PH toolbox JS - PornHub toolbox (https://codeberg.org/aolko/userscripts)
South Plus 视频链接播放器 JS - 自动播放视频链接
琉璃神社_仿站判断 JS - 通过检测网站标题、域名和特征元素特征判断站点真伪。
Video / Gif downloader from the new design of redgifs.com (v3) JS - Gather all information about video / gif and create a download button in the sidebar of videos / gif
SteamDB Adult Mode JS - Undo all mosaic and filters on SteamDB
98助手 JS - 98助手,原98自动签到助手
Bunkr Filter JS - Filter bunker images and videos by size and type
Chicken Mod v1.15 JS - very much so dumb
JavBus-Guide 番号筛选器 JS - JavBus 影片筛选
Danbooru theme toggle (sunrise API) JS - Automatically toggle native dark mode on sunset and sunrise on danbooru.donmai.us
Rule34.xxx Viewer JS - Image viewer with keyboard navigation for rule34.xxx content.
nlegs.com 聚圖&下載 JS - 如題,由於此站人機驗證出現頻繁,一部寫真可能需要分1~3次才能全部載入大圖。
Inline Thumbnail images on 0xxx.ws JS - Display thumbnail images in a new cell to the left of the link
sex8(杏吧自动签到) JS - sex8 sign every day when you open your browser, script will auto run.
含羞草破解播放 vip、收费免费观看 fi11.tv JS - 含羞草破解播放 vip、收费免费观看 fi11.tv 免费下载视频
JAVBUS助手 JS - JAVBUS网站增加自动翻页,论坛页面精简
Direct Image Link E6AI JS - Рипалка ссылок / имён / номеров картинок
HearYourWaifu | HYW JS - Let's you view censored messages.
Magnet Link Collector JS - Collects magnet links starting with "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" and provides copy to clipboard.
MassiveFap (2023 Fix) JS - A complete ImageFap.com gallery conversion script featuring customization options and multiple viewing modes. Original author is Ryan Thaut, but it looks like abandoned.
IMPROVED EROME - experimental Ed. JS - Show more content per page, Bypass disclaimer, save what videos you watched, block unwanted content (per user OR album)
JavBus论坛移动端界面适配 JS - 使司机社(JavBus)的论坛适应移动端界面
禁止miassav窗口失焦自动暂停 JS - 可以禁止miassav窗口失焦自动暂停
Pathfinder JS - A pathfinder made by WYND C:
Kemono Auto-load Previews JS - Clicks all the images for you! This will make high resolution images load and gifs play!
HV Utils 汉化 JS - A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse
禁漫天堂漫画内去广告 JS - 禁漫天堂内去广告 自动播放设置在代码内修改 翻到页底自动翻页
Water|Client JS - next time dont use Hack!,,,,, Credits to essa & Smiley
CivitAi Auto Show NSFW JS - Automatically un-blur's CivitAi NSFW posts
推特敏感词过滤(告别黄推) JS - 上班看twitter时,最怕突然出现的黄推被同事或者老板发现,自动去黄,告别尴尬,当然在没人的时候,你可以把黄推给显示出来[laught]
delete anti-adblock sankaku complex JS - fuck you sankaku, fuck you WinterXIX
含羞草 JS - 含羞草-解析脚本,永久导航http://www.Fi11.app 中转地址:http://www.pmeaqve.cn 遇到播放地址为旧播放地址或者无反应,请自行多刷新几次当前页面,重新播放即可
自动隐藏pornhub上已经观看的视频 JS - 2023/9/30 00:54:13
含羞草 JS - 含羞草-解析脚本,永久导航http://www.Fi11.app 中转地址:http://www.pmeaqve.cn 遇到播放地址为旧播放地址或者无反应,请自行多刷新几次当前页面,重新播放即可
mmdfans 一键下载 JS - 在网页上检测视频标签并获取标题和下载链接,点击下载按钮会跳转到视频链接下载并尝试返回页面。
Ehentai画廊收藏助手 JS - e-hentai和exhentai画廊页面直接管理收藏和种子下载
🃏 BananaCat Mod v4.8 🃏 JS - MEME BananaCat Client
Thothub - Add Download Button JS - Add a download button to the video player
修正浏览器标签标题 - 海角社区 JS - 浏览社区的时候浏览器标题显示个人昵称或者帖子名称,浏览器历史记录里面也会同步记录。
Unblur NSFW on hover - Nexusmods JS - Unblur NSFW when hovering the cursor over NSFW media
Greasefork auto redirect Sleazyfork discussions JS - Redirect to Sleazyfork when discussions is adult.
Reddit Redgifs VideoJS in Post JS - reddit display redgifs video with videoJS within iframe
gelbooru去广告 JS - 删除大多数广告,经过测试就一个弹窗广告删不掉,不过不影响使用
RebeLM00D JS - made with rebelhands
PowpowYT Inf Script JS - Inf Power Script
StripChat hide favourites JS - High favourite cams from listing so you can see only new ones to you
Hentai Heroes+++ JS - Few QoL improvement and additions for competitive PvP players.
r34.app premium JS - Enable "premium" features on r34.app
nhentai-infinite-scroll JS - nhentai infinite scroll.
NekoDownloader additional JS - We Are Love Neko!!!
