91porn视频直链获取,一键下载 JS - 在91视频播放的下方添加m3u8下载直链
JAVBUS预告片 JS - javbus自动显示预告片
91porn 解锁VIP观看高清下载搜索等限制,去除广告.正则版通杀所有 for openuserjs JS - https://github.com/91p2022/91 解锁91pornVIP观看下载搜索限制(需登录任意账号),去除广告,付费视频等,警告:本脚本无任何盈利方式,触犯某收费且含有监控追踪代码脚本,疯狂举报且用且珍惜,请保护好个人财产和隐私.
Yande.re 瀑布流浏览 JS - Yande.re/Konachan 中文标签 & 缩略图放大 & 双击翻页 & 瀑布流浏览模式(支持 danbooru/gelbooru/rule34/sakugabooru/lolibooru/safebooru/3dbooru/xbooru/atfbooru/aibooru 等)
Danbooru Tags Select to Export JS - Select specified tags and copy to clipboard, for Stable Diffusion WebUI or NovelAI to use.
Exhentai公共账号 JS - 替换Exhentai的cookie,自动登录
OnlyFans Right-Click Enabler JS - free the right-click menu! You can right-click to open images in a new window or right-click to save videos
HV Utils 汉化 JS - A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse
91共享福利无限看 JS - 不用登录,不用花费金币,无限次观看91共享福利网的视频!
海角社区脚本 JS - 海角社区视频解析
98浏览增强 JS - 98浏览增强,支持多选帖子一键复制链接&下载附件,帖子列表增加图片
HV Utils URL CN JS - zh-cn
Recurbate downloa JS - Adds a download button for each video on recurbate.com/cc
javdb预告片修复 JS - 预告片
Javbus在线播放 JS - 在磁力链接下方增加【在线播放】地址
E站里站授权登录 JS - 检测Exhentai是否为白屏,支持官网授权登录和手动停止刷新
Handy Image JS - Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites
better_better_booru JS - Several changes to make Danbooru much better.
4chan External Sounds JS - Plays audio associated with images on 4chan.
EHentai Auto Loader JS - Help you read comics smoothly with auto loading more pages
ViewOnYP JS - Links various membership platforms to Kemono and Coomer.
히토미 뷰어 JS - i,j,k 키를 눌러보세요
91porn_display_m3u8_address JS - 91porn show m3u8 address
eHunter_nhentai_support JS - Update eHunter's support for nhentai, all credit goes to original author hanFengSan
xvideos推送下载 JS - 1)自动播放 2)自动宽屏 3)高画质播放 4)点击推送下片 5)下载缩略图
e-hentai-infinite-scroll JS - Exhentai infinite scroll scripts.
Kemono/Coomer-VideoPlayer JS - A simple tampermonkey script allows you can watch the videos of post links in Kemono or Coomer.
jav视频预览 JS - 在网页嵌入一个预览视频页面,无需翻墙
91共享福利无限看 JS - 不用登录,不用花费金币,无限次观看91共享福利网的视频!
JAVBUS助手 JS - JAVBUS网站增加自动翻页,论坛页面精简
Kemono 下载工具 JS - 仅支持Files内图片下载
Greasefork auto redirect Sleazyfork discussions JS - Redirect to Sleazyfork when discussions is adult.
missav修改页面 JS - 该脚本修改missav页面,使视频标题不再被隐藏,完整显示。为首页推荐标签添加链接,删除广告,禁用window.open,并在窗口聚焦时自动暂停视频。
【fork&mod】Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com JS - Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com | 无需登录直接下载 | 可直接下载免费观看付费下载视频 | 可下载已禁止下载的视频 | 可下载所有可观看分辨率
海角社区-VIP视频观看,支持PC与手机端 JS - 最新解析接口,快速稳定,可观看钻石视频
Recurbate JS - Wide screen, Added button for hide model, transparent play button on recu.me
Pornolab Image Expander JS - Lets you preview torrents first image by showing on hover on the tracker listing
copy playlist from camsites JS - Play video from stripchat, chaturbate and many other cam sites in vlc, potplayer or a streamrecorder
自动关闭MissAv的广告 JS - 自动关闭MissAv.com几乎所有的广告
91标题+url修复 JS - 91porn最近不知道为什么很多视频的链接都经过md5加密了,因此不能直接右击-后台标签页打开,这非常不便于快速浏览视频,并且视频播放页或许是为了反爬,页面title不显示视频的标题了。这个插件就是为了修复这两个问题而诞生的。
GBT gallery downloader (GBTGD) JS - Creates a button to download all images from gallery in a single .zip file.
