eh阅读状态 JS - 利用css ":visited" 特性在标题前增加阅读状态指示
erome download links JS - Exposes media-download links for erome media galleries
腾讯视频(VIP,付费)电影下载 JS - 搜索电影名,下载你想要的电影。一般付费电影可正常下载,有部分付费电影下载不了。
Iwara Enhancement JS - Please refer to the script's homepage for more information.
Xhamster Widescreen - New Design v.511 CSS - Wide Xhamster on large screen (1920x1080) ONLY...
Romeo Additions JS - Enhances GR, especially for non-PLUS users
xvideo downloader JS - try to take over the world!
Nhentai scroll JS - scroll to read picture in nhentai
Exhentai better experience JS - This script will bring a better experience for exhentai
优丝库(绅士图) JS - 免费观看优丝库图片(绅士图),手机电脑均可使用,觉得不错的话,给个好评呦😜
91porn去广告+支持弹幕 JS - 91porn去广告+支持弹幕,自动生效!
2048帖子高亮图片预览 JS - 帖子高亮,列表页面直接预览帖子内图片
91porn_display_m3u8_address JS - 91porn show m3u8 address
sort:score Button JS - 11.10.2021, 12:35:31
Nyaa.si - Load More Thumbnail JS - Load image from cover/screenshot links.
RandomSexyPicParser JS - Random Sexy Pictures Parser
xvideos推送下载 JS - 1)自动播放 2)自动宽屏 3)高画质播放 4)点击推送下片 5)下载缩略图
绅士辅助工具 JS - 绅士辅助增强脚本,提供下载功能
R34.XXX Favorites Button JS - Adds a favorite button to gallery pages on rule34.xxx.
Pornhub 广告移除(图片广告及视频广告) JS - 通过 JavaScript 移除Pornhub 上的视频广告和图片广告,保持界面清爽干净无打扰!
91porn 解锁VIP观看高清下载搜索等限制,去除广告.正则版通杀所有 for openuserjs JS - https://github.com/91p2022/91 解锁91pornVIP观看下载搜索限制(需登录任意账号),去除广告,付费视频等,警告:本脚本无任何盈利方式,触犯某收费且含有监控追踪代码脚本,疯狂举报且用且珍惜,请保护好个人财产和隐私.
Yande.re 瀑布流浏览 JS - Yande.re/Konachan 中文标签 & 缩略图放大 & 双击翻页 & 瀑布流浏览模式(支持 danbooru/gelbooru/rule34/sakugabooru/lolibooru/safebooru/3dbooru/xbooru/atfbooru/aibooru 等)
WebPlay for ytdl JS - Show WebPlay play button on some ytdl protocol supported pages
javdb 重排序 JS - 根据评分人数降序排列,且会自动加载十页的内容
rule34video-downloader JS - One-click download rule34video
Sankaku Channel Access Rights JS - Access blocked images on Sankaku Channel (does not support thumbnails)
XVIDEOS M3U8视频地址获取 JS - 自动显示M3U8文件下载按钮
91porn视频直链获取J JS - 在91视频播放的下方添加m3u8下载直链 借鉴:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/427514-91porn%E5%8E%BB%E5%B9%BF%E5%91%8A-%E6%94%AF%E6%8C%81%E5%BC%B9%E5%B9%95
Video / Gif downloader from the new design of redgifs.com (v3) JS - Gather all information about video / gif and create a download button in the sidebar of videos / gif
Rule34 Save Search JS - Save search queries
JAVBUS助手 JS - JAVBUS网站增加自动翻页,论坛页面精简
Filter Videos JS - 6/21/2023, 11:18:54 PM
FilterLife - Fetlife Member Filter JS - Filter member lists on FL to your liking
MissavNoPause JS - Missav切换页面或者失去焦点都会自动暂停,此插件就是阻止视频自动暂停,不影响空格或者单击导致的暂停。注意:使用manifestV3实现后,可能每次需要手动授权才会运行,首次使用,如果需要授权,请选择总是允许(chrome不需要,firefox需要),这样下次打开页面就会自动运行了。当游猴不能运行远程脚本时,可以直接安装插件,源代码及更多详情见:https://github.com/ChangShaJackMa/MissavNoPause。
Turn kemono.party fluid player into video link JS - Makes it real easy to download or open the raw video, as it turns the video name into a clickable link.
