rule34utils JS - 2024-09-05T13:20:34.365Z
Show All NSFW Covers Cuddly Octopus JS - Show the R18 covers for some covers that are disabled outside of Japan.
auto-lady JS - 订阅小姐姐
Search Fakku Doujin with Schale Network Mirrors JS - Extracts title and searches on Schale Network mirrors (NiyaNiya, Seia, Shupogaki, Hoshino). Marks Koharu and Seia as inactive in red color.
f95zone watched filter JS - f95zone filter only the watched threads.
Kemono.Party - Fix Discord external links JS - Fix external links on Kemono's Discord mirrors
Gallery Scroll Navigator JS - Automatically navigate pages for image sites based on user's scroll behavior.
Hide Otobanana comments JS - otobananaのコメントを非表示にします
InkBunny Smart Image Opener JS - Automatically open images in full size on InkBunny
JanitorAI Context Maker JS - Adds a Location and Character System to JanitorAI with nested grouping functionality
JavDB 导出 想看、看过、清单(改) JS - 导出 想看、看过、清单 | Export Want, watched, list
Stream recorder for adult cam sites that do not support HLS JS - Stream recorder for adult cam sites that do not support HLS/m3u8
Danbooru Tag Extractor JS - Extract tags from Danbooru image pages and copy them to the clipboard when a button is clicked.
Nhentai Manga Loader JS - Loads nhentai manga chapters into one page in a long strip format with image scaling, click events, and a dark mode for reading.
OnlyFans to Coomer JS - Redirects from OnlyFans to coomer.su.
OnlyFans to Coomer with Video Filter JS - Redirects from OnlyFans to Coomer and filters posts without videos.
Advanced Bypass for MegaVIP and Similar Links JS - Bypass shortlinks on megavip.store and similar sites automatically.
Advanced Bypass for MegaVIP, Kmendation, and Similar Links JS - Bypass shortlinks on megavip.store, kmendation.com, and similar sites automatically.
Advanced Bypass with Captcha-Solving for MegaVIP and Similar Sites JS - Bypass surveys and shortlinks on megavip.store, kmendation.com, and similar sites automatically. Includes captcha-solving integration.
ReHike Fixes 4 SYTARB JS - Hides the .player-unavailable element on age-restricted videos
SpankBang Video Download Helper JS - get videos of spankbang.com
Pornhub Redirect to Gayporn JS - Redirects Pornhub homepage to Gayporn section
noodlemagazine JS - noodlemagazine miniscript
ebalka improved JS - Infinite scroll. Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
Incestflix - UI & Playback Tweaks JS - Improved site layout, windowed fullscreen support, new video playback options
fun.autoblow.com Video CSS Modifier JS - Modifies CSS of video elements, setting object-fit to 'contain' which automatically fits videos in the player and fullscreen mode.
V2PH Album Downloader JS - Album Downloader for v2ph.com. After logging in and opening the album page, click the "Download all images" option in the script menu to start downloading.
GGBases | Thumbnails JS - Add images as thumbnails to the row items (on the end)
EH高亮本地本子 JS - 彩色高亮本地exhentai-manga-manager中存在的本子
Pornhub Video Download Helper JS - get videos of pornhub.com
HV简称替换为中文 JS - 受不了简称了
Exhentai Archive Download Button JS - Add a button to download the original, resampled archive or use H@H directly from the search page on ExHentai or E-Hentai. The download is simply a shortcut for the normal download process, so it still consumes GP and follows the same rules.
Add Magnet Link to Polskie Torrenty JS - Adds a magnet link to torrents on polskie-torrenty.eu
Pixiv Utils JS - Utilities for Pixiv (tags highlighting/blocking, ad-block, premium emulation, automation, ease-of-access)
Exhentai Flow Viewer JS - This scripts helps you to view a gallery in a single page, from up to down.
Collab-VM Turnstile JS Extension JS - makes it so xtoys can see if you actually take a turn on collabvm via hacky webhook stuff. Special thanks to Elijahr.
U9A9.com-首页预览图 JS - 从U9A9.com的首页加载预览图片
哔咔download JS - 提取 __NUXT_DATA__ 中的直链下载链接,清空页面内容并美观地显示出来,链接边框固定宽度,增加重试机制避免失效。
Persistent Find and Replace JS - Manage multiple groups of find-and-replace pairs.
去除rule34.xxx广告 JS - 自动从网页中删除指定的元素
Watchlist for tags Rule34 JS - Watchlist for tags on Rule34.xxx
HITOMI GALLERY PAGE LOADER JS - script for loading pages inside galleries on hitomi.la
tagDuplicator-自动填充 JS - Duplicate tags for translated galleries from original galleries
missav.com Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
javhdporn.net Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
Download from www.redgifs.com JS - Simple download button, only works for the first gif/video on a page.
DryadQuest Premium Emulation JS - Unlocks Premium Features through Emulation for DryadQuest
Skip Go to JS - Redirects directly to the final page without "Yes, I confirmed"
javdb 自动按评价人数排序 JS - sort the search result in javdb.com
ThGrab JS - Grab contents from thothub network (private)
Reddxxx - Autoplay / Autoscroll JS - Autoplay videos, and autoscroll without the need to be a Premium user
pornHelper JS - 下载PornHub视频和封面
Hentasis Lite JS - Удаление лишних элементов на сайте
OnlyFakes easy prompt copy JS - Simply click on the images to copy the prompt
Scrollable Volume Control with Custom Collapse and Step Control JS - A scrollable, draggable, volume control with adjustable steps, collapse functionality, and volume persistence. Works for regular pages and embeds.