JavDb净化增强 JS - 去除JavDb广告、拦截弹窗、修复布局、支持PC端|移动端
挊-随时开车 JS - 自动获取磁链接并自动离线下载
Chaturbate MULTI-CAM Viewer JS - Adds a new tab to Chaturbate, and allows you to watch multiple webcams at once
Eza's Image Glutton JS - Redirects to high-res images on gallery sites, skipping past descriptions and comments
Unlock Hath Perks JS - Unlock Hath Perks and add other helpers
PH - Search & UI Tweaks JS - Various search filters and user experience enhancers
xHamster Plus JS - A kinder xHamster. Because you're worth it.
Powerfap JS - Adds full screen lightbox feature (with preloading) for imagefap galleries. Just click on image thumbnail from the category or homepage.
FetLife ASL Search (Reborn Edition) JS - Allows you to search for FetLife profiles based on age, sex, location, and role.
Javlibrary - 首页一站式影片预览 JS - 不需要跳转,在 Javlibrary 首页就能直接预览影片。会缓存影片相关信息,下次可直接使用。可搜索番号或前缀。支持轻量的 torrentkitty 磁力搜索展示。
Iwara Enhancement JS - Please refer to the script's homepage for more information.
Ad blocker Adult sites 18+ JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying 18+
Nhentai scroll JS - scroll to read picture in nhentai
根据番号快速搜索 JS - 标记网页上的所有番号, 在相关网站快速方便的进行搜索
Pornolab image preview JS - Lets you preview torrents first image by showing on hover on the tracker listing
JavScript JS - 一站式体验,JavBus & JavDB 兼容
JavDB Toolbox(Revise) JS - JavDB 工具箱:1. 添加搜索在线观看资源按钮 2. 添加到 JavLibrary 等站点跳转按钮 3. 过滤肛交标签中的M男和扶她(未来会添加自定义);4. 增加免梯子访问JavLibrary;推荐结合 `JavDB 添加跳转在线观看` 食用。此脚本为naughtyEvenstar创作,版权属原作者所有,感谢其作品。本人只是增加了免梯子网址访问JavLibrary自用,如有兴趣者可自行下载。
Jav小司机(修改) JS - Jav小司机。简单轻量速度快!感谢wddd,此脚本为wddd创作,版权属原作者所有,我只是修改了一些不能用的网址和加了免梯子网址自用,如有兴趣者可自行下载。
麻豆 JS - 免费观看电影,手机电脑均可使用,觉得不错的话,给个好评呦😜
Rule34 Artist favorites JS - A simple script to add the possibility to favorite artists to rule34
快猫视频免费看 JS - 针对快猫视频的优化脚本,此脚本可以让用户观看VIP视频
Kemono助手 JS - 提供更好的Kemono使用体验
coomer-optimizer JS - Improves coomer.party
FilterLife - Fetlife Member Filter JS - Filter member lists on FL to your liking
Go to kemono.su JS - Go to the corresponding kemono.su page from an artist's page. Supports Patreon, Pixiv, Fanbox and Fantia
Pornhub Pro-ish JS - Alters and improves the PH experience, see addition info
修正浏览器标签标题 - 海角社区 JS - 浏览社区的时候浏览器标题显示个人昵称或者帖子名称,浏览器历史记录里面也会同步记录。
Recurbate download JS - Adds a download button for each video on recurbate.com/cc
RedGifs Downloader JS - Creates a sidebar button to download the currently playing gif in the currently selected quality.
Manga Loader NSFW + Download JS - This is an unoficial fork of https://greasyfork.org/fr/scripts/12657-manga-loader-nsfw all credits goes to the original author, This script add a button to download the chapter
ThisVid.com Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Preview for private videos. Filter: duration, public/private, include/exclude terms. Check access to private vids. Mass friend request button. Sorts messages. Download button 📼
e-hentai images overload JS - preload and cache next pages for faster loading time!