Kemono Auto-load Previews JS - Clicks all the images for you! This will make high resolution images load and gifs play!
E-Hentai - UX Tweaks JS - Numerous features to enrich your browsing experience
海角社区脚本 JS - 海角社区视频解析
unlock lpsg videos JS - unlock lpsg video access. may need to manually switch video format since I can't figure that part out. Also load all images ASAP instead of having to scroll to them.
Bunkrr DL Button JS - Add a download button below each thumbnails
Thothub - Add Download Button JS - Add a download button to the video player
Greasefork auto redirect Sleazyfork discussions JS - Redirect to Sleazyfork when discussions is adult.
jav清单 JS - jav清单,替代原网页我的清单,可用作自定义标签
解决草榴社区(1024) 去广告后隐藏内容的问题 JS - 解除草榴广告拦截后的十秒限制
解锁黑料网 JS - 1)去除广告 2)内容页的播放器置顶并播放
JAV老司机(磁链排序优化版) JS - 因原作者脚本很长一段时间没有更新,目前也暂时尚未与原作者取得联系,故临时将增加了一个按磁链资源大小排序的版本发布上来,有任何疑问欢迎联系
r34.app premium JS - Enable "premium" features on r34.app
JAV cover picture + video preview JS - yase.one、JavDB、JavBus、JavLibrary avmoo.cyou、JAV cover picture + video preview
98tang一键推送下载到115与115cookie登录 JS - 根据98tang特定元素插入按钮并一键推送下载到115与115cookie登录,支持bot与web下载
研究生视频破解会员--备用版 JS - 针对研究生视频网站的优化脚本,此脚本可以让用户观看全站视频,免费无任何注入
【Mod】PHDownloader JS - Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com 【Mod】1、调整样式减少版面占用,2、增加对手机网页的支持
JAV 网站在线联动 JS - enjoy yourself
Onlyfans "leak" finder JS - Checks some sites for OF "leaks"
紳士漫畫 - 開關式 自動點擊下拉閱讀按鈕 JS - 點擊漫畫封面進入後,自動點擊下拉閱讀按鈕
XHamster Improved JS - Infinite scroll. Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases. Automatically expand more videos on video page
Skip First 3 Seconds of Pornhub Videos JS - Automatically skip the first 3 seconds of every video on Pornhub when it starts playing.
tianteng JS - 各种开车网站的优化,javbus,javlib
Play web-With-MPV JS - 使用 mpv 播放网页端的视频,同时支持potolayer
haijiao-海角-天涯-社区-允许文本选中复制 JS - 允许全选
Chaturbate reloaded JS - Ladroop is back
E-hentai Image Viewer 水果玉米系列 JS - e-hentai image viewer
Exhentai Cookie登录 JS - 输入cookie后点击空白处登录
115艾薇预览+ 清洁版 JS - 115艾薇预览+ 的个人使用的修改版本,文件界面放大、自动获取艾薇封面+标题, 清理了不必要的代码, 修改了图片获取地址
OnlyFans to Coomer with Video Filter JS - Redirects from OnlyFans to Coomer and filters posts without videos.