Gelbooru Size Video in View JS - Keeps video player where it always looks good, even without scrolling.
F95Zone for RDLP torrent Search button JS - Adds a button to search on RDLP when you are on the game thread.
E站控制画廊已收藏显隐和黑名单 JS - 漫画资源e站,增加功能:1、控制已收藏画廊显隐 2、快速添加收藏功能 3、黑名单屏蔽重复、缺页、低质量画廊 4、详情页生成文件名
Inject Style to Show Hidden Element JS - Show the hidden paginator on the page
Dynasty Scans Batch Downloader JS - Download doujinshi from Dynasty Scans
Danbooru Copy Tags Optimized JS - 优化后的Danbooru标签复制脚本,支持角色名、艺术家名等功能,并移除重复逗号和多余空格
18comic-ID提取器 JS - 从18comic网站提取特定链接和ID,提供手动和自动提取选项,支持自定义页面范围
Better Web (beta) JS - Block Porn Sites, Horoscope Sites, Gambling Sites, Betting Sites
Bypass wikifeet.com EU restriction JS - 26/10/2024 10:39:14
Danbooru Tag Extractor JS - Extracts data-tag-name values from a Danbooru page
[E/Ex]Switch JS - E/Ex-Hentai switch
Jable修改页面 JS - 该脚本修改Jable页面,使视频标题不再被隐藏,完整显示。
IPFS CID Copy Helper JS - 自动为网页中的 IPFS 链接和文本添加 CID 复制功能,支持普通文本中的 CID。
IwaraZip Enhancement JS - Enhancement IwaraZip
NightTalkMore JS - 提升 NightTalks 论坛体验的用户脚本,提供快捷按钮、自动回复、离线下载推送等多种实用功能。Enhance the NightTalks forum experience with quick access buttons, an auto-reply feature, ed2k copy and 115 download, and more.
Unlock photo Ayaznal.ru JS - Unlock photo
エロアニメ折りたたみフィルター JS - 特定のワードが含まれる記事を折りたたむ
dp-vids.com helper JS - A script that lets you download videos with the click of a button and hide private videos.
国区Steam显示成人内容选项 JS - 自动去除account_setting_not_customer_facing这一class使得成人内容选项可以展示,并添加描述内容
Yiffspot Chat Helper JS - Auto message, auto disconnect/reconnect, and blacklist for Yiffspot with enhanced UI and debugging
Для КФ & ГС/ЗГС ГОСС/ОПГ JS - По вопросам в ВК - https://vk.com/id796529644, туда же и по предложениям на улучшение скрипта)
nHentai QoL JS - Tracks history, removes annoying characters from comments, and links replies in comments
防止网页在失去焦点时自动暂停视频 JS - 2024/11/3 20:32:54
阻止js脚本运行 JS - 这个脚本用于阻止指定的 JavaScript 文件在特定网站上运行。
Auto Participate in Giveaway with Notification JS - Tự động tham gia giveaway trên CelebJihad nếu chưa tham gia và hiển thị thông báo khi thành công
better_drunkenslug_preview JS - Better Thumbnail preview for drunkenslug
Auto Typer for Typing.com JS - Typing.com Bot: AutoType Up to 300 WPM
Danbooru Hover Preview JS - image preview for Danbooru
Show Full Description JS - Añade un botón para mostrar completamente el texto truncado en descripciones de perfil.
PornoLab User Menu JS - Adds a dropdown with quick search links for users in forum topics (e.g. messages by author)
PornoLab Batch Downloader JS - Batch download all torrents from search results on PornoLab
Rewrite MetArt Network Links JS - Rewrites all gallery/movie links so they go to the original studio's page
Pastebin skipper for NSFW Leak Telegram Channels JS - Autoredirect to the links found in pastebin pages used as intermediary steps to get to the final download link.
EX收藏夹缩略图尺寸修改 JS - 收藏夹缩略图尺寸修改
EX封面图片替换 JS - 封面图片替换
UCAS auto evaluate JS - 在中国科学院大学评教系统中自动选中“非常符合/非常满意”,并将文本框最小字数改为1个字。
Danbooru Strip JS - Strip Danbooru images with your mouse
OmegaScans Downloader JS - Download Chapters from OmegaScans
Автоподгрузка страниц e-hentai.org JS - Включает автозагрузку всех картинок на страницу тестировал только у себя если что не так пишите
Dakidex Scraper JS - Scrape product details and open a new tab with the data
Nhentai Favorites Exporter JS - Scrapes the links of your Nhentai favorites list and saves them as a text file.
Better R34Hentai JS - Add custom filters, tag markers to animated posts, and fix spaces in URLs
南+ 网址跳转 JS - 南+ 各种网址自动跳转
Nhentai Search on Exhentai JS - Adds a button on NHentai that allows to search for the same manga on Exhentai.
Publish a script you've written (or Tanulja meg, hogyan készítsen egyet)