WIE-JAV番号搜索工具 JS - 番号搜索工具:检索当前网页所有番号:鼠标悬浮打开番号检索页面,并检索相关信息(预览图、预览视频、评分、演员信息、相关评论、磁链、支持在线视频网站的检测,检测无码破解/字幕等标识【支持网站:Jable、Missav、NJav、SuperAV、NETFLAV、Avgle、Javmenu、Guru、JavMost等等】、本地检索是否已下载【Emby,qbittorrent,115】); 支持查询演员详细信息;支持查看已阅番号演员三围排行榜;支持关注番号;支持关注演员,并查看所有关注演员最近番号发布信息
看图能手 图集多页\分页 合并展示 JS - 分页图片合并展示,支持打包下载
Camwhores JS - Show full sizes image on https://www.camwhores.tv/
Jellyfin番号过滤 JS - 调用jellyfin API,突出显示本地不存在的影片
MissAv批量备份收藏视频 JS - 从当前missav页面获取图片文件和视频信息,并合并结果后提供下载生成的网页文件
Chaturbate reloaded JS - Ladroop is back
thisav或missav永远播放 JS - thisav或missav永远播放!重写了播放器的pause方法,只有在页面具有焦点时才执行原始的暂停操作。更改match里的内容适配更多网站。
PornoLab Batch Downloader JS - Batch download all torrents from search results on PornoLab
Jav备注(罩杯版) JS - 目前仅支持javdb.com。针对胸部的jav备注,为女优界面额外和个人主页名字后添加年龄、胸型、等备注,
LPSG Video Unlocker JS - Automatically unlocks and enhances your LPSG browsing experience
E站里站授权登录 - GitHub OAuth 回调处理 JS - 处理 GitHub OAuth 回调
草榴短视频 JS - 🔥免费无限制看所有可预览付费视频,下载视频(日限),复制播放链接,屏蔽广告
Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + Lewd Extender JS - Extension for Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + for 18+ sites, allowing double-page spread viewing for halved images. Sites: Fakku, HBrowse, doujin-moe, hentai2read, luscious, wondersluts,hentaimangaonline, exhentai/g.e-hentai, pururin, hentai4manga, doujinshihentai, hitomi, nhentai, hentaihere, 8muses, Tsumino etc.
blogjav.net老司机步兵辅助 JS - blogjav.net网站重新排版,浏览图片下载内容更方便,是时候和封面杀手说88了。
PornoLab.net Thumbnail Expander JS - Automatically unfolds spoilers and replaces thumbnails with full sized images while removing thumbnails linking to adware.
SankakuAddon JS - Adds a few quality of life improvements on Sankaku Channel: Automatic image scaling, scrolling to image, thumbnail icons for loud/animated posts, muting/pausing videos, + - tag search buttons, a tag menu which allows for tagging by clicking, 'Choose/Set Parent' modes, easier duplicate tagging/flagging. Fully configurable through the Addon config.
custom DLSite linker JS - Changes RJ/Exxxxxx numbers to links to DLSite
Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + JS - Shows all pages at once. Single/Multi page spread.Example sites: All FoOl(Slide/Reader), MangaFox, MangaReader/MangaPanda, MangaStream, MangaInn, AnyManga, AnimeA, MangaHere, MangaShare, Batoto, MangaDevil, MangaCow, MangaChapter, 7manga, MangaPirate.net, Madokami , SpinyBack, MyManga , KawaiiScans, EGScans, All SenManga,LoneManga ,ReadManga,MangaTraders,MangaCat,KissManga, MangaJoy,MangaBee/OneManga.me, KukuDM, Japscan, Pecintakomik, Sh-Arab, some Portuguese sites. Dl addon for 18+ sites.
ehentai翻頁 JS - ehentai左右翻页
Sankaku Complex | No blurred images JS - Will simply remove the blurred images caused by the image having blacklisted tags on the gallary sites of Sankaku Complex
Chaturbate Full Page Video JS - Display the webcam video over the whole page (without fullscreen), in the correct ratio, with its controls.
E-Hentai & ExHentai Fade or hide viewed galleries JS - Fade or hide viewed galleries on e-hentai and exhentai. Now working with GM4
NHentai Improved JS - Partially fade/remove non-english, HQ thumbnails, mark as read, subs, version grouping etc.
E-hentai Multi-Page-Viewer Scrollbar JS - 给E-hentai的多页查看器页面加上滚动条
ExHentai Viewer JS - manage your favorite tags, enhance searching, improve comic page
XHamster Search and UI Improvements JS - Various search filters
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