GGBases | Thumbnails JS - Add images as thumbnails to the row items (on the end)
ThGrab JS - Grab contents from thothub network (private)
国区Steam显示成人内容选项 JS - 自动去除account_setting_not_customer_facing这一class使得成人内容选项可以展示,并添加描述内容
阻止js脚本运行 JS - 这个脚本用于阻止指定的 JavaScript 文件在特定网站上运行。
JAV本地视频匹配 JS - 匹配本地视频文件名并标记 JavBus 和 JavLibrary 网站上的电影。
GBT gallery downloader (GBTGD) JS - Creates a button to download all images from gallery in a single .zip file.
JavLibrary净化增强 JS - 去除JavLibrary广告、拦截弹窗、修复布局、支持PC端|移动端
LPSG Video Unlocker JS - Automatically unlocks and enhances your LPSG browsing experience
E站里站授权登录 JS - 检测Exhentai是否为白屏,支持官网授权登录和手动停止刷新
Wide ExHentai JS - Wide ExHentai.org - support for wide 1920px monitors
Handy ExHentai JS - Handy ExHentai.org
Booru Revamped JS - This adds a couple of changes to the layout and behaviour of the site
ExtendYouPorn JS - Remove ads, enlarges video, stops autoplay keeping buffering, fixes the overhaul style & block pop-ups
Danbooru - Miscellaneous Tweaks JS - Adds a variety of useful tweaks to Danbooru
Chaturbate Easy Tipping JS - Adds a new tipping popup and modifies the existing one
Gelbooru Endless Scroll JS - Adds endless scroll function to various boorus
Gelbooru Image Viewer JS - Adds a fullscreen image view option when you click on images and various other neat features
自动开始磁力链下载 JS - 鼠标选中哈希值(散列),会自动进行相应的磁力链接下载
草榴小助手 JS - 提供“加亮今日帖子”、“移除viidii跳转”、“图片自动缩放”、“种子链接转磁力链”、“预览整页图片”、“游客站内搜索”、“返回顶部”等功能!
EH Gallery Quick Tag Voting JS - Adds upvote and downvote button on the left and right sides of tags in EH Gallery to allow faster and easier tag voting.
222号巴士通票 JS - 巴士通票,一票在手,天下我有。无论是VIP限制,还是两个小时限制,统统无视。
E(X)Hentai Helper JS - Links between E-Hentai and ExHentai page, and also links user to ExHentai automatically if gallery is "removed" and adds "view later" function
Chan & Idol Sankaku Video Helper JS - Resize HTML5 Player's width, disable autoplay, show control panel, set volume in 1%.
仓库提取码填写 JS - 自动填写提取码到百度链接 (搭配 #1002, #19864 食用)。
ExVisited JS - Shows when a gallery was last visited and allows the hiding of individual galleries
Danbooru: Left and right arrow navigation JS - Enables the use of left and right arrows to navigate Danbooru, in addition to the A and D keys.
Sadpanda Save/Export All Favorites JS - Load all favorites to the page and save it, export as JSON data or just copy the textbox contents. Works on exhentai and e-hentai.
Motherless Video Downloader JS - Motherless Video Downloader script
Penis for Twitter JS - Replaces the "Favorite" heart by a penis.
tubenn.com - 16 porn sites in one script JS - Navigation menu - Layout ' Change bigger better, dynamic autochange -tubenn.com, yamtube.com, yamtube.net, hdporn1080.net, yomporn.com, womporn.com, tubeuu.com, tubekk.com, wixvi.com, wixvi.so, hotpornohd.com, hotpornohd.com, www.vdep.net, kcce.com, streampornhd.com, www.porntoast.tk
Close ME by MHK JS - Close PopUp Advertising !!
4chan Gallery JS - Adds board title, catalog, images, download, and style to the top bar.
Danbooru Ajax Interface JS - New interface to search images on Booru-style sites.
FapFun JS - Userscript for Motherless.com. Provide direct links for pictures and video files. Download all Images on one site with DownThemAll(firefox) or Download Master(Chrome).
Eza's Gallery Smoothener JS - Removes unimportant links below thumbnails, so select -> right-click -> open-links-in-new-tabs works cleanly.
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