全国网课处理平台【学习通 U校园ai 知到 英华 仓辉 雨课堂 职教云】【学起 青书 柠檬 睿学 慕享 出头科技 慕华】【国开 广开】等平台视频处理,作业和考试自愿付费 客服微信:wkds857 è stato segnalato il 26/11/2024 per Descrizione mancante, non informativa o fuorviante

Chi ha segnalato ha detto:

The script contains a misleading description that does not match its actual functionality. It includes AI-generated template functions like auto-login, auto-fill answers, and auto-play videos, but these do not work on the listed platforms as they are not adapted to their structures. The script appears to primarily promote a WeChat account (wkds857) for paid services rather than offering any legitimate functionality. This violates Greasy Fork's rules, as the script does not have a meaningful or necessary purpose.

Deleted user 1372004 ha detto:

Questo script ha avuto 3 segnalazioni precedentemente confermate o risolte.

Questa segnalazione è stata confermata da un moderatore.

repeatedly posting scripts with misleading description, which are in fact ads for paid services on the promoted wechat account