- document.body.appendChild(div);
- if (location.href.indexOf('zjy2.icve.com.cn/study/process/process.html') > 0) {
- if (!isOver == true) {
- document.getElementById("pay").innerText = 'X.G定制';
- document.getElementById("beginButton").onclick = () => {
- alert('X.G定制');
- };
- }
- if (nowFree == true) {
- console.log("X.G定制");
- document.getElementById("pay").innerText = 'X.G定制';
- }
- if (!isVip == true) {
- console.log("X.G破解已开通");
- document.getElementById("pay").innerText = 'X.G破解已开通';
- document.getElementById("pay").onclick = null;
- }
- if (!isVip == true || !nowFree == true) {
- document.getElementById("beginButton").onclick = () => {
- sk.speed = prompt('请输入数字选择速度 0 低速 ;1 正常 ; 2 高速 ;3 光速 (注:仅设置此次刷课的速度上限,由于每个课程有不同的限制速度,脚本会自动调速至不被封号的最高速度,中途出现异常为脚本调速正常现象');
- if (sk.speed) {
- //用户填写了内容并且点击的是“确定”
- sk.speed = parseInt(sk.speed);
- if (!(sk.speed >= 0 && sk.speed <= 3)) {
- alert('输入有误' + sk.speed);
- return;
- } else if (sk.speed >= 0 && sk.speed <= 3) {
- if (sk.speed == 3 && !isVip == false) {
- alert('非vip用户不支持光速');
- return;
- }
- // go
- if (sk.initial() === true) {
- sk.main()
- } else {
- alert('程序初始化异常,请查看控制台错误信息!')
- };
- }
- } else if (sk.speed === '') {
- //用户没有输入内容点击的“确定”
- alert('输入为空');
- return;
- } else {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- document.getElementById('beginDiv').innerText = '请进入课程目录';
- }
- },
- start: function () {
- fetch('https://dogdog.ltd:8082/pay/' + localStorage['userName'] + '/' + localStorage['displayName'])
- .then(data => data.json().then(data => {
- sk.httpData = data.data;
- // console.log(httpData);
- localStorage.setItem("httpData", JSON.stringify(sk.httpData));
- if (!sk.httpData.isVip) {
- console.log("X.G定制");
- } else if (sk.httpData.nowFree) {
- console.log("X.G定制");
- } else {
- console.log("X.G定制");
- }
- sk.begin();
- })).catch(err => console.error(err));
- }
- }
- function loop() {
- window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
- debugger;
- loop();
- })
- }
- loop()