NekoDownloader JS - OMG NEKO PORN
Hitomi Language Settings JS - Change all language page to specific language result page.
Xhamster - AUTO More Related Videos v.2 - TIMER 10000 JS - Auto More Related videos (author of the Library in use: Brock Adams)
Anti-anti adblock xvideos.com JS - 2/24/2024, 6:18:51 PM
PornHub NoSubscribeRefresh JS - PornHub No Subscribe Refresh
看图能手 图集多页\分页 合并展示 JS - 分页图片合并展示,支持打包下载
sehuatang JS - 直接把帖子列表转成图片浏览,点击图片可以进入帖子.
【etai2019】明里小秘书 JS - 评论区、优优收藏馆、紬宝图片馆。侧边展示、简洁排版和无限翻页
海角社区黑名单 JS - 海角社区黑名单系统屏蔽不喜欢的作者
【Mod】PHDownloader JS - Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com 【Mod】1、调整样式减少版面占用,2、增加对手机网页的支持
2048核基地列表显示预览图 JS - 2048核基地列表显示预览图,只对 bbs.klnkn.com 域名有效
Hentaiverse Monsterbation JS - M-M-M-MONSTERBATE!!
Magnet-Peek 磁力预览 JS - 使用 whatslink.info 预览磁力内容
Ehentai画廊收藏助手 (BennyChou 自用修改版) JS - Ehentai画廊收藏助手的修改版,詳細資訊請參考倉庫描述 https://github.com/bennyz327/Ehentai-gallery-script
Redgifs full height video JS - use css to set full height video
中文版nhentai JS - 翻译nhentai的标签和界面为中文
紳士漫畫 - 開關式 自動點擊下拉閱讀按鈕 JS - 點擊漫畫封面進入後,自動點擊下拉閱讀按鈕
Recurbate download JS - Adds a download button for each video on recurbate.com/cc
按鍵與滑鼠滾輪翻頁器(NSFW) JS - 使用滑鼠滾輪或按鍵快速切換上下頁。在Pixiv頁面載入後自動展開所有作品。
Reddit NSFW Filter JS - A userscript to show only NSFW entries on the Reddit search page
海角大兄弟 JS - 播放并复制链接
Sort Files by Size on Bunkr (GB > MB > KB) JS - Automatically sort files by size on Bunkr website, prioritizing GB > MB > KB
Auto-Pause Redgifs JS - Auto-pauses videos from redgif on reddit
Erome Download JS - Enable Download on Erome Albums
XVideos Filter JS - Filter xvideos search results based on preferences
保国逛(仅仅我本人自用而已) JS - 最好用的98堂(原色花堂)脚本 高级搜索 自动签到 快速复制 快速评分 划词搜索 图片预览 快速收藏
XXXClub Thumbnails Expander and Higher Resolution Loader JS - Make thumbnails always visible, larger, and replace with high-res images
CoomerBtn JS - Adds a small button next to username handles on Onlyfans and Fansly that points to that users profile at Coomer.su
Play web-With-MPV JS - 使用 mpv 播放网页端的视频,同时支持potolayer
OnlyFans and Privacy Lookup JS - Adds a magnifying glass button to search models on Simpcity.su directly from OnlyFans and Privacy.com pages.
E-hentai Image Viewer 水果玉米系列 JS - e-hentai image viewer
Get m3u8 URL JS - 获取网页中m3u8视频地址
4khd 去广告 JS - 4khd 会出现页面广告和点击广告,移除这种恼人的特性;同时解除 devtool 调试限制。
2048 重定向 JS - 重定向2048我为人人社区临时地址至永久地址hjd2048.com,如存在误杀,复制@exclude行并将地址改为需要解除误杀的地址即可
EroThots Show Video Link JS - append video source URL below video element
91porn JS - 提醒用户当前网页是否安全。根据简单的 URL 检查,提示用户正在访问的网站是否在可信任的网站列表中。
MD1 Material Design Style with Materialize JS - Apply Material Design 1 (MD1) styles using Materialize CSS to all websites
Onlyfans mouse wheel next/prev in gallery JS - The script allows you to use the mouse wheel to view the images and video gallery
spankbang.com playlist videos link grabber JS - This adds a button to spankbang playlists to grab links to all videos of this playlist
Auto unmute redgifs JS - auto unmute redgifs videos, forked from jcunews
XHamster Retired User Search (IA) (DuckDuckGo: In site search) JS - Ajoute un bouton de recherche pour les utilisateurs retirés sur XHamster
98堂搜索结果过滤 JS - 去除隐藏内容的帖子
Gallery Scroll Navigator JS - Automatically navigate pages for image sites based on user's scroll behavior.
JanitorAI Context Maker JS - Adds a Location and Character System to JanitorAI with nested grouping functionality
Nhentai Manga Loader JS - Loads nhentai manga chapters into one page in a long strip format with image scaling, click events, and a dark mode for reading.
Advanced Bypass for MegaVIP and Similar Links JS - Bypass shortlinks on megavip.store and similar sites automatically.
Advanced Bypass with Captcha-Solving for MegaVIP and Similar Sites JS - Bypass surveys and shortlinks on megavip.store, kmendation.com, and similar sites automatically. Includes captcha-solving integration.
Pornhub Video Download Helper JS - get videos of pornhub.com
HV简称替换为中文 JS - 受不了简称了
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